% Libreboot IRC now operating exclusively on Libera Chat % Leah Rowe % 19 July 2021
Libreboot IRC now operates exclusively on Libera Chat. The old Freenode channel has been abandoned. You can find instructions for how to connect, here:\ https://libreboot.org/contact.html#irc-chatroom
This decision was already made, several weeks ago, but I decided to wait a few weeks before officially announcing it. Instead, I've been announcing it quietly on IRC. Enough people have left the Freenode channel that I feel comfortable making this announcement. Announcing it a few weeks ago would have been risky, because Freenode has become infamous for hijacking channels and impersonating their community when they try to move. This decision by the new Freenode staff made me act carefully.
If you wish to learn more about the events that took place, simply look up Freenode, Libera Chat and Andrew Lee online. I have no interest in any of them. Long story short, the old Freenode staff feared a hostile takeover by Andrew Lee, the owner of Freenode, who they believed was taking a more authoritarian stance over the network. As a pre-emptive defense, the staff all left in unison and formed a new network, named Libera Chat. Most projects have moved there now and Freenode is a ghost town these days.
I'm not on Libera's side. I'm not on anyone's side. I only care about Libreboot, and I've concluded that Libera Chat is the superior choice for Libreboot's IRC needs, going forward. My reasons are as follows:
I was initially neutral about the Freenode/Libera civil war. I was planning to have my projects exist on both networks, and bridge them, but I concluded that Freenode is unworthy of my time.
What turned me against Freenode was:
What else is there to say?