installer_en.isl 688 B

  1. [Messages]
  2. WelcomeLabel2=This will install Ricochet on your computer.
  3. [CustomMessages]
  4. AppTitle=Ricochet - Anonymous Instant Messaging
  5. UninstallShortcut=Uninstall Ricochet
  6. RunShortcut=Launch Ricochet
  7. PortableDesc=Do you want a portable installation?
  8. PortableText=Ricochet can be installed on your system, or extracted to a portable folder. The portable installation can be moved between computers or kept secure on an encrypted harddrive.
  9. PortableTitle=Installation Mode
  10. PortableOptInstall=Install (Recommended)
  11. PortableOptExtract=Extract (Portable)
  12. BtnExtract=Extract
  13. ExtractDirText=Ricochet will be extracted into the following folder
  14. ExtractDirDesc=Where should Ricochet be extracted?