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Shlaer-Mellor development begins with partitioning the system into areas of subject matter that are abstracted as domains. Each domain is considered a wholly encapsulated software system, therefore each of the domains identified for this project will be developed as individual projects. Domains are also substitutable, so multiple projects can be spawned from a single domain definition.

Development of identified domains involves starting a new project and updating the link on this page to point to the project. Sample links point to a page that was created using the domain template. Individual domain projects should be added to the table to be easily found under "Project link"; if multiple projects exist for a domain, then extra "Project link" headings can be added.

Identified Domains

Domain Name Sample page Project link
Metamodel MetamodelDomain shlaer-mellor-metamodel
Model Compiler ModelCompilerDomain
Model Verifier ModelVerifierDomain
Modeling GraphicalModelingDomain
Toolkit GraphicalToolkitDomain
Project Management ProjectDomain