123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779 |
- discard """
- targets: "c cpp"
- output: '''
- body executed
- body executed
- OK
- macros api OK
- '''
- """
- when defined(cpp) and not defined(windows):
- {.passC: "-std=c++11".}
- type
- TMyEnum = enum
- tmOne, tmTwo, tmThree, tmFour
- TMyArray1 = array[3, uint8]
- TMyArray2 = array[1..3, int32]
- TMyArray3 = array[TMyEnum, float64]
- var failed = false
- const
- mysize1 = sizeof(TMyArray1)
- mysize2 = sizeof(TMyArray2)
- mysize3 = sizeof(TMyArray3)
- doAssert mysize1 == 3
- doAssert mysize2 == 12
- doAssert mysize3 == 32
- import macros, typetraits
- macro testSizeAlignOf(args: varargs[untyped]): untyped =
- result = newStmtList()
- for arg in args:
- result.add quote do:
- let
- c_size = c_sizeof(`arg`)
- nim_size = sizeof(`arg`)
- c_align = c_alignof(type(`arg`))
- nim_align = alignof(`arg`)
- if nim_size != c_size or nim_align != c_align:
- var msg = strAlign(`arg`.type.name & ": ")
- if nim_size != c_size:
- msg.add " size(got, expected): " & $nim_size & " != " & $c_size
- if nim_align != c_align:
- msg.add " align(get, expected): " & $nim_align & " != " & $c_align
- echo msg
- failed = true
- macro testOffsetOf(a, b: untyped): untyped =
- let typeName = newLit(a.repr)
- let member = newLit(b.repr)
- result = quote do:
- let
- c_offset = c_offsetof(`a`,`b`)
- nim_offset = offsetof(`a`,`b`)
- if c_offset != nim_offset:
- echo `typeName`, ".", `member`, " offsetError, C: ", c_offset, " nim: ", nim_offset
- failed = true
- proc strAlign(arg: string): string =
- const minLen = 22
- result = arg
- for i in 0 ..< minLen - arg.len:
- result &= ' '
- macro c_offsetof(fieldAccess: typed): int32 =
- let s = if fieldAccess.kind == nnkCheckedFieldExpr: fieldAccess[0]
- else: fieldAccess
- let a = s[0].getTypeInst
- let b = s[1]
- result = quote do:
- var res: int32
- {.emit: [res, " = offsetof(", `a`, ", ", `b`, ");"] .}
- res
- template c_offsetof(t: typedesc, a: untyped): int32 =
- var x: ptr t
- c_offsetof(x[].a)
- macro c_sizeof(a: typed): int32 =
- result = quote do:
- var res: int32
- {.emit: [res, " = sizeof(", `a`, ");"] .}
- res
- macro c_alignof(arg: untyped): untyped =
- let typeSym = genSym(nskType, "AlignTestType"&arg.repr)
- result = quote do:
- type
- `typeSym` = object
- causeAlign: byte
- member: `arg`
- c_offsetof(`typeSym`, member)
- macro testAlign(arg:untyped):untyped =
- let prefix = newLit(arg.lineinfo & " alignof " & arg.repr & " ")
- result = quote do:
- let cAlign = c_alignof(`arg`)
- let nimAlign = alignof(`arg`)
- if cAlign != nimAlign:
- echo `prefix`, cAlign, " != ", nimAlign
- failed = true
- macro testSize(arg:untyped):untyped =
- let prefix = newLit(arg.lineinfo & " sizeof " & arg.repr & " ")
- result = quote do:
- let cSize = c_sizeof(`arg`)
- let nimSize = sizeof(`arg`)
- if cSize != nimSize:
- echo `prefix`, cSize, " != ", nimSize
- failed = true
- type
- MyEnum {.pure.} = enum
- ValueA
- ValueB
- ValueC
- OtherEnum {.pure, size: 8.} = enum
- ValueA
- ValueB
- Enum1 {.pure, size: 1.} = enum
- ValueA
- ValueB
- Enum2 {.pure, size: 2.} = enum
- ValueA
- ValueB
- Enum4 {.pure, size: 4.} = enum
- ValueA
- ValueB
- Enum8 {.pure, size: 8.} = enum
- ValueA
- ValueB
- MyEnum33 {.pure.} = enum
- Value1, Value2, Value3, Value4, Value5, Value6,
- Value7, Value8, Value9, Value10, Value11, Value12,
- Value13, Value14, Value15, Value16, Value17, Value18,
- Value19, Value20, Value21, Value22, Value23, Value24,
- Value25, Value26, Value27, Value28, Value29, Value30,
- Value31, Value32, Value33
- proc transformObjectconfigPacked(arg: NimNode): NimNode =
- let debug = arg.kind == nnkPragmaExpr
- if arg.eqIdent("objectconfig"):
- result = ident"packed"
- else:
- result = copyNimNode(arg)
- for child in arg:
- result.add transformObjectconfigPacked(child)
- proc removeObjectconfig(arg: NimNode): NimNode =
- if arg.kind == nnkPragmaExpr and arg[1][0].eqIdent "objectconfig":
- result = arg[0]
- else:
- result = copyNimNode(arg)
- for child in arg:
- result.add removeObjectconfig(child)
- macro testinstance(body: untyped): untyped =
- let bodyPure = removeObjectconfig(body)
- let bodyPacked = transformObjectconfigPacked(body)
- result = quote do:
- proc pureblock(): void =
- const usePacked {.inject.} = false
- `bodyPure`
- pureblock()
- proc packedblock(): void =
- const usePacked {.inject.} = true
- `bodyPacked`
- packedblock()
- proc testPrimitiveTypes(): void =
- testAlign(pointer)
- testAlign(int)
- testAlign(uint)
- testAlign(int8)
- testAlign(int16)
- testAlign(int32)
- testAlign(int64)
- testAlign(uint8)
- testAlign(uint16)
- testAlign(uint32)
- testAlign(uint64)
- testAlign(float)
- testAlign(float32)
- testAlign(float64)
- testAlign(MyEnum)
- testAlign(OtherEnum)
- testAlign(Enum1)
- testAlign(Enum2)
- testAlign(Enum4)
- testAlign(Enum8)
- testPrimitiveTypes()
- testinstance:
- type
- EnumObjectA {.objectconfig.} = object
- a : Enum1
- b : Enum2
- c : Enum4
- d : Enum8
- EnumObjectB {.objectconfig.} = object
- a : Enum8
- b : Enum4
- c : Enum2
- d : Enum1
- TrivialType {.objectconfig.} = object
- x,y,z: int8
- SimpleAlignment {.objectconfig.} = object
- a,b: int8
- c: int64
- AlignAtEnd {.objectconfig.} = object
- a: int64
- b,c: int8
- SimpleBranch {.objectconfig.} = object
- case kind: MyEnum
- of MyEnum.ValueA:
- a: int16
- of MyEnum.ValueB:
- b: int32
- of MyEnum.ValueC:
- c: int64
- PaddingBeforeBranchA {.objectconfig.} = object
- cause: int8
- case kind: MyEnum
- of MyEnum.ValueA:
- a: int16
- of MyEnum.ValueB:
- b: int32
- of MyEnum.ValueC:
- c: int64
- PaddingBeforeBranchB {.objectconfig.} = object
- cause: int8
- case kind: MyEnum
- of MyEnum.ValueA:
- a: int8
- of MyEnum.ValueB:
- b: int16
- of MyEnum.ValueC:
- c: int32
- PaddingAfterBranch {.objectconfig.} = object
- case kind: MyEnum
- of MyEnum.ValueA:
- a: int8
- of MyEnum.ValueB:
- b: int16
- of MyEnum.ValueC:
- c: int32
- cause: int64
- RecursiveStuff {.objectconfig.} = object
- case kind: MyEnum
- of MyEnum.ValueA:
- a: int16
- of MyEnum.ValueB:
- b: int32
- of MyEnum.ValueC:
- case kind2: MyEnum
- of MyEnum.ValueA:
- ca1: int8
- ca2: int32
- of MyEnum.ValueB:
- cb: int32
- of MyEnum.ValueC:
- cc: int64
- d1: int8
- d2: int64
- Foobar {.objectconfig.} = object
- case kind: OtherEnum
- of OtherEnum.ValueA:
- a: uint8
- of OtherEnum.ValueB:
- b: int8
- c: int8
- PaddingOfSetEnum33 {.objectconfig.} = object
- cause: int8
- theSet: set[MyEnum33]
- Bazing {.objectconfig.} = object of RootObj
- a: int64
- InheritanceA {.objectconfig.} = object of RootObj
- a: char
- InheritanceB {.objectconfig.} = object of InheritanceA
- b: char
- InheritanceC {.objectconfig.} = object of InheritanceB
- c: char
- GenericObject[T] {.objectconfig.} = object
- a: int32
- b: T
- MyCustomAlignPackedObject {.objectconfig.} = object
- a: char
- b {.align: 32.}: int32
- c: char
- d: int32
- Kind = enum
- K1, K2
- AnotherEnum = enum
- X1, X2, X3
- MyObject = object
- s: string
- case k: Kind
- of K1: nil
- of K2:
- x: float
- y: int32
- z: AnotherEnum
- Stack[N: static int, T: object] = object
- pad: array[128 - sizeof(array[N, ptr T]) - sizeof(int) - sizeof(pointer), byte]
- stack: array[N, ptr T]
- len*: int
- rawMem: ptr array[N, T]
- Stack2[T: object] = object
- pad: array[128 - sizeof(array[sizeof(T), ptr T]), byte]
- const trivialSize = sizeof(TrivialType)
- proc main(): void =
- var t : TrivialType
- var a : SimpleAlignment
- var b : AlignAtEnd
- var c : SimpleBranch
- var d : PaddingBeforeBranchA
- var e : PaddingBeforeBranchB
- var f : PaddingAfterBranch
- var g : RecursiveStuff
- var ro : RootObj
- var go : GenericObject[int64]
- var po : PaddingOfSetEnum33
- var capo: MyCustomAlignPackedObject
- var issue15516: MyObject
- var issue12636_1: Stack[5, MyObject]
- var issue12636_2: Stack2[MyObject]
- var
- e1: Enum1
- e2: Enum2
- e4: Enum4
- e8: Enum8
- var
- eoa: EnumObjectA
- eob: EnumObjectB
- testAlign(SimpleAlignment)
- when usePacked:
- doAssert sizeof(SimpleAlignment) == 10
- else:
- doAssert sizeof(SimpleAlignment) > 10
- testSizeAlignOf(t,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,ro,go,po, e1, e2, e4, e8, eoa, eob, capo, issue15516, issue12636_1, issue12636_2)
- type
- WithBitsize {.objectconfig.} = object
- bitfieldA {.bitsize: 16.}: uint32
- bitfieldB {.bitsize: 16.}: uint32
- var wbs: WithBitsize
- testSize(wbs)
- testOffsetOf(TrivialType, x)
- testOffsetOf(TrivialType, y)
- testOffsetOf(TrivialType, z)
- testOffsetOf(SimpleAlignment, a)
- testOffsetOf(SimpleAlignment, b)
- testOffsetOf(SimpleAlignment, c)
- testOffsetOf(AlignAtEnd, a)
- testOffsetOf(AlignAtEnd, b)
- testOffsetOf(AlignAtEnd, c)
- testOffsetOf(SimpleBranch, a)
- testOffsetOf(SimpleBranch, b)
- testOffsetOf(SimpleBranch, c)
- testOffsetOf(PaddingBeforeBranchA, cause)
- testOffsetOf(PaddingBeforeBranchA, a)
- testOffsetOf(PaddingBeforeBranchB, cause)
- testOffsetOf(PaddingBeforeBranchB, a)
- testOffsetOf(PaddingAfterBranch, a)
- testOffsetOf(PaddingAfterBranch, cause)
- testOffsetOf(Foobar, c)
- testOffsetOf(PaddingOfSetEnum33, cause)
- testOffsetOf(PaddingOfSetEnum33, theSet)
- testOffsetOf(Bazing, a)
- testOffsetOf(InheritanceA, a)
- testOffsetOf(InheritanceB, b)
- testOffsetOf(InheritanceC, c)
- testOffsetOf(EnumObjectA, a)
- testOffsetOf(EnumObjectA, b)
- testOffsetOf(EnumObjectA, c)
- testOffsetOf(EnumObjectA, d)
- testOffsetOf(EnumObjectB, a)
- testOffsetOf(EnumObjectB, b)
- testOffsetOf(EnumObjectB, c)
- testOffsetOf(EnumObjectB, d)
- testOffsetOf(RecursiveStuff, kind)
- testOffsetOf(RecursiveStuff, a)
- testOffsetOf(RecursiveStuff, b)
- testOffsetOf(RecursiveStuff, kind2)
- testOffsetOf(RecursiveStuff, ca1)
- testOffsetOf(RecursiveStuff, ca2)
- testOffsetOf(RecursiveStuff, cb)
- testOffsetOf(RecursiveStuff, cc)
- testOffsetOf(RecursiveStuff, d1)
- testOffsetOf(RecursiveStuff, d2)
- testOffsetOf(MyCustomAlignPackedObject, a)
- testOffsetOf(MyCustomAlignPackedObject, b)
- testOffsetOf(MyCustomAlignPackedObject, c)
- testOffsetOf(MyCustomAlignPackedObject, d)
- echo "body executed"
- main()
- {.emit: """/*TYPESECTION*/
- typedef struct{
- float a; float b;
- } Foo;
- """.}
- type
- Foo {.importc.} = object
- Bar = object
- b: byte
- foo: Foo
- assert sizeof(Bar) == 12
- type
- A = int8
- B = int16
- C {.packed.} = object
- d {.bitsize: 1.}: A
- e {.bitsize: 7.}: A
- f {.bitsize: 16.}: B
- assert sizeof(C) == 3
- type
- MixedBitsize {.packed.} = object
- a: uint32
- b {.bitsize: 8.}: uint8
- c {.bitsize: 1.}: uint8
- d {.bitsize: 7.}: uint8
- e {.bitsize: 16.}: uint16
- f: uint32
- doAssert sizeof(MixedBitsize) == 12
- type
- MyUnionType {.union.} = object
- a: int32
- b: float32
- MyCustomAlignUnion {.union.} = object
- c: char
- a {.align: 32.}: int
- MyCustomAlignObject = object
- c: char
- a {.align: 32.}: int
- doAssert sizeof(MyUnionType) == 4
- doAssert sizeof(MyCustomAlignUnion) == 32
- doAssert alignof(MyCustomAlignUnion) == 32
- doAssert sizeof(MyCustomAlignObject) == 64
- doAssert alignof(MyCustomAlignObject) == 32
- type
- imported_double {.importc: "double".} = object
- Pod = object
- v* : imported_double
- seed*: int32
- Pod2 = tuple[v: imported_double, seed: int32]
- proc foobar() =
- testAlign(Pod)
- testSize(Pod)
- testAlign(Pod2)
- testSize(Pod2)
- doAssert sizeof(Pod) == sizeof(Pod2)
- doAssert alignof(Pod) == alignof(Pod2)
- foobar()
- if failed:
- quit("FAIL")
- else:
- echo "OK"
- import macros
- type
- Vec2f = object
- x,y: float32
- Vec4f = object
- x,y,z,w: float32
- ParticleDataA = object
- pos, vel: Vec2f
- birthday: float32
- padding: float32
- moreStuff: Vec4f
- const expected = [
- ("pos", 8, 4, 0),
- ("vel", 8, 4, 8),
- ("birthday", 4, 4, 16),
- ("padding", 4, 4, 20),
- ("moreStuff", 16, 4, 24)
- ]
- macro typeProcessing(arg: typed): untyped =
- let recList = arg.getTypeImpl[2]
- recList.expectKind nnkRecList
- for i, identDefs in recList:
- identDefs.expectKind nnkIdentDefs
- identDefs.expectLen 3
- let sym = identDefs[0]
- sym.expectKind nnkSym
- doAssert expected[i][0] == sym.strVal
- doAssert expected[i][1] == getSize(sym)
- doAssert expected[i][2] == getAlign(sym)
- doAssert expected[i][3] == getOffset(sym)
- result = newCall(bindSym"echo", newLit("macros api OK"))
- proc main() =
- var mylocal: ParticleDataA
- typeProcessing(mylocal)
- main()
- type
- Payload = object
- something: int8
- vals: UncheckedArray[int32]
- proc payloadCheck() =
- doAssert offsetOf(Payload, vals) == 4
- doAssert sizeof(Payload) == 4
- payloadCheck()
- type
- MyTupleType = tuple
- a: float64
- b: float64
- c: float64
- MyOtherTupleType = tuple
- a: float64
- b: imported_double
- c: float64
- MyCaseObject = object
- val1: imported_double
- case kind: bool
- of true:
- val2,val3: float32
- else:
- val4,val5: int32
- doAssert offsetof(MyTupleType, a) == 0
- doAssert offsetof(MyTupleType, b) == 8
- doAssert offsetof(MyTupleType, c) == 16
- doAssert offsetof(MyOtherTupleType, a) == 0
- doAssert offsetof(MyOtherTupleType, b) == 8
- doAssert offsetof(MyOtherTupleType, c) == 16
- doAssert offsetof(Bar, foo) == 4
- doAssert offsetof(MyCaseObject, val1) == 0
- doAssert offsetof(MyCaseObject, kind) == 8
- doAssert offsetof(MyCaseObject, val2) == 12
- doAssert offsetof(MyCaseObject, val3) == 16
- doAssert offsetof(MyCaseObject, val4) == 12
- doAssert offsetof(MyCaseObject, val5) == 16
- template reject(e) =
- static: assert(not compiles(e))
- reject:
- const off1 = offsetof(MyOtherTupleType, c)
- reject:
- const off2 = offsetof(MyOtherTupleType, b)
- reject:
- const off3 = offsetof(MyCaseObject, kind)
- type
- MyPackedCaseObject {.packed.} = object
- val1: imported_double
- case kind: bool
- of true:
- val2,val3: float32
- else:
- val4,val5: int32
- doAssert offsetof(MyPackedCaseObject, val1) == 0
- doAssert offsetof(MyPackedCaseObject, val2) == 9
- doAssert offsetof(MyPackedCaseObject, val3) == 13
- doAssert offsetof(MyPackedCaseObject, val4) == 9
- doAssert offsetof(MyPackedCaseObject, val5) == 13
- reject:
- const off5 = offsetof(MyPackedCaseObject, val2)
- reject:
- const off6 = offsetof(MyPackedCaseObject, val3)
- reject:
- const off7 = offsetof(MyPackedCaseObject, val4)
- reject:
- const off8 = offsetof(MyPackedCaseObject, val5)
- type
- O0 = object
- T0 = tuple[]
- doAssert sizeof(O0) == 1
- doAssert sizeof(T0) == 1
- type
- PackedUnion* {.union, packed.} = object
- a*: array[11, byte]
- b*: int64
- doAssert sizeof(PackedUnion) == 11
- doAssert alignof(PackedUnion) == 1
- type
- ChunkObj = object
- data: UncheckedArray[byte]
- doAssert sizeof(ChunkObj) == 1
- doAssert offsetOf(ChunkObj, data) == 1
- block:
- template c_sizeof(T: typedesc): int =
- block:
- proc fun2(): int =
- {.emit:[result," = sizeof(", T, ");"].}
- fun2()
- macro test(body: untyped): untyped =
- result = newStmtList()
- for T in body:
- result.add quote do:
- let s1 = `T`.sizeof
- let s2 = `T`.c_sizeof
- doAssert s1 == s2
- type FooEmpty = object
- const N = 10
- type FooEmptyArr = array[N, FooEmpty]
- type Bar = object
- x: FooEmpty
- y: cint
- type BarTup = (FooEmpty, cint)
- type BarTup2 = (().type, cint)
- test:
- FooEmpty
- FooEmptyArr
- Bar
- BarTup
- BarTup2