123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255 |
- discard """
- valgrind: true
- cmd: '''nim c -d:nimAllocStats --gc:arc -d:useMalloc $file'''
- output: '''
- @[(input: @["KXSC", "BGMC"]), (input: @["PXFX"]), (input: @["WXRQ", "ZSCZD"])]
- 14
- First tasks completed.
- Second tasks completed.
- test1'''
- """
- import strutils, os, std / wordwrap
- import system / ansi_c
- # bug #11004
- proc retTuple(): (seq[int], int) =
- return (@[1], 1)
- # bug #12899
- import sequtils, strmisc
- const input = ["KXSC, BGMC => 7 PTHL", "PXFX => LBZJ", "WXRQ, ZSCZD => HLQM"]
- type
- Reaction = object
- input: seq[string]
- proc bug12899 =
- var reactions: seq[Reaction] = @[]
- for l in input:
- let x = l.partition(" => ")
- reactions.add Reaction(input: @(x[0].split(", ")))
- let x = $reactions
- echo x
- bug12899()
- proc nonStaticTests =
- doAssert formatBiggestFloat(1234.567, ffDecimal, -1) == "1234.567000"
- doAssert formatBiggestFloat(1234.567, ffDecimal, 0) == "1235." # bugs 8242, 12586
- doAssert formatBiggestFloat(1234.567, ffDecimal, 1) == "1234.6"
- doAssert formatBiggestFloat(0.00000000001, ffDecimal, 11) == "0.00000000001"
- doAssert formatBiggestFloat(0.00000000001, ffScientific, 1, ',') in
- ["1,0e-11", "1,0e-011"]
- doAssert "$# $3 $# $#" % ["a", "b", "c"] == "a c b c"
- doAssert "${1}12 ${-1}$2" % ["a", "b"] == "a12 bb"
- block: # formatSize tests
- when not defined(js):
- doAssert formatSize((1'i64 shl 31) + (300'i64 shl 20)) == "2.293GiB" # <=== bug #8231
- doAssert formatSize((2.234*1024*1024).int) == "2.234MiB"
- doAssert formatSize(4096) == "4KiB"
- doAssert formatSize(4096, prefix=bpColloquial, includeSpace=true) == "4 kB"
- doAssert formatSize(4096, includeSpace=true) == "4 KiB"
- doAssert formatSize(5_378_934, prefix=bpColloquial, decimalSep=',') == "5,13MB"
- block: # formatEng tests
- doAssert formatEng(0, 2, trim=false) == "0.00"
- doAssert formatEng(0, 2) == "0"
- doAssert formatEng(53, 2, trim=false) == "53.00"
- doAssert formatEng(0.053, 2, trim=false) == "53.00e-3"
- doAssert formatEng(0.053, 4, trim=false) == "53.0000e-3"
- doAssert formatEng(0.053, 4, trim=true) == "53e-3"
- doAssert formatEng(0.053, 0) == "53e-3"
- doAssert formatEng(52731234) == "52.731234e6"
- doAssert formatEng(-52731234) == "-52.731234e6"
- doAssert formatEng(52731234, 1) == "52.7e6"
- doAssert formatEng(-52731234, 1) == "-52.7e6"
- doAssert formatEng(52731234, 1, decimalSep=',') == "52,7e6"
- doAssert formatEng(-52731234, 1, decimalSep=',') == "-52,7e6"
- doAssert formatEng(4100, siPrefix=true, unit="V") == "4.1 kV"
- doAssert formatEng(4.1, siPrefix=true, unit="V", useUnitSpace=true) == "4.1 V"
- doAssert formatEng(4.1, siPrefix=true) == "4.1" # Note lack of space
- doAssert formatEng(4100, siPrefix=true) == "4.1 k"
- doAssert formatEng(4.1, siPrefix=true, unit="", useUnitSpace=true) == "4.1 " # Includes space
- doAssert formatEng(4100, siPrefix=true, unit="") == "4.1 k"
- doAssert formatEng(4100) == "4.1e3"
- doAssert formatEng(4100, unit="V", useUnitSpace=true) == "4.1e3 V"
- doAssert formatEng(4100, unit="", useUnitSpace=true) == "4.1e3 "
- # Don't use SI prefix as number is too big
- doAssert formatEng(3.1e22, siPrefix=true, unit="a", useUnitSpace=true) == "31e21 a"
- # Don't use SI prefix as number is too small
- doAssert formatEng(3.1e-25, siPrefix=true, unit="A", useUnitSpace=true) == "310e-27 A"
- proc staticTests =
- doAssert align("abc", 4) == " abc"
- doAssert align("a", 0) == "a"
- doAssert align("1232", 6) == " 1232"
- doAssert align("1232", 6, '#') == "##1232"
- doAssert alignLeft("abc", 4) == "abc "
- doAssert alignLeft("a", 0) == "a"
- doAssert alignLeft("1232", 6) == "1232 "
- doAssert alignLeft("1232", 6, '#') == "1232##"
- let
- inp = """ this is a long text -- muchlongerthan10chars and here
- it goes"""
- outp = " this is a\nlong text\n--\nmuchlongerthan10chars\nand here\nit goes"
- doAssert wrapWords(inp, 10, false) == outp
- let
- longInp = """ThisIsOneVeryLongStringWhichWeWillSplitIntoEightSeparatePartsNow"""
- longOutp = "ThisIsOn\neVeryLon\ngStringW\nhichWeWi\nllSplitI\nntoEight\nSeparate\nPartsNow"
- doAssert wrapWords(longInp, 8, true) == longOutp
- doAssert "$animal eats $food." % ["animal", "The cat", "food", "fish"] ==
- "The cat eats fish."
- doAssert "-ld a-ldz -ld".replaceWord("-ld") == " a-ldz "
- doAssert "-lda-ldz -ld abc".replaceWord("-ld") == "-lda-ldz abc"
- doAssert "-lda-ldz -ld abc".replaceWord("") == "-lda-ldz -ld abc"
- doAssert "oo".replace("", "abc") == "oo"
- type MyEnum = enum enA, enB, enC, enuD, enE
- doAssert parseEnum[MyEnum]("enu_D") == enuD
- doAssert parseEnum("invalid enum value", enC) == enC
- doAssert center("foo", 13) == " foo "
- doAssert center("foo", 0) == "foo"
- doAssert center("foo", 3, fillChar = 'a') == "foo"
- doAssert center("foo", 10, fillChar = '\t') == "\t\t\tfoo\t\t\t\t"
- doAssert count("foofoofoo", "foofoo") == 1
- doAssert count("foofoofoo", "foofoo", overlapping = true) == 2
- doAssert count("foofoofoo", 'f') == 3
- doAssert count("foofoofoobar", {'f','b'}) == 4
- doAssert strip(" foofoofoo ") == "foofoofoo"
- doAssert strip("sfoofoofoos", chars = {'s'}) == "foofoofoo"
- doAssert strip("barfoofoofoobar", chars = {'b', 'a', 'r'}) == "foofoofoo"
- doAssert strip("stripme but don't strip this stripme",
- chars = {'s', 't', 'r', 'i', 'p', 'm', 'e'}) ==
- " but don't strip this "
- doAssert strip("sfoofoofoos", leading = false, chars = {'s'}) == "sfoofoofoo"
- doAssert strip("sfoofoofoos", trailing = false, chars = {'s'}) == "foofoofoos"
- doAssert " foo\n bar".indent(4, "Q") == "QQQQ foo\nQQQQ bar"
- doAssert "abba".multiReplace(("a", "b"), ("b", "a")) == "baab"
- doAssert "Hello World.".multiReplace(("ello", "ELLO"), ("World.", "PEOPLE!")) == "HELLO PEOPLE!"
- doAssert "aaaa".multiReplace(("a", "aa"), ("aa", "bb")) == "aaaaaaaa"
- doAssert rsplit("foo bar", seps=Whitespace) == @["foo", "bar"]
- doAssert rsplit(" foo bar", seps=Whitespace, maxsplit=1) == @[" foo", "bar"]
- doAssert rsplit(" foo bar ", seps=Whitespace, maxsplit=1) == @[" foo bar", ""]
- doAssert rsplit(":foo:bar", sep=':') == @["", "foo", "bar"]
- doAssert rsplit(":foo:bar", sep=':', maxsplit=2) == @["", "foo", "bar"]
- doAssert rsplit(":foo:bar", sep=':', maxsplit=3) == @["", "foo", "bar"]
- doAssert rsplit("foothebar", sep="the") == @["foo", "bar"]
- doAssert(unescape(r"\x013", "", "") == "\x013")
- doAssert join(["foo", "bar", "baz"]) == "foobarbaz"
- doAssert join(@["foo", "bar", "baz"], ", ") == "foo, bar, baz"
- doAssert join([1, 2, 3]) == "123"
- doAssert join(@[1, 2, 3], ", ") == "1, 2, 3"
- doAssert """~~!!foo
- ~~!!bar
- ~~!!baz""".unindent(2, "~~!!") == "foo\nbar\nbaz"
- doAssert """~~!!foo
- ~~!!bar
- ~~!!baz""".unindent(2, "~~!!aa") == "~~!!foo\n~~!!bar\n~~!!baz"
- doAssert """~~foo
- ~~ bar
- ~~ baz""".unindent(4, "~") == "foo\n bar\n baz"
- doAssert """foo
- bar
- baz
- """.unindent(4) == "foo\nbar\nbaz\n"
- doAssert """foo
- bar
- baz
- """.unindent(2) == "foo\n bar\n baz\n"
- doAssert """foo
- bar
- baz
- """.unindent(100) == "foo\nbar\nbaz\n"
- doAssert """foo
- foo
- bar
- """.unindent() == "foo\nfoo\nbar\n"
- let s = " this is an example "
- let s2 = ":this;is;an:example;;"
- doAssert s.split() == @["", "this", "is", "an", "example", "", ""]
- doAssert s2.split(seps={':', ';'}) == @["", "this", "is", "an", "example", "", ""]
- doAssert s.split(maxsplit=4) == @["", "this", "is", "an", "example "]
- doAssert s.split(' ', maxsplit=1) == @["", "this is an example "]
- doAssert s.split(" ", maxsplit=4) == @["", "this", "is", "an", "example "]
- doAssert s.splitWhitespace() == @["this", "is", "an", "example"]
- doAssert s.splitWhitespace(maxsplit=1) == @["this", "is an example "]
- doAssert s.splitWhitespace(maxsplit=2) == @["this", "is", "an example "]
- doAssert s.splitWhitespace(maxsplit=3) == @["this", "is", "an", "example "]
- doAssert s.splitWhitespace(maxsplit=4) == @["this", "is", "an", "example"]
- discard retTuple()
- nonStaticTests()
- staticTests()
- # bug #12965
- let xaa = @[""].join()
- let xbb = @["", ""].join()
- # bug #16365
- # Task 1:
- when true:
- # Task 1_a:
- var test_string_a = "name_something"
- echo test_string_a.len()
- let new_len_a = test_string_a.len - "_something".len()
- test_string_a.setLen new_len_a
- echo "First tasks completed."
- # Task 2:
- when true:
- # Task 2_a
- var test_string: string
- let some_string = "something"
- for i in some_string.items:
- test_string.add $i
- # Task 2_b
- var test_string_b = "name_something"
- let new_len_b = test_string_b.len - "_something".len()
- test_string_b.setLen new_len_b
- echo "Second tasks completed."
- # bug #17450
- proc main =
- var i = 1
- echo:
- block:
- "test" & $i
- main()