BUG Main Interface.xml 5.0 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
  2. <!--
  3. BUG Main Interface
  4. by EmperorFool, Impaler[WrG], NeverMind, SimCutie
  5. Collects all of the various main interface mods.
  6. Copyright (c) 2008 The BUG Mod.
  7. -->
  8. <mod id="MainInterface"
  9. name="BUG Main Interface"
  10. author="EmperorFool, Impaler[WrG], NeverMind, SimCutie"
  11. version="3.0"
  12. date="07/11/2008"
  13. url="http://forums.civfanatics.com/forumdisplay.php?f=268">
  14. <options id="MainInterface" file="BUG Main Interface.ini">
  15. <section id="Main">
  16. <!-- Options Screen Shortcut Reminder -->
  17. <option id="OptionsKey" key="Options Shortcut Reminder"
  18. type="boolean" default="False"
  19. get="isShowOptionsKeyReminder" set="setShowOptionsKeyReminder" dirtyBit="GameData"/>
  20. <!-- Options Screen Button -->
  21. <option id="OptionsButton" key="Options Button"
  22. type="boolean" default="True"
  23. get="isShowOptionsButton" set="setShowOptionsButton" dirtyBit="GameData"/>
  24. <!-- Gold Rate Warning -->
  25. <option id="GoldRateWarning" key="Gold Rate Warning"
  26. type="boolean" default="True"
  27. get="isGoldRateWarning" dirtyBit="GameData"/>
  28. <!-- Great Person Progress Bar by Impaler[WrG], EmperorFool -->
  29. <option id="GPBar" key="GP Progress Bar"
  30. type="boolean" default="True"
  31. get="isShowGPProgressBar" dirtyBit="GameData"/>
  32. <list id="GPBar_Types" key="GP Progress Bar Types"
  33. type="int" default="2" listType="string"
  34. values="None|One|Maximum"
  35. get="getGPBarPercents" dirtyBit="GameData">
  36. <choice id="None" get="isGPBarTypesNone"/>
  37. <choice id="One" get="isGPBarTypesOne"/>
  38. <choice id="Maximum" get="isGPBarTypesMax"/>
  39. </list>
  40. <!-- Great General Progress Bar by NeverMind -->
  41. <option id="Combat_Counter" key="Combat Counter"
  42. type="boolean" default="True"
  43. get="isShowGGProgressBar" dirtyBit="GameData"/>
  44. <!-- Min/Max Commerce Buttons by codewarrior -->
  45. <option id="MinMax_Commerce" key="MinMax Commerce"
  46. type="boolean" default="False"
  47. get="isShowMinMaxCommerceButtons" dirtyBit="PercentButtons, GameData">
  48. <change module="CvCustomizableDomesticAdvisor" function="forcePositionCalc"/>
  49. </option>
  50. <!-- City Cycle Arrows by SimCutie -->
  51. <option id="CityArrows" key="City Cycle Arrows"
  52. type="boolean" default="True"
  53. get="isShowCityCycleArrows" dirtyBit="MiscButtons"/>
  54. <!-- Progress Bar Tick Marks -->
  55. <option id="ProgressBarsTickMarks" key="Tick Marks"
  56. type="boolean" default="False"
  57. get="isShowpBarTickMarks" dirtyBit="GameData"/>
  58. <!-- Field of View -->
  59. <option id="FieldOfView" key="Field of View"
  60. type="boolean" default="False"
  61. get="isShowFieldOfView" dirtyBit="MiscButtons"/>
  62. <option id="FieldOfView_Remember" key="Remember Field of View"
  63. type="boolean" default="True"
  64. get="isRememberFieldOfView"/>
  65. <option id="FieldOfView_Value" key="Field of View Value"
  66. type="string" default="42"
  67. get="getFieldOfView" set="setFieldOfView"/>
  68. <!-- Movement Points -->
  69. <option id="UnitMovementPointsFraction" key="Unit Movement Points Fraction"
  70. type="boolean" default="True"
  71. get="isShowUnitMovementPointsFraction" dirtyBit="InfoPane"/>
  72. <option id="StackMovementPoints" key="Stack Movement Points"
  73. type="boolean" default="True"
  74. get="isShowStackMovementPoints" dirtyBit="InfoPane"/>
  75. <!-- Stack Promotions -->
  76. <option id="StackPromotions" key="Stack Promotions"
  77. type="boolean" default="True"
  78. get="isShowStackPromotions" dirtyBit="InfoPane"/>
  79. <option id="StackPromotionCounts" key="Stack Promotion Counts"
  80. type="boolean" default="True"
  81. get="isShowStackPromotionCounts" dirtyBit="InfoPane"/>
  82. <option id="StackPromotionColor" key="Stack Promotion Color"
  83. type="color" default="COLOR_GREEN"
  84. get="getStackPromotionColor" dirtyBit="InfoPane"/>
  85. <option id="StackPromotionColorAll" key="Stack Promotion Color All"
  86. type="color" default="COLOR_MAGENTA"
  87. get="getStackPromotionColorAll" dirtyBit="InfoPane"/>
  88. <!-- Unit Combat Icons -->
  89. <option id="UnitCombatIcons" key="Unit Combat Icons"
  90. type="boolean" default="true"
  91. get="isShowUnitCombatIcons" dirtyBit="InfoPane"/>
  92. <!-- Build/Action Icon Size by EmperorFool -->
  93. <list id="BuildIconSize" key="Build Icon Size"
  94. type="int" default="1" listType="string"
  95. values="Small|Medium|Large"
  96. get="getBuildIconSize" dirtyBit="SelectionButtons">
  97. <choice id="Small" get="isBuildIconSizeSmall"/>
  98. <choice id="Medium" get="isBuildIconSizeMedium"/>
  99. <choice id="Large" get="isBuildIconSizeLarge"/>
  100. </list>
  101. <!-- Show (or hide) minimap ownership overlay on water by lfgr 06/2019 -->
  102. <option id="MinimapWaterOverlay" key="Minimap Water Overlay"
  103. type="boolean" default="true" dirtyBit="MinimapSection">
  104. <change module="InterfaceUtils" function="updateMinimap"/>
  105. </option>
  106. </section>
  107. </options>
  108. <widget name="WIDGET_GP_PROGRESS_BAR" module="GPUtil" function="getHoverText"/>
  110. </mod>