Title: "Claws Mail 3.14.0 has been released"
Date: 2016-08-10 17:03:47
Categories: [news]
tags: [claws mail, mail client]
Slug: claws-mail-3-14-0-has-been-released
Authors: sedlav
Claws Mail is a GTK+ based, user-friendly, lightweight, and fast email client.
Highlight in this release
- Passwords can now be secured with a Master Passphrase.
- Passwords: The password storage method has changed. All passwords are now stored in a separate file, (~/.claws-mail/passwordstorerc), and use a stronger encryption than previously.
- Passwords can now be secured with a Master Passphrase.
- Message view: The HTML to plain text converter now indicates list items with a hyphen (-), adds a line break after, and indents text within blockquotes.
- More than 10 bugs fixed