123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360 |
- from __future__ import annotations
- import os
- import pathlib
- import csv
- import hashlib
- import hmac
- import re
- import inspect
- import itertools
- import json
- from datetime import datetime, timedelta
- from typing import Iterable, List, Tuple, Dict, TYPE_CHECKING
- from io import StringIO
- from codecs import getincrementalencoder
- from flask_babel import gettext, format_date
- from searx import logger, settings
- from searx.engines import DEFAULT_CATEGORY
- from searx.enginelib import Engine
- from searx.results import ResultContainer
- from searx.search import SearchQuery
- from searx.results import UnresponsiveEngine
- VALID_LANGUAGE_CODE = re.compile(r'^[a-z]{2,3}(-[a-zA-Z]{2})?$')
- logger = logger.getChild('webutils')
- timeout_text = gettext('timeout')
- parsing_error_text = gettext('parsing error')
- http_protocol_error_text = gettext('HTTP protocol error')
- network_error_text = gettext('network error')
- ssl_cert_error_text = gettext("SSL error: certificate validation has failed")
- exception_classname_to_text = {
- None: gettext('unexpected crash'),
- 'timeout': timeout_text,
- 'asyncio.TimeoutError': timeout_text,
- 'httpx.TimeoutException': timeout_text,
- 'httpx.ConnectTimeout': timeout_text,
- 'httpx.ReadTimeout': timeout_text,
- 'httpx.WriteTimeout': timeout_text,
- 'httpx.HTTPStatusError': gettext('HTTP error'),
- 'httpx.ConnectError': gettext("HTTP connection error"),
- 'httpx.RemoteProtocolError': http_protocol_error_text,
- 'httpx.LocalProtocolError': http_protocol_error_text,
- 'httpx.ProtocolError': http_protocol_error_text,
- 'httpx.ReadError': network_error_text,
- 'httpx.WriteError': network_error_text,
- 'httpx.ProxyError': gettext("proxy error"),
- 'searx.exceptions.SearxEngineCaptchaException': gettext("CAPTCHA"),
- 'searx.exceptions.SearxEngineTooManyRequestsException': gettext("too many requests"),
- 'searx.exceptions.SearxEngineAccessDeniedException': gettext("access denied"),
- 'searx.exceptions.SearxEngineAPIException': gettext("server API error"),
- 'searx.exceptions.SearxEngineXPathException': parsing_error_text,
- 'KeyError': parsing_error_text,
- 'json.decoder.JSONDecodeError': parsing_error_text,
- 'lxml.etree.ParserError': parsing_error_text,
- 'ssl.SSLCertVerificationError': ssl_cert_error_text,
- 'ssl.CertificateError': ssl_cert_error_text,
- }
- def get_translated_errors(unresponsive_engines: Iterable[UnresponsiveEngine]):
- translated_errors = []
- for unresponsive_engine in unresponsive_engines:
- error_user_text = exception_classname_to_text.get(unresponsive_engine.error_type)
- if not error_user_text:
- error_user_text = exception_classname_to_text[None]
- error_msg = gettext(error_user_text)
- if unresponsive_engine.suspended:
- error_msg = gettext('Suspended') + ': ' + error_msg
- translated_errors.append((unresponsive_engine.engine, error_msg))
- return sorted(translated_errors, key=lambda e: e[0])
- class CSVWriter:
- """A CSV writer which will write rows to CSV file "f", which is encoded in
- the given encoding."""
- def __init__(self, f, dialect=csv.excel, encoding="utf-8", **kwds):
- self.queue = StringIO()
- self.writer = csv.writer(self.queue, dialect=dialect, **kwds)
- self.stream = f
- self.encoder = getincrementalencoder(encoding)()
- def writerow(self, row):
- self.writer.writerow(row)
- data = self.queue.getvalue()
- data = data.strip('\x00')
- data = self.encoder.encode(data)
- self.stream.write(data.decode())
- self.queue.truncate(0)
- def writerows(self, rows):
- for row in rows:
- self.writerow(row)
- def write_csv_response(csv: CSVWriter, rc: ResultContainer) -> None:
- """Write rows of the results to a query (``application/csv``) into a CSV
- table (:py:obj:`CSVWriter`). First line in the table contain the column
- names. The column "type" specifies the type, the following types are
- included in the table:
- - result
- - answer
- - suggestion
- - correction
- """
- results = rc.get_ordered_results()
- keys = ('title', 'url', 'content', 'host', 'engine', 'score', 'type')
- csv.writerow(keys)
- for row in results:
- row['host'] = row['parsed_url'].netloc
- row['type'] = 'result'
- csv.writerow([row.get(key, '') for key in keys])
- for a in rc.answers:
- row = {'title': a, 'type': 'answer'}
- csv.writerow([row.get(key, '') for key in keys])
- for a in rc.suggestions:
- row = {'title': a, 'type': 'suggestion'}
- csv.writerow([row.get(key, '') for key in keys])
- for a in rc.corrections:
- row = {'title': a, 'type': 'correction'}
- csv.writerow([row.get(key, '') for key in keys])
- class JSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
- def default(self, o):
- if isinstance(o, datetime):
- return o.isoformat()
- if isinstance(o, timedelta):
- return o.total_seconds()
- if isinstance(o, set):
- return list(o)
- return super().default(o)
- def get_json_response(sq: SearchQuery, rc: ResultContainer) -> str:
- """Returns the JSON string of the results to a query (``application/json``)"""
- results = rc.number_of_results
- x = {
- 'query': sq.query,
- 'number_of_results': results,
- 'results': rc.get_ordered_results(),
- 'answers': list(rc.answers),
- 'corrections': list(rc.corrections),
- 'infoboxes': rc.infoboxes,
- 'suggestions': list(rc.suggestions),
- 'unresponsive_engines': get_translated_errors(rc.unresponsive_engines),
- }
- response = json.dumps(x, cls=JSONEncoder)
- return response
- def get_themes(templates_path):
- """Returns available themes list."""
- return os.listdir(templates_path)
- def get_hash_for_file(file: pathlib.Path) -> str:
- m = hashlib.sha1()
- with file.open('rb') as f:
- m.update(f.read())
- return m.hexdigest()
- def get_static_files(static_path: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
- static_files: Dict[str, str] = {}
- static_path_path = pathlib.Path(static_path)
- def walk(path: pathlib.Path):
- for file in path.iterdir():
- if file.name.startswith('.'):
- continue
- if file.is_file():
- static_files[str(file.relative_to(static_path_path))] = get_hash_for_file(file)
- if file.is_dir() and file.name not in ('node_modules', 'src'):
- walk(file)
- walk(static_path_path)
- return static_files
- def get_result_templates(templates_path):
- result_templates = set()
- templates_path_length = len(templates_path) + 1
- for directory, _, files in os.walk(templates_path):
- if directory.endswith('result_templates'):
- for filename in files:
- f = os.path.join(directory[templates_path_length:], filename)
- result_templates.add(f)
- return result_templates
- def new_hmac(secret_key, url):
- return hmac.new(secret_key.encode(), url, hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()
- def is_hmac_of(secret_key, value, hmac_to_check):
- hmac_of_value = new_hmac(secret_key, value)
- return len(hmac_of_value) == len(hmac_to_check) and hmac.compare_digest(hmac_of_value, hmac_to_check)
- def prettify_url(url, max_length=74):
- if len(url) > max_length:
- chunk_len = int(max_length / 2 + 1)
- return '{0}[...]{1}'.format(url[:chunk_len], url[-chunk_len:])
- return url
- def contains_cjko(s: str) -> bool:
- """This function check whether or not a string contains Chinese, Japanese,
- or Korean characters. It employs regex and uses the u escape sequence to
- match any character in a set of Unicode ranges.
- Args:
- s (str): string to be checked.
- Returns:
- bool: True if the input s contains the characters and False otherwise.
- """
- unicode_ranges = (
- '\u4e00-\u9fff'
- '\u3040-\u309f'
- '\u30a0-\u30ff'
- '\u4e00-\u9faf'
- '\uac00-\ud7af'
- '\u1100-\u11ff'
- )
- return bool(re.search(fr'[{unicode_ranges}]', s))
- def regex_highlight_cjk(word: str) -> str:
- """Generate the regex pattern to match for a given word according
- to whether or not the word contains CJK characters or not.
- If the word is and/or contains CJK character, the regex pattern
- will match standalone word by taking into account the presence
- of whitespace before and after it; if not, it will match any presence
- of the word throughout the text, ignoring the whitespace.
- Args:
- word (str): the word to be matched with regex pattern.
- Returns:
- str: the regex pattern for the word.
- """
- rword = re.escape(word)
- if contains_cjko(rword):
- return fr'({rword})'
- return fr'\b({rword})(?!\w)'
- def highlight_content(content, query):
- if not content:
- return None
- if content.find('<') != -1:
- return content
- querysplit = query.split()
- queries = []
- for qs in querysplit:
- qs = qs.replace("'", "").replace('"', '').replace(" ", "")
- if len(qs) > 0:
- queries.extend(re.findall(regex_highlight_cjk(qs), content, flags=re.I | re.U))
- if len(queries) > 0:
- regex = re.compile("|".join(map(regex_highlight_cjk, queries)))
- return regex.sub(lambda match: f'<span class="highlight">{match.group(0)}</span>'.replace('\\', r'\\'), content)
- return content
- def searxng_l10n_timespan(dt: datetime) -> str:
- """Returns a human-readable and translated string indicating how long ago
- a date was in the past / the time span of the date to the present.
- On January 1st, midnight, the returned string only indicates how many years
- ago the date was.
- """
- d = dt.date()
- t = dt.time()
- if d.month == 1 and d.day == 1 and t.hour == 0 and t.minute == 0 and t.second == 0:
- return str(d.year)
- if dt.replace(tzinfo=None) >= datetime.now() - timedelta(days=1):
- timedifference = datetime.now() - dt.replace(tzinfo=None)
- minutes = int((timedifference.seconds / 60) % 60)
- hours = int(timedifference.seconds / 60 / 60)
- if hours == 0:
- return gettext('{minutes} minute(s) ago').format(minutes=minutes)
- return gettext('{hours} hour(s), {minutes} minute(s) ago').format(hours=hours, minutes=minutes)
- return format_date(dt)
- def is_flask_run_cmdline():
- """Check if the application was started using "flask run" command line
- Inspect the callstack.
- See https://github.com/pallets/flask/blob/master/src/flask/__main__.py
- Returns:
- bool: True if the application was started using "flask run".
- """
- frames = inspect.stack()
- if len(frames) < 2:
- return False
- return frames[-2].filename.endswith('flask/cli.py')
- NO_SUBGROUPING = 'without further subgrouping'
- def group_engines_in_tab(engines: Iterable[Engine]) -> List[Tuple[str, Iterable[Engine]]]:
- """Groups an Iterable of engines by their first non tab category (first subgroup)"""
- def get_subgroup(eng):
- non_tab_categories = [c for c in eng.categories if c not in tabs + [DEFAULT_CATEGORY]]
- return non_tab_categories[0] if len(non_tab_categories) > 0 else NO_SUBGROUPING
- def group_sort_key(group):
- return (group[0] == NO_SUBGROUPING, group[0].lower())
- def engine_sort_key(engine):
- return (engine.about.get('language', ''), engine.name)
- tabs = list(settings['categories_as_tabs'].keys())
- subgroups = itertools.groupby(sorted(engines, key=get_subgroup), get_subgroup)
- sorted_groups = sorted(((name, list(engines)) for name, engines in subgroups), key=group_sort_key)
- ret_val = []
- for groupname, _engines in sorted_groups:
- group_bang = '!' + groupname.replace(' ', '_') if groupname != NO_SUBGROUPING else ''
- ret_val.append((groupname, group_bang, sorted(_engines, key=engine_sort_key)))
- return ret_val