Advanced Scoreboard.xml 6.5 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
  2. <!--
  3. Advanced Scoreboard
  4. by EmperorFool
  5. Copyright (c) 2008 The BUG Mod.
  6. -->
  7. <mod id="Scores"
  8. name="Advanced Scoreboard"
  9. author="EmperorFool"
  10. version="1.0"
  11. date="09/02/2007"
  12. url="">
  13. <options id="Scores" file="Advanced Scoreboard.ini">
  14. <section id="Scoreboard">
  15. <!-- Dead Civ Scoreboard -->
  16. <option id="ShowDead" key="Show Dead Civilizations"
  17. type="boolean" default="False"
  18. get="isShowDeadCivs" set="setShowDeadCivs" dirtyBit="Score"/>
  19. <option id="TagDead" key="Show Dead Tag"
  20. type="boolean" default="True"
  21. get="isShowDeadTag" set="setShowDeadTag" dirtyBit="Score"/>
  22. <option id="GreyDead" key="Grey Out Dead Civilizations"
  23. type="boolean" default="True"
  24. get="isGreyOutDeadCivs" set="setGreyOutDeadCivs" dirtyBit="Score"/>
  25. <!-- Minor Civs -->
  26. <option id="ShowMinor" key="Show Minor Civilizations"
  27. type="boolean" default="True"
  28. get="isShowMinorCivs" set="setShowMinorCivs" dirtyBit="Score"/>
  29. <!-- New Columns -->
  30. <option id="Delta" key="Delta"
  31. type="boolean" default="True"
  32. get="isShowScoreDelta" set="setShowScoreDelta" dirtyBit="Score"/>
  33. <option id="DeltaIncludeCurrent" key="Delta Includes Current Turn"
  34. type="boolean" default="True"
  35. get="isScoreDeltaIncludeCurrentTurn" set="setScoreDeltaIncludeCurrentTurn" dirtyBit="Score"/>
  36. <list id="DisplayName" key="Display Name"
  37. type="int" default="2" listType="string"
  38. get="getDisplayName" set="setDisplayName" dirtyBit="Score">
  39. <choice id="Leader" get="isShowLeaderName" set="setShowLeaderName"/>
  40. <choice id="Civilization" get="isShowCivName" set="setShowCivName"/>
  41. <choice id="CivDescription" get="isShowCivNameShort" set="setShowShortCivNameShort"/>
  42. <choice id="LeaderAndCivilization" get="isShowBothNames" set="setShowBothNames"/>
  43. <choice id="LeaderAndCivDescription" get="isShowBothNamesShort" set="setShowBothNamesShort"/>
  44. </list>
  45. <option id="UsePlayerName" key="Use Player Name"
  46. type="boolean" default="True"
  47. get="isUsePlayerName" set="setUsePlayerName" dirtyBit="Score"/>
  48. <option id="Attitude" key="Attitude Icons"
  49. type="boolean" default="True"
  50. get="isShowAttitude" set="setShowAttitude" dirtyBit="Score"/>
  51. <option id="WorstEnemy" key="Worst Enemy Icons"
  52. type="boolean" default="True"
  53. get="isShowWorstEnemy" set="setShowWorstEnemy" dirtyBit="Score"/>
  54. <option id="WHEOOH" key="WHEOOH"
  55. type="boolean" default="True"
  56. get="isShowWHEOOH" set="setShowWHEOOH" dirtyBit="Score"/>
  57. <option id="Cities" key="Number of Cities"
  58. type="boolean" default="False"
  59. get="isShowCountCities" set="setShowCountCities" dirtyBit="Score"/>
  60. <!-- Advanced Layout -->
  61. <option id="AlignIcons" key="Align Icons"
  62. type="boolean" default="True"
  63. get="isAlignIcons" set="setAlignIcons" dirtyBit="Score"/>
  64. <option id="DisplayOrder" key="Display Order"
  65. type="string" default="FWSZVC?EPTUNB@DRAHMQ*LO"
  66. get="getDisplayOrder" set="setDisplayOrder" dirtyBit="Score"/>
  67. <list id="DefaultSpacing" key="Default Column Spacing"
  68. type="int" default="0" values="0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10"
  69. get="getDefaultSpacing" set="setDefaultSpacing" dirtyBit="Score"/>
  70. <list id="LineHeight" key="Line Height"
  71. type="int" default="22" values="10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30"
  72. get="getLineHeight" set="setLineHeight" dirtyBit="Score"/>
  73. <list id="MaxPlayers" key="Max Players"
  74. type="int" default="23" values="0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50"
  75. get="getMaxPlayers" set="setMaxPlayers" dirtyBit="Score"/>
  76. <option id="GroupVassals" key="Group Vassals Under Master"
  77. type="boolean" default="True"
  78. get="isGroupVassals" set="setGroupVassals" dirtyBit="Score"/>
  79. <option id="LeftAlignName" key="Left-Align Name"
  80. type="boolean" default="True"
  81. get="isLeftAlignName" set="setLeftAlignName" dirtyBit="Score"/>
  82. <option id="ResearchIcons" key="Research Icons"
  83. type="boolean" default="False"
  84. get="isShowResearchIcons" set="setShowResearchIcons" dirtyBit="Score"/>
  85. <list id="ResearchIconSize" key="Research Icon Size"
  86. type="int" default="24" values="10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32"
  87. get="getResearchIconSize" set="setgetResearchIconSize" dirtyBit="Score"/>
  88. <option id="RankColor" key="Rank Color"
  89. type="color" default="COLOR_YELLOW"
  90. get="getRankColor" set="setRankColor" dirtyBit="Score"/>
  91. <!-- Power Ratio -->
  92. <option id="Power" key="Power"
  93. type="boolean" default="False"
  94. get="isShowPower" set="setShowPower" dirtyBit="Score"/>
  95. <list id="PowerFormula" key="Power Formula"
  96. type="int" default="1" listType="string"
  97. get="getPowerFormula" set="setPowerFormula" dirtyBit="Score">
  98. <choice id="ThemVersusYou" get="isPowerThemVersusYou"/>
  99. <choice id="YouVersusThem" get="isPowerYouVersusThem"/>
  100. </list>
  101. <list id="PowerDecimals" key="Power Ratio Decimals"
  102. type="int" default="1" values="1, 2, 3, 4"
  103. get="getPowerDecimals" set="setPowerDecimals" dirtyBit="Score"/>
  104. <option id="PowerColor" key="Power Color"
  105. type="color" default="COLOR_WHITE"
  106. get="getPowerColor" set="setPowerColor" dirtyBit="Score"/>
  107. <list id="PowerHighRatio" key="Power High"
  108. type="float" default="1.2" listType="float"
  109. values="1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.0" format="%.1f"
  110. get="getHighPowerRatio" set="setHighPowerRatio" dirtyBit="Score"/>
  111. <option id="PowerHighColor" key="Power High Color"
  112. type="color" default="COLOR_GREEN"
  113. get="getHighPowerColor" set="setHighPowerColor" dirtyBit="Score"/>
  114. <list id="PowerLowRatio" key="Power Low"
  115. type="float" default="0.8" listType="float"
  116. values="0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0" format="%.1f"
  117. get="getLowPowerRatio" set="setLowPowerRatio" dirtyBit="Score"/>
  118. <option id="PowerLowColor" key="Power Low Color"
  119. type="color" default="COLOR_RED"
  120. get="getLowPowerColor" set="setLowPowerColor" dirtyBit="Score"/>
  121. </section>
  122. </options>
  123. <init module="Scoreboard" function="init"/>
  124. <event type="DealCanceled" module="Scoreboard" function="onDealCanceled"/>
  125. </mod>