755 B

Title: "OpenMandriva team announces the OpenMandriva Lx 3.0 final release." Date: 2016-08-16 14:49:51 Categories: [news] tags: [openmandriva] Slug: openmandriva-team-announces-the-openmandriva-lx-3-0-final-release

Authors: sedlav

The OpenMandriva team is proud to release OpenMandriva Lx 3.0 final release.


  • KDE Plasma 5.6.5
  • KDE Frameworks 5.24.0
  • KDE Apps 16.04.3
  • Kernel 4.6.5
  • Systemd 231
  • Xorg 1.18.3
  • Mesa 12.0.1
  • F2FS support – A filesystem for SSD

OpenMandriva Lx is a cutting edge distribution compiled with LLVM/clang. Combined with the high level of optimisation this gives the OpenMandriva desktop an unbelievably crisp response to operations on the KDE Plasma 5 desktop which makes it a pleasure to use.