123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239 |
- # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
- """Implementations for a favicon proxy"""
- from __future__ import annotations
- from typing import Callable
- import importlib
- import base64
- import pathlib
- import urllib.parse
- import flask
- from httpx import HTTPError
- import msgspec
- from searx import get_setting
- from searx.webutils import new_hmac, is_hmac_of
- from searx.exceptions import SearxEngineResponseException
- from searx.extended_types import sxng_request
- from .resolvers import DEFAULT_RESOLVER_MAP
- from . import cache
- CFG: FaviconProxyConfig = None # type: ignore
- def init(cfg: FaviconProxyConfig):
- global CFG # pylint: disable=global-statement
- CFG = cfg
- def _initial_resolver_map():
- d = {}
- name: str = get_setting("search.favicon_resolver", None) # type: ignore
- if name:
- func = DEFAULT_RESOLVER_MAP.get(name)
- if func:
- d = {name: f"searx.favicons.resolvers.{func.__name__}"}
- return d
- class FaviconProxyConfig(msgspec.Struct):
- """Configuration of the favicon proxy."""
- max_age: int = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 # seven days
- """HTTP header Cache-Control_ ``max-age``
- .. _Cache-Control: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Cache-Control
- """
- secret_key: str = get_setting("server.secret_key") # type: ignore
- """By default, the value from :ref:`server.secret_key <settings server>`
- setting is used."""
- resolver_timeout: int = get_setting("outgoing.request_timeout") # type: ignore
- """Timeout which the resolvers should not exceed, is usually passed to the
- outgoing request of the resolver. By default, the value from
- :ref:`outgoing.request_timeout <settings outgoing>` setting is used."""
- resolver_map: dict[str, str] = msgspec.field(default_factory=_initial_resolver_map)
- """The resolver_map is a key / value dictionary where the key is the name of
- the resolver and the value is the fully qualifying name (fqn) of resolver's
- function (the callable). The resolvers from the python module
- :py:obj:`searx.favicons.resolver` are available by default."""
- def get_resolver(self, name: str) -> Callable | None:
- """Returns the callable object (function) of the resolver with the
- ``name``. If no resolver is registered for the ``name``, ``None`` is
- returned.
- """
- fqn = self.resolver_map.get(name)
- if fqn is None:
- return None
- mod_name, _, func_name = fqn.rpartition('.')
- mod = importlib.import_module(mod_name)
- func = getattr(mod, func_name)
- if func is None:
- raise ValueError(f"resolver {fqn} is not implemented")
- return func
- favicon_path: str = get_setting("ui.static_path") + "/themes/{theme}/img/empty_favicon.svg" # type: ignore
- favicon_mime_type: str = "image/svg+xml"
- def favicon(self, **replacements):
- """Returns pathname and mimetype of the default favicon."""
- return (
- pathlib.Path(self.favicon_path.format(**replacements)),
- self.favicon_mime_type,
- )
- def favicon_data_url(self, **replacements):
- """Returns data image URL of the default favicon."""
- cache_key = ", ".join(f"{x}:{replacements[x]}" for x in sorted(list(replacements.keys()), key=str))
- data_url = DEFAULT_FAVICON_URL.get(cache_key)
- if data_url is not None:
- return data_url
- fav, mimetype = CFG.favicon(**replacements)
- # hint: encoding utf-8 limits favicons to be a SVG image
- with fav.open("r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
- data_url = f.read()
- data_url = urllib.parse.quote(data_url)
- data_url = f"data:{mimetype};utf8,{data_url}"
- DEFAULT_FAVICON_URL[cache_key] = data_url
- return data_url
- def favicon_proxy():
- """REST API of SearXNG's favicon proxy service
- ::
- /favicon_proxy?authority=<...>&h=<...>
- ``authority``:
- Domain name :rfc:`3986` / see :py:obj:`favicon_url`
- ``h``:
- HMAC :rfc:`2104`, build up from the :ref:`server.secret_key <settings
- server>` setting.
- """
- authority = sxng_request.args.get('authority')
- # malformed request or RFC 3986 authority
- if not authority or "/" in authority:
- return '', 400
- # malformed request / does not have authorisation
- if not is_hmac_of(
- CFG.secret_key,
- authority.encode(),
- sxng_request.args.get('h', ''),
- ):
- return '', 400
- resolver = sxng_request.preferences.get_value('favicon_resolver') # type: ignore
- # if resolver is empty or not valid, just return HTTP 400.
- if not resolver or resolver not in CFG.resolver_map.keys():
- return "", 400
- data, mime = search_favicon(resolver, authority)
- if data is not None and mime is not None:
- resp = flask.Response(data, mimetype=mime) # type: ignore
- resp.headers['Cache-Control'] = f"max-age={CFG.max_age}"
- return resp
- # return default favicon from static path
- theme = sxng_request.preferences.get_value("theme") # type: ignore
- fav, mimetype = CFG.favicon(theme=theme)
- return flask.send_from_directory(fav.parent, fav.name, mimetype=mimetype)
- def search_favicon(resolver: str, authority: str) -> tuple[None | bytes, None | str]:
- """Sends the request to the favicon resolver and returns a tuple for the
- favicon. The tuple consists of ``(data, mime)``, if the resolver has not
- determined a favicon, both values are ``None``.
- ``data``:
- Binary data of the favicon.
- ``mime``:
- Mime type of the favicon.
- """
- data, mime = (None, None)
- func = CFG.get_resolver(resolver)
- if func is None:
- return data, mime
- # to avoid superfluous requests to the resolver, first look in the cache
- data_mime = cache.CACHE(resolver, authority)
- if data_mime is not None:
- return data_mime
- try:
- data, mime = func(authority, timeout=CFG.resolver_timeout)
- if data is None or mime is None:
- data, mime = (None, None)
- except (HTTPError, SearxEngineResponseException):
- pass
- cache.CACHE.set(resolver, authority, mime, data)
- return data, mime
- def favicon_url(authority: str) -> str:
- """Function to generate the image URL used for favicons in SearXNG's result
- lists. The ``authority`` argument (aka netloc / :rfc:`3986`) is usually a
- (sub-) domain name. This function is used in the HTML (jinja) templates.
- .. code:: html
- <div class="favicon">
- <img src="{{ favicon_url(result.parsed_url.netloc) }}">
- </div>
- The returned URL is a route to :py:obj:`favicon_proxy` REST API.
- If the favicon is already in the cache, the returned URL is a `data URL`_
- (something like ``data:image/png;base64,...``). By generating a data url from
- the :py:obj:`.cache.FaviconCache`, additional HTTP roundtripps via the
- :py:obj:`favicon_proxy` are saved. However, it must also be borne in mind
- that data urls are not cached in the client (web browser).
- .. _data URL: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Basics_of_HTTP/Data_URLs
- """
- resolver = sxng_request.preferences.get_value('favicon_resolver') # type: ignore
- # if resolver is empty or not valid, just return nothing.
- if not resolver or resolver not in CFG.resolver_map.keys():
- return ""
- data_mime = cache.CACHE(resolver, authority)
- if data_mime == (None, None):
- # we have already checked, the resolver does not have a favicon
- theme = sxng_request.preferences.get_value("theme") # type: ignore
- return CFG.favicon_data_url(theme=theme)
- if data_mime is not None:
- data, mime = data_mime
- return f"data:{mime};base64,{str(base64.b64encode(data), 'utf-8')}" # type: ignore
- h = new_hmac(CFG.secret_key, authority.encode())
- proxy_url = flask.url_for('favicon_proxy')
- query = urllib.parse.urlencode({"authority": authority, "h": h})
- return f"{proxy_url}?{query}"