#132 u-boot: Fixes for osboot merge, and more

alpernebbi قصد ادغام 0 تغییر را از alpernebbi/cros-postmerge-fixes به libreboot/master دارد

Here's another batch of patches for U-Boot integration. Major points:

  • Fixes for things that's broken since the osboot merge
  • Use coreboot crossgcc to build U-Boot
  • Common tree for U-Boot builds
  • U-Boot as payload for qemu_x86_12mb
  • New qemu_arm64_12mb board with only U-Boot
  • Some of the missing scripts

I'm not sure I'll stop here, but at least wanted to send it in case I get interrupted by other things. (Also need to write stuff for lbwww, I know).

Here's another batch of patches for U-Boot integration. Major points: - Fixes for things that's broken since the osboot merge - Use coreboot crossgcc to build U-Boot - Common tree for U-Boot builds - U-Boot as payload for qemu_x86_12mb - New qemu_arm64_12mb board with only U-Boot - Some of the missing scripts I'm not sure I'll stop here, but at least wanted to send it in case I get interrupted by other things. (Also need to write stuff for lbwww, I know).
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