1. The directory structure for this level is as follows:
  2. aaa/
  3. This directory contains modules dealing with authorization and
  4. authentication.
  5. arch/
  6. cache/
  7. This directory houses modules that implement file and data caching
  8. capability.
  9. database/
  10. The apache DBD framework manages connections to SQL backends efficiently.
  11. dav/
  12. This directory houses modules that implement WebDAV functionality.
  13. echo/
  14. experimental/
  15. In this directory we've placed some modules which we think
  16. provide some pretty interesting functionality, but which
  17. are still in the early stages of development and could
  18. evolve radically in the future. This code isn't supported
  19. officially.
  20. filters/
  21. This directory houses modules that perform general inline data filtering.
  22. generators/
  23. This directory houses modules that perform data generation functions.
  24. http/
  25. This directory houses modules that basic HTTP protocol implementation.
  26. loggers/
  27. This directory houses modules that handle logging functions.
  28. mappers/
  29. This directory houses modules that handle URL mapping and
  30. rewriting.
  31. metadata/
  32. This directory houses modules that deal with Header metadata.
  33. proxy/
  34. This houses the code for the proxy module for Apache.
  35. ssl/
  36. This directory houses code for OpenSSL functionality.
  37. test/
  38. This directory houses modules which test various components
  39. of Apache. You should not compile these into a production
  40. server.