Civ4lerts.xml 5.3 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
  2. <!--
  3. Civ4lerts
  4. by Dr. Elmer Jiggle, EmperorFool
  5. Copyright (c) 2008 The BUG Mod.
  6. -->
  7. <mod id="Civ4lerts"
  8. name="Civ4lerts"
  9. author="Dr. Elmer Jiggle, EmperorFool"
  10. version="1.4"
  11. date="08/11/2006"
  12. url="">
  13. <link id="WhipAssistOverflowCountCurrentProduction"
  14. to="CityScreen__WhipAssistOverflowCountCurrentProduction"/>
  15. <options id="Civ4lerts" file="Civ4lerts.ini">
  16. <section id="Civ4lerts">
  17. <!-- Move this outside of INI once Mod objects hold options -->
  18. <option id="Enabled" key="Enabled"
  19. type="boolean" default="False"
  20. get="isEnabled" set="setEnabled"
  21. label="Enable Civ4lerts"
  22. help="When checked, messages are displayed to alert you to various pending and existing conditions using Dr. Elmer Jiggle's Civ4lerts mod."/>
  23. <!-- City -->
  24. <option id="CityPendingGrowth" key="City Pending Growth"
  25. type="boolean" default="True" and="Enabled"
  26. get="isShowCityPendingGrowthAlert" set="setShowCityPendingGrowthAlert"
  27. label="Pending"
  28. help="When checked, displays an alert when a city's population will grow or shrink next turn."/>
  29. <option id="CityGrowth" key="City Growth"
  30. type="boolean" default="True" and="Enabled"
  31. get="isShowCityGrowthAlert" set="setShowCityGrowthAlert"
  32. label="Growth"
  33. help="When checked, displays an alert when a city's population has grown or shrunk."/>
  34. <option id="CityPendingHappiness" key="City Pending Happiness"
  35. type="boolean" default="True" and="Enabled"
  36. get="isShowCityPendingHappinessAlert" set="setShowCityPendingHappinessAlert"
  37. label="Pending"
  38. help="When checked, displays an alert when a city will become happy or unhappy next turn."/>
  39. <option id="CityHappiness" key="City Happiness"
  40. type="boolean" default="True" and="Enabled"
  41. get="isShowCityHappinessAlert" set="setShowCityHappinessAlert"
  42. label="Happiness"
  43. help="When checked, displays an alert when a city has become happy or unhappy."/>
  44. <option id="CityPendingHealthiness" key="City Pending Healthiness"
  45. type="boolean" default="True" and="Enabled"
  46. get="isShowCityPendingHealthinessAlert" set="setShowCityPendingHealthinessAlert"
  47. label="Pending"
  48. help="When checked, displays an alert when a city will become healthy or unhealthy next turn."/>
  49. <option id="CityHealthiness" key="City Healthiness"
  50. type="boolean" default="True" and="Enabled"
  51. get="isShowCityHealthinessAlert" set="setShowCityHealthinessAlert"
  52. label="Healthiness"
  53. help="When checked, displays an alert when a city has become healthy or unhealthy."/>
  54. <option id="CityPendingOccupation" key="City Pending Occupation"
  55. type="boolean" default="True" and="Enabled"
  56. get="isShowCityPendingOccupationAlert" set="setShowCityPendingOccupationAlert"
  57. label="Pending"
  58. help="When checked, displays an alert when a city will be pacified next turn, ending occupation."/>
  59. <option id="CityOccupation" key="City Occupation"
  60. type="boolean" default="True" and="Enabled"
  61. get="isShowCityOccupationAlert" set="setShowCityOccupationAlert"
  62. label="Occupation"
  63. help="When checked, displays an alert when a city has been pacified, ending occupation."/>
  64. <option id="CityCanHurryPop" key="City Can Hurry Pop"
  65. type="boolean" default="True" and="Enabled"
  66. get="isShowCityCanHurryPopAlert" set="setShowCityCanHurryPopAlert"
  67. label="Can Hurry w. Population"
  68. help="When checked, displays an alert once a city can hurry the item it's building with the whip."/>
  69. <option id="CityCanHurryGold" key="City Can Hurry Gold"
  70. type="boolean" default="True" and="Enabled"
  71. get="isShowCityCanHurryGoldAlert" set="setShowCityCanHurryGoldAlert"
  72. label="Can Hurry w. Gold"
  73. help="When checked, displays an alert once a city can hurry the item it's building with gold."/>
  74. <!-- Trade -->
  75. <option id="GoldTrade" key="Gold Trade"
  76. type="boolean" default="True" and="Enabled"
  77. get="isShowGoldTradeAlert" set="setShowGoldTradeAlert"
  78. label="Gold"
  79. help="."/>
  80. <list id="GoldTradeThresh" key="Gold Trade Threshold"
  81. type="int" default="50" listType="int"
  82. values="25, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500, 1000"
  83. get="getGoldTradeThreshold" set="setGoldTradeThreshold"
  84. label="Threshold"
  85. help="."/>
  86. <option id="GoldPerTurnTrade" key="Gold Per Turn Trade"
  87. type="boolean" default="True" and="Enabled"
  88. get="isShowGoldPerTurnTradeAlert" set="setShowGoldPerTurnTradeAlert"
  89. label="Gold Per Turn"
  90. help="."/>
  91. <list id="GoldPerTurnTradeThresh" key="Gold Per Turn Threshold"
  92. type="int" default="5" listType="int"
  93. values="1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50, 100"
  94. get="getGoldPerTurnTradeThreshold" set="setGoldPerTurnTradeThreshold"
  95. label="Threshold"
  96. help="."/>
  97. <!-- Diplomacy -->
  98. <option id="RefusesToTalk" key="Refuses To Talk"
  99. type="boolean" default="True" and="Enabled"
  100. get="isShowRefusesToTalkAlert" set="setShowRefusesToTalkAlert"/>
  101. <option id="WorstEnemy" key="Worst Enemy"
  102. type="boolean" default="True" and="Enabled"
  103. get="isShowWorstEnemyAlert" set="setShowWorstEnemyAlert"/>
  104. </section>
  105. </options>
  106. <events module="Civ4lerts" class="Civ4lerts"/>
  107. </mod>