123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220 |
- #!/bin/python
- import gi
- import subprocess
- from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, GdkPixbuf
- # Core imports
- import app.core.presets as presets
- import app.core.state as state
- import app.core.config as config
- import app.core.lock as lock
- from app.core.presets import Preset
- from app.core.audio import Audio
- from app.ui.alert import Alert
- class MainWindow(Gtk.Window):
- '''
- Main window for Lyrebird
- '''
- def __init__(self):
- Gtk.Window.__init__(self, title='Lyrebird')
- self.set_border_width(10)
- self.set_size_request(600, 500)
- self.set_default_size(600, 500)
- self.alert = Alert(self)
- headerbar = Gtk.HeaderBar()
- headerbar.set_show_close_button(True)
- headerbar.props.title = 'Lyrebird'
- about_btn = Gtk.Button.new_from_icon_name('help-about-symbolic', Gtk.IconSize.BUTTON);
- about_btn.connect('clicked', self.about_clicked)
- headerbar.pack_start(about_btn)
- self.set_wmclass ('Lyrebird', 'Lyrebird')
- self.set_title('Lyrebird')
- self.set_titlebar(headerbar)
- # Set the icon
- self.set_icon_from_file('icon.png')
- # Create the lock file to ensure only one instance of Lyrebird is running at once
- lock_file = lock.place_lock()
- if lock_file is None:
- alert.show_error_markup("Lyrebird Already Running", "Only one instance of Lyrebird can be ran at a time.")
- exit(1)
- else:
- self.lock_file = lock_file
- # Load the configuration file
- try:
- state.config = config.load_config()
- except BaseException as e:
- print(f"[error] Failed to load config file: {str(e)}")
- self.alert.show_warning("Failed to Config File", f"Lyrebird failed to load config, your config.toml file is most likely malformed. See the console for further details.\n\nConfig file location: {config.config_path}")
- # load with default options
- state.config = config.Configuration()
- state.audio = Audio()
- # Unload the null sink module if there is one from last time.
- # The only reason there would be one already, is if the application was closed without
- # toggling the switch to off (aka a crash was experienced).
- state.audio.unload_pa_modules()
- state.loaded_presets = presets.DEFAULT_PRESETS
- try:
- load_presets_state = presets.load_presets()
- loaded_presets = load_presets_state["presets"]
- failed_presets = load_presets_state["failed"]
- state.loaded_presets += loaded_presets
- if len(failed_presets) > 0:
- msg = f"The following presets failed to import: {', '.join(failed_presets)}. See the console for more details."
- self.alert.show_warning("Failed to Import Presets", msg)
- except BaseException as e:
- print(f"[error] Failed to load custom presets: {str(e)}")
- self.alert.show_warning("Failed to Load Presets", f"Lyrebird failed to load custom presets, your presets.toml file is most likely malformed. See the console for further details.\n\nPresets file location: {config.presets_path}")
- # Build the UI
- self.build_ui()
- def build_ui(self):
- self.vbox = Gtk.VBox()
- # Toggle switch for Lyrebird
- self.hbox_toggle = Gtk.HBox()
- self.toggle_label = Gtk.Label('Toggle Lyrebird')
- self.toggle_label.set_halign(Gtk.Align.START)
- self.toggle_switch = Gtk.Switch()
- self.toggle_switch.set_size_request(10, 25)
- self.toggle_switch.connect('notify::active', self.toggle_activated)
- self.hbox_toggle.pack_start(self.toggle_label, False, False, 0)
- self.hbox_toggle.pack_end(self.toggle_switch, False, False, 0)
- # Pitch shift scale
- self.hbox_pitch = Gtk.HBox()
- self.pitch_label = Gtk.Label('Pitch Shift ')
- self.pitch_label.set_halign(Gtk.Align.START)
- self.pitch_adj = Gtk.Adjustment(0, -10, 10, 5, 10, 0)
- self.pitch_scale = Gtk.Scale(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, adjustment=self.pitch_adj)
- self.pitch_scale.set_valign(Gtk.Align.CENTER)
- self.pitch_scale.connect('value-changed', self.pitch_scale_moved)
- self.hbox_pitch.pack_start(self.pitch_label, False, False, 0)
- self.hbox_pitch.pack_end(self.pitch_scale, True, True, 0)
- # Flow box containing the presets
- self.effects_label = Gtk.Label()
- self.effects_label.set_markup('<b>Presets</b>')
- self.effects_label.set_halign(Gtk.Align.START)
- self.flowbox = Gtk.FlowBox()
- self.flowbox.set_valign(Gtk.Align.START)
- self.flowbox.set_max_children_per_line(5)
- self.flowbox.set_selection_mode(Gtk.SelectionMode.NONE)
- # Create the flow box items
- self.preset_buttons = self.create_flowbox_items(self.flowbox)
- self.preset_buttons[9].set_sensitive(False)
- self.vbox.pack_start(self.hbox_toggle, False, False, 5)
- self.vbox.pack_start(self.hbox_pitch, False, False, 5)
- self.vbox.pack_start(self.effects_label, False, False, 5)
- self.vbox.pack_end(self.flowbox, True, True, 0)
- self.add(self.vbox)
- def create_flowbox_items(self, flowbox):
- buttons = []
- for preset in state.loaded_presets:
- button = Gtk.Button()
- button.set_size_request(80, 80)
- buttons.append(button)
- button.set_label(preset.name)
- button.connect('clicked', self.preset_clicked)
- flowbox.add(button)
- return buttons
- # Event handlers
- def about_clicked(self, button):
- about = Gtk.AboutDialog()
- about.set_program_name('Lyrebird Voice Changer')
- about.set_version("v1.2.0")
- about.set_copyright('Copyright (c) 2020-2023 megabytesofrem, Harry Stanton')
- about.set_comments('Simple and powerful voice changer for Linux, written in Python & GTK.')
- about.set_logo(GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file('icon.png'))
- about.run()
- about.destroy()
- def get_current_present(self):
- default_preset = state.loaded_presets[9]
- return state.current_preset or default_preset
- def start_voice_changer(self):
- preset = self.get_current_present()
- pitch = self.pitch_scale.get_value()
- state.audio.run_sox(pitch, preset, state.config.buffer_size)
- def stop_voice_changer(self):
- state.audio.kill_sox()
- state.audio.unload_pa_modules()
- def toggle_activated(self, switch, gparam):
- if switch.get_active():
- # Load module-null-sink
- state.audio.load_pa_modules()
- # Kill the sox process
- state.audio.kill_sox()
- # Use the default preset, which is "Man" if the loaded preset is not found.
- self.start_voice_changer()
- else:
- self.stop_voice_changer()
- def pitch_scale_moved(self, event):
- if self.toggle_switch.get_active():
- state.audio.kill_sox()
- self.start_voice_changer()
- def preset_clicked(self, button):
- # Use a filter to find the currently selected preset
- current_preset = list(filter(lambda p: p.name == button.props.label, state.loaded_presets))[0]
- state.current_preset = current_preset
- for preset_button in self.preset_buttons:
- preset_button.set_sensitive(True)
- button.set_sensitive(False)
- if current_preset.pitch_value != None:
- # Set the pitch of the slider
- self.pitch_scale.set_value(float(current_preset.pitch_value))
- if self.toggle_switch.get_active():
- state.audio.kill_sox()
- self.start_voice_changer()
- def close(self, *args):
- state.audio.kill_sox()
- state.audio.unload_pa_modules()
- self.lock_file.close()
- lock.destroy_lock()
- Gtk.main_quit()