123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612 |
- /* This file is part of the GNU plotutils package. Copyright (C) 1995,
- 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2005, 2008, Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- The GNU plotutils package is free software. You may redistribute it
- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- published by the Free Software foundation; either version 2, or (at your
- option) any later version.
- The GNU plotutils package is distributed in the hope that it will be
- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- with the GNU plotutils package; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St., Fifth Floor,
- Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */
- /* This file contains the internal paint_path() and paint_paths() methods,
- which the public method endpath() is a wrapper around. */
- /* This version is for GIF Plotters. By construction, for GIF Plotters our
- path buffer always contains either a segment list, or an ellipse object.
- If it's a segment list, it contains either (1) a sequence of line
- segments, or (2) a single circular or elliptic arc segment. Those are
- all sorts of path that libxmi can handle. (For an ellipse or
- circular/elliptic arc segment to have been added to the path buffer, the
- map from user to device coordinates must preserve axes.) */
- #include "sys-defines.h"
- #include "extern.h"
- #include "xmi.h" /* use libxmi scan conversion module */
- #define DIST(p1, p2) sqrt( ((p1).x - (p2).x) * ((p1).x - (p2).x) \
- + ((p1).y - (p2).y) * ((p1).y - (p2).y))
- void
- _pl_i_paint_path (S___(Plotter *_plotter))
- {
- if (_plotter->drawstate->pen_type == 0
- && _plotter->drawstate->fill_type == 0)
- /* nothing to draw */
- return;
- switch ((int)_plotter->drawstate->path->type)
- {
- case (int)PATH_SEGMENT_LIST:
- {
- int i, polyline_len;
- bool identical_user_coordinates = true;
- double xu_last, yu_last;
- miGC *pGC;
- miPoint *miPoints, offset;
- miPixel fgPixel, bgPixel;
- miPixel pixels[2];
- plPoint p0, p1, pc;
- /* sanity checks */
- if (_plotter->drawstate->path->num_segments == 0)/* nothing to do */
- break;
- if (_plotter->drawstate->path->num_segments == 1)/* shouldn't happen */
- break;
- if (_plotter->drawstate->path->num_segments == 2
- && _plotter->drawstate->path->segments[1].type == S_ARC)
- /* segment buffer contains a single circular arc, not a polyline */
- {
- p0 = _plotter->drawstate->path->segments[0].p;
- p1 = _plotter->drawstate->path->segments[1].p;
- pc = _plotter->drawstate->path->segments[1].pc;
- /* use libxmi rendering */
- _pl_i_draw_elliptic_arc (R___(_plotter) p0, p1, pc);
- break;
- }
- if (_plotter->drawstate->path->num_segments == 2
- && _plotter->drawstate->path->segments[1].type == S_ELLARC)
- /* segment buffer contains a single elliptic arc, not a polyline */
- {
- p0 = _plotter->drawstate->path->segments[0].p;
- p1 = _plotter->drawstate->path->segments[1].p;
- pc = _plotter->drawstate->path->segments[1].pc;
- /* use libxmi rendering */
- _pl_i_draw_elliptic_arc_2 (R___(_plotter) p0, p1, pc);
- break;
- }
- /* neither of above applied, so segment buffer contains a polyline,
- not an arc */
- /* construct point array for libxmi module; convert vertices to
- device coordinates, removing runs */
- miPoints = (miPoint *)_pl_xmalloc (_plotter->drawstate->path->num_segments * sizeof(miPoint));
- polyline_len = 0;
- xu_last = 0.0;
- yu_last = 0.0;
- identical_user_coordinates = true;
- for (i = 0; i < _plotter->drawstate->path->num_segments; i++)
- {
- double xu, yu;
- int device_x, device_y;
- xu = _plotter->drawstate->path->segments[i].p.x;
- yu = _plotter->drawstate->path->segments[i].p.y;
- if (i > 0 && (xu != xu_last || yu != yu_last))
- /* in user space, not all points are the same */
- identical_user_coordinates = false;
- device_x = IROUND(XD(xu, yu));
- device_y = IROUND(YD(xu, yu));
- if ((polyline_len == 0)
- || (device_x != miPoints[polyline_len-1].x)
- || (device_y != miPoints[polyline_len-1].y))
- /* add point, in integer device coordinates, to the array */
- {
- miPoints[polyline_len].x = device_x;
- miPoints[polyline_len].y = device_y;
- polyline_len++;
- }
- xu_last = xu;
- yu_last = yu;
- }
- /* determine background pixel color */
- bgPixel.type = MI_PIXEL_INDEX_TYPE;
- bgPixel.u.index = _plotter->drawstate->i_bg_color_index;
- pixels[0] = bgPixel;
- pixels[1] = bgPixel;
- /* construct an miGC (graphics context for the libxmi module); copy
- attributes from the Plotter's GC to it */
- pGC = miNewGC (2, pixels);
- _set_common_mi_attributes (_plotter->drawstate, (void *)pGC);
- if (_plotter->drawstate->fill_type)
- /* not transparent, will fill */
- {
- /* flattened drawing primitives, i.e., box/circle/ellipse,
- are always convex */
- miPolygonShape polygon_shape
- = (_plotter->drawstate->path->primitive ? MI_SHAPE_CONVEX : MI_SHAPE_GENERAL);
- /* set fg color in GC (and bg color too) */
- _pl_i_set_fill_color (S___(_plotter));
- fgPixel.type = MI_PIXEL_INDEX_TYPE;
- fgPixel.u.index = _plotter->drawstate->i_fill_color_index;
- pixels[0] = bgPixel;
- pixels[1] = fgPixel;
- miSetGCPixels (pGC, 2, pixels);
- /* do the filling */
- if (_plotter->drawstate->path->num_segments > 1
- && polyline_len == 1)
- /* special case: all user-space points in polyline were
- mapped to a single integer pixel, so just paint it */
- miDrawPoints ((miPaintedSet *)_plotter->i_painted_set, pGC,
- MI_COORD_MODE_ORIGIN, 1, miPoints);
- else
- /* normal case */
- miFillPolygon ((miPaintedSet *)_plotter->i_painted_set, pGC,
- polygon_shape,
- MI_COORD_MODE_ORIGIN, polyline_len, miPoints);
- }
- if (_plotter->drawstate->pen_type)
- /* pen is present, so edge the polyline */
- {
- /* set fg color in GC (and bg color too) */
- _pl_i_set_pen_color (S___(_plotter));
- fgPixel.type = MI_PIXEL_INDEX_TYPE;
- fgPixel.u.index = _plotter->drawstate->i_pen_color_index;
- pixels[0] = bgPixel;
- pixels[1] = fgPixel;
- miSetGCPixels (pGC, 2, pixels);
- if (polyline_len == 1)
- /* All user-space points in the polyline were mapped to a
- single pixel. If (1) they weren't all the same to begin
- with, or (2) they were all the same to begin with and the
- cap mode is "round", then draw as a filled circle of
- diameter equal to the line width; otherwise draw
- nothing. */
- {
- if (identical_user_coordinates == false
- || _plotter->drawstate->cap_type == PL_CAP_ROUND)
- {
- unsigned int sp_size
- = (unsigned int)_plotter->drawstate->quantized_device_line_width;
- if (sp_size == 0)
- sp_size = 1;
- if (sp_size == 1)
- /* subcase: just draw a point */
- miDrawPoints ((miPaintedSet *)_plotter->i_painted_set, pGC,
- MI_COORD_MODE_ORIGIN, 1, miPoints);
- else
- /* draw a filled circle */
- {
- int sp_offset;
- miArc arc;
- sp_offset =
- (_plotter->drawstate->quantized_device_line_width + 1) / 2;
- arc.x = miPoints[0].x - sp_offset;
- arc.y = miPoints[0].y - sp_offset;
- arc.width = sp_size;
- arc.height = sp_size;
- arc.angle1 = 0;
- arc.angle2 = 64 * 360;
- miFillArcs ((miPaintedSet *)_plotter->i_painted_set,
- pGC, 1, &arc);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- /* normal case: draw a nondegenerate polyline in integer
- device space */
- miDrawLines ((miPaintedSet *)_plotter->i_painted_set, pGC,
- MI_COORD_MODE_ORIGIN, polyline_len, miPoints);
- }
- /* deallocate miGC and free temporary points array */
- miDeleteGC (pGC);
- free (miPoints);
- /* copy from painted set to canvas, and clear */
- offset.x = 0;
- offset.y = 0;
- miCopyPaintedSetToCanvas ((miPaintedSet *)_plotter->i_painted_set,
- (miCanvas *)_plotter->i_canvas,
- offset);
- miClearPaintedSet ((miPaintedSet *)_plotter->i_painted_set);
- }
- /* something was drawn in frame */
- _plotter->i_frame_nonempty = true;
- break;
- case (int)PATH_ELLIPSE:
- {
- int ninetymult;
- int x_orientation, y_orientation;
- int xorigin, yorigin;
- unsigned int squaresize_x, squaresize_y;
- plPoint pc;
- double rx, ry, angle;
- pc = _plotter->drawstate->path->pc;
- rx = _plotter->drawstate->path->rx;
- ry = _plotter->drawstate->path->ry;
- angle = _plotter->drawstate->path->angle;
- /* if angle is multiple of 90 degrees, modify to permit use of
- libxmi's arc rendering */
- ninetymult = IROUND(angle / 90.0);
- if (angle == (double) (90 * ninetymult))
- {
- angle = 0.0;
- if (ninetymult % 2)
- {
- double temp;
- temp = rx;
- rx = ry;
- ry = temp;
- }
- }
- rx = (rx < 0.0 ? -rx : rx); /* avoid obscure libxmi problems */
- ry = (ry < 0.0 ? -ry : ry);
- /* axes flipped? (by default y-axis is, due to libxmi's flipped-y
- convention) */
- x_orientation = (_plotter->drawstate->transform.m[0] >= 0 ? 1 : -1);
- y_orientation = (_plotter->drawstate->transform.m[3] >= 0 ? 1 : -1);
- /* location of `origin' (upper left corner of bounding rect. for
- ellipse) and width and height; libxmi's flipped-y convention
- affects these values */
- xorigin = IROUND(XD(pc.x - x_orientation * rx,
- pc.y - y_orientation * ry));
- yorigin = IROUND(YD(pc.x - x_orientation * rx,
- pc.y - y_orientation * ry));
- squaresize_x = (unsigned int)IROUND(XDV(2 * x_orientation * rx, 0.0));
- squaresize_y = (unsigned int)IROUND(YDV(0.0, 2 * y_orientation * ry));
- /* Because this ellipse object was added to the path buffer, we
- already know that (1) the user->device frame map preserves
- coordinate axes, (2) effectively, angle == 0. These are
- necessary for the libxmi scan-conversion module to do the
- drawing. */
- /* draw ellipse (elliptic arc aligned with the coordinate axes, arc
- range = 64*360 64'ths of a degree) */
- _pl_i_draw_elliptic_arc_internal (R___(_plotter)
- xorigin, yorigin,
- squaresize_x, squaresize_y,
- 0, 64 * 360);
- }
- break;
- default: /* shouldn't happen */
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Use libxmi rendering to draw what would be a circular arc in the user
- frame. If this is called, the map from user to device coordinates is
- assumed to preserve coordinate axes (it may be anisotropic [x and y
- directions scaled differently], and it may include a reflection through
- either or both axes). So it will be a circular or elliptic arc in the
- device frame, of the sort that libxmi supports. */
- void
- _pl_i_draw_elliptic_arc (R___(Plotter *_plotter) plPoint p0, plPoint p1, plPoint pc)
- {
- double radius;
- double theta0, theta1;
- int startangle, anglerange;
- int x_orientation, y_orientation;
- int xorigin, yorigin;
- unsigned int squaresize_x, squaresize_y;
- /* axes flipped? (by default y-axis is, due to xmi's flipped-y convention) */
- x_orientation = (_plotter->drawstate->transform.m[0] >= 0 ? 1 : -1);
- y_orientation = (_plotter->drawstate->transform.m[3] >= 0 ? 1 : -1);
- /* radius of circular arc in user frame is distance to p0, and also to p1 */
- radius = DIST(pc, p0);
- /* location of `origin' (upper left corner of bounding rect. on display)
- and width and height; X's flipped-y convention affects these values */
- xorigin = IROUND(XD(pc.x - x_orientation * radius,
- pc.y - y_orientation * radius));
- yorigin = IROUND(YD(pc.x - x_orientation * radius,
- pc.y - y_orientation * radius));
- squaresize_x = (unsigned int)IROUND(XDV(2 * x_orientation * radius, 0.0));
- squaresize_y = (unsigned int)IROUND(YDV(0.0, 2 * y_orientation * radius));
- theta0 = _xatan2 (-y_orientation * (p0.y - pc.y),
- x_orientation * (p0.x - pc.x)) / M_PI;
- theta1 = _xatan2 (-y_orientation * (p1.y - pc.y),
- x_orientation * (p1.x - pc.x)) / M_PI;
- if (theta1 < theta0)
- theta1 += 2.0; /* adjust so that difference > 0 */
- if (theta0 < 0.0)
- {
- theta0 += 2.0; /* adjust so that startangle > 0 */
- theta1 += 2.0;
- }
- if (theta1 - theta0 > 1.0) /* swap if angle appear to be > 180 degrees */
- {
- double tmp;
- tmp = theta0;
- theta0 = theta1;
- theta1 = tmp;
- theta1 += 2.0; /* adjust so that difference > 0 */
- }
- if (theta0 >= 2.0 && theta1 >= 2.0)
- /* avoid obscure X bug */
- {
- theta0 -= 2.0;
- theta1 -= 2.0;
- }
- startangle = IROUND(64 * theta0 * 180.0); /* in 64'ths of a degree */
- anglerange = IROUND(64 * (theta1 - theta0) * 180.0); /* likewise */
- _pl_i_draw_elliptic_arc_internal (R___(_plotter)
- xorigin, yorigin,
- squaresize_x, squaresize_y,
- startangle, anglerange);
- }
- /* Use libxmi rendering to draw what would be a quarter-ellipse in the user
- frame. If this is called, the map from user to device coordinates is
- assumed to preserve coordinate axes (it may be anisotropic [x and y
- directions scaled differently], and it may include a reflection through
- either or both axes). So it will be a quarter-ellipse in the device
- frame, of the sort that libxmi supports. */
- void
- _pl_i_draw_elliptic_arc_2 (R___(Plotter *_plotter) plPoint p0, plPoint p1, plPoint pc)
- {
- double rx, ry;
- double x0, y0, x1, y1, xc, yc;
- int startangle, endangle, anglerange;
- int x_orientation, y_orientation;
- int xorigin, yorigin;
- unsigned int squaresize_x, squaresize_y;
- /* axes flipped? (by default y-axis is, due to xmi's flipped-y convention) */
- x_orientation = (_plotter->drawstate->transform.m[0] >= 0 ? 1 : -1);
- y_orientation = (_plotter->drawstate->transform.m[3] >= 0 ? 1 : -1);
- xc = pc.x, yc = pc.y;
- x0 = p0.x, y0 = p0.y;
- x1 = p1.x, y1 = p1.y;
- if (y0 == yc && x1 == xc)
- /* initial pt. on x-axis, final pt. on y-axis */
- {
- /* semi-axes in user frame */
- rx = (x0 > xc) ? x0 - xc : xc - x0;
- ry = (y1 > yc) ? y1 - yc : yc - y1;
- /* starting and ending angles; note flipped-y convention */
- startangle = ((x0 > xc ? 1 : -1) * x_orientation == 1) ? 0 : 180;
- endangle = ((y1 > yc ? 1 : -1) * y_orientation == -1) ? 90 : 270;
- }
- else
- /* initial pt. on y-axis, final pt. on x-axis */
- {
- /* semi-axes in user frame */
- rx = (x1 > xc) ? x1 - xc : xc - x1;
- ry = (y0 > yc) ? y0 - yc : yc - y0;
- /* starting and ending angles; note flipped-y convention */
- startangle = ((y0 > yc ? 1 : -1) * y_orientation == -1) ? 90 : 270;
- endangle = ((x1 > xc ? 1 : -1) * x_orientation == 1) ? 0 : 180;
- }
- if (endangle < startangle)
- endangle += 360;
- anglerange = endangle - startangle; /* always 90 or 270 */
- /* our convention: a quarter-ellipse can only be 90 degrees
- of a libxmi ellipse, not 270 degrees, so interchange points */
- if (anglerange == 270)
- {
- int tmp;
- tmp = startangle;
- startangle = endangle;
- endangle = tmp;
- anglerange = 90;
- }
- if (startangle >= 360)
- /* avoid obscure libxmi bug */
- startangle -= 360; /* endangle no longer relevant */
- /* location of `origin' (upper left corner of bounding rect. on display)
- and width and height; xmi's flipped-y convention affects these values */
- xorigin = IROUND(XD(xc - x_orientation * rx,
- yc - y_orientation * ry));
- yorigin = IROUND(YD(xc - x_orientation * rx,
- yc - y_orientation * ry));
- squaresize_x = (unsigned int)IROUND(XDV(2 * x_orientation * rx, 0.0));
- squaresize_y = (unsigned int)IROUND(YDV(0.0, 2 * y_orientation * ry));
- /* reexpress in 64'ths of a degree (libxmi convention) */
- startangle *= 64;
- anglerange *= 64;
- _pl_i_draw_elliptic_arc_internal (R___(_plotter)
- xorigin, yorigin,
- squaresize_x, squaresize_y,
- startangle, anglerange);
- }
- /* Draw an elliptic arc aligned with the coordinate axes, by invoking a
- function in the libxmi API. Takes account of the possible need for
- filling.
- The cases squaresize_x = 0 and squaresize_y = 0 are handled specially,
- since miFillArcs() and miDrawArcs() do not support them. */
- void
- _pl_i_draw_elliptic_arc_internal (R___(Plotter *_plotter) int xorigin, int yorigin, unsigned int squaresize_x, unsigned int squaresize_y, int startangle, int anglerange)
- {
- miGC *pGC;
- miArc arc;
- miPixel fgPixel, bgPixel;
- miPixel pixels[2];
- miPoint offset;
- /* determine background pixel color */
- bgPixel.type = MI_PIXEL_INDEX_TYPE;
- bgPixel.u.index = _plotter->drawstate->i_bg_color_index;
- pixels[0] = bgPixel;
- pixels[1] = bgPixel;
- /* construct an miGC (graphics context for the libxmi module); copy
- attributes from the Plotter's GC to it */
- pGC = miNewGC (2, pixels);
- _set_common_mi_attributes (_plotter->drawstate, pGC);
- /* libxmi's definition of an elliptic arc aligned with the axes */
- arc.x = xorigin;
- arc.y = yorigin;
- arc.width = squaresize_x;
- arc.height = squaresize_y;
- arc.angle1 = startangle;
- arc.angle2 = anglerange;
- if (_plotter->drawstate->fill_type)
- /* not transparent, so fill the arc */
- {
- /* set fg color in GC (and bg color too) */
- _pl_i_set_fill_color (S___(_plotter));
- fgPixel.type = MI_PIXEL_INDEX_TYPE;
- fgPixel.u.index = _plotter->drawstate->i_fill_color_index;
- pixels[0] = bgPixel;
- pixels[1] = fgPixel;
- miSetGCPixels (pGC, 2, pixels);
- /* fill the arc */
- if (squaresize_x <= 1 || squaresize_y <= 1)
- /* a special case, which miFillArcs() doesn't handle in the way we'd
- like; just paint a single pixel, irrespective of angle range */
- {
- miPoint point;
- point.x = xorigin;
- point.y = yorigin;
- miDrawPoints ((miPaintedSet *)_plotter->i_painted_set,
- pGC, MI_COORD_MODE_ORIGIN, 1, &point);
- }
- else
- /* default case */
- miFillArcs ((miPaintedSet *)_plotter->i_painted_set, pGC, 1, &arc);
- }
- if (_plotter->drawstate->pen_type)
- /* pen is present, so edge the arc */
- {
- unsigned int sp_size = 0; /* keep compiler happy */
- /* set fg color in GC (and bg color too) */
- _pl_i_set_pen_color (S___(_plotter));
- fgPixel.type = MI_PIXEL_INDEX_TYPE;
- fgPixel.u.index = _plotter->drawstate->i_pen_color_index;
- pixels[0] = bgPixel;
- pixels[1] = fgPixel;
- miSetGCPixels (pGC, 2, pixels);
- if (squaresize_x <= 1 || squaresize_y <= 1)
- /* Won't call miDrawArcs in the usual way, because it performs
- poorly when one of these two is zero, at least. Irrespective of
- angle range, will fill a disk of diameter equal to line width */
- {
- int sp_offset;
- sp_size
- = (unsigned int)_plotter->drawstate->quantized_device_line_width;
- sp_offset
- = (int)(_plotter->drawstate->quantized_device_line_width + 1) / 2;
- if (sp_size == 0)
- sp_size = 1;
- arc.x -= sp_offset;
- arc.y -= sp_offset;
- arc.width = sp_size;
- arc.height = sp_size;
- arc.angle1 = 0;
- arc.angle2 = 64 * 360;
- }
- /* edge the arc by invoking libxmi's reentrant arc-drawing function,
- passing it as final argument a pointer to persistent storage
- maintained by the Plotter */
- if (squaresize_x <= 1 || squaresize_y <= 1)
- /* miDrawArcs doesn't handle this case as we'd wish, will
- treat specially */
- {
- if (sp_size == 1)
- /* special subcase: line width is small too, so just paint a
- single pixel rather than filling abovementioned disk */
- {
- miPoint point;
- point.x = xorigin;
- point.y = yorigin;
- miDrawPoints ((miPaintedSet *)_plotter->i_painted_set,
- pGC, MI_COORD_MODE_ORIGIN, 1, &point);
- }
- else
- /* normal version of special case: draw filled disk of diameter
- equal to the line width, irrespective of the angle range */
- miFillArcs((miPaintedSet *)_plotter->i_painted_set, pGC, 1, &arc);
- }
- else
- /* default case, which is what is almost always used */
- miDrawArcs_r ((miPaintedSet *)_plotter->i_painted_set, pGC, 1, &arc,
- (miEllipseCache *)(_plotter->i_arc_cache_data));
- }
- /* deallocate miGC */
- miDeleteGC (pGC);
- /* copy from painted set to canvas, and clear */
- offset.x = 0;
- offset.y = 0;
- miCopyPaintedSetToCanvas ((miPaintedSet *)_plotter->i_painted_set,
- (miCanvas *)_plotter->i_canvas,
- offset);
- miClearPaintedSet ((miPaintedSet *)_plotter->i_painted_set);
- }
- bool
- _pl_i_paint_paths (S___(Plotter *_plotter))
- {
- return false;
- }