1009 B



The game is not finished yet! You may even problems compiling it. All I can say now for sure, that it works on my machine. If you want any help open issue or mail me: or

How to build


You need linux system. Also you need allegro5 to be installed to compile and run the game. Keep in mind, that it's available everywhere. How to install allegro5 look for your linux distribution. The compilation is not portable


The project is developed with codeblocks. The project file for codeblocks is located in .config/ so you can load it up and build it. Maybe you will have troubles with finding <*.h> files. To fix this when building in codeblocks you need to go to Settings->Compiler...->Search directories and add there "../include"


You can just type make It may work, may not work

How to play

You can control the ship with arrows on your keyboard. The asteroids spawn randomly across the screen.