123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316 |
- ; -*- mode: scheme; coding: utf-8 -*-
- ; (c) Daniel Llorens - 2018-2019
- ; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- ; the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- ; Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
- ; later version.
- ;;; Commentary:
- ;; Library for Newra - hub, plus old arrays compatiblity & misc.
- ;;; Code:
- (define-module (newra lib)
- #:export (ra-index-map!
- make-ra make-typed-ra make-ra-shared ra->list
- array->ra ra->array as-ra
- ra-i ra-iota
- ra-copy ra-map
- ra-fold))
- (import (only (srfi :1) fold every any iota drop xcons) (srfi :26) (srfi :71)
- (ice-9 control) (ice-9 match) (only (rnrs base) vector-map vector-for-each)
- (newra base) (newra map) (newra reshape))
- ; ----------------
- ; fold - probably better ways to do this by fixing or extending (newra map)
- ; ----------------
- (define-inlinable-case ra-fold
- (case-lambda
- "
- Reduce arrays @var{a} by (... (@var{kons} (@var{cons} @var{knil} @var{a}0 ...)
- @var{a}1 ... ) ...) where (@var{a}0 ...), (@var{a}1 ...) is the row-major ravel
- of @var{a}...
- See also: ra-fold ra-map! ra-for-each ra-slice-for-each
- "
- ((kons knil)
- knil)
- ((kons knil a0)
- (ra-for-each (lambda (x0) (set! knil (kons knil x0))) a0)
- knil)
- ((kons knil a0 a1)
- (ra-for-each (lambda (x0 x1) (set! knil (kons knil x0 x1))) a0 a1)
- knil)
- ((kons knil a0 a1 a2)
- (ra-for-each (lambda (x0 x1 x2) (set! knil (kons knil x0 x1 x2))) a0 a1 a2)
- knil)
- ((kons knil . args)
- (apply ra-for-each (lambda x (set! knil (apply kons knil x))) args)
- knil)))
- ; ----------------
- ; transition help
- ; ----------------
- (define (array->ra a)
- (let ((dims (list->vector
- (map (lambda (b i) (make-dim (- (cadr b) (car b) -1) (car b) i))
- (array-shape a)
- (shared-array-increments a)))))
- (make-ra-root (shared-array-root a) dims
- (- (shared-array-offset a) (ra-offset 0 dims)))))
- (define (ra->array ra)
- (when (eq? 'd (ra-type ra))
- (throw 'nonconvertible-type (ra-type ra)))
- (apply make-shared-array (ra-root ra)
- (lambda i (list (apply ra-pos (ra-zero ra) (ra-dims ra) i)))
- (vector->list (vector-map (lambda (dim) (list (dim-lo dim) (dim-hi dim)))
- (ra-dims ra)))))
- (define (make-typed-ra type value . d)
- "
- make-typed-ra type value d ...
- Return a new ra of type TYPE and shape D. The ra will be initialized with
- VALUE. VALUE may be *unspecified*, in which case the ra may be left
- uninitialized.
- See also: make-ra
- "
- (make-ra-new type value (apply c-dims d)))
- (define (make-ra value . d)
- "
- make-ra value d ...
- Equivalent to (make-typed-ra #t value d ...).
- See also: make-typed-ra
- "
- (make-ra-new #t value (apply c-dims d)))
- (define (make-ra-shared oldra mapfunc . d)
- "
- make-ra-shared oldra mapfunc ... d
- Return a shared array with shape D over the root of OLDRA. MAPFUNC is a function
- of the indices of the new array and must return a list of indices to
- MAPFUNC is only called the minimum (+ 1 (length D)) times that are needed in
- order to determine an affine function from one set of indices to the other.
- For example, to displace the bounds of an array without affecting its contents:
- guile> (define x (ra-i 3 2))
- guile> x
- #%2d:3:2((0 1) (2 3) (4 5))
- guile> (make-ra-shared x (lambda (i j) (list (- i 2) (+ j 3))) '(2 4) '(-3 -2))
- #%2d@2:3@-3:2((0 1) (2 3) (4 5))
- See also: make-ra, FIXME ra-affine-map
- "
- ; get lo & len, won't use step except if the result is empty.
- (let* ((oldra (ra-check oldra))
- (dims (apply c-dims d))
- (newrank (vector-length dims)))
- ; if the result *is* empty then it has no valid indices, so we cannot call mapfunc.
- (let emptycheck ((k 0))
- (if (< k newrank)
- (if (positive? (dim-len (vector-ref dims k)))
- (emptycheck (+ 1 k))
- (make-ra-root (%%ra-root oldra) dims (%%ra-zero oldra)))
- (let* ((los (vector->list (vector-map dim-lo dims)))
- (ref (apply ra-pos (%%ra-zero oldra) (%%ra-dims oldra) (apply mapfunc los)))
- (dims (vector-map
- (lambda (dim step) (make-dim (dim-len dim) (dim-lo dim) step))
- dims
- (let ((steps (make-vector newrank 0)))
- (let loop ((k 0))
- (cond
- ((= k newrank) steps)
- (else
- (vector-set!
- steps k
- (if (positive? (dim-len (vector-ref dims k)))
- (let ((ii (list-copy los)))
- (list-set! ii k (+ 1 (list-ref los k)))
- (- (apply ra-pos (%%ra-zero oldra) (%%ra-dims oldra) (apply mapfunc ii)) ref))
- 0))
- (loop (+ k 1)))))))))
- (make-ra-root (%%ra-root oldra) dims (- ref (ra-offset 0 dims))))))))
- ; FIXME Depends on traversal order of ra-for-each.
- (define (ra->list ra)
- "
- ra->list ra
- Return a nested list of the elements of ra RA. For example, if RA is a 1-rank
- ra, the list contains the elements of RA; if RA is a 2-rank ra, the list
- contains a list for each of the rows of RA; and so on.
- See also: as-ra
- "
- (let ((ra (ra-check ra))
- (rank (%%ra-rank ra)))
- (cond
- ((zero? rank) (ra-ref ra))
- (else
- (let ((ra (apply ra-reverse ra (iota rank)))
- (dimk (vector-ref (%%ra-dims ra) (- rank 1))))
- (let loop-rank ((ra ra))
- (cond
- ((= 1 (%%ra-rank ra))
- (if (> (dim-len dimk) 20)
- (ra-fold xcons '() ra)
- (let loop-dim ((l '()) (i (dim-lo dimk)))
- (if (> i (dim-hi dimk))
- l
- (loop-dim (cons (ra-ref ra i) l) (+ i 1))))))
- (else
- (let ((l '()))
- (ra-slice-for-each 1 (lambda (x) (set! l (cons (loop-rank x) l))) ra)
- l)))))))))
- ; Similar to (@ (newra) ra-for-each-slice-1) - since we cannot unroll. It
- ; might be cheaper to go Fortran order (building the index lists back to front);
- ; should try that. C order and set-cdr! is how oldra does it.
- ; This function is provided for compatibility with oldra; generally we shouldn't
- ; be building index lists.
- (define (ra-index-map! ra op)
- "
- ra-index-map! ra op -> ra
- Apply @var{op} to the indices of each element of @var{ra} in turn, storing the
- result in the corresponding element. The order of iteration is unspecified.
- This function returns the modified @var{ra}.
- For example:
- @example
- guile> (define x (make-ra 0 2 3))
- guile> (ra-index-map! x (lambda x x))
- guile> x
- #%2:2:3(((0 0) (0 1) (0 2)) ((1 0) (1 1) (1 2)))
- @end example
- See also: @code{ra-iota} @code{ra-i}
- "
- (let* ((kk (ra-rank ra))
- (ii (make-list kk))
- (los lens ((@ (newra map) ra-slice-for-each-check) kk ra)))
- (if (= kk 0)
- (ra-set! ra (apply op ii))
- (let loop-rank ((k 0) (ra ra) (endi ii))
- (let* ((lo (vector-ref los k))
- (end (+ lo (vector-ref lens k))))
- (if (= (+ 1 k) kk)
- (let loop-dim ((i lo))
- (if (= i end)
- (set-car! endi lo)
- (begin
- (set-car! endi i)
- (ra-set! ra (apply op ii) i)
- (loop-dim (+ i 1)))))
- (let loop-dim ((i lo))
- (if (= i end)
- (set-car! endi lo)
- (begin
- (set-car! endi i)
- (loop-rank (+ k 1) (ra-slice ra i) (cdr endi))
- (loop-dim (+ i 1)))))))))
- ra))
- ; ----------------
- ; functions not found in oldra, or significantly extended
- ; ----------------
- ; FIXME partial implementation.
- (define* (as-ra ra #:key (type (ra-type ra)) (new? #f))
- (cond ((and (eq? (ra-type ra) type) (not new?)) ra)
- (else (ra-copy! (make-ra-new
- type *unspecified*
- (apply c-dims (map dim-len (vector->list (ra-dims ra)))))
- ra))))
- (define (ra-i . i)
- (make-ra-root (make-aseq) (apply c-dims i)))
- ; FIXME (ra-iota #f ...) is somewhat inconsistent with (ra-i #t). Maybe accept ra-iota #t instead?
- (define ra-iota
- (case-lambda*
- (()
- ; lo #f so it matches axes with any lo
- (make-ra-root (make-aseq) (vector (make-dim #f #f 1))))
- ((len #:optional (lo 0) (step 1))
- (make-ra-root (make-aseq lo step) (vector (make-dim len 0 1))))))
- ; oldra has array-copy in (ice-9 arrays). Something of the sort.
- ; FIXME handling of dead axes could be faster - maybe c-dims should be written differently.
- (define ra-copy
- (case-lambda
- "
- @deffn @w{function} ra-copy src
- @deffnx @w{function} ra-copy type src
- Copy the contents of @var{src} into a new ra of type @var{type} and the same
- shape as @var{src}. @var{type} defaults to @code{(ra-type src)} if not given, or
- @code{#t} if @code{(ra-type src)} is @code{'d}.
- If @var{src} has dead axes, those are preserved in the result.
- See also: ra-copy! as-ra
- "
- ((ra) (ra-copy #f ra))
- ((type ra)
- (let* ((type (or type (match (ra-type ra) ('d #t) (t t))))
- (shape (map (match-lambda
- (($ <dim> len lo step)
- (let ((lo (or lo 0)))
- (list lo
- (if len
- (+ lo len -1)
- (if (zero? step)
- lo
- (throw 'cannot-copy-infinite-ra ra)))))))
- (vector->list (ra-dims ra))))
- ; copy destination needs the singletons else the lens don't match.
- ; FIXME we could have dead axes match dead axes.
- (rb (ra-copy! (make-ra-new type *unspecified* (apply c-dims shape)) ra)))
- ; preserve dead axes in the result.
- (if (any not (ra-dimensions ra))
- (make-ra-root (ra-root rb)
- (vector-map (lambda (a b) (if (dim-len a) b a)) (ra-dims ra) (ra-dims rb))
- (ra-zero rb))
- rb)))))
- (define (ra-map type op rx0 . rx)
- "
- Same as @code{(ra-map! ra rx0 rx ...)}, except that the result is created from
- @var{type} and the shapes of @var{rx} ...
- If @var{type} is #f, then the type of the result is @code{(ra-type rx0)}, or
- @code{#t} if @code{(ra-type rx0)} is @code{'d}.
- See also: ra-map!
- "
- (let* ((k (fold (lambda (a b) (max b (ra-rank a))) (ra-rank rx0) rx))
- ; FIXME vector->list is ugly. Need to refine/formalize the 'arguments match' routine
- (lo len (apply ra-slice-for-each-check k rx0 rx)))
- (apply ra-map! (apply make-typed-ra (or type (match (ra-type rx0) ('d #t) (t t)))
- *unspecified*
- (map (lambda (lo len) (list lo (+ lo len -1)))
- (vector->list lo) (vector->list len)))
- op rx0 rx)))