.travis.yml 1.7 KB

  1. language: c
  2. compiler: gcc
  3. sudo: false
  4. cache: ccache
  5. jobs:
  6. include:
  7. - name: basic checks and reference configurations
  8. addons:
  9. apt:
  10. packages:
  11. - gnutls-bin
  12. - doxygen
  13. - graphviz
  14. - gcc-arm-none-eabi
  15. - libnewlib-arm-none-eabi
  16. language: python # Needed to get pip for Python 3
  17. python: 3.5 # version from Ubuntu 16.04
  18. install:
  19. - pip install pylint==2.4.4
  20. script:
  21. - tests/scripts/all.sh -k 'check_*'
  22. - tests/scripts/all.sh -k test_default_out_of_box
  23. - tests/scripts/test-ref-configs.pl
  24. - tests/scripts/all.sh -k build_arm_none_eabi_gcc_arm5vte build_arm_none_eabi_gcc_m0plus
  25. - name: full configuration
  26. script:
  27. - tests/scripts/all.sh -k test_full_cmake_gcc_asan
  28. - name: check compilation guards
  29. script:
  30. - tests/scripts/all.sh -k 'test_depends_*' 'build_key_exchanges'
  31. - name: macOS
  32. os: osx
  33. compiler: clang
  34. script:
  35. - tests/scripts/all.sh -k test_default_out_of_box
  36. - name: Windows
  37. os: windows
  38. script:
  39. - scripts/windows_msbuild.bat v141 # Visual Studio 2017
  40. after_failure:
  41. - tests/scripts/travis-log-failure.sh
  42. env:
  43. global:
  44. - SEED=1
  45. - secure: "FrI5d2s+ckckC17T66c8jm2jV6i2DkBPU5nyWzwbedjmEBeocREfQLd/x8yKpPzLDz7ghOvr+/GQvsPPn0dVkGlNzm3Q+hGHc/ujnASuUtGrcuMM+0ALnJ3k4rFr9xEvjJeWb4SmhJO5UCAZYvTItW4k7+bj9L+R6lt3TzQbXzg="
  46. addons:
  47. apt:
  48. packages:
  49. - gnutls-bin
  50. coverity_scan:
  51. project:
  52. name: "ARMmbed/mbedtls"
  53. notification_email: support-mbedtls@arm.com
  54. build_command_prepend:
  55. build_command: make
  56. branch_pattern: coverity_scan