settings.toml 2.1 KB

  1. # latestpage="result.html"
  2. latestpages=["meta.json", "result.html"]
  3. [page]
  4. postsperpage = 20
  5. relative_css=["./style.css", "./timeline.css"]
  6. # this would be "latest.html" in earlier versions i.e
  7. # user.domain.tld/microblog/tags/tagname/latest.html
  8. # naming it as index enables paths like so
  9. # user.domain.tld/microblog/tags/tagname
  10. landing_page="index.html"
  11. [post]
  12. accepted_images= ["jpg", "JPG", "png", "PNG"]
  13. # true = add <p></p> tags to each line.
  14. tag_paragraphs=true
  15. # apply <p> tags even if a line contains the following
  16. inline_tags = ["i", "em", "b", "strong","u", "s", "a", "span"]
  17. date_format="%d %B %Y"
  18. format="""
  19. <article id="{__num__}">
  20. <h4>
  21. <time>{__timestamp__}</time>
  22. <a href=#{__num__}>(#{__num__})</a>
  23. </h4>
  24. {__msg__}
  25. {__btn__}
  26. </article>
  27. """
  28. [post.buttons]
  29. format="""
  30. <a class="buttons" href="{__url__}">{__label__}</a>
  31. """
  32. [post.buttons.links]
  33. reply = "mailto:user@host.tld"
  34. test = ""
  35. interact = "https://yoursite.tld/cgi?postid="
  36. []
  37. path_to_thumb="./thumbs"
  38. path_to_fullsize="./images"
  39. [webring]
  40. enabled=false
  41. file_output="meta.json"
  42. [webring.profile]
  43. username="Your name here"
  44. url="https://yourdomain.tld/microblog/"
  45. avatar="https://yourdomain.tld/microblog/images/avatar.jpg"
  46. short-bio= "Your self-description. Anything longer than 150 characters is truncated."
  47. [webring.following]
  48. list= [""]
  49. date_format = "%Y %b %d"
  50. format="""
  51. <article>
  52. <figure>
  53. <img src="{__avatar__}" alt="Avatar" class="avatar">
  54. <figcaption>
  55. <ul>
  56. <li><a href="{__url__}" title="microblog of {__handle__}">{__handle__}</a></li>
  57. <li><time>Last Update: {__lastupdated__}</time></li>
  58. <li>Posts: {__post_count__}</li>
  59. </ul>
  60. </figcaption>
  61. </figure>
  62. <p class="short-bio">{__shortbio__}</p>
  63. </article>
  64. """
  65. # internally link avatars - avoids hotlinks
  66. [webring.following.internal-avatars]
  67. enabled=false
  68. path_to_avatars="/microblog/avatars" # link rendered on page
  69. local_path_to_avatars="./avatars" # destination folder on pc