123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343 |
- // -*- mode: c++; coding: utf-8 -*-
- // ra-ra - Wedge product and cross product.
- // (c) Daniel Llorens - 2008-2022
- // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
- // Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
- // later version.
- #pragma once
- #include "small.hh"
- namespace ra::mp {
- template <class P, class Plist>
- struct FindCombination
- {
- template <class A> using match = bool_c<0 != PermutationSign<P, A>::value>;
- using type = IndexIf<Plist, match>;
- constexpr static int where = type::value;
- constexpr static int sign = (where>=0) ? PermutationSign<P, typename type::type>::value : 0;
- };
- // A combination antiC complementary to C wrt [0, 1, ... Dim-1], but permuted to make the permutation [C, antiC] positive with respect to [0, 1, ... Dim-1].
- template <class C, int D>
- struct AntiCombination
- {
- using EC = complement<C, D>;
- static_assert((len<EC>)>=2, "can't correct this complement");
- constexpr static int sign = PermutationSign<append<C, EC>, iota<D>>::value;
- // Produce permutation of opposite sign if sign<0.
- using type = mp::cons<std::tuple_element_t<(sign<0) ? 1 : 0, EC>,
- mp::cons<std::tuple_element_t<(sign<0) ? 0 : 1, EC>,
- mp::drop<EC, 2>>>;
- };
- template <class C, int D> struct MapAntiCombination;
- template <int D, class ... C>
- struct MapAntiCombination<std::tuple<C ...>, D>
- {
- using type = std::tuple<typename AntiCombination<C, D>::type ...>;
- };
- template <int D, int O>
- struct ChooseComponents
- {
- static_assert(D>=O, "bad dimension or form order");
- using type = mp::combinations<iota<D>, O>;
- };
- template <int D, int O> using ChooseComponents_ = typename ChooseComponents<D, O>::type;
- template <int D, int O>
- requires ((D>1) && (2*O>D))
- struct ChooseComponents<D, O>
- {
- static_assert(D>=O, "bad dimension or form order");
- using type = typename MapAntiCombination<ChooseComponents_<D, D-O>, D>::type;
- };
- // Works *almost* to the range of std::size_t.
- constexpr std::size_t
- n_over_p(std::size_t const n, std::size_t p)
- {
- if (p>n) {
- return 0;
- } else if (p>(n-p)) {
- p = n-p;
- }
- std::size_t v = 1;
- for (std::size_t i=0; i!=p; ++i) {
- v = v*(n-i)/(i+1);
- }
- return v;
- }
- // We form the basis for the result (Cr) and split it in pieces for Oa and Ob; there are (D over Oa) ways. Then we see where and with which signs these pieces are in the bases for Oa (Ca) and Ob (Cb), and form the product.
- template <int D, int Oa, int Ob>
- struct Wedge
- {
- constexpr static int Or = Oa+Ob;
- static_assert(Oa<=D && Ob<=D && Or<=D, "bad orders");
- constexpr static int Na = n_over_p(D, Oa);
- constexpr static int Nb = n_over_p(D, Ob);
- constexpr static int Nr = n_over_p(D, Or);
- // in lexicographic order. Can be used to sort Ca below with FindPermutation.
- using LexOrCa = mp::combinations<mp::iota<D>, Oa>;
- // the actual components used, which are in lex. order only in some cases.
- using Ca = mp::ChooseComponents_<D, Oa>;
- using Cb = mp::ChooseComponents_<D, Ob>;
- using Cr = mp::ChooseComponents_<D, Or>;
- // optimizations.
- constexpr static bool yields_expr = (Na>1) != (Nb>1);
- constexpr static bool yields_expr_a1 = yields_expr && Na==1;
- constexpr static bool yields_expr_b1 = yields_expr && Nb==1;
- constexpr static bool both_scalars = (Na==1 && Nb==1);
- constexpr static bool dot_plus = Na>1 && Nb>1 && Or==D && (Oa<Ob || (Oa>Ob && !ra::odd(Oa*Ob)));
- constexpr static bool dot_minus = Na>1 && Nb>1 && Or==D && (Oa>Ob && ra::odd(Oa*Ob));
- constexpr static bool general_case = (Na>1 && Nb>1) && ((Oa+Ob!=D) || (Oa==Ob));
- template <class Va, class Vb>
- using valtype = std::decay_t<decltype(std::declval<Va>()[0] * std::declval<Vb>()[0])>;
- template <class Xr, class Fa, class Va, class Vb>
- constexpr static valtype<Va, Vb>
- term(Va const & a, Vb const & b)
- {
- if constexpr (!mp::nilp<Fa>) {
- using Fa0 = mp::first<Fa>;
- using Fb = mp::complement_list<Fa0, Xr>;
- using Sa = mp::FindCombination<Fa0, Ca>;
- using Sb = mp::FindCombination<Fb, Cb>;
- constexpr int sign = Sa::sign * Sb::sign * mp::PermutationSign<mp::append<Fa0, Fb>, Xr>::value;
- static_assert(sign==+1 || sign==-1, "Bad sign in wedge term.");
- return valtype<Va, Vb>(sign)*a[Sa::where]*b[Sb::where] + term<Xr, mp::drop1<Fa>>(a, b);
- } else {
- return 0.;
- }
- }
- template <class Va, class Vb, class Vr, int wr>
- constexpr static void
- coeff(Va const & a, Vb const & b, Vr & r)
- {
- if constexpr (wr<Nr) {
- using Xr = mp::ref<Cr, wr>;
- using Fa = mp::combinations<Xr, Oa>;
- r[wr] = term<Xr, Fa>(a, b);
- coeff<Va, Vb, Vr, wr+1>(a, b, r);
- }
- }
- template <class Va, class Vb, class Vr>
- constexpr static void
- product(Va const & a, Vb const & b, Vr & r)
- {
- static_assert(int(Va::size())==Na, "bad Va dim"); // gcc accepts a.size(), etc.
- static_assert(int(Vb::size())==Nb, "bad Vb dim");
- static_assert(int(Vr::size())==Nr, "bad Vr dim");
- coeff<Va, Vb, Vr, 0>(a, b, r);
- }
- };
- // This is for Euclidean space, it only does component shuffling.
- template <int D, int O>
- struct Hodge
- {
- using W = Wedge<D, O, D-O>;
- using Ca = typename W::Ca;
- using Cb = typename W::Cb;
- using Cr = typename W::Cr;
- using LexOrCa = typename W::LexOrCa;
- constexpr static int Na = W::Na;
- constexpr static int Nb = W::Nb;
- template <int i, class Va, class Vb>
- constexpr static void
- hodge_aux(Va const & a, Vb & b)
- {
- static_assert(i<=W::Na, "Bad argument to hodge_aux");
- if constexpr (i<W::Na) {
- using Cai = mp::ref<Ca, i>;
- static_assert(mp::len<Cai> == O, "bad");
- // sort Cai, because mp::complement only accepts sorted combinations.
- // ref<Cb, i> should be complementary to Cai, but I don't want to rely on that.
- using SCai = mp::ref<LexOrCa, mp::FindCombination<Cai, LexOrCa>::where>;
- using CompCai = mp::complement<SCai, D>;
- static_assert(mp::len<CompCai> == D-O, "bad");
- using fpw = mp::FindCombination<CompCai, Cb>;
- // for the sign see e.g. DoCarmo1991 I.Ex 10.
- using fps = mp::FindCombination<mp::append<Cai, mp::ref<Cb, fpw::where>>, Cr>;
- static_assert(fps::sign!=0, "bad");
- b[fpw::where] = decltype(a[i])(fps::sign)*a[i];
- hodge_aux<i+1>(a, b);
- }
- }
- };
- // The order of components is taken from Wedge<D, O, D-O>; this works for whatever order is defined there.
- // With lexicographic order, component order is reversed, but signs vary.
- // With the order given by ChooseComponents<>, fpw::where==i and fps::sign==+1 in hodge_aux(), always. Then hodge() becomes a free operation, (with one exception) and the next function hodge() can be used.
- template <int D, int O, class Va, class Vb>
- constexpr void
- hodgex(Va const & a, Vb & b)
- {
- static_assert(O<=D, "bad orders");
- static_assert(Va::size()==mp::Hodge<D, O>::Na, "error"); // gcc accepts a.size(), etc.
- static_assert(Vb::size()==mp::Hodge<D, O>::Nb, "error");
- mp::Hodge<D, O>::template hodge_aux<0>(a, b);
- }
- } // namespace ra::mp
- namespace ra {
- // This depends on Wedge<>::Ca, Cb, Cr coming from ChooseCombinations, as enforced in test_wedge_product. hodgex() should always work, but this is cheaper.
- // However if 2*O=D, it is not possible to differentiate the bases by order and hodgex() must be used.
- // Likewise, when O(N-O) is odd, Hodge from (2*O>D) to (2*O<D) change sign, since **w= -w in that case, and the basis in the (2*O>D) case is selected to make Hodge(<)->Hodge(>) trivial; but can't do both!
- #define TRIVIAL(D, O) (2*O!=D && ((2*O<D) || !ra::odd(O*(D-O))))
- template <int D, int O, class Va, class Vb>
- constexpr void
- hodge(Va const & a, Vb & b)
- {
- if constexpr (TRIVIAL(D, O)) {
- static_assert(Va::size()==mp::Hodge<D, O>::Na, "error"); // gcc accepts a.size(), etc
- static_assert(Vb::size()==mp::Hodge<D, O>::Nb, "error");
- b = a;
- } else {
- ra::mp::hodgex<D, O>(a, b);
- }
- }
- template <int D, int O, class Va>
- requires (TRIVIAL(D, O))
- constexpr Va const &
- hodge(Va const & a)
- {
- static_assert(Va::size()==mp::Hodge<D, O>::Na, "error"); // gcc accepts a.size()
- return a;
- }
- template <int D, int O, class Va>
- requires (!TRIVIAL(D, O))
- constexpr Va &
- hodge(Va & a)
- {
- Va b(a);
- ra::mp::hodgex<D, O>(b, a);
- return a;
- }
- #undef TRIVIAL
- // --------------------
- // Wedge product
- // TODO Handle the simplifications dot_plus, yields_scalar, etc. just as vec::wedge does.
- // --------------------
- template <int D, int Oa, int Ob, class A, class B>
- requires (ra::is_scalar<A> && ra::is_scalar<B>)
- constexpr auto wedge(A const & a, B const & b) { return a*b; }
- template <class A>
- struct torank1
- {
- using type = std::conditional_t<is_scalar<A>, Small<std::decay_t<A>, 1>, A>;
- };
- template <class Wedge, class Va, class Vb>
- struct fromrank1
- {
- using valtype = typename Wedge::template valtype<Va, Vb>;
- using type = std::conditional_t<Wedge::Nr==1, valtype, Small<valtype, Wedge::Nr>>;
- };
- #define DECL_WEDGE(condition) \
- template <int D, int Oa, int Ob, class Va, class Vb> \
- requires (!(is_scalar<Va> && is_scalar<Vb>)) \
- decltype(auto) \
- wedge(Va const & a, Vb const & b)
- DECL_WEDGE(general_case)
- {
- Small<value_t<Va>, size_s<Va>()> aa = a;
- Small<value_t<Vb>, size_s<Vb>()> bb = b;
- using Ua = decltype(aa);
- using Ub = decltype(bb);
- typename fromrank1<mp::Wedge<D, Oa, Ob>, Ua, Ub>::type r;
- auto & r1 = reinterpret_cast<typename torank1<decltype(r)>::type &>(r);
- auto & a1 = reinterpret_cast<typename torank1<Ua>::type const &>(aa);
- auto & b1 = reinterpret_cast<typename torank1<Ub>::type const &>(bb);
- mp::Wedge<D, Oa, Ob>::product(a1, b1, r1);
- return r;
- }
- #undef DECL_WEDGE
- #define DECL_WEDGE(condition) \
- template <int D, int Oa, int Ob, class Va, class Vb, class Vr> \
- requires (!(is_scalar<Va> && is_scalar<Vb>)) \
- void \
- wedge(Va const & a, Vb const & b, Vr & r)
- DECL_WEDGE(general_case)
- {
- Small<value_t<Va>, size_s<Va>()> aa = a;
- Small<value_t<Vb>, size_s<Vb>()> bb = b;
- using Ua = decltype(aa);
- using Ub = decltype(bb);
- auto & r1 = reinterpret_cast<typename torank1<decltype(r)>::type &>(r);
- auto & a1 = reinterpret_cast<typename torank1<Ua>::type const &>(aa);
- auto & b1 = reinterpret_cast<typename torank1<Ub>::type const &>(bb);
- mp::Wedge<D, Oa, Ob>::product(a1, b1, r1);
- }
- #undef DECL_WEDGE
- template <class A, class B> requires (size_s<A>()==2 && size_s<B>()==2)
- constexpr auto
- cross(A const & a_, B const & b_)
- {
- Small<std::decay_t<decltype(FLAT(a_))>, 2> a = a_;
- Small<std::decay_t<decltype(FLAT(b_))>, 2> b = b_;
- Small<std::decay_t<decltype(FLAT(a_) * FLAT(b_))>, 1> r;
- mp::Wedge<2, 1, 1>::product(a, b, r);
- return r[0];
- }
- template <class A, class B> requires (size_s<A>()==3 && size_s<B>()==3)
- constexpr auto
- cross(A const & a_, B const & b_)
- {
- Small<std::decay_t<decltype(FLAT(a_))>, 3> a = a_;
- Small<std::decay_t<decltype(FLAT(b_))>, 3> b = b_;
- Small<std::decay_t<decltype(FLAT(a_) * FLAT(b_))>, 3> r;
- mp::Wedge<3, 1, 1>::product(a, b, r);
- return r;
- }
- template <class V>
- constexpr auto
- perp(V const & v)
- {
- static_assert(v.size()==2, "dimension error");
- return Small<std::decay_t<decltype(FLAT(v))>, 2> {v[1], -v[0]};
- }
- template <class V, class U>
- constexpr auto
- perp(V const & v, U const & n)
- {
- if constexpr (is_scalar<U>) {
- static_assert(v.size()==2, "dimension error");
- return Small<std::decay_t<decltype(FLAT(v) * n)>, 2> {v[1]*n, -v[0]*n};
- } else {
- static_assert(v.size()==3, "dimension error");
- return cross(v, n);
- }
- }
- } // namespace ra