1234567891011121314 |
- libplotdatadir = $(datadir)/libplot
- libplotdata_DATA = README colors.txt h-fonts.txt h-glyphs.txt hershey.bib kana.txt kanji.txt
- # files with nonstandard names in this directory
- EXTRA_DIST = colors.txt h-fonts.txt h-glyphs.txt hershey.bib kana.txt kanji.txt
- # remove documentation files installed by previous versions of the package,
- # with obsolete names
- OBSOLETEDOC = hershey-demo.c hershey-fonts hershey-number hershey.doc h-fonts.doc h-glyphs.doc kana.doc kanji.doc demo-page h-demo.c
- install-data-hook:
- -for f in $(OBSOLETEDOC) ; do rm -f $(datadir)/libplot/$$f; done