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♻ Changelog:

All notable changes to this project will be documented here.

3.0.1 (2022-02-27)

💨 Fixes:

  • **PaginationWrapper.interactionReply() now able to reply to pre-deferred interactions.

3.0.0 (2022-12-18)

♻ Refactor:

  • PaginationData & BasicPagination: merge into PaginationWrapper.
  • PaginationData: appeared as interface.
  • PaginationSent: separate from the PaginationWrapper.
  • PaginationWrapper: manages only data for pagination.
  • PaginationSent: manages only a sent pagination. Data is immutable.
  • ButtonData: rename to ButtonWrapper and merged with CustomButton.
  • ButtonStyling interface: rename to ButtonData.
  • Pre-built buttons: now belong to a separate package.
  • Constants: use camelCase instead SNAKE_CASE.
  • Utils: are moved to a separate files.
  • CollectorOptions: merge with FilterOptions.
  • AfterSending type: rename to AfterSendingAction.
  • OnStop type: rename to StopAction.
  • ButtonDisableWhen type: rename to ButtonSwitch.
  • ButtonAction & ButtonSwitch: whole new API.
  • FilterOptions: now allowedUsers are stored there.

🌌 Features:

  • PaginationSent: now paginations are not updated automatically after button's action.
  • PaginationSent: add update() method that updates message/interaction.
  • PaginationSent: add delete() method that deletes message/interaction.
  • PaginationSent: add setPage() method that sets page number.
  • PaginationSent: add stop() method that stops pagination.
  • ButtonData: remove disabled option.
  • PaginationWrapper: remove insertEmbeds() and removeEmbeds() methods.
  • Promised type: appear for values that are either promise or synchronous.
  • PaginationSend & PaginationWrapper: add BeforeStopAction.
  • PaginationState: appear to represent PaginationSent's state.
  • ButtonAction: now receives interaction object.