123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752 |
- import
- os, strutils, parseopt, parsecfg, strtabs, streams, debcreation
- import ../../dist/checksums/src/checksums/sha1
- when defined(nimPreviewSlimSystem):
- import std/syncio
- when not defined(nimHasEffectsOf):
- {.pragma: effectsOf.}
- const
- maxOS = 20
- maxCPU = 20
- buildShFile = "build.sh"
- buildBatFile = "build.bat"
- buildBatFile32 = "build32.bat"
- buildBatFile64 = "build64.bat"
- makeFile = "makefile"
- installShFile = "install.sh"
- deinstallShFile = "deinstall.sh"
- type
- AppType = enum appConsole, appGUI
- Action = enum
- actionNone,
- actionCSource
- actionInno,
- actionNsis,
- actionScripts
- actionZip
- actionXz,
- actionDeb
- FileCategory = enum
- fcWinBin,
- fcConfig,
- fcData,
- fcDoc,
- fcLib,
- fcOther,
- fcWindows,
- fcUnix,
- fcUnixBin,
- fcDocStart,
- fcNimble
- ConfigData = object of RootObj
- actions: set[Action]
- cat: array[FileCategory, seq[string]]
- binPaths, authors, oses, cpus, downloads: seq[string]
- cfiles: array[1..maxOS, array[1..maxCPU, seq[string]]]
- platforms: array[1..maxOS, array[1..maxCPU, bool]]
- ccompiler, linker, innosetup, nsisSetup: tuple[path, flags: string]
- name, displayName, version, description, license, infile, outdir: string
- mainfile, libpath: string
- innoSetupFlag, installScript, uninstallScript: bool
- explicitPlatforms: bool
- vars: StringTableRef
- app: AppType
- nimArgs: string
- debOpts: TDebOptions
- nimblePkgName: string
- const
- unixDirVars: array[fcConfig..fcLib, string] = [
- "$configdir", "$datadir", "$docdir", "$libdir"
- ]
- func iniConfigData(c: var ConfigData) =
- c.actions = {}
- for i in low(FileCategory)..high(FileCategory): c.cat[i] = @[]
- c.binPaths = @[]
- c.authors = @[]
- c.oses = @[]
- c.cpus = @[]
- c.downloads = @[]
- c.ccompiler = ("", "")
- c.linker = ("", "")
- c.innosetup = ("", "")
- c.nsisSetup = ("", "")
- c.name = ""
- c.displayName = ""
- c.version = ""
- c.description = ""
- c.license = ""
- c.infile = ""
- c.mainfile = ""
- c.outdir = ""
- c.nimArgs = ""
- c.libpath = ""
- c.innoSetupFlag = false
- c.installScript = false
- c.uninstallScript = false
- c.vars = newStringTable(modeStyleInsensitive)
- c.debOpts.buildDepends = ""
- c.debOpts.pkgDepends = ""
- c.debOpts.shortDesc = ""
- c.debOpts.licenses = @[]
- func firstBinPath(c: ConfigData): string =
- if c.binPaths.len > 0: result = c.binPaths[0]
- else: result = ""
- func `\`(a, b: string): string =
- result = if a.len == 0: b else: a & '\\' & b
- template toUnix(s: string): string = s.replace('\\', '/')
- template toWin(s: string): string = s.replace('/', '\\')
- func skipRoot(f: string): string =
- var i = 0
- result = ""
- for component in split(f, {DirSep, AltSep}):
- if i > 0: result = result / component
- inc i
- if result.len == 0: result = f
- include "inno.nimf"
- include "nsis.nimf"
- include "buildsh.nimf"
- include "makefile.nimf"
- include "buildbat.nimf"
- include "install.nimf"
- include "deinstall.nimf"
- const
- Version = "1.0"
- Usage = "niminst - Nim Installation Generator Version " & Version & """
- (c) 2015 Andreas Rumpf
- Usage:
- niminst [options] command[;command2...] ini-file[.ini] [compile_options]
- Command:
- csource build C source code for source based installations
- scripts build install and deinstall scripts
- zip build the ZIP file
- inno build the Inno Setup installer
- nsis build the NSIS Setup installer
- deb create files for debhelper
- Options:
- -o, --output:dir set the output directory
- -m, --main:file set the main nim file, by default ini-file with .nim
- extension
- --var:name=value set the value of a variable
- -h, --help shows this help
- -v, --version shows the version
- Compile_options:
- will be passed to the Nim compiler
- """
- proc parseCmdLine(c: var ConfigData) =
- var p = initOptParser()
- while true:
- next(p)
- var kind = p.kind
- var key = p.key
- var val = p.val
- case kind
- of cmdArgument:
- if c.actions == {}:
- for a in split(normalize(key), {';', ','}):
- case a
- of "csource": incl(c.actions, actionCSource)
- of "scripts": incl(c.actions, actionScripts)
- of "zip": incl(c.actions, actionZip)
- of "xz": incl(c.actions, actionXz)
- of "inno": incl(c.actions, actionInno)
- of "nsis": incl(c.actions, actionNsis)
- of "deb": incl(c.actions, actionDeb)
- else: quit(Usage)
- else:
- c.infile = addFileExt(key, "ini")
- c.nimArgs = cmdLineRest(p)
- break
- of cmdLongOption, cmdShortOption:
- case normalize(key)
- of "help", "h":
- stdout.write(Usage)
- quit(0)
- of "version", "v":
- stdout.write(Version & "\n")
- quit(0)
- of "o", "output": c.outdir = val
- of "m", "main": c.mainfile = changeFileExt(val, "nim")
- of "var":
- var idx = val.find('=')
- if idx < 0: quit("invalid command line")
- c.vars[substr(val, 0, idx-1)] = substr(val, idx+1)
- else: quit(Usage)
- of cmdEnd: break
- if c.infile.len == 0: quit(Usage)
- if c.mainfile.len == 0: c.mainfile = changeFileExt(c.infile, "nim")
- proc eqT(a, b: string; t: proc (a: char): char {.nimcall.}): bool {.effectsOf: t.} =
- var i = 0
- var j = 0
- while i < a.len and j < b.len:
- let aa = t a[i]
- let bb = t b[j]
- if aa == '\0':
- inc i
- if bb == '\0': inc j
- elif bb == '\0': inc j
- else:
- if aa != bb: return false
- inc i
- inc j
- result = i >= a.len and j >= b.len
- func tPath(c: char): char =
- if c == '\\': '/'
- else: c
- func ignoreFile(f, explicit: string, allowHtml: bool): bool =
- let (_, name, ext) = splitFile(f)
- let html = if not allowHtml: ".html" else: ""
- result = (ext in ["", ".exe", ".idx", ".o", ".obj", ".dylib"] or
- ext == html or name[0] == '.') and not eqT(f, explicit, tPath)
- proc walkDirRecursively(s: var seq[string], root, explicit: string,
- allowHtml: bool) =
- let tail = splitPath(root).tail
- if tail == "nimcache" or tail[0] == '.':
- return
- let allowHtml = allowHtml or tail == "doc"
- for k, f in walkDir(root):
- if f[0] == '.' and root[0] != '.':
- discard "skip .git directories etc"
- else:
- case k
- of pcFile, pcLinkToFile:
- if not ignoreFile(f, explicit, allowHtml):
- add(s, unixToNativePath(f))
- of pcDir:
- walkDirRecursively(s, f, explicit, allowHtml)
- of pcLinkToDir: discard
- proc addFiles(s: var seq[string], patterns: seq[string]) =
- for p in items(patterns):
- if dirExists(p):
- walkDirRecursively(s, p, p, false)
- else:
- var i = 0
- for f in walkPattern(p):
- if dirExists(f):
- walkDirRecursively(s, f, p, false)
- elif not ignoreFile(f, p, false):
- add(s, unixToNativePath(f))
- inc(i)
- if i == 0: echo("[Warning] No file found that matches: " & p)
- proc pathFlags(p: var CfgParser, k, v: string,
- t: var tuple[path, flags: string]) =
- case normalize(k)
- of "path": t.path = v
- of "flags": t.flags = v
- else: quit(errorStr(p, "unknown variable: " & k))
- proc filesOnly(p: var CfgParser, k, v: string, dest: var seq[string]) =
- case normalize(k)
- of "files": addFiles(dest, split(v, {';'}))
- else: quit(errorStr(p, "unknown variable: " & k))
- proc yesno(p: var CfgParser, v: string): bool =
- case normalize(v)
- of "yes", "y", "on", "true":
- result = true
- of "no", "n", "off", "false":
- result = false
- else: quit(errorStr(p, "unknown value; use: yes|no"))
- func incl(s: var seq[string], x: string): int =
- for i in 0 ..< s.len:
- if cmpIgnoreStyle(s[i], x) == 0: return i
- s.add(x)
- result = s.len-1
- func platforms(c: var ConfigData, v: string) =
- for line in splitLines(v):
- let p = line.find(": ")
- if p <= 1: continue
- let os = line.substr(0, p-1).strip
- let cpus = line.substr(p+1).strip
- c.oses.add(os)
- for cpu in cpus.split(';'):
- let cpuIdx = c.cpus.incl(cpu)
- c.platforms[c.oses.len][cpuIdx+1] = true
- proc parseIniFile(c: var ConfigData) =
- var
- p: CfgParser
- section = ""
- hasCpuOs = false
- var input = newFileStream(c.infile, fmRead)
- if input != nil:
- open(p, input, c.infile)
- while true:
- var k = next(p)
- case k.kind
- of cfgEof: break
- of cfgSectionStart:
- section = normalize(k.section)
- of cfgKeyValuePair:
- var v = `%`(k.value, c.vars, {useEnvironment, useEmpty})
- c.vars[k.key] = v
- case section
- of "project":
- case normalize(k.key)
- of "name": c.name = v
- of "displayname": c.displayName = v
- of "version": c.version = v
- of "os":
- c.oses = split(v, {';'})
- hasCpuOs = true
- if c.explicitPlatforms:
- quit(errorStr(p, "you cannot have both 'platforms' and 'os'"))
- of "cpu":
- c.cpus = split(v, {';'})
- hasCpuOs = true
- if c.explicitPlatforms:
- quit(errorStr(p, "you cannot have both 'platforms' and 'cpu'"))
- of "platforms":
- platforms(c, v)
- c.explicitPlatforms = true
- if hasCpuOs:
- quit(errorStr(p, "you cannot have both 'platforms' and 'os'"))
- of "authors": c.authors = split(v, {';'})
- of "description": c.description = v
- of "app":
- case normalize(v)
- of "console": c.app = appConsole
- of "gui": c.app = appGUI
- else: quit(errorStr(p, "expected: console or gui"))
- of "license": c.license = unixToNativePath(k.value)
- else: quit(errorStr(p, "unknown variable: " & k.key))
- of "var": discard
- of "winbin": filesOnly(p, k.key, v, c.cat[fcWinBin])
- of "config": filesOnly(p, k.key, v, c.cat[fcConfig])
- of "data": filesOnly(p, k.key, v, c.cat[fcData])
- of "documentation":
- case normalize(k.key)
- of "files": addFiles(c.cat[fcDoc], split(v, {';'}))
- of "start": addFiles(c.cat[fcDocStart], split(v, {';'}))
- else: quit(errorStr(p, "unknown variable: " & k.key))
- of "lib": filesOnly(p, k.key, v, c.cat[fcLib])
- of "other": filesOnly(p, k.key, v, c.cat[fcOther])
- of "windows":
- case normalize(k.key)
- of "files": addFiles(c.cat[fcWindows], split(v, {';'}))
- of "binpath": c.binPaths = split(v, {';'})
- of "innosetup": c.innoSetupFlag = yesno(p, v)
- of "download": c.downloads.add(v)
- else: quit(errorStr(p, "unknown variable: " & k.key))
- of "unix":
- case normalize(k.key)
- of "files": addFiles(c.cat[fcUnix], split(v, {';'}))
- of "installscript": c.installScript = yesno(p, v)
- of "uninstallscript": c.uninstallScript = yesno(p, v)
- else: quit(errorStr(p, "unknown variable: " & k.key))
- of "unixbin": filesOnly(p, k.key, v, c.cat[fcUnixBin])
- of "innosetup": pathFlags(p, k.key, v, c.innosetup)
- of "nsis": pathFlags(p, k.key, v, c.nsisSetup)
- of "ccompiler": pathFlags(p, k.key, v, c.ccompiler)
- of "linker": pathFlags(p, k.key, v, c.linker)
- of "deb":
- case normalize(k.key)
- of "builddepends":
- c.debOpts.buildDepends = v
- of "packagedepends", "pkgdepends":
- c.debOpts.pkgDepends = v
- of "shortdesc":
- c.debOpts.shortDesc = v
- of "licenses":
- var i = 0
- var file = ""
- var license = ""
- var afterComma = false
- while i < v.len():
- case v[i]
- of ',':
- afterComma = true
- of ';':
- if file == "" or license == "":
- quit(errorStr(p, "Invalid `licenses` key."))
- c.debOpts.licenses.add((file, license))
- afterComma = false
- file = ""
- license = ""
- else:
- if afterComma: license.add(v[i])
- else: file.add(v[i])
- inc(i)
- else: quit(errorStr(p, "unknown variable: " & k.key))
- of "nimble":
- case normalize(k.key)
- of "pkgname":
- c.nimblePkgName = v
- of "pkgfiles":
- addFiles(c.cat[fcNimble], split(v, {';'}))
- else:
- quit(errorStr(p, "invalid key: " & k.key))
- else: quit(errorStr(p, "invalid section: " & section))
- of cfgOption: quit(errorStr(p, "syntax error"))
- of cfgError: quit(errorStr(p, k.msg))
- close(p)
- if c.name.len == 0: c.name = changeFileExt(extractFilename(c.mainfile), "")
- if c.displayName.len == 0: c.displayName = c.name
- else:
- quit("cannot open: " & c.infile)
- proc readCFiles(c: var ConfigData, osA, cpuA: int) =
- var p: CfgParser
- var f = splitFile(c.infile).dir / "mapping.txt"
- c.cfiles[osA][cpuA] = @[]
- var input = newFileStream(f, fmRead)
- var section = ""
- if input != nil:
- open(p, input, f)
- while true:
- var k = next(p)
- case k.kind
- of cfgEof: break
- of cfgSectionStart:
- section = normalize(k.section)
- of cfgKeyValuePair:
- case section
- of "ccompiler": pathFlags(p, k.key, k.value, c.ccompiler)
- of "linker":
- pathFlags(p, k.key, k.value, c.linker)
- c.linker.flags = c.linker.flags.replaceWord("-lm").replaceWord(
- "-ldl").replaceWord("-lroot").replaceWord(
- "-lnetwork").strip
- else:
- if cmpIgnoreStyle(k.key, "libpath") == 0:
- c.libpath = k.value
- of cfgOption:
- if section == "cfiles" and cmpIgnoreStyle(k.key, "file") == 0:
- add(c.cfiles[osA][cpuA], k.value)
- of cfgError: quit(errorStr(p, k.msg))
- close(p)
- else:
- quit("Cannot open: " & f)
- func buildDir(os, cpu: int): string =
- "c_code" / ($os & "_" & $cpu)
- func getOutputDir(c: var ConfigData): string =
- if c.outdir.len > 0: c.outdir else: "build"
- proc writeFile(filename, content, newline: string) =
- var f: File
- if open(f, filename, fmWrite):
- for x in splitLines(content):
- write(f, x)
- write(f, newline)
- close(f)
- else:
- quit("Cannot open for writing: " & filename)
- proc deduplicateFiles(c: var ConfigData) =
- var tab = newStringTable()
- let build = getOutputDir(c)
- for osA in countup(1, c.oses.len):
- for cpuA in countup(1, c.cpus.len):
- if c.explicitPlatforms and not c.platforms[osA][cpuA]: continue
- for dup in mitems(c.cfiles[osA][cpuA]):
- let key = $secureHashFile(build / dup)
- let val = buildDir(osA, cpuA) / extractFilename(dup)
- let orig = tab.getOrDefault(key)
- if orig.len > 0:
- removeFile(dup)
- dup = orig
- else:
- tab[key] = val
- proc writeInstallScripts(c: var ConfigData) =
- if c.installScript:
- writeFile(installShFile, generateInstallScript(c), "\10")
- inclFilePermissions(installShFile, {fpUserExec, fpGroupExec, fpOthersExec})
- if c.uninstallScript:
- writeFile(deinstallShFile, generateDeinstallScript(c), "\10")
- inclFilePermissions(deinstallShFile, {fpUserExec, fpGroupExec, fpOthersExec})
- template gatherFiles(fun, libpath, outDir) =
- block:
- template copySrc(src) =
- let dst = outDir / extractFilename(src)
- when false: echo (dst, dst)
- fun(src, dst)
- for f in walkFiles(libpath / "lib/*.h"): copySrc(f)
- proc exe(f: string): string =
- result = addFileExt(f, ExeExt)
- when defined(windows):
- result = result.replace('/','\\')
- proc findNim(): string =
- let nim = "nim".exe
- result = quoteShell("bin" / nim)
- if not fileExists(result):
- result = "nim"
- proc srcdist(c: var ConfigData) =
- let cCodeDir = getOutputDir(c) / "c_code"
- if not dirExists(cCodeDir): createDir(cCodeDir)
- gatherFiles(copyFile, c.libpath, cCodeDir)
- var winIndex = -1
- var intel32Index = -1
- var intel64Index = -1
- for osA in 1..c.oses.len:
- let osname = c.oses[osA-1]
- if osname.cmpIgnoreStyle("windows") == 0: winIndex = osA
- for cpuA in 1..c.cpus.len:
- if c.explicitPlatforms and not c.platforms[osA][cpuA]: continue
- let cpuname = c.cpus[cpuA-1]
- if cpuname.cmpIgnoreStyle("i386") == 0: intel32Index = cpuA
- elif cpuname.cmpIgnoreStyle("amd64") == 0: intel64Index = cpuA
- var dir = getOutputDir(c) / buildDir(osA, cpuA)
- if dirExists(dir): removeDir(dir)
- createDir(dir)
- var cmd = ("$# compile -f --incremental:off --compileonly " &
- "--gen_mapping --cc:gcc --skipUserCfg" &
- " --os:$# --cpu:$# $# $#") %
- [findNim(), osname, cpuname, c.nimArgs, c.mainfile]
- echo(cmd)
- if execShellCmd(cmd) != 0:
- quit("Error: call to nim compiler failed")
- readCFiles(c, osA, cpuA)
- for i in 0 .. c.cfiles[osA][cpuA].len-1:
- let dest = dir / extractFilename(c.cfiles[osA][cpuA][i])
- let relDest = buildDir(osA, cpuA) / extractFilename(c.cfiles[osA][cpuA][i])
- copyFile(dest=dest, source=c.cfiles[osA][cpuA][i])
- c.cfiles[osA][cpuA][i] = relDest
- deduplicateFiles(c)
- writeFile(getOutputDir(c) / buildShFile, generateBuildShellScript(c), "\10")
- inclFilePermissions(getOutputDir(c) / buildShFile, {fpUserExec, fpGroupExec, fpOthersExec})
- writeFile(getOutputDir(c) / makeFile, generateMakefile(c), "\10")
- if winIndex >= 0:
- if intel32Index >= 0 or intel64Index >= 0:
- writeFile(getOutputDir(c) / buildBatFile,
- generateBuildBatchScript(c, winIndex, intel32Index, intel64Index), "\13\10")
- if intel32Index >= 0:
- writeFile(getOutputDir(c) / buildBatFile32, "SET ARCH=32\nCALL build.bat\n")
- if intel64Index >= 0:
- writeFile(getOutputDir(c) / buildBatFile64, "SET ARCH=64\nCALL build.bat\n")
- writeInstallScripts(c)
- proc setupDist(c: var ConfigData) =
- let scrpt = generateInnoSetup(c)
- let n = "build" / "install_$#_$#.iss" % [toLowerAscii(c.name), c.version]
- writeFile(n, scrpt, "\13\10")
- when defined(windows):
- if c.innosetup.path.len == 0:
- c.innosetup.path = "iscc.exe"
- let outcmd = if c.outdir.len == 0: "build" else: c.outdir
- let cmd = "$# $# /O$# $#" % [quoteShell(c.innosetup.path),
- c.innosetup.flags, outcmd, n]
- echo(cmd)
- if execShellCmd(cmd) == 0:
- removeFile(n)
- else:
- quit("External program failed")
- proc setupDist2(c: var ConfigData) =
- let scrpt = generateNsisSetup(c)
- let n = "build" / "install_$#_$#.nsi" % [toLowerAscii(c.name), c.version]
- writeFile(n, scrpt, "\13\10")
- when defined(windows):
- if c.nsisSetup.path.len == 0:
- c.nsisSetup.path = "makensis.exe"
- let outcmd = if c.outdir.len == 0: "build" else: c.outdir
- let cmd = "$# $# /O$# $#" % [quoteShell(c.nsisSetup.path),
- c.nsisSetup.flags, outcmd, n]
- echo(cmd)
- if execShellCmd(cmd) == 0:
- removeFile(n)
- else:
- quit("External program failed")
- proc xzDist(c: var ConfigData; windowsZip=false) =
- let proj = toLowerAscii(c.name) & "-" & c.version
- let tmpDir = if c.outdir.len == 0: "build" else: c.outdir
- proc processFile(destFile, src: string) =
- let dest = tmpDir / destFile
- when false: echo "Copying ", src, " to ", dest
- if not fileExists(src):
- echo "[Warning] Source file doesn't exist: ", src
- let destDir = dest.splitFile.dir
- if not dirExists(destDir): createDir(destDir)
- copyFileWithPermissions(src, dest)
- if not windowsZip and not fileExists("build" / buildBatFile):
- quit("No C sources found in ./build/, please build by running " &
- "./koch csource -d:danger.")
- if not windowsZip:
- processFile(proj / buildBatFile, "build" / buildBatFile)
- processFile(proj / buildBatFile32, "build" / buildBatFile32)
- processFile(proj / buildBatFile64, "build" / buildBatFile64)
- processFile(proj / buildShFile, "build" / buildShFile)
- processFile(proj / makeFile, "build" / makeFile)
- processFile(proj / installShFile, installShFile)
- processFile(proj / deinstallShFile, deinstallShFile)
- template processFileAux(src, dst) = processFile(dst, src)
- gatherFiles(processFileAux, c.libpath, proj / "c_code")
- for osA in 1..c.oses.len:
- for cpuA in 1..c.cpus.len:
- var dir = buildDir(osA, cpuA)
- for k, f in walkDir("build" / dir):
- if k == pcFile: processFile(proj / dir / extractFilename(f), f)
- else:
- for f in items(c.cat[fcWinBin]):
- let filename = f.extractFilename
- processFile(proj / "bin" / filename, f)
- let osSpecific = if windowsZip: fcWindows else: fcUnix
- for cat in items({fcConfig..fcOther, osSpecific, fcNimble}):
- echo("Current category: ", cat)
- for f in items(c.cat[cat]): processFile(proj / f, f)
- let nimbleFile = c.nimblePkgName & ".nimble"
- processFile(proj / nimbleFile, nimbleFile)
- when true:
- let oldDir = getCurrentDir()
- setCurrentDir(tmpDir)
- try:
- if windowsZip:
- if execShellCmd("7z a -tzip $1.zip $1" % proj) != 0:
- echo("External program failed (zip)")
- when false:
- writeFile("config.txt", """;!@Install@!UTF-8!
- Title="Nim v$1"
- BeginPrompt="Do you want to configure Nim v$1?"
- RunProgram="tools\downloader.exe"
- ;!@InstallEnd@!""" % NimVersion)
- if execShellCmd("7z a -sfx7zS2.sfx -t7z $1.exe $1" % proj) != 0:
- echo("External program failed (7z)")
- else:
- if execShellCmd("gtar cf $1.tar --exclude=.DS_Store $1" %
- proj) != 0:
- if execShellCmd("tar cf $1.tar $1" % proj) != 0:
- echo("External program failed")
- if execShellCmd("xz -9f $1.tar" % proj) != 0:
- echo("External program failed")
- finally:
- setCurrentDir(oldDir)
- proc debDist(c: var ConfigData) =
- if not fileExists(getOutputDir(c) / "build.sh"): quit("No build.sh found.")
- if not fileExists(getOutputDir(c) / "install.sh"): quit("No install.sh found.")
- if c.debOpts.shortDesc == "": quit("shortDesc must be set in the .ini file.")
- if c.debOpts.licenses.len == 0:
- echo("[Warning] No licenses specified for .deb creation.")
- echo("Copying source to tmp/niminst/deb/")
- var currentSource = getCurrentDir()
- var workingDir = getTempDir() / "niminst" / "deb"
- var upstreamSource = (c.name.toLowerAscii() & "-" & c.version)
- createDir(workingDir / upstreamSource)
- template copyNimDist(f, dest: string) =
- createDir((workingDir / upstreamSource / dest).splitFile.dir)
- copyFile(currentSource / f, workingDir / upstreamSource / dest)
- copyNimDist(buildShFile, buildShFile)
- copyNimDist(makeFile, makeFile)
- copyNimDist(installShFile, installShFile)
- createDir(workingDir / upstreamSource / "build")
- gatherFiles(copyNimDist, c.libpath, "build")
- for osA in 1..c.oses.len:
- for cpuA in 1..c.cpus.len:
- var dir = buildDir(osA, cpuA)
- for k, f in walkDir(dir):
- if k == pcFile: copyNimDist(f, dir / extractFilename(f))
- for cat in items({fcConfig..fcOther, fcUnix}):
- for f in items(c.cat[cat]): copyNimDist(f, f)
- let mtnName = c.vars["mtnname"]
- let mtnEmail = c.vars["mtnemail"]
- prepDeb(c.name, c.version, mtnName, mtnEmail, c.debOpts.shortDesc,
- c.description, c.debOpts.licenses, c.cat[fcUnixBin], c.cat[fcConfig],
- c.cat[fcDoc], c.cat[fcLib], c.debOpts.buildDepends,
- c.debOpts.pkgDepends)
- proc main() =
- var c: ConfigData
- iniConfigData(c)
- parseCmdLine(c)
- parseIniFile(c)
- if actionInno in c.actions:
- setupDist(c)
- if actionNsis in c.actions:
- setupDist2(c)
- if actionCSource in c.actions:
- srcdist(c)
- if actionScripts in c.actions:
- writeInstallScripts(c)
- if actionZip in c.actions:
- xzDist(c, true)
- if actionXz in c.actions:
- xzDist(c)
- if actionDeb in c.actions:
- debDist(c)
- when isMainModule:
- main()