pc-bsd-evolves-into-trueos.md 750 B

Title: "PC-BSD Evolves into TrueOS" Date: 2016-09-04 02:00:09 Categories: [news] tags: [freebsd, pc-bsd, trueos, bsd] Slug: pc-bsd-evolves-into-trueos

Authors: sedlav

We are proud to announce that the PC-BSD project has evolved into TrueOS: a modern, cutting-edge distribution of FreeBSD focused on security, simplicity, and stability for desktops, servers, and beyond! TrueOS harnesses the best elements of PC-BSD, combines it with security technologies from OpenBSD, and layers it on top of FreeBSD to provide a complete system for modern machines. FreeBSD is an advanced computer operating system used to power modern servers, desktops, and embedded platforms.
