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Title: "The Lumina team has released Lumina 1.0.0" Date: 2016-08-09 17:24:37 Categories: [news] tags: [freebsd, netbsd, openbsd, lumina] Slug: the-lumina-team-has-released-lumina-1-0-0 Authors: sedlav

Summary: After 4 years, approximately, The Lumina desktop development team has released Lumina 1.0.0. This release is an incredible realization of the initial

After 4 years, approximately, The Lumina desktop development team has released Lumina 1.0.0. This release is an incredible realization of the initial idea of Lumina – a simple and unobtrusive desktop environment meant for users to configure to match their individual needs.

The Lumina desktop is designed to be fast, easy to customize, flexible, require few resources and work in many different environments. Lumina should work just as well in multi-monitor configurations as it does on single-screen laptops or tablets.

Lumina is also designed to require fewer dependencies than most other desktop environments. The Lumina desktop does not require PolicyKit, HAL or systemd, for example. This makes Lumina very portable and the desktop can be run on most flavors of BSD and GNU/Linux.
