microprofileui.h 133 KB

  1. #pragma once
  2. // This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
  3. // Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
  4. // distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
  5. // binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
  6. // means.
  7. // In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
  8. // of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
  9. // software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit
  10. // of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and
  11. // successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of
  12. // relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this
  13. // software under copyright law.
  21. // For more information, please refer to <http://unlicense.org/>
  22. //
  23. // ***********************************************************************
  24. //
  25. //
  26. //
  28. #error "microprofile.h must be included before including microprofileui.h"
  29. #endif
  32. #endif
  35. #endif
  37. #define MicroProfileMouseButton(foo, bar) do{}while(0)
  38. #define MicroProfileMousePosition(foo, bar, z) do{}while(0)
  39. #define MicroProfileModKey(key) do{}while(0)
  40. #define MicroProfileDraw(foo, bar) do{}while(0)
  41. #define MicroProfileIsDrawing() 0
  42. #define MicroProfileToggleDisplayMode() do{}while(0)
  43. #define MicroProfileSetDisplayMode(f) do{}while(0)
  44. #else
  47. #endif
  50. #endif
  53. #endif
  56. #endif
  59. #endif
  62. #endif
  65. #endif
  68. #endif
  71. #endif
  73. #define MICROPROFILE_HELP_LEFT "Left-Click"
  74. #endif
  76. #define MICROPROFILE_HELP_ALT "Alt-Click"
  77. #endif
  79. #define MICROPROFILE_HELP_MOD "Mod"
  80. #endif
  82. #define MICROPROFILE_BAR_WIDTH 100
  83. #endif
  86. #endif
  89. #endif
  92. #endif
  95. #define MICROPROFILE_FRAME_HISTORY_COLOR_CPU 0xffff7f27 //255 127 39
  96. #define MICROPROFILE_FRAME_HISTORY_COLOR_GPU 0xff37a0ee //55 160 238
  104. enum
  105. {
  112. };
  113. MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileDraw(uint32_t nWidth, uint32_t nHeight); //! call if drawing microprofilers
  114. MICROPROFILEUI_API bool MicroProfileIsDrawing();
  115. MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileToggleGraph(MicroProfileToken nToken);
  116. MICROPROFILEUI_API bool MicroProfileDrawGraph(uint32_t nScreenWidth, uint32_t nScreenHeight);
  117. MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileToggleDisplayMode(); //switch between off, bars, detailed
  118. MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileSetDisplayMode(int); //switch between off, bars, detailed
  119. MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileClearGraph();
  120. MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileMousePosition(uint32_t nX, uint32_t nY, int nWheelDelta);
  121. MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileModKey(uint32_t nKeyState);
  122. MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileMouseButton(uint32_t nLeft, uint32_t nRight);
  123. MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileDrawLineVertical(int nX, int nTop, int nBottom, uint32_t nColor);
  124. MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileDrawLineHorizontal(int nLeft, int nRight, int nY, uint32_t nColor);
  125. MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileLoadPreset(const char* pSuffix);
  126. MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileSavePreset(const char* pSuffix);
  127. MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileDrawText(int nX, int nY, uint32_t nColor, const char* pText, uint32_t nNumCharacters);
  128. MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileDrawBox(int nX, int nY, int nX1, int nY1, uint32_t nColor, MicroProfileBoxType = MicroProfileBoxTypeFlat);
  129. MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileDrawLine2D(uint32_t nVertices, float* pVertices, uint32_t nColor);
  130. MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileDumpTimers();
  131. MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileInitUI();
  132. MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileCustomGroupToggle(const char* pCustomName);
  133. MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileCustomGroupEnable(const char* pCustomName);
  134. MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileCustomGroupEnable(uint32_t nIndex);
  135. MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileCustomGroupDisable();
  136. MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileCustomGroup(const char* pCustomName, uint32_t nMaxTimers, uint32_t nAggregateFlip, float fReferenceTime, uint32_t nFlags);
  137. MICROPROFILEUI_API void MicroProfileCustomGroupAddTimer(const char* pCustomName, const char* pGroup, const char* pTimer);
  139. #include <inttypes.h>
  140. #include <stdio.h>
  141. #include <stdlib.h>
  142. #include <stdarg.h>
  143. #include <math.h>
  144. #include <algorithm>
  145. #include <array>
  146. MICROPROFILE_DEFINE(g_MicroProfileDetailed, "MicroProfile", "Detailed View", 0x8888000);
  147. MICROPROFILE_DEFINE(g_MicroProfileDrawGraph, "MicroProfile", "Draw Graph", 0xff44ee00);
  148. MICROPROFILE_DEFINE(g_MicroProfileDrawBarView, "MicroProfile", "DrawBarView", 0x00dd77);
  149. MICROPROFILE_DEFINE(g_MicroProfileDraw,"MicroProfile", "Draw", 0x737373);
  150. struct MicroProfileStringArray
  151. {
  152. const char* ppStrings[MICROPROFILE_TOOLTIP_MAX_STRINGS];
  154. char* pBufferPos;
  155. uint32_t nNumStrings;
  156. };
  157. struct MicroProfileGroupMenuItem
  158. {
  159. uint32_t nIsCategory;
  160. uint32_t nCategoryIndex;
  161. uint32_t nIndex;
  162. const char* pName;
  163. };
  164. struct MicroProfileCustom
  165. {
  167. uint32_t nFlags;
  168. uint32_t nAggregateFlip;
  169. uint32_t nNumTimers;
  170. uint32_t nMaxTimers;
  171. uint64_t nGroupMask;
  172. float fReference;
  173. uint64_t* pTimers;
  174. };
  175. struct SOptionDesc
  176. {
  177. SOptionDesc()=default;
  178. SOptionDesc(uint8_t nSubType_, uint8_t nIndex_, const char* fmt, ...):nSubType(nSubType_), nIndex(nIndex_)
  179. {
  180. va_list args;
  181. va_start (args, fmt);
  182. vsprintf(Text, fmt, args);
  183. va_end(args);
  184. }
  185. char Text[32];
  186. uint8_t nSubType;
  187. uint8_t nIndex;
  188. bool bSelected;
  189. };
  190. static const std::array<uint32_t, 6> g_MicroProfileAggregatePresets{0, 10, 20, 30, 60, 120};
  191. static const std::array<float, 10> g_MicroProfileReferenceTimePresets{5.f, 10.f, 15.f,20.f, 33.33f, 66.66f, 100.f, 250.f, 500.f, 1000.f};
  192. static const std::array<uint32_t, 4> g_MicroProfileOpacityPresets{0x40, 0x80, 0xc0, 0xff};
  193. static const std::array<const char*, 7> g_MicroProfilePresetNames
  194. {
  196. "Render",
  197. "GPU",
  198. "Lighting",
  199. "AI",
  200. "Visibility",
  201. "Sound",
  202. };
  203. enum
  204. {
  205. MICROPROFILE_NUM_REFERENCE_PRESETS = g_MicroProfileReferenceTimePresets.size(),
  206. MICROPROFILE_NUM_OPACITY_PRESETS = g_MicroProfileOpacityPresets.size(),
  209. #else
  211. #endif
  212. };
  213. struct MicroProfileUI
  214. {
  215. //menu/mouse over stuff
  216. uint64_t nHoverToken;
  217. int64_t nHoverTime;
  218. int nHoverFrame;
  220. uint64_t nHoverAddressEnter;
  221. uint64_t nHoverAddressLeave;
  222. #endif
  223. uint32_t nWidth;
  224. uint32_t nHeight;
  225. int nOffsetX;
  226. int nOffsetY;
  227. float fDetailedOffset; //display offset relative to start of latest displayable frame.
  228. float fDetailedRange; //no. of ms to display
  229. float fDetailedOffsetTarget;
  230. float fDetailedRangeTarget;
  231. uint32_t nOpacityBackground;
  232. uint32_t nOpacityForeground;
  233. bool bShowSpikes;
  234. uint32_t nMouseX;
  235. uint32_t nMouseY;
  236. uint32_t nMouseDownX;
  237. uint32_t nMouseDownY;
  238. int nMouseWheelDelta;
  239. uint32_t nMouseDownLeft;
  240. uint32_t nMouseDownRight;
  241. uint32_t nMouseLeft;
  242. uint32_t nMouseRight;
  243. uint32_t nMouseLeftMod;
  244. uint32_t nMouseRightMod;
  245. uint32_t nModDown;
  246. uint32_t nActiveMenu;
  247. MicroProfileLogEntry* pDisplayMouseOver;
  248. int64_t nRangeBegin;
  249. int64_t nRangeEnd;
  250. int64_t nRangeBeginGpu;
  251. int64_t nRangeEndGpu;
  252. uint32_t nRangeBeginIndex;
  253. uint32_t nRangeEndIndex;
  254. MicroProfileThreadLog* pRangeLog;
  255. uint32_t nHoverColor;
  256. uint32_t nHoverColorShared;
  257. MicroProfileStringArray LockedToolTips[MICROPROFILE_TOOLTIP_MAX_LOCKED];
  258. uint32_t nLockedToolTipColor[MICROPROFILE_TOOLTIP_MAX_LOCKED];
  259. int LockedToolTipFront;
  261. uint32_t GroupMenuCount;
  262. uint32_t nCustomActive;
  263. uint32_t nCustomTimerCount;
  264. uint32_t nCustomCount;
  265. MicroProfileCustom Custom[MICROPROFILE_CUSTOM_MAX];
  266. uint64_t CustomTimer[MICROPROFILE_CUSTOM_MAX_TIMERS];
  267. SOptionDesc Options[MICROPROFILE_OPTION_SIZE];
  268. };
  269. MicroProfileUI g_MicroProfileUI;
  270. #define UI g_MicroProfileUI
  271. static const std::array<uint32_t, 2> g_nMicroProfileBackColors{ 0x474747, 0x313131 };
  273. static const std::array<uint32_t, MICROPROFILE_NUM_CONTEXT_SWITCH_COLORS> g_nMicroProfileContextSwitchThreadColors //palette generated by http://tools.medialab.sciences-po.fr/iwanthue/index.php
  274. {
  275. 0x63607B,
  276. 0x755E2B,
  277. 0x326A55,
  278. 0x523135,
  279. 0x904F42,
  280. 0x87536B,
  281. 0x346875,
  282. 0x5E6046,
  283. 0x35404C,
  284. 0x224038,
  285. 0x413D1E,
  286. 0x5E3A26,
  287. 0x5D6161,
  288. 0x4C6234,
  289. 0x7D564F,
  290. 0x5C4352,
  291. };
  292. void MicroProfileInitUI()
  293. {
  294. static bool bInitialized = false;
  295. if(!bInitialized)
  296. {
  297. bInitialized = true;
  298. memset(&g_MicroProfileUI, 0, sizeof(g_MicroProfileUI));
  299. UI.nActiveMenu = UINT32_MAX;
  300. UI.fDetailedOffsetTarget = UI.fDetailedOffset = 0.f;
  301. UI.fDetailedRangeTarget = UI.fDetailedRange = 50.f;
  302. UI.nOpacityBackground = 0xff<<24;
  303. UI.nOpacityForeground = 0xff<<24;
  304. UI.bShowSpikes = false;
  305. UI.nWidth = 100;
  306. UI.nHeight = 100;
  307. UI.nCustomActive = UINT32_MAX;
  308. UI.nCustomTimerCount = 0;
  309. UI.nCustomCount = 0;
  310. int nIndex = 0;
  311. UI.Options[nIndex++] = SOptionDesc(0xff, 0, "%s", "Reference");
  312. for(int i = 0; i < MICROPROFILE_NUM_REFERENCE_PRESETS; ++i)
  313. {
  314. UI.Options[nIndex++] = SOptionDesc(0, i, " %6.2fms", g_MicroProfileReferenceTimePresets[i]);
  315. }
  316. UI.Options[nIndex++] = SOptionDesc(0xff, 0, "%s", "BG Opacity");
  317. for(int i = 0; i < MICROPROFILE_NUM_OPACITY_PRESETS; ++i)
  318. {
  319. UI.Options[nIndex++] = SOptionDesc(1, i, " %7d%%", (i+1)*25);
  320. }
  321. UI.Options[nIndex++] = SOptionDesc(0xff, 0, "%s", "FG Opacity");
  322. for(int i = 0; i < MICROPROFILE_NUM_OPACITY_PRESETS; ++i)
  323. {
  324. UI.Options[nIndex++] = SOptionDesc(2, i, " %7d%%", (i+1)*25);
  325. }
  326. UI.Options[nIndex++] = SOptionDesc(0xff, 0, "%s", "Spike Display");
  327. UI.Options[nIndex++] = SOptionDesc(3, 0, "%s", " Enable");
  329. UI.Options[nIndex++] = SOptionDesc(0xff, 0, "%s", "CSwitch Trace");
  330. UI.Options[nIndex++] = SOptionDesc(4, 0, "%s", " Enable");
  331. UI.Options[nIndex++] = SOptionDesc(4, 1, "%s", " All Threads");
  332. UI.Options[nIndex++] = SOptionDesc(4, 2, "%s", " No Bars");
  333. #endif
  335. }
  336. }
  337. void MicroProfileSetDisplayMode(int nValue)
  338. {
  339. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  340. nValue = nValue >= 0 && nValue < 4 ? nValue : S.nDisplay;
  341. S.nDisplay = nValue;
  342. UI.nOffsetY = 0;
  343. }
  344. void MicroProfileToggleDisplayMode()
  345. {
  346. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  347. S.nDisplay = (S.nDisplay + 1) % 4;
  348. UI.nOffsetY = 0;
  349. }
  350. inline void MicroProfileStringArrayClear(MicroProfileStringArray* pArray)
  351. {
  352. pArray->nNumStrings = 0;
  353. pArray->pBufferPos = &pArray->Buffer[0];
  354. }
  355. inline void MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(MicroProfileStringArray* pArray, const char* pLiteral)
  356. {
  358. pArray->ppStrings[pArray->nNumStrings++] = pLiteral;
  359. }
  360. inline void MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(MicroProfileStringArray* pArray, const char* fmt, ...)
  361. {
  363. pArray->ppStrings[pArray->nNumStrings++] = pArray->pBufferPos;
  364. va_list args;
  365. va_start (args, fmt);
  366. pArray->pBufferPos += 1 + vsprintf(pArray->pBufferPos, fmt, args);
  367. va_end(args);
  368. MP_ASSERT(pArray->pBufferPos < pArray->Buffer + MICROPROFILE_TOOLTIP_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE);
  369. }
  370. inline void MicroProfileStringArrayCopy(MicroProfileStringArray* pDest, MicroProfileStringArray* pSrc)
  371. {
  372. memcpy(&pDest->ppStrings[0], &pSrc->ppStrings[0], sizeof(pDest->ppStrings));
  373. memcpy(&pDest->Buffer[0], &pSrc->Buffer[0], sizeof(pDest->Buffer));
  374. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < MICROPROFILE_TOOLTIP_MAX_STRINGS; ++i)
  375. {
  376. if(i < pSrc->nNumStrings)
  377. {
  378. if(pSrc->ppStrings[i] >= &pSrc->Buffer[0] && pSrc->ppStrings[i] < &pSrc->Buffer[0] + MICROPROFILE_TOOLTIP_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE)
  379. {
  380. pDest->ppStrings[i] += &pDest->Buffer[0] - &pSrc->Buffer[0];
  381. }
  382. }
  383. }
  384. pDest->nNumStrings = pSrc->nNumStrings;
  385. }
  386. inline void MicroProfileFloatWindowSize(const char** ppStrings, uint32_t nNumStrings, uint32_t* pColors, uint32_t& nWidth, uint32_t& nHeight, uint32_t* pStringLengths = 0)
  387. {
  388. uint32_t* nStringLengths = pStringLengths ? pStringLengths : (uint32_t*)alloca(nNumStrings * sizeof(uint32_t));
  389. uint32_t nTextCount = nNumStrings/2;
  390. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < nTextCount; ++i)
  391. {
  392. uint32_t i0 = i * 2;
  393. uint32_t s0, s1;
  394. nStringLengths[i0] = s0 = (uint32_t)strlen(ppStrings[i0]);
  395. nStringLengths[i0+1] = s1 = (uint32_t)strlen(ppStrings[i0+1]);
  396. nWidth = MicroProfileMax(s0+s1, nWidth);
  397. }
  399. if(pColors)
  400. nWidth += MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH + 1;
  402. }
  403. inline void MicroProfileDrawFloatWindow(uint32_t nX, uint32_t nY, const char** ppStrings, uint32_t nNumStrings, uint32_t nColor, uint32_t* pColors = 0)
  404. {
  405. uint32_t nWidth = 0, nHeight = 0;
  406. uint32_t* nStringLengths = (uint32_t*)alloca(nNumStrings * sizeof(uint32_t));
  407. MicroProfileFloatWindowSize(ppStrings, nNumStrings, pColors, nWidth, nHeight, nStringLengths);
  408. uint32_t nTextCount = nNumStrings/2;
  409. if(nX + nWidth > UI.nWidth)
  410. nX = UI.nWidth - nWidth;
  411. if(nY + nHeight > UI.nHeight)
  412. nY = UI.nHeight - nHeight;
  413. MicroProfileDrawBox(nX-1, nY-1, nX + nWidth+1, nY + nHeight+1, 0xff000000|nColor);
  414. MicroProfileDrawBox(nX, nY, nX + nWidth, nY + nHeight, 0xff000000);
  415. if(pColors)
  416. {
  419. }
  420. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < nTextCount; ++i)
  421. {
  422. int i0 = i * 2;
  423. if(pColors)
  424. {
  425. MicroProfileDrawBox(nX-MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH, nY, nX, nY + MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH, pColors[i]|0xff000000);
  426. }
  427. MicroProfileDrawText(nX + 1, nY + 1, UINT32_MAX, ppStrings[i0], (uint32_t)strlen(ppStrings[i0]));
  428. MicroProfileDrawText(nX + nWidth - nStringLengths[i0+1] * (MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH+1), nY + 1, UINT32_MAX, ppStrings[i0+1], (uint32_t)strlen(ppStrings[i0+1]));
  430. }
  431. }
  432. inline void MicroProfileDrawTextBox(uint32_t nX, uint32_t nY, const char** ppStrings, uint32_t nNumStrings, uint32_t nColor, uint32_t* pColors = 0)
  433. {
  434. uint32_t nWidth = 0, nHeight = 0;
  435. uint32_t* nStringLengths = (uint32_t*)alloca(nNumStrings * sizeof(uint32_t));
  436. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < nNumStrings; ++i)
  437. {
  438. nStringLengths[i] = (uint32_t)strlen(ppStrings[i]);
  439. nWidth = MicroProfileMax(nWidth, nStringLengths[i]);
  440. nHeight++;
  441. }
  444. if(nX + nWidth > UI.nWidth)
  445. nX = UI.nWidth - nWidth;
  446. if(nY + nHeight > UI.nHeight)
  447. nY = UI.nHeight - nHeight;
  448. MicroProfileDrawBox(nX, nY, nX + nWidth, nY + nHeight, 0xff000000);
  449. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < nNumStrings; ++i)
  450. {
  451. MicroProfileDrawText(nX + 1, nY + 1, UINT32_MAX, ppStrings[i], (uint32_t)strlen(ppStrings[i]));
  453. }
  454. }
  455. inline void MicroProfileToolTipMeta(MicroProfileStringArray* pToolTip)
  456. {
  457. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  458. if(UI.nRangeBeginIndex != UI.nRangeEndIndex && UI.pRangeLog)
  459. {
  460. uint64_t nMetaSum[MICROPROFILE_META_MAX] = {0};
  461. uint64_t nMetaSumInclusive[MICROPROFILE_META_MAX] = {0};
  462. int nStackDepth = 0;
  463. uint32_t nRange[2][2];
  464. MicroProfileThreadLog* pLog = UI.pRangeLog;
  465. MicroProfileGetRange(UI.nRangeEndIndex, UI.nRangeBeginIndex, nRange);
  466. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
  467. {
  468. uint32_t nStart = nRange[i][0];
  469. uint32_t nEnd = nRange[i][1];
  470. for(uint32_t j = nStart; j < nEnd; ++j)
  471. {
  472. MicroProfileLogEntry LE = pLog->Log[j];
  473. int nType = MicroProfileLogType(LE);
  474. switch(nType)
  475. {
  476. case MP_LOG_META:
  477. {
  478. int64_t nMetaIndex = MicroProfileLogTimerIndex(LE);
  479. int64_t nMetaCount = MicroProfileLogGetTick(LE);
  481. if(nStackDepth>1)
  482. {
  483. nMetaSumInclusive[nMetaIndex] += nMetaCount;
  484. }
  485. else
  486. {
  487. nMetaSum[nMetaIndex] += nMetaCount;
  488. }
  489. }
  490. break;
  491. case MP_LOG_LEAVE:
  492. if(nStackDepth)
  493. {
  494. nStackDepth--;
  495. }
  496. else
  497. {
  498. for(int k = 0; k < MICROPROFILE_META_MAX; ++k)
  499. {
  500. nMetaSumInclusive[k] += nMetaSum[k];
  501. nMetaSum[k] = 0;
  502. }
  503. }
  504. break;
  505. case MP_LOG_ENTER:
  506. nStackDepth++;
  507. break;
  508. }
  509. }
  510. }
  511. bool bSpaced = false;
  512. for(int i = 0; i < MICROPROFILE_META_MAX; ++i)
  513. {
  514. if(S.MetaCounters[i].pName && (nMetaSum[i]||nMetaSumInclusive[i]))
  515. {
  516. if(!bSpaced)
  517. {
  518. bSpaced = true;
  519. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(pToolTip, "");
  520. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(pToolTip, "");
  521. }
  522. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(pToolTip, "%s excl", S.MetaCounters[i].pName);
  523. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(pToolTip, "%5d", nMetaSum[i]);
  524. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(pToolTip, "%s incl", S.MetaCounters[i].pName);
  525. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(pToolTip, "%5d", nMetaSum[i] + nMetaSumInclusive[i]);
  526. }
  527. }
  528. }
  529. }
  530. inline void MicroProfileDrawFloatTooltip(uint32_t nX, uint32_t nY, uint32_t nToken, uint64_t nTime)
  531. {
  532. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  533. uint32_t nIndex = MicroProfileGetTimerIndex(nToken);
  534. uint32_t nAggregateFrames = S.nAggregateFrames ? S.nAggregateFrames : 1;
  535. uint32_t nAggregateCount = S.Aggregate[nIndex].nCount ? S.Aggregate[nIndex].nCount : 1;
  536. uint32_t nGroupId = MicroProfileGetGroupIndex(nToken);
  537. uint32_t nTimerId = MicroProfileGetTimerIndex(nToken);
  538. bool bGpu = S.GroupInfo[nGroupId].Type == MicroProfileTokenTypeGpu;
  539. float fToMs = MicroProfileTickToMsMultiplier(bGpu ? MicroProfileTicksPerSecondGpu() : MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu());
  540. float fMs = fToMs * (nTime);
  541. float fFrameMs = fToMs * (S.Frame[nIndex].nTicks);
  542. float fAverage = fToMs * (S.Aggregate[nIndex].nTicks/nAggregateFrames);
  543. float fCallAverage = fToMs * (S.Aggregate[nIndex].nTicks / nAggregateCount);
  544. float fMax = fToMs * (S.AggregateMax[nIndex]);
  545. float fFrameMsExclusive = fToMs * (S.FrameExclusive[nIndex]);
  546. float fAverageExclusive = fToMs * (S.AggregateExclusive[nIndex]/nAggregateFrames);
  547. float fMaxExclusive = fToMs * (S.AggregateMaxExclusive[nIndex]);
  548. float fGroupAverage = fToMs * (S.AggregateGroup[nGroupId] / nAggregateFrames);
  549. float fGroupMax = fToMs * (S.AggregateGroupMax[nGroupId]);
  550. float fGroup = fToMs * (S.FrameGroup[nGroupId]);
  551. MicroProfileStringArray ToolTip;
  552. MicroProfileStringArrayClear(&ToolTip);
  553. const char* pGroupName = S.GroupInfo[nGroupId].pName;
  554. const char* pTimerName = S.TimerInfo[nTimerId].pName;
  555. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&ToolTip, "Timer:");
  556. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&ToolTip, "%s", pTimerName);
  558. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&ToolTip,"0x%p", UI.nHoverAddressEnter);
  559. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&ToolTip,"0x%p", UI.nHoverAddressLeave);
  560. #endif
  561. if(nTime != (uint64_t)0)
  562. {
  563. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&ToolTip, "Time:");
  564. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&ToolTip,"%6.3fms", fMs);
  565. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&ToolTip, "");
  566. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&ToolTip, "");
  567. }
  568. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&ToolTip, "Frame Time:");
  569. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&ToolTip,"%6.3fms", fFrameMs);
  570. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&ToolTip, "Average:");
  571. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&ToolTip,"%6.3fms", fAverage);
  572. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&ToolTip, "Max:");
  573. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&ToolTip,"%6.3fms", fMax);
  574. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&ToolTip, "");
  575. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&ToolTip, "");
  576. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&ToolTip, "Frame Call Average:");
  577. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&ToolTip,"%6.3fms", fCallAverage);
  578. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&ToolTip, "Frame Call Count:");
  579. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&ToolTip, "%6d", nAggregateCount / nAggregateFrames);
  580. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&ToolTip, "");
  581. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&ToolTip, "");
  582. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&ToolTip, "Exclusive Frame Time:");
  583. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&ToolTip, "%6.3fms", fFrameMsExclusive);
  584. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&ToolTip, "Exclusive Average:");
  585. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&ToolTip, "%6.3fms", fAverageExclusive);
  586. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&ToolTip, "Exclusive Max:");
  587. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&ToolTip, "%6.3fms", fMaxExclusive);
  588. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&ToolTip, "");
  589. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&ToolTip, "");
  590. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&ToolTip, "Group:");
  591. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&ToolTip, "%s", pGroupName);
  592. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&ToolTip, "Frame Time:");
  593. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&ToolTip, "%6.3f", fGroup);
  594. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&ToolTip, "Frame Average:");
  595. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&ToolTip, "%6.3f", fGroupAverage);
  596. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&ToolTip, "Frame Max:");
  597. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&ToolTip, "%6.3f", fGroupMax);
  598. MicroProfileToolTipMeta(&ToolTip);
  599. MicroProfileDrawFloatWindow(nX, nY+20, &ToolTip.ppStrings[0], ToolTip.nNumStrings, S.TimerInfo[nTimerId].nColor);
  600. if(UI.nMouseLeftMod)
  601. {
  602. int nToolTipIndex = (g_MicroProfileUI.LockedToolTipFront + MICROPROFILE_TOOLTIP_MAX_LOCKED - 1) % MICROPROFILE_TOOLTIP_MAX_LOCKED;
  603. g_MicroProfileUI.nLockedToolTipColor[nToolTipIndex] = S.TimerInfo[nTimerId].nColor;
  604. MicroProfileStringArrayCopy(&g_MicroProfileUI.LockedToolTips[nToolTipIndex], &ToolTip);
  605. g_MicroProfileUI.LockedToolTipFront = nToolTipIndex;
  606. }
  607. }
  608. inline void MicroProfileZoomTo(int64_t nTickStart, int64_t nTickEnd)
  609. {
  610. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  611. int64_t nStart = S.Frames[S.nFrameCurrent].nFrameStartCpu;
  612. float fToMs = MicroProfileTickToMsMultiplier(MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu());
  613. UI.fDetailedOffsetTarget = MicroProfileLogTickDifference(nStart, nTickStart) * fToMs;
  614. UI.fDetailedRangeTarget = MicroProfileLogTickDifference(nTickStart, nTickEnd) * fToMs;
  615. }
  616. inline void MicroProfileCenter(int64_t nTickCenter)
  617. {
  618. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  619. int64_t nStart = S.Frames[S.nFrameCurrent].nFrameStartCpu;
  620. float fToMs = MicroProfileTickToMsMultiplier(MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu());
  621. float fCenter = MicroProfileLogTickDifference(nStart, nTickCenter) * fToMs;
  622. UI.fDetailedOffsetTarget = UI.fDetailedOffset = fCenter - 0.5f * UI.fDetailedRange;
  623. }
  625. uint64_t* g_pMicroProfileDumpStart = 0;
  626. uint64_t* g_pMicroProfileDumpEnd = 0;
  627. inline void MicroProfileDebugDumpRange()
  628. {
  629. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  630. if(g_pMicroProfileDumpStart != g_pMicroProfileDumpEnd)
  631. {
  632. uint64_t* pStart = g_pMicroProfileDumpStart;
  633. uint64_t* pEnd = g_pMicroProfileDumpEnd;
  634. while(pStart != pEnd)
  635. {
  636. uint64_t nTick = MicroProfileLogGetTick(*pStart);
  637. uint64_t nToken = MicroProfileLogTimerIndex(*pStart);
  638. uint32_t nTimerId = MicroProfileGetTimerIndex(nToken);
  639. const char* pTimerName = S.TimerInfo[nTimerId].pName;
  640. char buffer[256];
  641. int type = MicroProfileLogType(*pStart);
  642. const char* pBegin = type == MP_LOG_LEAVE ? "END" :
  643. (type == MP_LOG_ENTER ? "BEGIN" : "META");
  644. snprintf(buffer, 255, "DUMP 0x%p: %s :: %llx: %s\n", pStart, pBegin, nTick, pTimerName);
  645. #ifdef _WIN32
  646. OutputDebugString(buffer);
  647. #else
  648. printf("%s", buffer);
  649. #endif
  650. pStart++;
  651. }
  652. g_pMicroProfileDumpStart = g_pMicroProfileDumpEnd;
  653. }
  654. }
  655. #define MP_DEBUG_DUMP_RANGE() MicroProfileDebugDumpRange();
  656. #else
  657. #define MP_DEBUG_DUMP_RANGE() do{} while(0)
  658. #endif
  659. #define MICROPROFILE_HOVER_DIST 0.5f
  660. inline void MicroProfileDrawDetailedContextSwitchBars(uint32_t nY, uint32_t nThreadId, uint32_t nContextSwitchStart, uint32_t nContextSwitchEnd, int64_t nBaseTicks, uint32_t nBaseY)
  661. {
  662. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  663. int64_t nTickIn = -1;
  664. uint32_t nThreadBefore = UINT32_MAX;
  665. float fToMs = MicroProfileTickToMsMultiplier(MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu());
  666. float fMsToScreen = UI.nWidth / UI.fDetailedRange;
  667. float fMouseX = (float)UI.nMouseX;
  668. float fMouseY = (float)UI.nMouseY;
  669. for(uint32_t j = nContextSwitchStart; j != nContextSwitchEnd; j = (j+1) % MICROPROFILE_CONTEXT_SWITCH_BUFFER_SIZE)
  670. {
  672. MicroProfileContextSwitch CS = S.ContextSwitch[j];
  673. if(nTickIn == -1)
  674. {
  675. if(CS.nThreadIn == nThreadId)
  676. {
  677. nTickIn = CS.nTicks;
  678. nThreadBefore = CS.nThreadOut;
  679. }
  680. }
  681. else
  682. {
  683. if(CS.nThreadOut == nThreadId)
  684. {
  685. int64_t nTickOut = CS.nTicks;
  686. float fMsStart = fToMs * MicroProfileLogTickDifference(nBaseTicks, nTickIn);
  687. float fMsEnd = fToMs * MicroProfileLogTickDifference(nBaseTicks, nTickOut);
  688. if(fMsStart <= fMsEnd)
  689. {
  690. float fXStart = fMsStart * fMsToScreen;
  691. float fXEnd = fMsEnd * fMsToScreen;
  692. float fYStart = (float)nY;
  694. uint32_t nColor = g_nMicroProfileContextSwitchThreadColors[CS.nCpu%MICROPROFILE_NUM_CONTEXT_SWITCH_COLORS];
  695. float fXDist = MicroProfileMax(fXStart - fMouseX, fMouseX - fXEnd);
  696. bool bHover = fXDist < MICROPROFILE_HOVER_DIST && fYStart <= fMouseY && fMouseY <= fYEnd && nBaseY < fMouseY;
  697. if(bHover)
  698. {
  699. UI.nRangeBegin = nTickIn;
  700. UI.nRangeEnd = nTickOut;
  701. S.nContextSwitchHoverTickIn = nTickIn;
  702. S.nContextSwitchHoverTickOut = nTickOut;
  703. S.nContextSwitchHoverThread = CS.nThreadOut;
  704. S.nContextSwitchHoverThreadBefore = nThreadBefore;
  705. S.nContextSwitchHoverThreadAfter = CS.nThreadIn;
  706. S.nContextSwitchHoverCpuNext = CS.nCpu;
  707. nColor = UI.nHoverColor;
  708. }
  709. if(CS.nCpu == S.nContextSwitchHoverCpu)
  710. {
  711. nColor = UI.nHoverColorShared;
  712. }
  713. MicroProfileDrawBox(fXStart, fYStart, fXEnd, fYEnd, nColor|UI.nOpacityForeground, MicroProfileBoxTypeFlat);
  714. }
  715. nTickIn = -1;
  716. }
  717. }
  718. }
  719. }
  720. inline void MicroProfileDrawDetailedBars(uint32_t nWidth, uint32_t nHeight, int nBaseY, int nSelectedFrame)
  721. {
  722. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  724. int nY = nBaseY - UI.nOffsetY;
  725. uint32_t nFrameNext = (S.nFrameCurrent+1) % MICROPROFILE_MAX_FRAME_HISTORY;
  726. MicroProfileFrameState* pFrameCurrent = &S.Frames[S.nFrameCurrent];
  727. MicroProfileFrameState* pFrameNext = &S.Frames[nFrameNext];
  728. UI.nRangeBegin = 0;
  729. UI.nRangeEnd = 0;
  730. UI.nRangeBeginGpu = 0;
  731. UI.nRangeEndGpu = 0;
  732. UI.nRangeBeginIndex = UI.nRangeEndIndex = 0;
  733. UI.pRangeLog = 0;
  734. int64_t nFrameStartCpu = pFrameCurrent->nFrameStartCpu;
  735. int64_t nFrameStartGpu = pFrameCurrent->nFrameStartGpu;
  736. int64_t nTicksPerSecondCpu = MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu();
  737. int64_t nTicksPerSecondGpu = MicroProfileTicksPerSecondGpu();
  738. float fToMsCpu = MicroProfileTickToMsMultiplier(nTicksPerSecondCpu);
  739. float fToMsGpu = MicroProfileTickToMsMultiplier(nTicksPerSecondGpu);
  740. float fDetailedOffset = UI.fDetailedOffset;
  741. float fDetailedRange = UI.fDetailedRange;
  742. int64_t nDetailedOffsetTicksCpu = MicroProfileMsToTick(fDetailedOffset, MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu());
  743. int64_t nDetailedOffsetTicksGpu = MicroProfileMsToTick(fDetailedOffset, MicroProfileTicksPerSecondGpu());
  744. int64_t nBaseTicksCpu = nDetailedOffsetTicksCpu + nFrameStartCpu;
  745. int64_t nBaseTicksGpu = nDetailedOffsetTicksGpu + nFrameStartGpu;
  746. int64_t nBaseTicksEndCpu = nBaseTicksCpu + MicroProfileMsToTick(fDetailedRange, MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu());
  747. int64_t nTickReferenceCpu = 0, nTickReferenceGpu = 0;
  748. static int64_t nRefCpu = 0, nRefGpu = 0;
  749. if(MicroProfileGetGpuTickReference(&nTickReferenceCpu, &nTickReferenceGpu))
  750. {
  751. if(0 == nRefCpu || std::abs(nRefCpu-nBaseTicksCpu) > std::abs(nTickReferenceCpu-nBaseTicksCpu))
  752. {
  753. nRefCpu = nTickReferenceCpu;
  754. nRefGpu = nTickReferenceGpu;
  755. }
  756. else
  757. {
  758. nTickReferenceCpu = nRefCpu;
  759. nTickReferenceGpu = nRefGpu;
  760. }
  761. nBaseTicksGpu = (nBaseTicksCpu - nTickReferenceCpu) * nTicksPerSecondGpu / nTicksPerSecondCpu + nTickReferenceGpu;
  762. }
  763. int64_t nBaseTicksEndGpu = nBaseTicksCpu + MicroProfileMsToTick(fDetailedRange, MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu());
  764. MicroProfileFrameState* pFrameFirst = pFrameCurrent;
  765. int64_t nGapTime = MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu() * MICROPROFILE_GAP_TIME / 1000;
  767. {
  769. pFrameFirst = &S.Frames[nNextIndex];
  770. if(pFrameFirst->nFrameStartCpu <= nBaseTicksCpu-nGapTime)
  771. break;
  772. }
  773. float fMsBase = fToMsCpu * nDetailedOffsetTicksCpu;
  774. float fMs = fDetailedRange;
  775. float fMsEnd = fMs + fMsBase;
  776. float fWidth = (float)nWidth;
  777. float fMsToScreen = fWidth / fMs;
  778. {
  779. float fRate = floor(2*(log10(fMs)-1))/2;
  780. float fStep = powf(10.f, fRate);
  781. float fRcpStep = 1.f / fStep;
  782. int nColorIndex = (int)(floor(fMsBase*fRcpStep));
  783. float fStart = floor(fMsBase*fRcpStep) * fStep;
  784. for(float f = fStart; f < fMsEnd; )
  785. {
  786. float fNext = f + fStep;
  787. MicroProfileDrawBox(((f-fMsBase) * fMsToScreen), nBaseY, (fNext-fMsBase) * fMsToScreen+1, nBaseY + nHeight, UI.nOpacityBackground | g_nMicroProfileBackColors[nColorIndex++ & 1]);
  788. f = fNext;
  789. }
  790. }
  792. MicroProfileLogEntry* pMouseOver = UI.pDisplayMouseOver;
  793. MicroProfileLogEntry* pMouseOverNext = 0;
  794. uint64_t nMouseOverToken = pMouseOver ? MicroProfileLogTimerIndex(*pMouseOver) : MICROPROFILE_INVALID_TOKEN;
  795. float fMouseX = (float)UI.nMouseX;
  796. float fMouseY = (float)UI.nMouseY;
  797. uint64_t nHoverToken = MICROPROFILE_INVALID_TOKEN;
  798. int64_t nHoverTime = 0;
  799. static int nHoverCounter = 155;
  800. static int nHoverCounterDelta = 10;
  801. nHoverCounter += nHoverCounterDelta;
  802. if(nHoverCounter >= 245)
  803. nHoverCounterDelta = -10;
  804. else if(nHoverCounter < 100)
  805. nHoverCounterDelta = 10;
  806. UI.nHoverColor = (nHoverCounter<<24)|(nHoverCounter<<16)|(nHoverCounter<<8)|nHoverCounter;
  807. uint32_t nHoverCounterShared = nHoverCounter>>2;
  808. UI.nHoverColorShared = (nHoverCounterShared<<24)|(nHoverCounterShared<<16)|(nHoverCounterShared<<8)|nHoverCounterShared;
  809. uint32_t nLinesDrawn[MICROPROFILE_STACK_MAX]={0};
  810. uint32_t nContextSwitchHoverThreadAfter = S.nContextSwitchHoverThreadAfter;
  811. uint32_t nContextSwitchHoverThreadBefore = S.nContextSwitchHoverThreadBefore;
  812. S.nContextSwitchHoverThread = S.nContextSwitchHoverThreadAfter = S.nContextSwitchHoverThreadBefore = UINT32_MAX;
  813. uint32_t nContextSwitchStart = UINT32_MAX;
  814. uint32_t nContextSwitchEnd = UINT32_MAX;
  815. S.nContextSwitchHoverCpuNext = 0xff;
  816. S.nContextSwitchHoverTickIn = -1;
  817. S.nContextSwitchHoverTickOut = -1;
  818. if(S.bContextSwitchRunning)
  819. {
  820. MicroProfileContextSwitchSearch(&nContextSwitchStart, &nContextSwitchEnd, nBaseTicksCpu, nBaseTicksEndCpu);
  821. }
  822. bool bSkipBarView = S.bContextSwitchRunning && S.bContextSwitchNoBars;
  823. if(!bSkipBarView)
  824. {
  825. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < MICROPROFILE_MAX_THREADS; ++i)
  826. {
  827. MicroProfileThreadLog* pLog = S.Pool[i];
  828. if(!pLog)
  829. continue;
  830. uint32_t nPut = pFrameNext->nLogStart[i];
  831. ///note: this may display new samples as old data, but this will only happen when
  832. // unpaused, where the detailed view is hardly perceptible
  833. uint32_t nFront = S.Pool[i]->nPut.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
  834. MicroProfileFrameState* pFrameLogFirst = pFrameCurrent;
  835. MicroProfileFrameState* pFrameLogLast = pFrameNext;
  836. uint32_t nGet = pFrameLogFirst->nLogStart[i];
  837. do
  838. {
  839. MP_ASSERT(pFrameLogFirst >= &S.Frames[0] && pFrameLogFirst < &S.Frames[MICROPROFILE_MAX_FRAME_HISTORY]);
  840. uint32_t nNewGet = pFrameLogFirst->nLogStart[i];
  841. bool bIsValid = false;
  842. if(nPut < nFront)
  843. {
  844. bIsValid = nNewGet <= nPut || nNewGet >= nFront;
  845. }
  846. else
  847. {
  848. bIsValid = nNewGet <= nPut && nNewGet >= nFront;
  849. }
  850. if(bIsValid)
  851. {
  852. nGet = nNewGet;
  853. pFrameLogFirst--;
  854. if(pFrameLogFirst < &S.Frames[0])
  855. pFrameLogFirst = &S.Frames[MICROPROFILE_MAX_FRAME_HISTORY-1];
  856. }
  857. else
  858. {
  859. break;
  860. }
  861. }while(pFrameLogFirst != pFrameFirst);
  862. if (nGet == UINT32_MAX) {
  863. continue;
  864. }
  865. MP_ASSERT(nGet != UINT32_MAX);
  866. nPut = pFrameLogLast->nLogStart[i];
  867. uint32_t nRange[2][2] = { {0, 0}, {0, 0}, };
  868. MicroProfileGetRange(nPut, nGet, nRange);
  869. if(nPut == nGet)
  870. continue;
  871. uint32_t nMaxStackDepth = 0;
  872. bool bGpu = pLog->nGpu != 0;
  873. float fToMs = bGpu ? fToMsGpu : fToMsCpu;
  874. int64_t nBaseTicks = bGpu ? nBaseTicksGpu : nBaseTicksCpu;
  875. char ThreadName[MicroProfileThreadLog::THREAD_MAX_LEN + 16];
  876. uint64_t nThreadId = pLog->nThreadId;
  877. snprintf(ThreadName, sizeof(ThreadName)-1, "%04" PRIx64 ": %s", nThreadId, &pLog->ThreadName[0] );
  878. nY += 3;
  879. uint32_t nThreadColor = UINT32_MAX;
  880. if(pLog->nThreadId == nContextSwitchHoverThreadAfter || pLog->nThreadId == nContextSwitchHoverThreadBefore)
  881. nThreadColor = UI.nHoverColorShared|0x906060;
  882. MicroProfileDrawText(0, nY, nThreadColor, &ThreadName[0], (uint32_t)strlen(&ThreadName[0]));
  883. nY += 3;
  885. if(S.bContextSwitchRunning)
  886. {
  887. MicroProfileDrawDetailedContextSwitchBars(nY, pLog->nThreadId, nContextSwitchStart, nContextSwitchEnd, nBaseTicks, nBaseY);
  890. }
  892. uint32_t nStack[MICROPROFILE_STACK_MAX];
  893. uint32_t nStackPos = 0;
  894. for(uint32_t j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
  895. {
  896. uint32_t nStart = nRange[j][0];
  897. uint32_t nEnd = nRange[j][1];
  898. for(uint32_t k = nStart; k < nEnd; ++k)
  899. {
  900. MicroProfileLogEntry* pEntry = &pLog->Log[k];
  901. int nType = MicroProfileLogType(*pEntry);
  902. if(MP_LOG_ENTER == nType)
  903. {
  905. nStack[nStackPos++] = k;
  906. }
  907. else if(MP_LOG_META == nType)
  908. {
  909. }
  910. else if(MP_LOG_LEAVE == nType)
  911. {
  912. if(0 == nStackPos)
  913. {
  914. continue;
  915. }
  916. MicroProfileLogEntry* pEntryEnter = &pLog->Log[nStack[nStackPos-1]];
  917. if(MicroProfileLogTimerIndex(*pEntryEnter) != MicroProfileLogTimerIndex(*pEntry))
  918. {
  919. //uprintf("mismatch %llx %llx\n", pEntryEnter->nToken, pEntry->nToken);
  920. continue;
  921. }
  922. int64_t nTickStart = MicroProfileLogGetTick(*pEntryEnter);
  923. int64_t nTickEnd = MicroProfileLogGetTick(*pEntry);
  924. uint64_t nTimerIndex = MicroProfileLogTimerIndex(*pEntry);
  925. uint32_t nColor = S.TimerInfo[nTimerIndex].nColor;
  926. if(nMouseOverToken == nTimerIndex)
  927. {
  928. if(pEntry == pMouseOver)
  929. {
  930. nColor = UI.nHoverColor;
  931. if(bGpu)
  932. {
  933. UI.nRangeBeginGpu = *pEntryEnter;
  934. UI.nRangeEndGpu = *pEntry;
  935. uint32_t nCpuBegin = (nStack[nStackPos-1] + 1) % MICROPROFILE_BUFFER_SIZE;
  936. uint32_t nCpuEnd = (k + 1) % MICROPROFILE_BUFFER_SIZE;
  937. MicroProfileLogEntry LogCpuBegin = pLog->Log[nCpuBegin];
  938. MicroProfileLogEntry LogCpuEnd = pLog->Log[nCpuEnd];
  939. if(MicroProfileLogType(LogCpuBegin)==3 && MicroProfileLogType(LogCpuEnd) == 3)
  940. {
  941. UI.nRangeBegin = LogCpuBegin;
  942. UI.nRangeEnd = LogCpuEnd;
  943. }
  944. UI.nRangeBeginIndex = nStack[nStackPos-1];
  945. UI.nRangeEndIndex = k;
  946. UI.pRangeLog = pLog;
  947. }
  948. else
  949. {
  950. UI.nRangeBegin = *pEntryEnter;
  951. UI.nRangeEnd = *pEntry;
  952. UI.nRangeBeginIndex = nStack[nStackPos-1];
  953. UI.nRangeEndIndex = k;
  954. UI.pRangeLog = pLog;
  955. }
  956. }
  957. else
  958. {
  959. nColor = UI.nHoverColorShared;
  960. }
  961. }
  962. nMaxStackDepth = MicroProfileMax(nMaxStackDepth, nStackPos);
  963. float fMsStart = fToMs * MicroProfileLogTickDifference(nBaseTicks, nTickStart);
  964. float fMsEnd2 = fToMs * MicroProfileLogTickDifference(nBaseTicks, nTickEnd);
  965. float fXStart = fMsStart * fMsToScreen;
  966. float fXEnd = fMsEnd2 * fMsToScreen;
  967. float fYStart = (float)(nY + nStackPos * nYDelta);
  968. float fYEnd = fYStart + (MICROPROFILE_DETAILED_BAR_HEIGHT);
  969. float fXDist = MicroProfileMax(fXStart - fMouseX, fMouseX - fXEnd);
  970. bool bHover = fXDist < MICROPROFILE_HOVER_DIST && fYStart <= fMouseY && fMouseY <= fYEnd && nBaseY < fMouseY;
  971. uint32_t nIntegerWidth = (uint32_t)(fXEnd - fXStart);
  972. if(nIntegerWidth)
  973. {
  974. if(bHover && UI.nActiveMenu == UINT32_MAX)
  975. {
  976. nHoverToken = MicroProfileLogTimerIndex(*pEntry);
  978. UI.nHoverAddressEnter = (uint64_t)pEntryEnter;
  979. UI.nHoverAddressLeave = (uint64_t)pEntry;
  980. #endif
  981. nHoverTime = MicroProfileLogTickDifference(nTickStart, nTickEnd);
  982. pMouseOverNext = pEntry;
  983. }
  984. MicroProfileDrawBox(fXStart, fYStart, fXEnd, fYEnd, nColor|UI.nOpacityForeground, MicroProfileBoxTypeBar);
  986. if(nIntegerWidth>3*MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH)
  987. {
  988. float fXStartText = MicroProfileMax(fXStart, 0.f);
  989. int nTextWidth = (int)(fXEnd - fXStartText);
  990. int nCharacters = (nTextWidth - 2*MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH) / MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH;
  991. if(nCharacters>0)
  992. {
  993. MicroProfileDrawText(fXStartText + 1, fYStart + 1, UINT32_MAX, S.TimerInfo[nTimerIndex].pName, MicroProfileMin<uint32_t>(S.TimerInfo[nTimerIndex].nNameLen, nCharacters));
  994. }
  995. }
  996. #endif
  997. }
  998. else
  999. {
  1000. float fXAvg = 0.5f * (fXStart + fXEnd);
  1001. int nLineX = (int)floor(fXAvg+0.5f);
  1002. if(nLineX != (int)nLinesDrawn[nStackPos])
  1003. {
  1004. if(bHover && UI.nActiveMenu == UINT32_MAX)
  1005. {
  1006. nHoverToken = (uint32_t)MicroProfileLogTimerIndex(*pEntry);
  1007. nHoverTime = MicroProfileLogTickDifference(nTickStart, nTickEnd);
  1008. pMouseOverNext = pEntry;
  1009. }
  1010. nLinesDrawn[nStackPos] = nLineX;
  1011. MicroProfileDrawLineVertical(nLineX, fYStart + 0.5f, fYEnd + 0.5f, nColor|UI.nOpacityForeground);
  1012. }
  1013. }
  1014. nStackPos--;
  1015. if(0 == nStackPos)
  1016. {
  1017. if(bGpu ? (nTickStart > nBaseTicksEndGpu) : (nTickStart > nBaseTicksEndCpu))
  1018. {
  1019. break;
  1020. }
  1021. }
  1022. }
  1023. }
  1024. }
  1025. nY += nMaxStackDepth * nYDelta + MICROPROFILE_DETAILED_BAR_HEIGHT+1;
  1026. }
  1027. }
  1028. if(S.bContextSwitchRunning && (S.bContextSwitchAllThreads||S.bContextSwitchNoBars))
  1029. {
  1030. uint32_t nNumThreads = 0;
  1032. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < MICROPROFILE_MAX_THREADS && S.Pool[i]; ++i)
  1033. nThreads[nNumThreads++] = S.Pool[i]->nThreadId;
  1034. uint32_t nNumThreadsBase = nNumThreads;
  1035. if(S.bContextSwitchAllThreads)
  1036. {
  1037. for(uint32_t i = nContextSwitchStart; i != nContextSwitchEnd; i = (i+1) % MICROPROFILE_CONTEXT_SWITCH_BUFFER_SIZE)
  1038. {
  1039. MicroProfileContextSwitch CS = S.ContextSwitch[i];
  1040. ThreadIdType nThreadId = CS.nThreadIn;
  1041. if(nThreadId)
  1042. {
  1043. bool bSeen = false;
  1044. for(uint32_t j = 0; j < nNumThreads; ++j)
  1045. {
  1046. if(nThreads[j] == nThreadId)
  1047. {
  1048. bSeen = true;
  1049. break;
  1050. }
  1051. }
  1052. if(!bSeen)
  1053. {
  1054. nThreads[nNumThreads++] = nThreadId;
  1055. }
  1056. }
  1058. {
  1059. S.nOverflow = 10;
  1060. break;
  1061. }
  1062. }
  1063. std::sort(&nThreads[nNumThreadsBase], &nThreads[nNumThreads]);
  1064. }
  1065. uint32_t nStart = nNumThreadsBase;
  1066. if(S.bContextSwitchNoBars)
  1067. nStart = 0;
  1068. for(uint32_t i = nStart; i < nNumThreads; ++i)
  1069. {
  1070. ThreadIdType nThreadId = nThreads[i];
  1071. if(nThreadId)
  1072. {
  1073. char ThreadName[MicroProfileThreadLog::THREAD_MAX_LEN + 16];
  1074. const char* cLocal = MicroProfileIsLocalThread(nThreadId) ? "*": " ";
  1075. #if defined(_WIN32)
  1076. // nThreadId is 32-bit on Windows
  1077. int nStrLen = snprintf(ThreadName, sizeof(ThreadName)-1, "%04x: %s%s", nThreadId, cLocal, i < nNumThreadsBase ? &S.Pool[i]->ThreadName[0] : MICROPROFILE_THREAD_NAME_FROM_ID(nThreadId) );
  1078. #else
  1079. int nStrLen = snprintf(ThreadName, sizeof(ThreadName)-1, "%04" PRIx64 ": %s%s", nThreadId, cLocal, i < nNumThreadsBase ? &S.Pool[i]->ThreadName[0] : MICROPROFILE_THREAD_NAME_FROM_ID(nThreadId) );
  1080. #endif
  1081. uint32_t nThreadColor = UINT32_MAX;
  1082. if(nThreadId == nContextSwitchHoverThreadAfter || nThreadId == nContextSwitchHoverThreadBefore)
  1083. nThreadColor = UI.nHoverColorShared|0x906060;
  1084. MicroProfileDrawDetailedContextSwitchBars(nY+2, nThreadId, nContextSwitchStart, nContextSwitchEnd, nBaseTicksCpu, nBaseY);
  1085. MicroProfileDrawText(0, nY, nThreadColor, &ThreadName[0], nStrLen);
  1087. }
  1088. }
  1089. }
  1090. S.nContextSwitchHoverCpu = S.nContextSwitchHoverCpuNext;
  1091. UI.pDisplayMouseOver = pMouseOverNext;
  1092. if(!S.nRunning)
  1093. {
  1094. if(nHoverToken != MICROPROFILE_INVALID_TOKEN && nHoverTime)
  1095. {
  1096. UI.nHoverToken = nHoverToken;
  1097. UI.nHoverTime = nHoverTime;
  1098. }
  1099. if(nSelectedFrame != -1)
  1100. {
  1101. UI.nRangeBegin = S.Frames[nSelectedFrame].nFrameStartCpu;
  1102. UI.nRangeEnd = S.Frames[(nSelectedFrame+1)%MICROPROFILE_MAX_FRAME_HISTORY].nFrameStartCpu;
  1103. UI.nRangeBeginGpu = S.Frames[nSelectedFrame].nFrameStartGpu;
  1104. UI.nRangeEndGpu = S.Frames[(nSelectedFrame+1)%MICROPROFILE_MAX_FRAME_HISTORY].nFrameStartGpu;
  1105. }
  1106. if(UI.nRangeBegin != UI.nRangeEnd)
  1107. {
  1108. float fMsStart = fToMsCpu * MicroProfileLogTickDifference(nBaseTicksCpu, UI.nRangeBegin);
  1109. float fMsEnd3 = fToMsCpu * MicroProfileLogTickDifference(nBaseTicksCpu, UI.nRangeEnd);
  1110. float fXStart = fMsStart * fMsToScreen;
  1111. float fXEnd = fMsEnd3 * fMsToScreen;
  1112. MicroProfileDrawBox(fXStart, nBaseY, fXEnd, nHeight, MICROPROFILE_FRAME_COLOR_HIGHTLIGHT, MicroProfileBoxTypeFlat);
  1113. MicroProfileDrawLineVertical(fXStart, nBaseY, nHeight, MICROPROFILE_FRAME_COLOR_HIGHTLIGHT | 0x44000000);
  1114. MicroProfileDrawLineVertical(fXEnd, nBaseY, nHeight, MICROPROFILE_FRAME_COLOR_HIGHTLIGHT | 0x44000000);
  1115. fMsStart += fDetailedOffset;
  1116. fMsEnd3 += fDetailedOffset;
  1117. char sBuffer[32];
  1118. uint32_t nLenStart = snprintf(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)-1, "%.2fms", fMsStart);
  1119. float fStartTextWidth = (float)((1+MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH) * nLenStart);
  1120. float fStartTextX = fXStart - fStartTextWidth - 2;
  1121. MicroProfileDrawBox(fStartTextX, nBaseY, fStartTextX + fStartTextWidth + 2, MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT + 2 + nBaseY, 0x33000000, MicroProfileBoxTypeFlat);
  1122. MicroProfileDrawText(fStartTextX+1, nBaseY, UINT32_MAX, sBuffer, nLenStart);
  1123. uint32_t nLenEnd = snprintf(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)-1, "%.2fms", fMsEnd3);
  1124. MicroProfileDrawBox(fXEnd+1, nBaseY, fXEnd+1+(1+MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH) * nLenEnd + 3, MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT + 2 + nBaseY, 0x33000000, MicroProfileBoxTypeFlat);
  1125. MicroProfileDrawText(fXEnd+2, nBaseY+1, UINT32_MAX, sBuffer, nLenEnd);
  1126. if(UI.nMouseRight)
  1127. {
  1128. MicroProfileZoomTo(UI.nRangeBegin, UI.nRangeEnd);
  1129. }
  1130. }
  1131. if(UI.nRangeBeginGpu != UI.nRangeEndGpu)
  1132. {
  1133. float fMsStart = fToMsGpu * MicroProfileLogTickDifference(nBaseTicksGpu, UI.nRangeBeginGpu);
  1134. float fMsEnd4 = fToMsGpu * MicroProfileLogTickDifference(nBaseTicksGpu, UI.nRangeEndGpu);
  1135. float fXStart = fMsStart * fMsToScreen;
  1136. float fXEnd = fMsEnd4 * fMsToScreen;
  1137. MicroProfileDrawBox(fXStart, nBaseY, fXEnd, nHeight, MICROPROFILE_FRAME_COLOR_HIGHTLIGHT_GPU, MicroProfileBoxTypeFlat);
  1138. MicroProfileDrawLineVertical(fXStart, nBaseY, nHeight, MICROPROFILE_FRAME_COLOR_HIGHTLIGHT_GPU | 0x44000000);
  1139. MicroProfileDrawLineVertical(fXEnd, nBaseY, nHeight, MICROPROFILE_FRAME_COLOR_HIGHTLIGHT_GPU | 0x44000000);
  1141. fMsStart += fDetailedOffset;
  1142. fMsEnd4 += fDetailedOffset;
  1143. char sBuffer[32];
  1144. uint32_t nLenStart = snprintf(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)-1, "%.2fms", fMsStart);
  1145. float fStartTextWidth = (float)((1+MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH) * nLenStart);
  1146. float fStartTextX = fXStart - fStartTextWidth - 2;
  1147. MicroProfileDrawBox(fStartTextX, nBaseY, fStartTextX + fStartTextWidth + 2, MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT + 2 + nBaseY, 0x33000000, MicroProfileBoxTypeFlat);
  1148. MicroProfileDrawText(fStartTextX+1, nBaseY, UINT32_MAX, sBuffer, nLenStart);
  1149. uint32_t nLenEnd = snprintf(sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)-1, "%.2fms", fMsEnd4);
  1150. MicroProfileDrawBox(fXEnd+1, nBaseY, fXEnd+1+(1+MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH) * nLenEnd + 3, MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT + 2 + nBaseY, 0x33000000, MicroProfileBoxTypeFlat);
  1151. MicroProfileDrawText(fXEnd+2, nBaseY+1, UINT32_MAX, sBuffer, nLenEnd);
  1152. }
  1153. }
  1154. }
  1155. inline void MicroProfileDrawDetailedFrameHistory(uint32_t nWidth, uint32_t nHeight, uint32_t nBaseY, uint32_t nSelectedFrame)
  1156. {
  1157. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  1158. const uint32_t nBarHeight = MICROPROFILE_FRAME_HISTORY_HEIGHT;
  1159. float fBaseX = (float)nWidth;
  1160. float fDx = fBaseX / MICROPROFILE_NUM_FRAMES;
  1161. uint32_t nLastIndex = (S.nFrameCurrent+1) % MICROPROFILE_MAX_FRAME_HISTORY;
  1162. MicroProfileDrawBox(0, nBaseY, nWidth, nBaseY+MICROPROFILE_FRAME_HISTORY_HEIGHT, 0xff000000 | g_nMicroProfileBackColors[0], MicroProfileBoxTypeFlat);
  1163. float fToMs = MicroProfileTickToMsMultiplier(MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu()) * S.fRcpReferenceTime;
  1164. float fToMsGpu = MicroProfileTickToMsMultiplier(MicroProfileTicksPerSecondGpu()) * S.fRcpReferenceTime;
  1165. MicroProfileFrameState* pFrameCurrent = &S.Frames[S.nFrameCurrent];
  1166. uint64_t nFrameStartCpu = pFrameCurrent->nFrameStartCpu;
  1167. int64_t nDetailedOffsetTicksCpu = MicroProfileMsToTick(UI.fDetailedOffset, MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu());
  1168. int64_t nCpuStart = nDetailedOffsetTicksCpu + nFrameStartCpu;
  1169. int64_t nCpuEnd = nCpuStart + MicroProfileMsToTick(UI.fDetailedRange, MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu());;
  1170. float fSelectionStart = (float)nWidth;
  1171. float fSelectionEnd = 0.f;
  1172. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < MICROPROFILE_NUM_FRAMES; ++i)
  1173. {
  1175. MicroProfileFrameState* pCurrent = &S.Frames[nIndex];
  1176. MicroProfileFrameState* pNext = &S.Frames[nLastIndex];
  1177. int64_t nTicks = pNext->nFrameStartCpu - pCurrent->nFrameStartCpu;
  1178. int64_t nTicksGpu = pNext->nFrameStartGpu - pCurrent->nFrameStartGpu;
  1179. float fScale = fToMs * nTicks;
  1180. float fScaleGpu = fToMsGpu * nTicksGpu;
  1181. fScale = fScale > 1.f ? 0.f : 1.f - fScale;
  1182. fScaleGpu = fScaleGpu > 1.f ? 0.f : 1.f - fScaleGpu;
  1183. float fXEnd = fBaseX;
  1184. float fXStart = fBaseX - fDx;
  1185. fBaseX = fXStart;
  1187. if(nIndex == nSelectedFrame)
  1188. nColor = UINT32_MAX;
  1189. MicroProfileDrawBox(fXStart, nBaseY + fScale * nBarHeight, fXEnd, nBaseY+MICROPROFILE_FRAME_HISTORY_HEIGHT, nColor, MicroProfileBoxTypeBar);
  1190. if(pNext->nFrameStartCpu > nCpuStart)
  1191. {
  1192. fSelectionStart = fXStart;
  1193. }
  1194. if(pCurrent->nFrameStartCpu < nCpuEnd && fSelectionEnd == 0.f)
  1195. {
  1196. fSelectionEnd = fXEnd;
  1197. }
  1198. nLastIndex = nIndex;
  1199. }
  1200. MicroProfileDrawBox(fSelectionStart, nBaseY, fSelectionEnd, nBaseY+MICROPROFILE_FRAME_HISTORY_HEIGHT, MICROPROFILE_FRAME_HISTORY_COLOR_HIGHTLIGHT, MicroProfileBoxTypeFlat);
  1201. }
  1202. inline void MicroProfileDrawDetailedView(uint32_t nWidth, uint32_t nHeight)
  1203. {
  1204. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  1205. MICROPROFILE_SCOPE(g_MicroProfileDetailed);
  1206. uint32_t nBaseY = MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT + 1;
  1207. int nSelectedFrame = -1;
  1208. if(UI.nMouseY > nBaseY && UI.nMouseY <= nBaseY + MICROPROFILE_FRAME_HISTORY_HEIGHT && UI.nActiveMenu == UINT32_MAX)
  1209. {
  1210. nSelectedFrame = ((MICROPROFILE_NUM_FRAMES) * (UI.nWidth-UI.nMouseX) / UI.nWidth);
  1211. nSelectedFrame = (S.nFrameCurrent + MICROPROFILE_MAX_FRAME_HISTORY - nSelectedFrame) % MICROPROFILE_MAX_FRAME_HISTORY;
  1212. UI.nHoverFrame = nSelectedFrame;
  1213. if(UI.nMouseRight)
  1214. {
  1215. int64_t nRangeBegin = S.Frames[nSelectedFrame].nFrameStartCpu;
  1216. int64_t nRangeEnd = S.Frames[(nSelectedFrame+1)%MICROPROFILE_MAX_FRAME_HISTORY].nFrameStartCpu;
  1217. MicroProfileZoomTo(nRangeBegin, nRangeEnd);
  1218. }
  1219. if(UI.nMouseDownLeft)
  1220. {
  1221. uint64_t nFrac = (1024 * (MICROPROFILE_NUM_FRAMES) * (UI.nMouseX) / UI.nWidth) % 1024;
  1222. int64_t nRangeBegin = S.Frames[nSelectedFrame].nFrameStartCpu;
  1223. int64_t nRangeEnd = S.Frames[(nSelectedFrame+1)%MICROPROFILE_MAX_FRAME_HISTORY].nFrameStartCpu;
  1224. MicroProfileCenter(nRangeBegin + (nRangeEnd-nRangeBegin) * nFrac / 1024);
  1225. }
  1226. }
  1227. else
  1228. {
  1229. UI.nHoverFrame = -1;
  1230. }
  1231. MicroProfileDrawDetailedBars(nWidth, nHeight, nBaseY + MICROPROFILE_FRAME_HISTORY_HEIGHT, nSelectedFrame);
  1232. MicroProfileDrawDetailedFrameHistory(nWidth, nHeight, nBaseY, nSelectedFrame);
  1233. }
  1234. inline void MicroProfileDrawTextRight(uint32_t nX, uint32_t nY, uint32_t nColor, const char* pStr, uint32_t nStrLen)
  1235. {
  1236. MicroProfileDrawText(nX - nStrLen * (MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH+1), nY, nColor, pStr, nStrLen);
  1237. }
  1238. inline void MicroProfileDrawHeader(int32_t nX, uint32_t nWidth, const char* pName)
  1239. {
  1240. if(pName)
  1241. {
  1242. MicroProfileDrawBox(nX-8, MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT + 2, nX + nWidth+5, MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT + 2 + (MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT+1), 0xff000000|g_nMicroProfileBackColors[1]);
  1243. MicroProfileDrawText(nX, MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT + 2, UINT32_MAX, pName, (uint32_t)strlen(pName));
  1244. }
  1245. }
  1246. typedef void (*MicroProfileLoopGroupCallback)(uint32_t nTimer, uint32_t nIdx, uint64_t nGroupMask, uint32_t nX, uint32_t nY, void* pData);
  1247. inline void MicroProfileLoopActiveGroupsDraw(int32_t nX, int32_t nY, const char* pName, MicroProfileLoopGroupCallback CB, void* pData)
  1248. {
  1249. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  1251. uint64_t nGroup = S.nAllGroupsWanted ? S.nGroupMask : S.nActiveGroupWanted;
  1252. uint32_t nCount = 0;
  1253. for(uint32_t j = 0; j < MICROPROFILE_MAX_GROUPS; ++j)
  1254. {
  1255. uint64_t nMask = 1ULL << j;
  1256. if(nMask & nGroup)
  1257. {
  1259. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < S.nTotalTimers;++i)
  1260. {
  1261. uint64_t nTokenMask = MicroProfileGetGroupMask(S.TimerInfo[i].nToken);
  1262. if(nTokenMask & nMask)
  1263. {
  1264. if(nY >= 0)
  1265. CB(i, nCount, nMask, nX, nY, pData);
  1266. nCount += 2;
  1268. if(nY > (int)UI.nHeight)
  1269. return;
  1270. }
  1271. }
  1272. }
  1273. }
  1274. }
  1275. inline void MicroProfileCalcTimers(float* pTimers, float* pAverage, float* pMax, float* pCallAverage, float* pExclusive, float* pAverageExclusive, float* pMaxExclusive, uint64_t nGroup, uint32_t nSize)
  1276. {
  1277. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  1278. uint32_t nCount = 0;
  1279. uint64_t nMask = 1;
  1280. for(uint32_t j = 0; j < MICROPROFILE_MAX_GROUPS; ++j)
  1281. {
  1282. if(nMask & nGroup)
  1283. {
  1284. const float fToMs = MicroProfileTickToMsMultiplier(S.GroupInfo[j].Type == MicroProfileTokenTypeGpu ? MicroProfileTicksPerSecondGpu() : MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu());
  1285. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < S.nTotalTimers;++i)
  1286. {
  1287. uint64_t nTokenMask = MicroProfileGetGroupMask(S.TimerInfo[i].nToken);
  1288. if(nTokenMask & nMask)
  1289. {
  1290. {
  1291. uint32_t nTimer = i;
  1292. uint32_t nIdx = nCount;
  1293. uint32_t nAggregateFrames = S.nAggregateFrames ? S.nAggregateFrames : 1;
  1294. uint32_t nAggregateCount = S.Aggregate[nTimer].nCount ? S.Aggregate[nTimer].nCount : 1;
  1295. float fToPrc = S.fRcpReferenceTime;
  1296. float fMs = fToMs * (S.Frame[nTimer].nTicks);
  1297. float fPrc = MicroProfileMin(fMs * fToPrc, 1.f);
  1298. float fAverageMs = fToMs * (S.Aggregate[nTimer].nTicks / nAggregateFrames);
  1299. float fAveragePrc = MicroProfileMin(fAverageMs * fToPrc, 1.f);
  1300. float fMaxMs = fToMs * (S.AggregateMax[nTimer]);
  1301. float fMaxPrc = MicroProfileMin(fMaxMs * fToPrc, 1.f);
  1302. float fCallAverageMs = fToMs * (S.Aggregate[nTimer].nTicks / nAggregateCount);
  1303. float fCallAveragePrc = MicroProfileMin(fCallAverageMs * fToPrc, 1.f);
  1304. float fMsExclusive = fToMs * (S.FrameExclusive[nTimer]);
  1305. float fPrcExclusive = MicroProfileMin(fMsExclusive * fToPrc, 1.f);
  1306. float fAverageMsExclusive = fToMs * (S.AggregateExclusive[nTimer] / nAggregateFrames);
  1307. float fAveragePrcExclusive = MicroProfileMin(fAverageMsExclusive * fToPrc, 1.f);
  1308. float fMaxMsExclusive = fToMs * (S.AggregateMaxExclusive[nTimer]);
  1309. float fMaxPrcExclusive = MicroProfileMin(fMaxMsExclusive * fToPrc, 1.f);
  1310. pTimers[nIdx] = fMs;
  1311. pTimers[nIdx+1] = fPrc;
  1312. pAverage[nIdx] = fAverageMs;
  1313. pAverage[nIdx+1] = fAveragePrc;
  1314. pMax[nIdx] = fMaxMs;
  1315. pMax[nIdx+1] = fMaxPrc;
  1316. pCallAverage[nIdx] = fCallAverageMs;
  1317. pCallAverage[nIdx+1] = fCallAveragePrc;
  1318. pExclusive[nIdx] = fMsExclusive;
  1319. pExclusive[nIdx+1] = fPrcExclusive;
  1320. pAverageExclusive[nIdx] = fAverageMsExclusive;
  1321. pAverageExclusive[nIdx+1] = fAveragePrcExclusive;
  1322. pMaxExclusive[nIdx] = fMaxMsExclusive;
  1323. pMaxExclusive[nIdx+1] = fMaxPrcExclusive;
  1324. }
  1325. nCount += 2;
  1326. }
  1327. }
  1328. }
  1329. nMask <<= 1;
  1330. }
  1331. }
  1332. #define SBUF_MAX 32
  1333. inline void MicroProfileDrawBarArrayCallback(uint32_t nTimer, uint32_t nIdx, uint64_t nGroupMask, uint32_t nX, uint32_t nY, void* pExtra)
  1334. {
  1335. const uint32_t nHeight = MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT;
  1336. const uint32_t nTextWidth = 6 * (1+MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH);
  1337. const float fWidth = (float)MICROPROFILE_BAR_WIDTH;
  1338. float* pTimers = ((float**)pExtra)[0];
  1339. float* pTimers2 = ((float**)pExtra)[1];
  1340. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  1341. char sBuffer[SBUF_MAX];
  1342. if (pTimers2 && pTimers2[nIdx] > 0.1f)
  1343. snprintf(sBuffer, SBUF_MAX-1, "%5.2f %3.1fx", pTimers[nIdx], pTimers[nIdx] / pTimers2[nIdx]);
  1344. else
  1345. snprintf(sBuffer, SBUF_MAX-1, "%5.2f", pTimers[nIdx]);
  1346. if (!pTimers2)
  1347. MicroProfileDrawBox(nX + nTextWidth, nY, nX + nTextWidth + fWidth * pTimers[nIdx+1], nY + nHeight, UI.nOpacityForeground|S.TimerInfo[nTimer].nColor, MicroProfileBoxTypeBar);
  1348. MicroProfileDrawText(nX, nY, UINT32_MAX, sBuffer, (uint32_t)strlen(sBuffer));
  1349. }
  1350. inline uint32_t MicroProfileDrawBarArray(int32_t nX, int32_t nY, float* pTimers, const char* pName, uint32_t nTotalHeight, float* pTimers2 = NULL)
  1351. {
  1352. const uint32_t nTextWidth = 6 * (1+MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH);
  1353. const uint32_t nWidth = MICROPROFILE_BAR_WIDTH;
  1354. MicroProfileDrawLineVertical(nX-5, 0, nTotalHeight+nY, UI.nOpacityBackground|g_nMicroProfileBackColors[0]|g_nMicroProfileBackColors[1]);
  1355. float* pTimersArray[2] = {pTimers, pTimers2};
  1356. MicroProfileLoopActiveGroupsDraw(nX, nY, pName, MicroProfileDrawBarArrayCallback, pTimersArray);
  1357. MicroProfileDrawHeader(nX, nTextWidth + nWidth, pName);
  1358. return nWidth + 5 + nTextWidth;
  1359. }
  1360. inline void MicroProfileDrawBarCallCountCallback(uint32_t nTimer, uint32_t nIdx, uint64_t nGroupMask, uint32_t nX, uint32_t nY, void* pExtra)
  1361. {
  1362. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  1363. char sBuffer[SBUF_MAX];
  1364. int nLen = snprintf(sBuffer, SBUF_MAX-1, "%5d", S.Frame[nTimer].nCount);//fix
  1365. MicroProfileDrawText(nX, nY, UINT32_MAX, sBuffer, nLen);
  1366. }
  1367. inline uint32_t MicroProfileDrawBarCallCount(int32_t nX, int32_t nY, const char* pName)
  1368. {
  1369. MicroProfileLoopActiveGroupsDraw(nX, nY, pName, MicroProfileDrawBarCallCountCallback, 0);
  1370. const uint32_t nTextWidth = 6 * MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH;
  1371. MicroProfileDrawHeader(nX, 5 + nTextWidth, pName);
  1372. return 5 + nTextWidth;
  1373. }
  1374. struct MicroProfileMetaAverageArgs
  1375. {
  1376. uint64_t* pCounters;
  1377. float fRcpFrames;
  1378. };
  1379. inline void MicroProfileDrawBarMetaAverageCallback(uint32_t nTimer, uint32_t nIdx, uint64_t nGroupMask, uint32_t nX, uint32_t nY, void* pExtra)
  1380. {
  1381. MicroProfileMetaAverageArgs* pArgs = (MicroProfileMetaAverageArgs*)pExtra;
  1382. uint64_t* pCounters = pArgs->pCounters;
  1383. float fRcpFrames = pArgs->fRcpFrames;
  1384. char sBuffer[SBUF_MAX];
  1385. int nLen = snprintf(sBuffer, SBUF_MAX-1, "%5.2f", pCounters[nTimer] * fRcpFrames);
  1386. MicroProfileDrawText(nX - nLen * (MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH+1), nY, UINT32_MAX, sBuffer, nLen);
  1387. }
  1388. inline uint32_t MicroProfileDrawBarMetaAverage(int32_t nX, int32_t nY, uint64_t* pCounters, const char* pName, uint32_t nTotalHeight)
  1389. {
  1390. if(!pName)
  1391. return 0;
  1392. MicroProfileDrawLineVertical(nX-5, 0, nTotalHeight+nY, UI.nOpacityBackground|g_nMicroProfileBackColors[0]|g_nMicroProfileBackColors[1]);
  1393. uint32_t nTextWidth = (1+MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH) * MicroProfileMax<uint32_t>(6, (uint32_t)strlen(pName));
  1394. float fRcpFrames = 1.f / (MicroProfileGet()->nAggregateFrames ? MicroProfileGet()->nAggregateFrames : 1);
  1395. MicroProfileMetaAverageArgs Args = {pCounters, fRcpFrames};
  1396. MicroProfileLoopActiveGroupsDraw(nX + nTextWidth, nY, pName, MicroProfileDrawBarMetaAverageCallback, &Args);
  1397. MicroProfileDrawHeader(nX, 5 + nTextWidth, pName);
  1398. return 5 + nTextWidth;
  1399. }
  1400. inline void MicroProfileDrawBarMetaCountCallback(uint32_t nTimer, uint32_t nIdx, uint64_t nGroupMask, uint32_t nX, uint32_t nY, void* pExtra)
  1401. {
  1402. uint64_t* pCounters = (uint64_t*)pExtra;
  1403. char sBuffer[SBUF_MAX];
  1404. int nLen = snprintf(sBuffer, SBUF_MAX-1, "%5" PRIu64, pCounters[nTimer]);
  1405. MicroProfileDrawText(nX - nLen * (MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH+1), nY, UINT32_MAX, sBuffer, nLen);
  1406. }
  1407. inline uint32_t MicroProfileDrawBarMetaCount(int32_t nX, int32_t nY, uint64_t* pCounters, const char* pName, uint32_t nTotalHeight)
  1408. {
  1409. if(!pName)
  1410. return 0;
  1411. MicroProfileDrawLineVertical(nX-5, 0, nTotalHeight+nY, UI.nOpacityBackground|g_nMicroProfileBackColors[0]|g_nMicroProfileBackColors[1]);
  1412. uint32_t nTextWidth = (1+MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH) * MicroProfileMax<uint32_t>(6, (uint32_t)strlen(pName));
  1413. MicroProfileLoopActiveGroupsDraw(nX + nTextWidth, nY, pName, MicroProfileDrawBarMetaCountCallback, pCounters);
  1414. MicroProfileDrawHeader(nX, 5 + nTextWidth, pName);
  1415. return 5 + nTextWidth;
  1416. }
  1417. inline void MicroProfileDrawBarLegendCallback(uint32_t nTimer, uint32_t nIdx, uint64_t nGroupMask, uint32_t nX, uint32_t nY, void* pExtra)
  1418. {
  1419. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  1420. if (S.TimerInfo[nTimer].bGraph)
  1421. {
  1422. MicroProfileDrawText(nX, nY, S.TimerInfo[nTimer].nColor, ">", 1);
  1423. }
  1424. MicroProfileDrawTextRight(nX, nY, S.TimerInfo[nTimer].nColor, S.TimerInfo[nTimer].pName, (uint32_t)strlen(S.TimerInfo[nTimer].pName));
  1425. if(UI.nMouseY >= nY && UI.nMouseY < nY + MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT+1)
  1426. {
  1427. UI.nHoverToken = nTimer;
  1428. UI.nHoverTime = 0;
  1429. }
  1430. }
  1431. inline uint32_t MicroProfileDrawBarLegend(int32_t nX, int32_t nY, uint32_t nTotalHeight, uint32_t nMaxWidth)
  1432. {
  1433. MicroProfileDrawLineVertical(nX-5, nY, nTotalHeight, UI.nOpacityBackground | g_nMicroProfileBackColors[0]|g_nMicroProfileBackColors[1]);
  1434. MicroProfileLoopActiveGroupsDraw(nMaxWidth, nY, 0, MicroProfileDrawBarLegendCallback, 0);
  1435. return nX;
  1436. }
  1437. bool MicroProfileDrawGraph(uint32_t nScreenWidth, uint32_t nScreenHeight)
  1438. {
  1439. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  1440. MICROPROFILE_SCOPE(g_MicroProfileDrawGraph);
  1441. bool bEnabled = false;
  1442. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < MICROPROFILE_MAX_GRAPHS; ++i)
  1443. if(S.Graph[i].nToken != MICROPROFILE_INVALID_TOKEN)
  1444. bEnabled = true;
  1445. if(!bEnabled)
  1446. return false;
  1447. uint32_t nX = nScreenWidth - MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_WIDTH;
  1448. uint32_t nY = nScreenHeight - MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_HEIGHT;
  1449. MicroProfileDrawBox(nX, nY, nX + MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_WIDTH, nY + MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_HEIGHT, 0x88000000 | g_nMicroProfileBackColors[0]);
  1450. bool bMouseOver = UI.nMouseX >= nX && UI.nMouseY >= nY;
  1451. float fMouseXPrc =(float(UI.nMouseX - nX)) / MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_WIDTH;
  1452. if(bMouseOver)
  1453. {
  1454. float fXAvg = fMouseXPrc * MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_WIDTH + nX;
  1455. MicroProfileDrawLineVertical(fXAvg, nY, nY + MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_HEIGHT, UINT32_MAX);
  1456. }
  1457. float fY = (float)nScreenHeight;
  1460. uint32_t nPut = S.nGraphPut;
  1461. float* pGraphData = (float*)alloca(sizeof(float)* MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_HISTORY*2);
  1462. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < MICROPROFILE_MAX_GRAPHS; ++i)
  1463. {
  1464. if(S.Graph[i].nToken != MICROPROFILE_INVALID_TOKEN)
  1465. {
  1466. uint32_t nGroupId = MicroProfileGetGroupIndex(S.Graph[i].nToken);
  1467. bool bGpu = S.GroupInfo[nGroupId].Type == MicroProfileTokenTypeGpu;
  1468. float fToMs = MicroProfileTickToMsMultiplier(bGpu ? MicroProfileTicksPerSecondGpu() : MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu());
  1469. float fToPrc = fToMs * S.fRcpReferenceTime * 3 / 4;
  1470. float fX = (float)nX;
  1471. for(uint32_t j = 0; j < MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_HISTORY; ++j)
  1472. {
  1473. float fWeigth = MicroProfileMin(fToPrc * (S.Graph[i].nHistory[(j+nPut)%MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_HISTORY]), 1.f);
  1474. pGraphData[(j*2)] = fX;
  1475. pGraphData[(j*2)+1] = fY - fDY * fWeigth;
  1476. fX += fDX;
  1477. }
  1478. MicroProfileDrawLine2D(MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_HISTORY, pGraphData, S.TimerInfo[MicroProfileGetTimerIndex(S.Graph[i].nToken)].nColor);
  1479. }
  1480. }
  1481. {
  1482. float fY1 = 0.25f * MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_HEIGHT + nY;
  1483. float fY2 = 0.50f * MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_HEIGHT + nY;
  1484. float fY3 = 0.75f * MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_HEIGHT + nY;
  1485. MicroProfileDrawLineHorizontal(nX, nX + MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_WIDTH, fY1, 0xffdd4444);
  1486. MicroProfileDrawLineHorizontal(nX, nX + MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_WIDTH, fY2, 0xff000000| g_nMicroProfileBackColors[0]);
  1487. MicroProfileDrawLineHorizontal(nX, nX + MICROPROFILE_GRAPH_WIDTH, fY3, 0xff000000|g_nMicroProfileBackColors[0]);
  1488. char buf[32];
  1489. int nLen = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "%5.2fms", S.fReferenceTime);
  1490. MicroProfileDrawText(nX+1, fY1 - (2+MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT), UINT32_MAX, buf, nLen);
  1491. }
  1492. if(bMouseOver)
  1493. {
  1494. uint32_t pColors[MICROPROFILE_MAX_GRAPHS];
  1495. MicroProfileStringArray Strings;
  1496. MicroProfileStringArrayClear(&Strings);
  1497. uint32_t nTextCount = 0;
  1499. uint32_t nMouseX = UI.nMouseX;
  1500. uint32_t nMouseY = UI.nMouseY + 20;
  1501. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < MICROPROFILE_MAX_GRAPHS; ++i)
  1502. {
  1503. if(S.Graph[i].nToken != MICROPROFILE_INVALID_TOKEN)
  1504. {
  1505. uint32_t nGroupId = MicroProfileGetGroupIndex(S.Graph[i].nToken);
  1506. bool bGpu = S.GroupInfo[nGroupId].Type == MicroProfileTokenTypeGpu;
  1507. float fToMs = MicroProfileTickToMsMultiplier(bGpu ? MicroProfileTicksPerSecondGpu() : MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu());
  1508. uint32_t nIndex = MicroProfileGetTimerIndex(S.Graph[i].nToken);
  1509. uint32_t nColor = S.TimerInfo[nIndex].nColor;
  1510. const char* pName = S.TimerInfo[nIndex].pName;
  1511. pColors[nTextCount++] = nColor;
  1512. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&Strings, pName);
  1513. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&Strings, "%5.2fms", fToMs * (S.Graph[i].nHistory[nGraphIndex]));
  1514. }
  1515. }
  1516. if(nTextCount)
  1517. {
  1518. MicroProfileDrawFloatWindow(nMouseX, nMouseY, Strings.ppStrings, Strings.nNumStrings, 0, pColors);
  1519. }
  1520. if(UI.nMouseRight)
  1521. {
  1522. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < MICROPROFILE_MAX_GRAPHS; ++i)
  1523. {
  1524. S.Graph[i].nToken = MICROPROFILE_INVALID_TOKEN;
  1525. }
  1526. }
  1527. }
  1528. return bMouseOver;
  1529. }
  1530. void MicroProfileDumpTimers()
  1531. {
  1532. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  1533. uint64_t nActiveGroup = S.nGroupMask;
  1534. uint32_t nNumTimers = S.nTotalTimers;
  1535. uint32_t nBlockSize = 2 * nNumTimers;
  1536. float* pTimers = (float*)alloca(nBlockSize * 7 * sizeof(float));
  1537. float* pAverage = pTimers + nBlockSize;
  1538. float* pMax = pTimers + 2 * nBlockSize;
  1539. float* pCallAverage = pTimers + 3 * nBlockSize;
  1540. float* pTimersExclusive = pTimers + 4 * nBlockSize;
  1541. float* pAverageExclusive = pTimers + 5 * nBlockSize;
  1542. float* pMaxExclusive = pTimers + 6 * nBlockSize;
  1543. MicroProfileCalcTimers(pTimers, pAverage, pMax, pCallAverage, pTimersExclusive, pAverageExclusive, pMaxExclusive, nActiveGroup, nNumTimers);
  1544. MICROPROFILE_PRINTF("%11s, ", "Time");
  1545. MICROPROFILE_PRINTF("%11s, ", "Average");
  1546. MICROPROFILE_PRINTF("%11s, ", "Max");
  1547. MICROPROFILE_PRINTF("%11s, ", "Call Avg");
  1548. MICROPROFILE_PRINTF("%9s, ", "Count");
  1549. MICROPROFILE_PRINTF("%11s, ", "Excl");
  1550. MICROPROFILE_PRINTF("%11s, ", "Avg Excl");
  1551. MICROPROFILE_PRINTF("%11s, \n", "Max Excl");
  1552. for(uint32_t j = 0; j < MICROPROFILE_MAX_GROUPS; ++j)
  1553. {
  1554. uint64_t nMask = 1ULL << j;
  1555. if(nMask & nActiveGroup)
  1556. {
  1557. MICROPROFILE_PRINTF("%s\n", S.GroupInfo[j].pName);
  1558. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < S.nTotalTimers;++i)
  1559. {
  1560. uint64_t nTokenMask = MicroProfileGetGroupMask(S.TimerInfo[i].nToken);
  1561. if(nTokenMask & nMask)
  1562. {
  1563. uint32_t nIdx = i * 2;
  1564. MICROPROFILE_PRINTF("%9.2fms, ", pTimers[nIdx]);
  1565. MICROPROFILE_PRINTF("%9.2fms, ", pAverage[nIdx]);
  1566. MICROPROFILE_PRINTF("%9.2fms, ", pMax[nIdx]);
  1567. MICROPROFILE_PRINTF("%9.2fms, ", pCallAverage[nIdx]);
  1568. MICROPROFILE_PRINTF("%9d, ", S.Frame[i].nCount);
  1569. MICROPROFILE_PRINTF("%9.2fms, ", pTimersExclusive[nIdx]);
  1570. MICROPROFILE_PRINTF("%9.2fms, ", pAverageExclusive[nIdx]);
  1571. MICROPROFILE_PRINTF("%9.2fms, ", pMaxExclusive[nIdx]);
  1572. MICROPROFILE_PRINTF("%s\n", S.TimerInfo[i].pName);
  1573. }
  1574. }
  1575. }
  1576. }
  1577. }
  1578. inline void MicroProfileDrawBarView(uint32_t nScreenWidth, uint32_t nScreenHeight)
  1579. {
  1580. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  1581. uint64_t nActiveGroup = S.nAllGroupsWanted ? S.nGroupMask : S.nActiveGroupWanted;
  1582. if(!nActiveGroup)
  1583. return;
  1584. MICROPROFILE_SCOPE(g_MicroProfileDrawBarView);
  1585. const uint32_t nHeight = MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT;
  1586. int nColorIndex = 0;
  1587. uint32_t nMaxTimerNameLen = 1;
  1588. uint32_t nNumTimers = 0;
  1589. uint32_t nNumGroups = 0;
  1590. for(uint32_t j = 0; j < MICROPROFILE_MAX_GROUPS; ++j)
  1591. {
  1592. if(nActiveGroup & (1ULL << j))
  1593. {
  1594. nNumTimers += S.GroupInfo[j].nNumTimers;
  1595. nNumGroups += 1;
  1596. nMaxTimerNameLen = MicroProfileMax(nMaxTimerNameLen, S.GroupInfo[j].nMaxTimerNameLen);
  1597. }
  1598. }
  1599. uint32_t nTimerWidth = 2+(4+nMaxTimerNameLen) * (MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH+1);
  1600. uint32_t nX = nTimerWidth + UI.nOffsetX;
  1601. uint32_t nY = nHeight + 3 - UI.nOffsetY;
  1602. uint32_t nBlockSize = 2 * nNumTimers;
  1603. float* pTimers = (float*)alloca(nBlockSize * 7 * sizeof(float));
  1604. float* pAverage = pTimers + nBlockSize;
  1605. float* pMax = pTimers + 2 * nBlockSize;
  1606. float* pCallAverage = pTimers + 3 * nBlockSize;
  1607. float* pTimersExclusive = pTimers + 4 * nBlockSize;
  1608. float* pAverageExclusive = pTimers + 5 * nBlockSize;
  1609. float* pMaxExclusive = pTimers + 6 * nBlockSize;
  1610. MicroProfileCalcTimers(pTimers, pAverage, pMax, pCallAverage, pTimersExclusive, pAverageExclusive, pMaxExclusive, nActiveGroup, nNumTimers);
  1611. uint32_t nWidth = 0;
  1612. {
  1613. uint32_t nMetaIndex = 0;
  1614. for(uint32_t i = 1; i ; i <<= 1)
  1615. {
  1616. if(S.nBars & i)
  1617. {
  1618. if(i >= MP_DRAW_META_FIRST)
  1619. {
  1620. if(nMetaIndex < MICROPROFILE_META_MAX && S.MetaCounters[nMetaIndex].pName)
  1621. {
  1622. uint32_t nStrWidth = static_cast<uint32_t>(strlen(S.MetaCounters[nMetaIndex].pName));
  1623. if(S.nBars & MP_DRAW_TIMERS)
  1624. nWidth += 6 + (1+MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH) * (nStrWidth);
  1625. if(S.nBars & MP_DRAW_AVERAGE)
  1626. nWidth += 6 + (1+MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH) * (nStrWidth + 4);
  1627. if(S.nBars & MP_DRAW_MAX)
  1628. nWidth += 6 + (1+MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH) * (nStrWidth + 4);
  1629. }
  1630. }
  1631. else
  1632. {
  1634. if(i & MP_DRAW_CALL_COUNT)
  1635. nWidth += 6 + 6 * MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH;
  1636. }
  1637. }
  1638. if(i >= MP_DRAW_META_FIRST)
  1639. {
  1640. ++nMetaIndex;
  1641. }
  1642. }
  1643. nWidth += (1+nMaxTimerNameLen) * (MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH+1);
  1644. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < nNumTimers+nNumGroups+1; ++i)
  1645. {
  1646. uint32_t nY0 = nY + i * (nHeight + 1);
  1647. bool bInside = (UI.nActiveMenu == UINT32_MAX) && ((UI.nMouseY >= nY0) && (UI.nMouseY < (nY0 + nHeight + 1)));
  1648. MicroProfileDrawBox(nX, nY0, nWidth+nX, nY0 + (nHeight+1)+1, UI.nOpacityBackground | (g_nMicroProfileBackColors[nColorIndex++ & 1] + ((bInside) ? 0x002c2c2c : 0)));
  1649. }
  1650. nX += 10;
  1651. }
  1652. int nTotalHeight = (nNumTimers+nNumGroups+1) * (nHeight+1);
  1653. uint32_t nLegendOffset = 1;
  1654. if(S.nBars & MP_DRAW_TIMERS)
  1655. nX += MicroProfileDrawBarArray(nX, nY, pTimers, "Time", nTotalHeight) + 1;
  1656. if(S.nBars & MP_DRAW_AVERAGE)
  1657. nX += MicroProfileDrawBarArray(nX, nY, pAverage, "Average", nTotalHeight) + 1;
  1658. if(S.nBars & MP_DRAW_MAX)
  1659. nX += MicroProfileDrawBarArray(nX, nY, pMax, (!UI.bShowSpikes) ? "Max Time" : "Max Time, Spike", nTotalHeight, UI.bShowSpikes ? pAverage : NULL) + 1;
  1660. if(S.nBars & MP_DRAW_CALL_COUNT)
  1661. {
  1662. nX += MicroProfileDrawBarArray(nX, nY, pCallAverage, "Call Average", nTotalHeight) + 1;
  1663. nX += MicroProfileDrawBarCallCount(nX, nY, "Count") + 1;
  1664. }
  1665. if(S.nBars & MP_DRAW_TIMERS_EXCLUSIVE)
  1666. nX += MicroProfileDrawBarArray(nX, nY, pTimersExclusive, "Exclusive Time", nTotalHeight) + 1;
  1668. nX += MicroProfileDrawBarArray(nX, nY, pAverageExclusive, "Exclusive Average", nTotalHeight) + 1;
  1669. if(S.nBars & MP_DRAW_MAX_EXCLUSIVE)
  1670. nX += MicroProfileDrawBarArray(nX, nY, pMaxExclusive, (!UI.bShowSpikes) ? "Exclusive Max Time" :"Excl Max Time, Spike", nTotalHeight, UI.bShowSpikes ? pAverageExclusive : NULL) + 1;
  1671. for(int i = 0; i < MICROPROFILE_META_MAX; ++i)
  1672. {
  1673. if(0 != (S.nBars & (MP_DRAW_META_FIRST<<i)) && S.MetaCounters[i].pName)
  1674. {
  1675. uint32_t nBufferSize = static_cast<uint32_t>(strlen(S.MetaCounters[i].pName) + 32);
  1676. char* buffer = (char*)alloca(nBufferSize);
  1677. if(S.nBars & MP_DRAW_TIMERS)
  1678. nX += MicroProfileDrawBarMetaCount(nX, nY, &S.MetaCounters[i].nCounters[0], S.MetaCounters[i].pName, nTotalHeight) + 1;
  1679. if(S.nBars & MP_DRAW_AVERAGE)
  1680. {
  1681. snprintf(buffer, nBufferSize-1, "%s Avg", S.MetaCounters[i].pName);
  1682. nX += MicroProfileDrawBarMetaAverage(nX, nY, &S.MetaCounters[i].nAggregate[0], buffer, nTotalHeight) + 1;
  1683. }
  1684. if(S.nBars & MP_DRAW_MAX)
  1685. {
  1686. snprintf(buffer, nBufferSize-1, "%s Max", S.MetaCounters[i].pName);
  1687. nX += MicroProfileDrawBarMetaCount(nX, nY, &S.MetaCounters[i].nAggregateMax[0], buffer, nTotalHeight) + 1;
  1688. }
  1689. }
  1690. }
  1691. nX = 0;
  1692. nY = nHeight + 3 - UI.nOffsetY;
  1693. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < nNumTimers+nNumGroups+1; ++i)
  1694. {
  1695. const uint32_t nY0 = nY + i * (nHeight + 1);
  1696. const bool bInside = (UI.nActiveMenu == UINT32_MAX) && ((UI.nMouseY >= nY0) && (UI.nMouseY < (nY0 + nHeight + 1)));
  1697. MicroProfileDrawBox(nX, nY0, nTimerWidth, nY0 + (nHeight+1)+1, 0xff0000000 | (g_nMicroProfileBackColors[nColorIndex++ & 1] + ((bInside) ? 0x002c2c2c : 0)));
  1698. }
  1699. nX += MicroProfileDrawBarLegend(nX, nY, nTotalHeight, nTimerWidth-5) + 1;
  1700. for(uint32_t j = 0; j < MICROPROFILE_MAX_GROUPS; ++j)
  1701. {
  1702. if(nActiveGroup & (1ULL << j))
  1703. {
  1704. MicroProfileDrawText(nX, nY + (1+nHeight) * nLegendOffset, UINT32_MAX, S.GroupInfo[j].pName, S.GroupInfo[j].nNameLen);
  1705. nLegendOffset += S.GroupInfo[j].nNumTimers+1;
  1706. }
  1707. }
  1708. MicroProfileDrawHeader(nX, nTimerWidth-5, "Group");
  1709. MicroProfileDrawTextRight(nTimerWidth-3, MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT + 2, UINT32_MAX, "Timer", 5);
  1710. MicroProfileDrawLineVertical(nTimerWidth, 0, nTotalHeight+nY, UI.nOpacityBackground|g_nMicroProfileBackColors[0]|g_nMicroProfileBackColors[1]);
  1711. MicroProfileDrawLineHorizontal(0, nWidth, 2*MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT + 3, UI.nOpacityBackground|g_nMicroProfileBackColors[0]|g_nMicroProfileBackColors[1]);
  1712. }
  1713. typedef const char* (*MicroProfileSubmenuCallback)(int, bool* bSelected);
  1714. typedef void (*MicroProfileClickCallback)(int);
  1715. inline const char* MicroProfileUIMenuMode(int nIndex, bool* bSelected)
  1716. {
  1717. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  1718. switch(nIndex)
  1719. {
  1720. case 0:
  1721. *bSelected = S.nDisplay == MP_DRAW_DETAILED;
  1722. return "Detailed";
  1723. case 1:
  1724. *bSelected = S.nDisplay == MP_DRAW_BARS;
  1725. return "Timers";
  1726. case 2:
  1727. *bSelected = S.nDisplay == MP_DRAW_HIDDEN;
  1728. return "Hidden";
  1729. case 3:
  1730. *bSelected = true;
  1731. return "Off";
  1732. case 4:
  1733. *bSelected = true;
  1734. return "------";
  1735. case 5:
  1736. *bSelected = S.nForceEnable != 0;
  1737. return "Force Enable";
  1738. default: return 0;
  1739. }
  1740. }
  1741. inline const char* MicroProfileUIMenuGroups(int nIndex, bool* bSelected)
  1742. {
  1743. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  1744. *bSelected = false;
  1745. if(nIndex == 0)
  1746. {
  1747. *bSelected = S.nAllGroupsWanted != 0;
  1748. return "[ALL]";
  1749. }
  1750. else
  1751. {
  1752. nIndex = nIndex-1;
  1753. if(static_cast<uint32_t>(nIndex) < UI.GroupMenuCount)
  1754. {
  1755. MicroProfileGroupMenuItem& Item = UI.GroupMenu[nIndex];
  1756. static char buffer[MICROPROFILE_NAME_MAX_LEN+32];
  1757. if(Item.nIsCategory)
  1758. {
  1759. uint64_t nGroupMask = S.CategoryInfo[Item.nIndex].nGroupMask;
  1760. *bSelected = nGroupMask == (nGroupMask & S.nActiveGroupWanted);
  1761. snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, "[%s]", Item.pName);
  1762. }
  1763. else
  1764. {
  1765. *bSelected = 0 != (S.nActiveGroupWanted & (1ULL << Item.nIndex));
  1766. snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, " %s", Item.pName);
  1767. }
  1768. return buffer;
  1769. }
  1770. return 0;
  1771. }
  1772. }
  1773. inline const char* MicroProfileUIMenuAggregate(int nIndex, bool* bSelected)
  1774. {
  1775. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  1776. if(static_cast<uint32_t>(nIndex) < g_MicroProfileAggregatePresets.size())
  1777. {
  1778. uint32_t val = g_MicroProfileAggregatePresets[nIndex];
  1779. *bSelected = S.nAggregateFlip == val;
  1780. if (0 == val)
  1781. {
  1782. return "Infinite";
  1783. }
  1784. else
  1785. {
  1786. static char buf[128];
  1787. snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "%7u", val);
  1788. return buf;
  1789. }
  1790. }
  1791. return 0;
  1792. }
  1793. inline const char* MicroProfileUIMenuTimers(int nIndex, bool* bSelected)
  1794. {
  1795. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  1796. *bSelected = 0 != (S.nBars & (1 << nIndex));
  1797. switch(nIndex)
  1798. {
  1799. case 0: return "Time";
  1800. case 1: return "Average";
  1801. case 2: return "Max";
  1802. case 3: return "Call Count";
  1803. case 4: return "Exclusive Timers";
  1804. case 5: return "Exclusive Average";
  1805. case 6: return "Exclusive Max";
  1806. }
  1807. int nMetaIndex = nIndex - 7;
  1808. if(nMetaIndex < MICROPROFILE_META_MAX)
  1809. {
  1810. return S.MetaCounters[nMetaIndex].pName;
  1811. }
  1812. return 0;
  1813. }
  1814. inline const char* MicroProfileUIMenuOptions(int nIndex, bool* bSelected)
  1815. {
  1816. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  1817. if(nIndex >= MICROPROFILE_OPTION_SIZE) return 0;
  1818. switch(UI.Options[nIndex].nSubType)
  1819. {
  1820. case 0:
  1821. *bSelected = S.fReferenceTime == g_MicroProfileReferenceTimePresets[UI.Options[nIndex].nIndex];
  1822. break;
  1823. case 1:
  1824. *bSelected = UI.nOpacityBackground>>24 == g_MicroProfileOpacityPresets[UI.Options[nIndex].nIndex];
  1825. break;
  1826. case 2:
  1827. *bSelected = UI.nOpacityForeground>>24 == g_MicroProfileOpacityPresets[UI.Options[nIndex].nIndex];
  1828. break;
  1829. case 3:
  1830. *bSelected = UI.bShowSpikes;
  1831. break;
  1833. case 4:
  1834. {
  1835. switch(UI.Options[nIndex].nIndex)
  1836. {
  1837. case 0:
  1838. *bSelected = S.bContextSwitchRunning;
  1839. break;
  1840. case 1:
  1841. *bSelected = S.bContextSwitchAllThreads;
  1842. break;
  1843. case 2:
  1844. *bSelected = S.bContextSwitchNoBars;
  1845. break;
  1846. }
  1847. }
  1848. break;
  1849. #endif
  1850. }
  1851. return UI.Options[nIndex].Text;
  1852. }
  1853. inline const char* MicroProfileUIMenuPreset(int nIndex, bool* bSelected)
  1854. {
  1855. static char buf[128];
  1856. *bSelected = false;
  1857. int nNumPresets = static_cast<int>(g_MicroProfilePresetNames.size());
  1858. int nIndexSave = nIndex - nNumPresets - 1;
  1859. if (nIndex == nNumPresets)
  1860. {
  1861. return "--";
  1862. }
  1863. else if(nIndexSave >=0 && nIndexSave < nNumPresets)
  1864. {
  1865. snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "Save '%s'", g_MicroProfilePresetNames[nIndexSave]);
  1866. return buf;
  1867. }
  1868. else if(nIndex < nNumPresets)
  1869. {
  1870. snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "Load '%s'", g_MicroProfilePresetNames[nIndex]);
  1871. return buf;
  1872. }
  1873. else
  1874. {
  1875. return 0;
  1876. }
  1877. }
  1878. inline const char* MicroProfileUIMenuCustom(int nIndex, bool* bSelected)
  1879. {
  1880. if(UINT32_MAX == UI.nCustomActive)
  1881. {
  1882. *bSelected = nIndex == 0;
  1883. }
  1884. else
  1885. {
  1886. *bSelected = nIndex-2 == static_cast<int>(UI.nCustomActive);
  1887. }
  1888. switch(nIndex)
  1889. {
  1890. case 0: return "Disable";
  1891. case 1: return "--";
  1892. default:
  1893. nIndex -= 2;
  1894. if(static_cast<uint32_t>(nIndex) < UI.nCustomCount)
  1895. {
  1896. return UI.Custom[nIndex].pName;
  1897. }
  1898. else
  1899. {
  1900. return 0;
  1901. }
  1902. }
  1903. }
  1904. inline const char* MicroProfileUIMenuEmpty(int nIndex, bool* bSelected)
  1905. {
  1906. return 0;
  1907. }
  1908. inline void MicroProfileUIClickMode(int nIndex)
  1909. {
  1910. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  1911. switch(nIndex)
  1912. {
  1913. case 0:
  1914. S.nDisplay = MP_DRAW_DETAILED;
  1915. break;
  1916. case 1:
  1917. S.nDisplay = MP_DRAW_BARS;
  1918. break;
  1919. case 2:
  1920. S.nDisplay = MP_DRAW_HIDDEN;
  1921. break;
  1922. case 3:
  1923. S.nDisplay = 0;
  1924. break;
  1925. case 4:
  1926. break;
  1927. case 5:
  1928. S.nForceEnable = !S.nForceEnable;
  1929. break;
  1930. }
  1931. }
  1932. inline void MicroProfileUIClickGroups(int nIndex)
  1933. {
  1934. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  1935. if(nIndex == 0)
  1936. S.nAllGroupsWanted = 1-S.nAllGroupsWanted;
  1937. else
  1938. {
  1939. nIndex -= 1;
  1940. if(static_cast<uint32_t>(nIndex) < UI.GroupMenuCount)
  1941. {
  1942. MicroProfileGroupMenuItem& Item = UI.GroupMenu[nIndex];
  1943. if(Item.nIsCategory)
  1944. {
  1945. uint64_t nGroupMask = S.CategoryInfo[Item.nIndex].nGroupMask;
  1946. if(nGroupMask != (nGroupMask & S.nActiveGroupWanted))
  1947. {
  1948. S.nActiveGroupWanted |= nGroupMask;
  1949. }
  1950. else
  1951. {
  1952. S.nActiveGroupWanted &= ~nGroupMask;
  1953. }
  1954. }
  1955. else
  1956. {
  1957. MP_ASSERT(Item.nIndex < S.nGroupCount);
  1958. S.nActiveGroupWanted ^= (1ULL << Item.nIndex);
  1959. }
  1960. }
  1961. }
  1962. }
  1963. inline void MicroProfileUIClickAggregate(int nIndex)
  1964. {
  1965. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  1966. S.nAggregateFlip = g_MicroProfileAggregatePresets[nIndex];
  1967. if(0 == S.nAggregateFlip)
  1968. {
  1969. S.nAggregateClear = 1;
  1970. }
  1971. }
  1972. inline void MicroProfileUIClickTimers(int nIndex)
  1973. {
  1974. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  1975. S.nBars ^= (1 << nIndex);
  1976. }
  1977. inline void MicroProfileUIClickOptions(int nIndex)
  1978. {
  1979. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  1980. switch(UI.Options[nIndex].nSubType)
  1981. {
  1982. case 0:
  1983. S.fReferenceTime = g_MicroProfileReferenceTimePresets[UI.Options[nIndex].nIndex];
  1984. S.fRcpReferenceTime = 1.f / S.fReferenceTime;
  1985. break;
  1986. case 1:
  1987. UI.nOpacityBackground = g_MicroProfileOpacityPresets[UI.Options[nIndex].nIndex]<<24;
  1988. break;
  1989. case 2:
  1990. UI.nOpacityForeground = g_MicroProfileOpacityPresets[UI.Options[nIndex].nIndex]<<24;
  1991. break;
  1992. case 3:
  1993. UI.bShowSpikes = !UI.bShowSpikes;
  1994. break;
  1996. case 4:
  1997. {
  1998. switch(UI.Options[nIndex].nIndex)
  1999. {
  2000. case 0:
  2001. if(S.bContextSwitchRunning)
  2002. {
  2003. MicroProfileStopContextSwitchTrace();
  2004. }
  2005. else
  2006. {
  2007. MicroProfileStartContextSwitchTrace();
  2008. }
  2009. break;
  2010. case 1:
  2011. S.bContextSwitchAllThreads = !S.bContextSwitchAllThreads;
  2012. break;
  2013. case 2:
  2014. S.bContextSwitchNoBars= !S.bContextSwitchNoBars;
  2015. break;
  2016. }
  2017. }
  2018. break;
  2019. #endif
  2020. }
  2021. }
  2022. inline void MicroProfileUIClickPreset(int nIndex)
  2023. {
  2024. int nNumPresets = static_cast<int>(g_MicroProfilePresetNames.size());
  2025. int nIndexSave = nIndex - nNumPresets - 1;
  2026. if(nIndexSave >= 0 && nIndexSave < nNumPresets)
  2027. {
  2028. MicroProfileSavePreset(g_MicroProfilePresetNames[nIndexSave]);
  2029. }
  2030. else if(nIndex >= 0 && nIndex < nNumPresets)
  2031. {
  2032. MicroProfileLoadPreset(g_MicroProfilePresetNames[nIndex]);
  2033. }
  2034. }
  2035. inline void MicroProfileUIClickCustom(int nIndex)
  2036. {
  2037. if(nIndex == 0)
  2038. {
  2039. MicroProfileCustomGroupDisable();
  2040. }
  2041. else
  2042. {
  2043. MicroProfileCustomGroupEnable(nIndex-2);
  2044. }
  2045. }
  2046. inline void MicroProfileUIClickEmpty(int nIndex)
  2047. {
  2048. }
  2049. inline void MicroProfileDrawMenu(uint32_t nWidth, uint32_t nHeight)
  2050. {
  2051. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  2052. uint32_t nX = 0;
  2053. uint32_t nY = 0;
  2054. #define SBUF_SIZE 256
  2055. char buffer[256];
  2056. MicroProfileDrawBox(nX, nY, nX + nWidth, nY + (MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT+1)+1, 0xff000000|g_nMicroProfileBackColors[1]);
  2057. #define MICROPROFILE_MENU_MAX 16
  2058. const char* pMenuText[MICROPROFILE_MENU_MAX] = {0};
  2059. uint32_t nMenuX[MICROPROFILE_MENU_MAX] = {0};
  2060. uint32_t nNumMenuItems = 0;
  2061. int nMPTextLen = snprintf(buffer, 127, "MicroProfile");
  2062. MicroProfileDrawText(nX, nY, UINT32_MAX, buffer, nMPTextLen);
  2063. nX += (sizeof("MicroProfile")+2) * (MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH+1);
  2064. pMenuText[nNumMenuItems++] = "Mode";
  2065. pMenuText[nNumMenuItems++] = "Groups";
  2066. char AggregateText[64];
  2067. snprintf(AggregateText, sizeof(AggregateText)-1, "Aggregate[%d]", S.nAggregateFlip ? S.nAggregateFlip : S.nAggregateFlipCount);
  2068. pMenuText[nNumMenuItems++] = &AggregateText[0];
  2069. pMenuText[nNumMenuItems++] = "Timers";
  2070. pMenuText[nNumMenuItems++] = "Options";
  2071. pMenuText[nNumMenuItems++] = "Preset";
  2072. pMenuText[nNumMenuItems++] = "Custom";
  2073. const int nPauseIndex = nNumMenuItems;
  2074. pMenuText[nNumMenuItems++] = S.nRunning ? "Pause" : "Unpause";
  2075. pMenuText[nNumMenuItems++] = "Help";
  2076. if(S.nOverflow)
  2077. {
  2078. pMenuText[nNumMenuItems++] = "!BUFFERSFULL!";
  2079. }
  2080. if(UI.GroupMenuCount != S.nGroupCount + S.nCategoryCount)
  2081. {
  2082. UI.GroupMenuCount = S.nGroupCount + S.nCategoryCount;
  2083. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < S.nCategoryCount; ++i)
  2084. {
  2085. UI.GroupMenu[i].nIsCategory = 1;
  2086. UI.GroupMenu[i].nCategoryIndex = i;
  2087. UI.GroupMenu[i].nIndex = i;
  2088. UI.GroupMenu[i].pName = S.CategoryInfo[i].pName;
  2089. }
  2090. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < S.nGroupCount; ++i)
  2091. {
  2092. uint32_t idx = i + S.nCategoryCount;
  2093. UI.GroupMenu[idx].nIsCategory = 0;
  2094. UI.GroupMenu[idx].nCategoryIndex = S.GroupInfo[i].nCategory;
  2095. UI.GroupMenu[idx].nIndex = i;
  2096. UI.GroupMenu[idx].pName = S.GroupInfo[i].pName;
  2097. }
  2098. std::sort(&UI.GroupMenu[0], &UI.GroupMenu[UI.GroupMenuCount],
  2099. [] (const MicroProfileGroupMenuItem& l, const MicroProfileGroupMenuItem& r) -> bool
  2100. {
  2101. if(l.nCategoryIndex < r.nCategoryIndex)
  2102. {
  2103. return true;
  2104. }
  2105. else if(r.nCategoryIndex < l.nCategoryIndex)
  2106. {
  2107. return false;
  2108. }
  2109. if(r.nIsCategory || l.nIsCategory)
  2110. {
  2111. return l.nIsCategory > r.nIsCategory;
  2112. }
  2113. return MP_STRCASECMP(l.pName, r.pName)<0;
  2114. }
  2115. );
  2116. }
  2117. MicroProfileSubmenuCallback GroupCallback[MICROPROFILE_MENU_MAX] =
  2118. {
  2119. MicroProfileUIMenuMode,
  2120. MicroProfileUIMenuGroups,
  2121. MicroProfileUIMenuAggregate,
  2122. MicroProfileUIMenuTimers,
  2123. MicroProfileUIMenuOptions,
  2124. MicroProfileUIMenuPreset,
  2125. MicroProfileUIMenuCustom,
  2126. MicroProfileUIMenuEmpty,
  2127. MicroProfileUIMenuEmpty,
  2128. MicroProfileUIMenuEmpty,
  2129. };
  2130. MicroProfileClickCallback CBClick[MICROPROFILE_MENU_MAX] =
  2131. {
  2132. MicroProfileUIClickMode,
  2133. MicroProfileUIClickGroups,
  2134. MicroProfileUIClickAggregate,
  2135. MicroProfileUIClickTimers,
  2136. MicroProfileUIClickOptions,
  2137. MicroProfileUIClickPreset,
  2138. MicroProfileUIClickCustom,
  2139. MicroProfileUIClickEmpty,
  2140. MicroProfileUIClickEmpty,
  2141. MicroProfileUIClickEmpty,
  2142. };
  2143. uint32_t nSelectMenu = UINT32_MAX;
  2144. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < nNumMenuItems; ++i)
  2145. {
  2146. nMenuX[i] = nX;
  2147. uint32_t nLen = (uint32_t)strlen(pMenuText[i]);
  2148. uint32_t nEnd = nX + nLen * (MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH+1);
  2149. if(UI.nMouseY <= MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT && UI.nMouseX <= nEnd && UI.nMouseX >= nX)
  2150. {
  2151. MicroProfileDrawBox(nX-1, nY, nX + nLen * (MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH+1), nY +(MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT+1)+1, 0xff888888);
  2152. nSelectMenu = i;
  2153. if((UI.nMouseLeft || UI.nMouseRight) && i == (uint32_t)nPauseIndex)
  2154. {
  2155. S.nToggleRunning = 1;
  2156. }
  2157. }
  2158. MicroProfileDrawText(nX, nY, UINT32_MAX, pMenuText[i], (uint32_t)strlen(pMenuText[i]));
  2159. nX += (nLen+1) * (MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH+1);
  2160. }
  2161. uint32_t nMenu = nSelectMenu != UINT32_MAX ? nSelectMenu : UI.nActiveMenu;
  2162. UI.nActiveMenu = nMenu;
  2163. if(UINT32_MAX != nMenu)
  2164. {
  2165. nX = nMenuX[nMenu];
  2167. MicroProfileSubmenuCallback CB = GroupCallback[nMenu];
  2168. int nNumLines = 0;
  2169. bool bSelected = false;
  2170. const char* pString = CB(nNumLines, &bSelected);
  2171. uint32_t nTextWidth = 0, nTextHeight = 0;
  2172. while(pString)
  2173. {
  2174. nTextWidth = MicroProfileMax<int>(nTextWidth, (int)strlen(pString));
  2175. nNumLines++;
  2176. pString = CB(nNumLines, &bSelected);
  2177. }
  2178. nTextWidth = (2+nTextWidth) * (MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH+1);
  2179. nTextHeight = nNumLines * (MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT+1);
  2180. if(UI.nMouseY <= nY + nTextHeight+0 && UI.nMouseY >= nY-0 && UI.nMouseX <= nX + nTextWidth + 0 && UI.nMouseX >= nX - 0)
  2181. {
  2182. UI.nActiveMenu = nMenu;
  2183. }
  2184. else if(nSelectMenu == UINT32_MAX)
  2185. {
  2186. UI.nActiveMenu = UINT32_MAX;
  2187. }
  2188. MicroProfileDrawBox(nX, nY, nX + nTextWidth, nY + nTextHeight, 0xff000000|g_nMicroProfileBackColors[1]);
  2189. for(int i = 0; i < nNumLines; ++i)
  2190. {
  2191. bool bSelected2 = false;
  2192. const char* pString2 = CB(i, &bSelected2);
  2193. if(UI.nMouseY >= nY && UI.nMouseY < nY + MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT + 1)
  2194. {
  2195. if(UI.nMouseLeft || UI.nMouseRight)
  2196. {
  2197. CBClick[nMenu](i);
  2198. }
  2199. MicroProfileDrawBox(nX, nY, nX + nTextWidth, nY + MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT + 1, 0xff888888);
  2200. }
  2201. int nTextLen = snprintf(buffer, SBUF_SIZE-1, "%c %s", bSelected2 ? '*' : ' ' ,pString2);
  2202. MicroProfileDrawText(nX, nY, UINT32_MAX, buffer, nTextLen);
  2204. }
  2205. }
  2206. {
  2207. static char FrameTimeMessage[64];
  2208. float fToMs = MicroProfileTickToMsMultiplier(MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu());
  2209. uint32_t nAggregateFrames = S.nAggregateFrames ? S.nAggregateFrames : 1;
  2210. float fMs = fToMs * (S.nFlipTicks);
  2211. float fAverageMs = fToMs * (S.nFlipAggregateDisplay / nAggregateFrames);
  2212. float fMaxMs = fToMs * S.nFlipMaxDisplay;
  2213. int nLen = snprintf(FrameTimeMessage, sizeof(FrameTimeMessage)-1, "Time[%6.2f] Avg[%6.2f] Max[%6.2f]", fMs, fAverageMs, fMaxMs);
  2214. pMenuText[nNumMenuItems++] = &FrameTimeMessage[0];
  2215. MicroProfileDrawText(nWidth - nLen * (MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH+1), 0, UINT32_MAX, FrameTimeMessage, nLen);
  2216. }
  2217. }
  2218. inline void MicroProfileMoveGraph()
  2219. {
  2220. int nZoom = UI.nMouseWheelDelta;
  2221. int nPanX = 0;
  2222. int nPanY = 0;
  2223. static int X = 0, Y = 0;
  2224. if(UI.nMouseDownLeft && !UI.nModDown)
  2225. {
  2226. nPanX = UI.nMouseX - X;
  2227. nPanY = UI.nMouseY - Y;
  2228. }
  2229. X = UI.nMouseX;
  2230. Y = UI.nMouseY;
  2231. if(nZoom)
  2232. {
  2233. float fOldRange = UI.fDetailedRange;
  2234. if(nZoom>0)
  2235. {
  2236. UI.fDetailedRangeTarget = UI.fDetailedRange *= UI.nModDown ? 1.40f : 1.05f;
  2237. }
  2238. else
  2239. {
  2240. float fNewDetailedRange = UI.fDetailedRange / (UI.nModDown ? 1.40f : 1.05f);
  2241. if(fNewDetailedRange < 1e-4f) //100ns
  2242. fNewDetailedRange = 1e-4f;
  2243. UI.fDetailedRangeTarget = UI.fDetailedRange = fNewDetailedRange;
  2244. }
  2245. float fDiff = fOldRange - UI.fDetailedRange;
  2246. float fMousePrc = MicroProfileMax((float)UI.nMouseX / UI.nWidth ,0.f);
  2247. UI.fDetailedOffsetTarget = UI.fDetailedOffset += fDiff * fMousePrc;
  2248. }
  2249. if(nPanX)
  2250. {
  2251. UI.fDetailedOffsetTarget = UI.fDetailedOffset += -nPanX * UI.fDetailedRange / UI.nWidth;
  2252. }
  2253. UI.nOffsetY -= nPanY;
  2254. UI.nOffsetX += nPanX;
  2255. if(UI.nOffsetX > 0)
  2256. UI.nOffsetX = 0;
  2257. if(UI.nOffsetY<0)
  2258. UI.nOffsetY = 0;
  2259. }
  2260. inline void MicroProfileDrawCustom(uint32_t nWidth, uint32_t nHeight)
  2261. {
  2262. if(UINT32_MAX != UI.nCustomActive)
  2263. {
  2264. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  2266. MicroProfileCustom* pCustom = &UI.Custom[UI.nCustomActive];
  2267. uint32_t nCount = pCustom->nNumTimers;
  2268. uint32_t nAggregateFrames = S.nAggregateFrames ? S.nAggregateFrames : 1;
  2269. uint32_t nExtraOffset = 1 + ((pCustom->nFlags & MICROPROFILE_CUSTOM_STACK) != 0 ? 3 : 0);
  2270. uint32_t nOffsetYBase = nHeight - (nExtraOffset+nCount)* (1+MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT) - MICROPROFILE_CUSTOM_PADDING;
  2271. uint32_t nOffsetY = nOffsetYBase;
  2272. float fReference = pCustom->fReference;
  2273. float fRcpReference = 1.f / fReference;
  2275. char Buffer[MICROPROFILE_NAME_MAX_LEN*2+1];
  2276. float* pTime = (float*)alloca(sizeof(float)*nCount);
  2277. float* pTimeAvg = (float*)alloca(sizeof(float)*nCount);
  2278. float* pTimeMax = (float*)alloca(sizeof(float)*nCount);
  2279. uint32_t* pColors = (uint32_t*)alloca(sizeof(uint32_t)*nCount);
  2280. uint32_t nMaxOffsetX = 0;
  2281. MicroProfileDrawBox(MICROPROFILE_CUSTOM_PADDING-1, nOffsetY-1, MICROPROFILE_CUSTOM_PADDING+nReducedWidth+1, UI.nHeight - MICROPROFILE_CUSTOM_PADDING+1, 0x88000000|g_nMicroProfileBackColors[0]);
  2282. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
  2283. {
  2284. uint16_t nTimerIndex = MicroProfileGetTimerIndex(pCustom->pTimers[i]);
  2285. uint16_t nGroupIndex = MicroProfileGetGroupIndex(pCustom->pTimers[i]);
  2286. float fToMs = MicroProfileTickToMsMultiplier(S.GroupInfo[nGroupIndex].Type == MicroProfileTokenTypeGpu ? MicroProfileTicksPerSecondGpu() : MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu());
  2287. pTime[i] = S.Frame[nTimerIndex].nTicks * fToMs;
  2288. pTimeAvg[i] = fToMs * (S.Aggregate[nTimerIndex].nTicks / nAggregateFrames);
  2289. pTimeMax[i] = fToMs * (S.AggregateMax[nTimerIndex]);
  2290. pColors[i] = S.TimerInfo[nTimerIndex].nColor;
  2291. }
  2292. MicroProfileDrawText(MICROPROFILE_CUSTOM_PADDING + 3*MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH, nOffsetY, UINT32_MAX, "Avg", sizeof("Avg")-1);
  2293. MicroProfileDrawText(MICROPROFILE_CUSTOM_PADDING + 13*MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH, nOffsetY, UINT32_MAX, "Max", sizeof("Max")-1);
  2294. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
  2295. {
  2296. nOffsetY += (1+MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT);
  2297. uint16_t nTimerIndex = MicroProfileGetTimerIndex(pCustom->pTimers[i]);
  2298. uint16_t nGroupIndex = MicroProfileGetGroupIndex(pCustom->pTimers[i]);
  2299. MicroProfileTimerInfo* pTimerInfo = &S.TimerInfo[nTimerIndex];
  2300. int nSize;
  2301. uint32_t nOffsetX = MICROPROFILE_CUSTOM_PADDING;
  2302. nSize = snprintf(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer)-1, "%6.2f", pTimeAvg[i]);
  2303. MicroProfileDrawText(nOffsetX, nOffsetY, UINT32_MAX, Buffer, nSize);
  2304. nOffsetX += (nSize+2) * (MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH+1);
  2305. nSize = snprintf(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer)-1, "%6.2f", pTimeMax[i]);
  2306. MicroProfileDrawText(nOffsetX, nOffsetY, UINT32_MAX, Buffer, nSize);
  2307. nOffsetX += (nSize+2) * (MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH+1);
  2308. nSize = snprintf(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer)-1, "%s:%s", S.GroupInfo[nGroupIndex].pName, pTimerInfo->pName);
  2309. MicroProfileDrawText(nOffsetX, nOffsetY, pTimerInfo->nColor, Buffer, nSize);
  2310. nOffsetX += (nSize+2) * (MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH+1);
  2311. nMaxOffsetX = MicroProfileMax(nMaxOffsetX, nOffsetX);
  2312. }
  2313. uint32_t nMaxWidth = nReducedWidth- nMaxOffsetX;
  2314. if(pCustom->nFlags & MICROPROFILE_CUSTOM_BARS)
  2315. {
  2316. nOffsetY = nOffsetYBase;
  2317. float* pMs = pCustom->nFlags & MICROPROFILE_CUSTOM_BAR_SOURCE_MAX ? pTimeMax : pTimeAvg;
  2318. const char* pString = pCustom->nFlags & MICROPROFILE_CUSTOM_BAR_SOURCE_MAX ? "Max" : "Avg";
  2319. MicroProfileDrawText(nMaxOffsetX, nOffsetY, UINT32_MAX, pString, static_cast<uint32_t>(strlen(pString)));
  2320. int nSize = snprintf(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer)-1, "%6.2fms", fReference);
  2321. MicroProfileDrawText(nReducedWidth - (1+nSize) * (MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH+1), nOffsetY, UINT32_MAX, Buffer, nSize);
  2322. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
  2323. {
  2324. nOffsetY += (1+MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT);
  2325. nWidth = MicroProfileMin(nMaxWidth, (uint32_t)(nMaxWidth * pMs[i] * fRcpReference));
  2326. MicroProfileDrawBox(nMaxOffsetX, nOffsetY, nMaxOffsetX+nWidth, nOffsetY+MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT, pColors[i]|0xff000000);
  2327. }
  2328. }
  2329. if(pCustom->nFlags & MICROPROFILE_CUSTOM_STACK)
  2330. {
  2331. nOffsetY += 2*(1+MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT);
  2332. const char* pString = pCustom->nFlags & MICROPROFILE_CUSTOM_STACK_SOURCE_MAX ? "Max" : "Avg";
  2333. MicroProfileDrawText(MICROPROFILE_CUSTOM_PADDING, nOffsetY, UINT32_MAX, pString, static_cast<uint32_t>(strlen(pString)));
  2334. int nSize = snprintf(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer)-1, "%6.2fms", fReference);
  2335. MicroProfileDrawText(nReducedWidth - (1+nSize) * (MICROPROFILE_TEXT_WIDTH+1), nOffsetY, UINT32_MAX, Buffer, nSize);
  2336. nOffsetY += (1+MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT);
  2338. float* pMs = pCustom->nFlags & MICROPROFILE_CUSTOM_STACK_SOURCE_MAX ? pTimeMax : pTimeAvg;
  2339. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
  2340. {
  2341. float fWidth = pMs[i] * fRcpReference * nReducedWidth;
  2342. uint32_t nX = fPosX;
  2343. fPosX += fWidth;
  2344. uint32_t nXEnd = fPosX;
  2345. if(nX < nXEnd)
  2346. {
  2347. MicroProfileDrawBox(nX, nOffsetY, nXEnd, nOffsetY+MICROPROFILE_TEXT_HEIGHT, pColors[i]|0xff000000);
  2348. }
  2349. }
  2350. }
  2351. }
  2352. }
  2353. inline void MicroProfileDraw(uint32_t nWidth, uint32_t nHeight)
  2354. {
  2355. MICROPROFILE_SCOPE(g_MicroProfileDraw);
  2356. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  2357. {
  2358. static int once = 0;
  2359. if(0 == once)
  2360. {
  2361. std::recursive_mutex& m = MicroProfileGetMutex();
  2362. m.lock();
  2363. MicroProfileInitUI();
  2364. uint32_t nDisplay = S.nDisplay;
  2365. MicroProfileLoadPreset(MICROPROFILE_DEFAULT_PRESET);
  2366. once++;
  2367. S.nDisplay = nDisplay;// dont load display, just state
  2368. m.unlock();
  2369. }
  2370. }
  2371. if(S.nDisplay)
  2372. {
  2373. std::recursive_mutex& m = MicroProfileGetMutex();
  2374. m.lock();
  2375. UI.nWidth = nWidth;
  2376. UI.nHeight = nHeight;
  2378. UI.nHoverTime = 0;
  2379. UI.nHoverFrame = -1;
  2380. if(S.nDisplay != MP_DRAW_DETAILED)
  2381. S.nContextSwitchHoverThread = S.nContextSwitchHoverThreadAfter = S.nContextSwitchHoverThreadBefore = UINT32_MAX;
  2382. MicroProfileMoveGraph();
  2383. if(S.nDisplay == MP_DRAW_DETAILED)
  2384. {
  2385. MicroProfileDrawDetailedView(nWidth, nHeight);
  2386. }
  2387. else if(S.nDisplay == MP_DRAW_BARS && S.nBars)
  2388. {
  2389. MicroProfileDrawBarView(nWidth, nHeight);
  2390. }
  2391. MicroProfileDrawMenu(nWidth, nHeight);
  2392. bool bMouseOverGraph = MicroProfileDrawGraph(nWidth, nHeight);
  2393. MicroProfileDrawCustom(nWidth, nHeight);
  2394. bool bHidden = S.nDisplay == MP_DRAW_HIDDEN;
  2395. if(!bHidden)
  2396. {
  2397. uint32_t nLockedToolTipX = 3;
  2398. bool bDeleted = false;
  2399. for(int i = 0; i < MICROPROFILE_TOOLTIP_MAX_LOCKED; ++i)
  2400. {
  2401. int nIndex = (g_MicroProfileUI.LockedToolTipFront + i) % MICROPROFILE_TOOLTIP_MAX_LOCKED;
  2402. if(g_MicroProfileUI.LockedToolTips[nIndex].ppStrings[0])
  2403. {
  2404. uint32_t nToolTipWidth = 0, nToolTipHeight = 0;
  2405. MicroProfileFloatWindowSize(g_MicroProfileUI.LockedToolTips[nIndex].ppStrings, g_MicroProfileUI.LockedToolTips[nIndex].nNumStrings, 0, nToolTipWidth, nToolTipHeight, 0);
  2406. uint32_t nStartY = nHeight - nToolTipHeight - 2;
  2407. if(!bDeleted && UI.nMouseY > nStartY && UI.nMouseX > nLockedToolTipX && UI.nMouseX <= nLockedToolTipX + nToolTipWidth && (UI.nMouseLeft || UI.nMouseRight) )
  2408. {
  2409. bDeleted = true;
  2410. int j = i;
  2411. for(; j < MICROPROFILE_TOOLTIP_MAX_LOCKED-1; ++j)
  2412. {
  2413. int nIndex0 = (g_MicroProfileUI.LockedToolTipFront + j) % MICROPROFILE_TOOLTIP_MAX_LOCKED;
  2414. int nIndex1 = (g_MicroProfileUI.LockedToolTipFront + j+1) % MICROPROFILE_TOOLTIP_MAX_LOCKED;
  2415. MicroProfileStringArrayCopy(&g_MicroProfileUI.LockedToolTips[nIndex0], &g_MicroProfileUI.LockedToolTips[nIndex1]);
  2416. }
  2417. MicroProfileStringArrayClear(&g_MicroProfileUI.LockedToolTips[(g_MicroProfileUI.LockedToolTipFront + j) % MICROPROFILE_TOOLTIP_MAX_LOCKED]);
  2418. }
  2419. else
  2420. {
  2421. MicroProfileDrawFloatWindow(nLockedToolTipX, nHeight-nToolTipHeight-2, &g_MicroProfileUI.LockedToolTips[nIndex].ppStrings[0], g_MicroProfileUI.LockedToolTips[nIndex].nNumStrings, g_MicroProfileUI.nLockedToolTipColor[nIndex]);
  2422. nLockedToolTipX += nToolTipWidth + 4;
  2423. }
  2424. }
  2425. }
  2426. if(UI.nActiveMenu == 8)
  2427. {
  2428. if(S.nDisplay & MP_DRAW_DETAILED)
  2429. {
  2430. MicroProfileStringArray DetailedHelp;
  2431. MicroProfileStringArrayClear(&DetailedHelp);
  2432. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&DetailedHelp, "%s", MICROPROFILE_HELP_LEFT);
  2433. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&DetailedHelp, "Toggle Graph");
  2434. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&DetailedHelp, "%s", MICROPROFILE_HELP_ALT);
  2435. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&DetailedHelp, "Zoom");
  2436. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&DetailedHelp, "%s + %s", MICROPROFILE_HELP_MOD, MICROPROFILE_HELP_LEFT);
  2437. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&DetailedHelp, "Lock Tooltip");
  2438. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&DetailedHelp, "Drag");
  2439. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&DetailedHelp, "Pan View");
  2440. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&DetailedHelp, "Mouse Wheel");
  2441. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&DetailedHelp, "Zoom");
  2442. MicroProfileDrawFloatWindow(nWidth, MICROPROFILE_FRAME_HISTORY_HEIGHT+20, DetailedHelp.ppStrings, DetailedHelp.nNumStrings, 0xff777777);
  2443. MicroProfileStringArray DetailedHistoryHelp;
  2444. MicroProfileStringArrayClear(&DetailedHistoryHelp);
  2445. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&DetailedHistoryHelp, "%s", MICROPROFILE_HELP_LEFT);
  2446. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&DetailedHistoryHelp, "Center View");
  2447. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&DetailedHistoryHelp, "%s", MICROPROFILE_HELP_ALT);
  2448. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&DetailedHistoryHelp, "Zoom to frame");
  2449. MicroProfileDrawFloatWindow(nWidth, 20, DetailedHistoryHelp.ppStrings, DetailedHistoryHelp.nNumStrings, 0xff777777);
  2450. }
  2451. else if(0 != (S.nDisplay & MP_DRAW_BARS) && S.nBars)
  2452. {
  2453. MicroProfileStringArray BarHelp;
  2454. MicroProfileStringArrayClear(&BarHelp);
  2455. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&BarHelp, "%s", MICROPROFILE_HELP_LEFT);
  2456. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&BarHelp, "Toggle Graph");
  2457. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&BarHelp, "%s + %s", MICROPROFILE_HELP_MOD, MICROPROFILE_HELP_LEFT);
  2458. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&BarHelp, "Lock Tooltip");
  2459. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&BarHelp, "Drag");
  2460. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&BarHelp, "Pan View");
  2461. MicroProfileDrawFloatWindow(nWidth, MICROPROFILE_FRAME_HISTORY_HEIGHT+20, BarHelp.ppStrings, BarHelp.nNumStrings, 0xff777777);
  2462. }
  2463. MicroProfileStringArray Debug;
  2464. MicroProfileStringArrayClear(&Debug);
  2465. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&Debug, "Memory Usage");
  2466. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&Debug, "%4.2fmb", S.nMemUsage / (1024.f * 1024.f));
  2467. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&Debug, "Web Server Port");
  2468. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&Debug, "%d", MicroProfileWebServerPort());
  2469. uint32_t nFrameNext = (S.nFrameCurrent+1) % MICROPROFILE_MAX_FRAME_HISTORY;
  2470. MicroProfileFrameState* pFrameCurrent = &S.Frames[S.nFrameCurrent];
  2471. MicroProfileFrameState* pFrameNext = &S.Frames[nFrameNext];
  2472. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&Debug, "");
  2473. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&Debug, "");
  2474. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&Debug, "Usage");
  2475. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&Debug, "markers [frames] ");
  2477. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&Debug, "Context Switch");
  2478. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&Debug, "%9d [%7d]", S.nContextSwitchUsage, MICROPROFILE_CONTEXT_SWITCH_BUFFER_SIZE / S.nContextSwitchUsage );
  2479. #endif
  2480. for(int i = 0; i < MICROPROFILE_MAX_THREADS; ++i)
  2481. {
  2482. if(pFrameCurrent->nLogStart[i] && S.Pool[i])
  2483. {
  2484. uint32_t nEnd = pFrameNext->nLogStart[i];
  2485. uint32_t nStart = pFrameCurrent->nLogStart[i];
  2486. uint32_t nUsage = nStart < nEnd ? (nEnd - nStart) : (nEnd + MICROPROFILE_BUFFER_SIZE - nStart);
  2487. uint32_t nFrameSupport = MICROPROFILE_BUFFER_SIZE / nUsage;
  2488. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&Debug, "%s", &S.Pool[i]->ThreadName[0]);
  2489. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&Debug, "%9d [%7d]", nUsage, nFrameSupport);
  2490. }
  2491. }
  2492. MicroProfileDrawFloatWindow(0, nHeight-10, Debug.ppStrings, Debug.nNumStrings, 0xff777777);
  2493. }
  2494. if(UI.nActiveMenu == UINT32_MAX && !bMouseOverGraph)
  2495. {
  2496. if(UI.nHoverToken != MICROPROFILE_INVALID_TOKEN)
  2497. {
  2498. MicroProfileDrawFloatTooltip(UI.nMouseX, UI.nMouseY, UI.nHoverToken, UI.nHoverTime);
  2499. }
  2500. else if(S.nContextSwitchHoverThreadAfter != UINT32_MAX && S.nContextSwitchHoverThreadBefore != UINT32_MAX)
  2501. {
  2502. float fToMs = MicroProfileTickToMsMultiplier(MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu());
  2503. MicroProfileStringArray ToolTip;
  2504. MicroProfileStringArrayClear(&ToolTip);
  2505. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&ToolTip, "Context Switch");
  2506. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&ToolTip, "%04x", S.nContextSwitchHoverThread);
  2507. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&ToolTip, "Before");
  2508. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&ToolTip, "%04x", S.nContextSwitchHoverThreadBefore);
  2509. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&ToolTip, "After");
  2510. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&ToolTip, "%04x", S.nContextSwitchHoverThreadAfter);
  2511. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&ToolTip, "Duration");
  2512. int64_t nDifference = MicroProfileLogTickDifference(S.nContextSwitchHoverTickIn, S.nContextSwitchHoverTickOut);
  2513. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&ToolTip, "%6.2fms", fToMs * nDifference );
  2514. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&ToolTip, "CPU");
  2515. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&ToolTip, "%d", S.nContextSwitchHoverCpu);
  2516. MicroProfileDrawFloatWindow(UI.nMouseX, UI.nMouseY+20, &ToolTip.ppStrings[0], ToolTip.nNumStrings, UINT32_MAX);
  2517. }
  2518. else if(UI.nHoverFrame != -1)
  2519. {
  2520. uint32_t nNextFrame = (UI.nHoverFrame+1)%MICROPROFILE_MAX_FRAME_HISTORY;
  2521. int64_t nTick = S.Frames[UI.nHoverFrame].nFrameStartCpu;
  2522. int64_t nTickNext = S.Frames[nNextFrame].nFrameStartCpu;
  2523. int64_t nTickGpu = S.Frames[UI.nHoverFrame].nFrameStartGpu;
  2524. int64_t nTickNextGpu = S.Frames[nNextFrame].nFrameStartGpu;
  2525. float fToMs = MicroProfileTickToMsMultiplier(MicroProfileTicksPerSecondCpu());
  2526. float fToMsGpu = MicroProfileTickToMsMultiplier(MicroProfileTicksPerSecondGpu());
  2527. float fMs = fToMs * (nTickNext - nTick);
  2528. float fMsGpu = fToMsGpu * (nTickNextGpu - nTickGpu);
  2529. MicroProfileStringArray ToolTip;
  2530. MicroProfileStringArrayClear(&ToolTip);
  2531. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&ToolTip, "Frame %d", UI.nHoverFrame);
  2533. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&ToolTip, "%p", &S.Frames[UI.nHoverFrame]);
  2534. #else
  2535. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&ToolTip, "");
  2536. #endif
  2537. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&ToolTip, "CPU Time");
  2538. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&ToolTip, "%6.2fms", fMs);
  2539. MicroProfileStringArrayAddLiteral(&ToolTip, "GPU Time");
  2540. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&ToolTip, "%6.2fms", fMsGpu);
  2542. for(int i = 0; i < MICROPROFILE_MAX_THREADS; ++i)
  2543. {
  2544. if(S.Frames[UI.nHoverFrame].nLogStart[i])
  2545. {
  2546. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&ToolTip, "%d", i);
  2547. MicroProfileStringArrayFormat(&ToolTip, "%d", S.Frames[UI.nHoverFrame].nLogStart[i]);
  2548. }
  2549. }
  2550. #endif
  2551. MicroProfileDrawFloatWindow(UI.nMouseX, UI.nMouseY+20, &ToolTip.ppStrings[0], ToolTip.nNumStrings, UINT32_MAX);
  2552. }
  2553. if(UI.nMouseLeft)
  2554. {
  2555. if(UI.nHoverToken != MICROPROFILE_INVALID_TOKEN)
  2556. MicroProfileToggleGraph(UI.nHoverToken);
  2557. }
  2558. }
  2559. }
  2561. {
  2562. float fCursor[8] =
  2563. {
  2564. MicroProfileMax(0, (int)UI.nMouseX-3), UI.nMouseY,
  2565. MicroProfileMin(nWidth, UI.nMouseX+3), UI.nMouseY,
  2566. UI.nMouseX, MicroProfileMax((int)UI.nMouseY-3, 0),
  2567. UI.nMouseX, MicroProfileMin(nHeight, UI.nMouseY+3),
  2568. };
  2569. MicroProfileDrawLine2D(2, &fCursor[0], 0xff00ff00);
  2570. MicroProfileDrawLine2D(2, &fCursor[4], 0xff00ff00);
  2571. }
  2572. #endif
  2573. m.unlock();
  2574. }
  2575. else if(UI.nCustomActive != UINT32_MAX)
  2576. {
  2577. std::recursive_mutex& m = MicroProfileGetMutex();
  2578. m.lock();
  2579. MicroProfileDrawGraph(nWidth, nHeight);
  2580. MicroProfileDrawCustom(nWidth, nHeight);
  2581. m.unlock();
  2582. }
  2583. UI.nMouseLeft = UI.nMouseRight = 0;
  2584. UI.nMouseLeftMod = UI.nMouseRightMod = 0;
  2585. UI.nMouseWheelDelta = 0;
  2586. if(S.nOverflow)
  2587. S.nOverflow--;
  2588. UI.fDetailedOffset = UI.fDetailedOffset + (UI.fDetailedOffsetTarget - UI.fDetailedOffset) * MICROPROFILE_ANIM_DELAY_PRC;
  2589. UI.fDetailedRange = UI.fDetailedRange + (UI.fDetailedRangeTarget - UI.fDetailedRange) * MICROPROFILE_ANIM_DELAY_PRC;
  2590. }
  2591. bool MicroProfileIsDrawing()
  2592. {
  2593. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  2594. return S.nDisplay != 0;
  2595. }
  2596. void MicroProfileToggleGraph(MicroProfileToken nToken)
  2597. {
  2598. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  2599. uint32_t nTimerId = MicroProfileGetTimerIndex(nToken);
  2600. nToken &= 0xffff;
  2601. int32_t nMinSort = 0x7fffffff;
  2602. int32_t nFreeIndex = -1;
  2603. int32_t nMinIndex = 0;
  2604. int32_t nMaxSort = 0x80000000;
  2605. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < MICROPROFILE_MAX_GRAPHS; ++i)
  2606. {
  2607. if(S.Graph[i].nToken == MICROPROFILE_INVALID_TOKEN)
  2608. nFreeIndex = i;
  2609. if(S.Graph[i].nToken == nToken)
  2610. {
  2611. S.Graph[i].nToken = MICROPROFILE_INVALID_TOKEN;
  2612. S.TimerInfo[nTimerId].bGraph = false;
  2613. return;
  2614. }
  2615. if(S.Graph[i].nKey < nMinSort)
  2616. {
  2617. nMinSort = S.Graph[i].nKey;
  2618. nMinIndex = i;
  2619. }
  2620. if(S.Graph[i].nKey > nMaxSort)
  2621. {
  2622. nMaxSort = S.Graph[i].nKey;
  2623. }
  2624. }
  2625. int nIndex = nFreeIndex > -1 ? nFreeIndex : nMinIndex;
  2626. if (nFreeIndex == -1)
  2627. {
  2628. uint32_t idx = MicroProfileGetTimerIndex(S.Graph[nIndex].nToken);
  2629. S.TimerInfo[idx].bGraph = false;
  2630. }
  2631. S.Graph[nIndex].nToken = nToken;
  2632. S.Graph[nIndex].nKey = nMaxSort+1;
  2633. memset(&S.Graph[nIndex].nHistory[0], 0, sizeof(S.Graph[nIndex].nHistory));
  2634. S.TimerInfo[nTimerId].bGraph = true;
  2635. }
  2636. void MicroProfileMousePosition(uint32_t nX, uint32_t nY, int nWheelDelta)
  2637. {
  2638. UI.nMouseX = nX;
  2639. UI.nMouseY = nY;
  2640. UI.nMouseWheelDelta = nWheelDelta;
  2641. }
  2642. void MicroProfileModKey(uint32_t nKeyState)
  2643. {
  2644. UI.nModDown = nKeyState ? 1 : 0;
  2645. }
  2646. void MicroProfileClearGraph()
  2647. {
  2648. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  2649. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < MICROPROFILE_MAX_GRAPHS; ++i)
  2650. {
  2651. if(S.Graph[i].nToken != 0)
  2652. {
  2653. S.Graph[i].nToken = MICROPROFILE_INVALID_TOKEN;
  2654. }
  2655. }
  2656. }
  2657. void MicroProfileMouseButton(uint32_t nLeft, uint32_t nRight)
  2658. {
  2659. bool bCanRelease = abs((int)(UI.nMouseDownX - UI.nMouseX)) + abs((int)(UI.nMouseDownY - UI.nMouseY)) < 3;
  2660. if(0 == nLeft && UI.nMouseDownLeft && bCanRelease)
  2661. {
  2662. if(UI.nModDown)
  2663. UI.nMouseLeftMod = 1;
  2664. else
  2665. UI.nMouseLeft = 1;
  2666. }
  2667. if(0 == nRight && UI.nMouseDownRight && bCanRelease)
  2668. {
  2669. if(UI.nModDown)
  2670. UI.nMouseRightMod = 1;
  2671. else
  2672. UI.nMouseRight = 1;
  2673. }
  2674. if((nLeft || nRight) && !(UI.nMouseDownLeft || UI.nMouseDownRight))
  2675. {
  2676. UI.nMouseDownX = UI.nMouseX;
  2677. UI.nMouseDownY = UI.nMouseY;
  2678. }
  2679. UI.nMouseDownLeft = nLeft;
  2680. UI.nMouseDownRight = nRight;
  2681. }
  2682. void MicroProfileDrawLineVertical(int nX, int nTop, int nBottom, uint32_t nColor)
  2683. {
  2684. MicroProfileDrawBox(nX, nTop, nX + 1, nBottom, nColor);
  2685. }
  2686. void MicroProfileDrawLineHorizontal(int nLeft, int nRight, int nY, uint32_t nColor)
  2687. {
  2688. MicroProfileDrawBox(nLeft, nY, nRight, nY + 1, nColor);
  2689. }
  2690. #include <stdio.h>
  2691. #define MICROPROFILE_PRESET_HEADER_MAGIC 0x28586813
  2693. struct MicroProfilePresetHeader
  2694. {
  2695. uint32_t nMagic;
  2696. uint32_t nVersion;
  2697. //groups, threads, aggregate, reference frame, graphs timers
  2698. uint32_t nGroups[MICROPROFILE_MAX_GROUPS];
  2699. uint32_t nThreads[MICROPROFILE_MAX_THREADS];
  2700. uint32_t nGraphName[MICROPROFILE_MAX_GRAPHS];
  2701. uint32_t nGraphGroupName[MICROPROFILE_MAX_GRAPHS];
  2702. uint32_t nAllGroupsWanted;
  2703. uint32_t nAllThreadsWanted;
  2704. uint32_t nAggregateFlip;
  2705. float fReferenceTime;
  2706. uint32_t nBars;
  2707. uint32_t nDisplay;
  2708. uint32_t nOpacityBackground;
  2709. uint32_t nOpacityForeground;
  2710. uint32_t nShowSpikes;
  2711. };
  2713. #define MICROPROFILE_PRESET_FILENAME_FUNC MicroProfilePresetFilename
  2714. static const char* MicroProfilePresetFilename(const char* pSuffix)
  2715. {
  2716. static char filename[512];
  2717. snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename)-1, ".microprofilepreset.%s", pSuffix);
  2718. return filename;
  2719. }
  2720. #endif
  2721. void MicroProfileSavePreset(const char* pPresetName)
  2722. {
  2723. std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> Lock(MicroProfileGetMutex());
  2724. FILE* F = fopen(MICROPROFILE_PRESET_FILENAME_FUNC(pPresetName), "wb");
  2725. if(!F) return;
  2726. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  2727. MicroProfilePresetHeader Header;
  2728. memset(&Header, 0, sizeof(Header));
  2729. Header.nAggregateFlip = S.nAggregateFlip;
  2730. Header.nBars = S.nBars;
  2731. Header.fReferenceTime = S.fReferenceTime;
  2732. Header.nAllGroupsWanted = S.nAllGroupsWanted;
  2733. Header.nAllThreadsWanted = S.nAllThreadsWanted;
  2736. Header.nDisplay = S.nDisplay;
  2737. Header.nOpacityBackground = UI.nOpacityBackground;
  2738. Header.nOpacityForeground = UI.nOpacityForeground;
  2739. Header.nShowSpikes = UI.bShowSpikes ? 1 : 0;
  2740. fwrite(&Header, sizeof(Header), 1, F);
  2741. uint64_t nMask = 1;
  2742. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < MICROPROFILE_MAX_GROUPS; ++i)
  2743. {
  2744. if(S.nActiveGroupWanted & nMask)
  2745. {
  2746. uint32_t offset = ftell(F);
  2747. const char* pName = S.GroupInfo[i].pName;
  2748. int nLen = (int)strlen(pName)+1;
  2749. fwrite(pName, nLen, 1, F);
  2750. Header.nGroups[i] = offset;
  2751. }
  2752. nMask <<= 1;
  2753. }
  2754. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < MICROPROFILE_MAX_THREADS; ++i)
  2755. {
  2756. MicroProfileThreadLog* pLog = S.Pool[i];
  2757. if(pLog && S.nThreadActive[i])
  2758. {
  2759. uint32_t nOffset = ftell(F);
  2760. const char* pName = &pLog->ThreadName[0];
  2761. int nLen = (int)strlen(pName)+1;
  2762. fwrite(pName, nLen, 1, F);
  2763. Header.nThreads[i] = nOffset;
  2764. }
  2765. }
  2766. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < MICROPROFILE_MAX_GRAPHS; ++i)
  2767. {
  2768. MicroProfileToken nToken = S.Graph[i].nToken;
  2770. {
  2771. uint32_t nGroupIndex = MicroProfileGetGroupIndex(nToken);
  2772. uint32_t nTimerIndex = MicroProfileGetTimerIndex(nToken);
  2773. const char* pGroupName = S.GroupInfo[nGroupIndex].pName;
  2774. const char* pTimerName = S.TimerInfo[nTimerIndex].pName;
  2775. MP_ASSERT(pGroupName);
  2776. MP_ASSERT(pTimerName);
  2777. int nGroupLen = (int)strlen(pGroupName)+1;
  2778. int nTimerLen = (int)strlen(pTimerName)+1;
  2779. uint32_t nOffsetGroup = ftell(F);
  2780. fwrite(pGroupName, nGroupLen, 1, F);
  2781. uint32_t nOffsetTimer = ftell(F);
  2782. fwrite(pTimerName, nTimerLen, 1, F);
  2783. Header.nGraphName[i] = nOffsetTimer;
  2784. Header.nGraphGroupName[i] = nOffsetGroup;
  2785. }
  2786. }
  2787. fseek(F, 0, SEEK_SET);
  2788. fwrite(&Header, sizeof(Header), 1, F);
  2789. fclose(F);
  2790. }
  2791. void MicroProfileLoadPreset(const char* pSuffix)
  2792. {
  2793. std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> Lock(MicroProfileGetMutex());
  2794. FILE* F = fopen(MICROPROFILE_PRESET_FILENAME_FUNC(pSuffix), "rb");
  2795. if(!F)
  2796. {
  2797. return;
  2798. }
  2799. fseek(F, 0, SEEK_END);
  2800. int nSize = ftell(F);
  2801. char* const pBuffer = (char*)alloca(nSize);
  2802. fseek(F, 0, SEEK_SET);
  2803. int nRead = (int)fread(pBuffer, nSize, 1, F);
  2804. fclose(F);
  2805. if(1 != nRead)
  2806. return;
  2807. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  2808. MicroProfilePresetHeader& Header = *(MicroProfilePresetHeader*)pBuffer;
  2810. {
  2811. return;
  2812. }
  2813. S.nAggregateFlip = Header.nAggregateFlip;
  2814. S.nBars = Header.nBars;
  2815. S.fReferenceTime = Header.fReferenceTime;
  2816. S.fRcpReferenceTime = 1.f / Header.fReferenceTime;
  2817. S.nAllGroupsWanted = Header.nAllGroupsWanted;
  2818. S.nAllThreadsWanted = Header.nAllThreadsWanted;
  2819. S.nDisplay = Header.nDisplay;
  2820. S.nActiveGroupWanted = 0;
  2821. UI.nOpacityBackground = Header.nOpacityBackground;
  2822. UI.nOpacityForeground = Header.nOpacityForeground;
  2823. UI.bShowSpikes = Header.nShowSpikes == 1;
  2824. memset(&S.nThreadActive[0], 0, sizeof(S.nThreadActive));
  2825. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < MICROPROFILE_MAX_GROUPS; ++i)
  2826. {
  2827. if(Header.nGroups[i])
  2828. {
  2829. const char* pGroupName = pBuffer + Header.nGroups[i];
  2830. for(uint32_t j = 0; j < MICROPROFILE_MAX_GROUPS; ++j)
  2831. {
  2832. if(0 == MP_STRCASECMP(pGroupName, S.GroupInfo[j].pName))
  2833. {
  2834. S.nActiveGroupWanted |= (1ULL << j);
  2835. }
  2836. }
  2837. }
  2838. }
  2839. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < MICROPROFILE_MAX_THREADS; ++i)
  2840. {
  2841. if(Header.nThreads[i])
  2842. {
  2843. const char* pThreadName = pBuffer + Header.nThreads[i];
  2844. for(uint32_t j = 0; j < MICROPROFILE_MAX_THREADS; ++j)
  2845. {
  2846. MicroProfileThreadLog* pLog = S.Pool[j];
  2847. if(pLog && 0 == MP_STRCASECMP(pThreadName, &pLog->ThreadName[0]))
  2848. {
  2849. S.nThreadActive[j] = 1;
  2850. }
  2851. }
  2852. }
  2853. }
  2854. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < MICROPROFILE_MAX_GRAPHS; ++i)
  2855. {
  2856. MicroProfileToken nPrevToken = S.Graph[i].nToken;
  2857. S.Graph[i].nToken = MICROPROFILE_INVALID_TOKEN;
  2858. if(Header.nGraphName[i] && Header.nGraphGroupName[i])
  2859. {
  2860. const char* pGraphName = pBuffer + Header.nGraphName[i];
  2861. const char* pGraphGroupName = pBuffer + Header.nGraphGroupName[i];
  2862. for(uint32_t j = 0; j < S.nTotalTimers; ++j)
  2863. {
  2864. uint64_t nGroupIndex = S.TimerInfo[j].nGroupIndex;
  2865. if(0 == MP_STRCASECMP(pGraphName, S.TimerInfo[j].pName) && 0 == MP_STRCASECMP(pGraphGroupName, S.GroupInfo[nGroupIndex].pName))
  2866. {
  2867. MicroProfileToken nToken = MicroProfileMakeToken(1ULL << nGroupIndex, (uint16_t)j);
  2868. S.Graph[i].nToken = nToken; // note: group index is stored here but is checked without in MicroProfileToggleGraph()!
  2869. S.TimerInfo[j].bGraph = true;
  2870. if(nToken != nPrevToken)
  2871. {
  2872. memset(&S.Graph[i].nHistory, 0, sizeof(S.Graph[i].nHistory));
  2873. }
  2874. break;
  2875. }
  2876. }
  2877. }
  2878. }
  2879. }
  2880. inline uint32_t MicroProfileCustomGroupFind(const char* pCustomName)
  2881. {
  2882. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < UI.nCustomCount; ++i)
  2883. {
  2884. if(!MP_STRCASECMP(pCustomName, UI.Custom[i].pName))
  2885. {
  2886. return i;
  2887. }
  2888. }
  2889. return UINT32_MAX;
  2890. }
  2891. inline uint32_t MicroProfileCustomGroup(const char* pCustomName)
  2892. {
  2893. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < UI.nCustomCount; ++i)
  2894. {
  2895. if(!MP_STRCASECMP(pCustomName, UI.Custom[i].pName))
  2896. {
  2897. return i;
  2898. }
  2899. }
  2901. uint32_t nIndex = UI.nCustomCount;
  2902. UI.nCustomCount++;
  2903. memset(&UI.Custom[nIndex], 0, sizeof(UI.Custom[nIndex]));
  2904. size_t nLen = strlen(pCustomName);
  2905. if(nLen > MICROPROFILE_NAME_MAX_LEN-1)
  2907. memcpy(&UI.Custom[nIndex].pName[0], pCustomName, nLen);
  2908. UI.Custom[nIndex].pName[nLen] = '\0';
  2909. return nIndex;
  2910. }
  2911. void MicroProfileCustomGroup(const char* pCustomName, uint32_t nMaxTimers, uint32_t nAggregateFlip, float fReferenceTime, uint32_t nFlags)
  2912. {
  2913. uint32_t nIndex = MicroProfileCustomGroup(pCustomName);
  2914. MP_ASSERT(UI.Custom[nIndex].pTimers == 0);//only call once!
  2915. UI.Custom[nIndex].pTimers = &UI.CustomTimer[UI.nCustomTimerCount];
  2916. UI.Custom[nIndex].nMaxTimers = nMaxTimers;
  2917. UI.Custom[nIndex].fReference = fReferenceTime;
  2918. UI.nCustomTimerCount += nMaxTimers;
  2920. UI.Custom[nIndex].nFlags = nFlags;
  2921. UI.Custom[nIndex].nAggregateFlip = nAggregateFlip;
  2922. }
  2923. inline void MicroProfileCustomGroupEnable(uint32_t nIndex)
  2924. {
  2925. if(nIndex < UI.nCustomCount)
  2926. {
  2927. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  2928. S.nForceGroupUI = UI.Custom[nIndex].nGroupMask;
  2929. MicroProfileSetAggregateFrames(UI.Custom[nIndex].nAggregateFlip);
  2930. S.fReferenceTime = UI.Custom[nIndex].fReference;
  2931. S.fRcpReferenceTime = 1.f / UI.Custom[nIndex].fReference;
  2932. UI.nCustomActive = nIndex;
  2933. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < MICROPROFILE_MAX_GRAPHS; ++i)
  2934. {
  2935. if(S.Graph[i].nToken != MICROPROFILE_INVALID_TOKEN)
  2936. {
  2937. uint32_t nTimerId = MicroProfileGetTimerIndex(S.Graph[i].nToken);
  2938. S.TimerInfo[nTimerId].bGraph = false;
  2939. S.Graph[i].nToken = MICROPROFILE_INVALID_TOKEN;
  2940. }
  2941. }
  2942. for(uint32_t i = 0; i < UI.Custom[nIndex].nNumTimers; ++i)
  2943. {
  2945. {
  2946. break;
  2947. }
  2948. S.Graph[i].nToken = UI.Custom[nIndex].pTimers[i];
  2949. S.Graph[i].nKey = i;
  2950. uint32_t nTimerId = MicroProfileGetTimerIndex(S.Graph[i].nToken);
  2951. S.TimerInfo[nTimerId].bGraph = true;
  2952. }
  2953. }
  2954. }
  2955. void MicroProfileCustomGroupToggle(const char* pCustomName)
  2956. {
  2957. uint32_t nIndex = MicroProfileCustomGroupFind(pCustomName);
  2958. if(nIndex == UINT32_MAX || nIndex == UI.nCustomActive)
  2959. {
  2960. MicroProfileCustomGroupDisable();
  2961. }
  2962. else
  2963. {
  2964. MicroProfileCustomGroupEnable(nIndex);
  2965. }
  2966. }
  2967. void MicroProfileCustomGroupEnable(const char* pCustomName)
  2968. {
  2969. uint32_t nIndex = MicroProfileCustomGroupFind(pCustomName);
  2970. MicroProfileCustomGroupEnable(nIndex);
  2971. }
  2972. void MicroProfileCustomGroupDisable()
  2973. {
  2974. MicroProfile& S = *MicroProfileGet();
  2975. S.nForceGroupUI = 0;
  2976. UI.nCustomActive = UINT32_MAX;
  2977. }
  2978. void MicroProfileCustomGroupAddTimer(const char* pCustomName, const char* pGroup, const char* pTimer)
  2979. {
  2980. uint32_t nIndex = MicroProfileCustomGroupFind(pCustomName);
  2981. if(UINT32_MAX == nIndex)
  2982. {
  2983. return;
  2984. }
  2985. uint32_t nTimerIndex = UI.Custom[nIndex].nNumTimers;
  2986. MP_ASSERT(nTimerIndex < UI.Custom[nIndex].nMaxTimers);
  2987. uint64_t nToken = MicroProfileFindToken(pGroup, pTimer);
  2988. MP_ASSERT(nToken != MICROPROFILE_INVALID_TOKEN); //Timer must be registered first.
  2989. UI.Custom[nIndex].pTimers[nTimerIndex] = nToken;
  2990. uint16_t nGroup = MicroProfileGetGroupIndex(nToken);
  2991. UI.Custom[nIndex].nGroupMask |= (1ULL << nGroup);
  2992. UI.Custom[nIndex].nNumTimers++;
  2993. }
  2994. #undef UI
  2995. #endif
  2996. #endif