substitutions_complex.txt 1.6 KB

  1. |Michael| and |Jon| are our widget-wranglers.
  2. .. |Michael| user:: mjones
  3. .. |Jon| user:: jhl
  4. |The Transparent Society| offers a fascinating alternate view
  5. on privacy issues.
  6. .. |The Transparent Society| book:: isbn=0738201448
  7. |The Transparent Society| offers a fascinating alternate view
  8. on privacy issues.
  9. .. |The Transparent Society| book:: isbn=0738201448
  10. 4XSLT has the convenience method |runString|, so you don't
  11. have to mess with DOM objects if all you want is the
  12. transformed output.
  13. .. |runString| function:: module=xml.xslt class=Processor
  14. West led the |H| 3, covered by dummy's |H| Q, East's |H| K,
  15. and trumped in hand with the |S| 2.
  16. .. |H| image:: /images/heart.png
  17. :height: 11
  18. :width: 11
  19. .. |S| image:: /images/spade.png
  20. :height: 11
  21. :width: 11
  22. * |Red light| means stop.
  23. * |Green light| means go.
  24. * |Yellow light| means go really fast.
  25. .. |Red light| image:: red_light.png
  26. .. |Green light| image:: green_light.png
  27. .. |Yellow light| image:: yellow_light.png
  28. |-><-| is the official symbol of POEE_.
  29. .. |-><-| image:: discord.png
  30. .. _POEE:
  31. |RST| is a little annoying to type over and over, especially
  32. when writing about |RST| itself, and spelling out the
  33. bicapitalized word |RST| every time isn't really necessary for
  34. |RST| source readability.
  35. .. |RST| replace:: reStructuredText_
  36. .. _reStructuredText:
  37. But still, that's nothing compared to a name like
  38. |j2ee-cas|__.
  39. .. |j2ee-cas| replace::
  40. the Java `TM`:super: 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition Client
  41. Access Services
  42. __
  43. j2eecas/