1.5 KB

  1. # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
  2. """This module implements the :origin:`searxng_msg <babel.cfg>` extractor to
  3. extract messages from:
  4. - :origin:`searx/searxng.msg`
  5. The ``searxng.msg`` files are selected by Babel_, see Babel's configuration in
  6. :origin:`babel.cfg`::
  7. searxng_msg = searx.babel_extract.extract
  8. ...
  9. [searxng_msg: **/searxng.msg]
  10. A ``searxng.msg`` file is a python file that is *executed* by the
  11. :py:obj:`extract` function. Additional ``searxng.msg`` files can be added by:
  12. 1. Adding a ``searxng.msg`` file in one of the SearXNG python packages and
  13. 2. implement a method in :py:obj:`extract` that yields messages from this file.
  14. .. _Babel:
  15. """
  16. from os import path
  17. SEARXNG_MSG_FILE = "searxng.msg"
  18. _MSG_FILES = [path.join(path.dirname(__file__), SEARXNG_MSG_FILE)]
  19. def extract(
  20. # pylint: disable=unused-argument
  21. fileobj,
  22. keywords,
  23. comment_tags,
  24. options,
  25. ):
  26. """Extract messages from ``searxng.msg`` files by a custom extractor_.
  27. .. _extractor:
  29. """
  30. if not in _MSG_FILES:
  31. raise RuntimeError("don't know how to extract messages from %s" %
  32. namespace = {}
  33. exec(, {}, namespace) # pylint: disable=exec-used
  34. for name in namespace['__all__']:
  35. for k, v in namespace[name].items():
  36. yield 0, '_', v, ["%s['%s']" % (name, k)]