123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442 |
- discard """
- output: '''Welcome to LoopTesterApp, Nim edition
- Constructing Simple CFG...
- 5000 dummy loops
- Constructing CFG...
- Performing Loop Recognition
- 1 Iteration
- Another 3 iterations...
- ...
- Found 1 loops (including artificial root node) (3)'''
- """
- # bug #3184
- import tables, sets
- when not declared(withScratchRegion):
- template withScratchRegion(body: untyped) = body
- type
- BasicBlock = ref object
- inEdges: seq[BasicBlock]
- outEdges: seq[BasicBlock]
- name: int
- proc newBasicBlock(name: int): BasicBlock =
- result = BasicBlock(
- inEdges: newSeq[BasicBlock](),
- outEdges: newSeq[BasicBlock](),
- name: name
- )
- proc hash(x: BasicBlock): int {.inline.} =
- result = x.name
- type
- BasicBlockEdge = object
- fr: BasicBlock
- to: BasicBlock
- Cfg = object
- basicBlockMap: Table[int, BasicBlock]
- edgeList: seq[BasicBlockEdge]
- startNode: BasicBlock
- proc newCfg(): Cfg =
- result = Cfg(
- basicBlockMap: initTable[int, BasicBlock](),
- edgeList: newSeq[BasicBlockEdge](),
- startNode: nil)
- proc createNode(self: var Cfg, name: int): BasicBlock =
- result = self.basicBlockMap.getOrDefault(name)
- if result == nil:
- result = newBasicBlock(name)
- self.basicBlockMap.add name, result
- if self.startNode == nil:
- self.startNode = result
- proc newBasicBlockEdge(cfg: var Cfg, fromName, toName: int) =
- var result = BasicBlockEdge(
- fr: cfg.createNode(fromName),
- to: cfg.createNode(toName)
- )
- result.fr.outEdges.add(result.to)
- result.to.inEdges.add(result.fr)
- cfg.edgeList.add(result)
- type
- SimpleLoop = ref object
- basicBlocks: seq[BasicBlock] # TODO: set here
- children: seq[SimpleLoop] # TODO: set here
- parent: SimpleLoop
- header: BasicBlock
- isRoot, isReducible: bool
- counter, nestingLevel, depthLevel: int
- proc setParent(self: SimpleLoop, parent: SimpleLoop) =
- self.parent = parent
- self.parent.children.add self
- proc setHeader(self: SimpleLoop, bb: BasicBlock) =
- self.basicBlocks.add(bb)
- self.header = bb
- proc setNestingLevel(self: SimpleLoop, level: int) =
- self.nestingLevel = level
- if level == 0: self.isRoot = true
- var loopCounter: int = 0
- type
- Lsg = object
- loops: seq[SimpleLoop]
- root: SimpleLoop
- proc createNewLoop(self: var Lsg): SimpleLoop =
- result = SimpleLoop(
- basicBlocks: newSeq[BasicBlock](),
- children: newSeq[SimpleLoop](),
- isReducible: true)
- loopCounter += 1
- result.counter = loopCounter
- proc addLoop(self: var Lsg, l: SimpleLoop) =
- self.loops.add l
- proc newLsg(): Lsg =
- result = Lsg(loops: newSeq[SimpleLoop](),
- root: result.createNewLoop())
- result.root.setNestingLevel(0)
- result.addLoop(result.root)
- type
- UnionFindNode = ref object
- parent {.cursor.}: UnionFindNode
- bb: BasicBlock
- l: SimpleLoop
- dfsNumber: int
- proc initNode(self: UnionFindNode, bb: BasicBlock, dfsNumber: int) =
- self.parent = self
- self.bb = bb
- self.dfsNumber = dfsNumber
- proc findSet(self: UnionFindNode): UnionFindNode =
- var nodeList = newSeq[UnionFindNode]()
- var it {.cursor.} = self
- while it != it.parent:
- var parent {.cursor.} = it.parent
- if parent != parent.parent: nodeList.add it
- it = parent
- for iter in nodeList: iter.parent = it.parent
- result = it
- proc union(self: UnionFindNode, unionFindNode: UnionFindNode) =
- self.parent = unionFindNode
- const
- BB_NONHEADER = 1 # a regular BB
- BB_REDUCIBLE = 2 # reducible loop
- BB_SELF = 3 # single BB loop
- BB_IRREDUCIBLE = 4 # irreducible loop
- BB_DEAD = 5 # a dead BB
- # # Marker for uninitialized nodes.
- # # Safeguard against pathologic algorithm behavior.
- MAXNONBACKPREDS = (32 * 1024)
- type
- HavlakLoopFinder = object
- cfg: Cfg
- lsg: Lsg
- proc newHavlakLoopFinder(cfg: Cfg, lsg: sink Lsg): HavlakLoopFinder =
- result = HavlakLoopFinder(cfg: cfg, lsg: lsg)
- proc isAncestor(w, v: int, last: seq[int]): bool =
- w <= v and v <= last[w]
- proc dfs(currentNode: BasicBlock, nodes: var seq[UnionFindNode],
- number: var Table[BasicBlock, int],
- last: var seq[int], current: int) =
- var stack = @[(currentNode, current)]
- while stack.len > 0:
- let (currentNode, current) = stack.pop()
- nodes[current].initNode(currentNode, current)
- number[currentNode] = current
- for target in currentNode.outEdges:
- if number[target] == UNVISITED:
- stack.add((target, current+1))
- #result = dfs(target, nodes, number, last, result + 1)
- last[number[currentNode]] = current
- proc findLoops(self: var HavlakLoopFinder): int =
- var startNode = self.cfg.startNode
- if startNode == nil: return 0
- var size = self.cfg.basicBlockMap.len
- var nonBackPreds = newSeq[HashSet[int]]()
- var backPreds = newSeq[seq[int]]()
- var number = initTable[BasicBlock, int]()
- var header = newSeq[int](size)
- var types = newSeq[int](size)
- var last = newSeq[int](size)
- var nodes = newSeq[UnionFindNode]()
- for i in 1..size:
- nonBackPreds.add initHashSet[int](1)
- backPreds.add newSeq[int]()
- nodes.add(UnionFindNode())
- # Step a:
- # - initialize all nodes as unvisited.
- # - depth-first traversal and numbering.
- # - unreached BB's are marked as dead.
- #
- for v in self.cfg.basicBlockMap.values: number[v] = UNVISITED
- dfs(startNode, nodes, number, last, 0)
- # Step b:
- # - iterate over all nodes.
- #
- # A backedge comes from a descendant in the DFS tree, and non-backedges
- # from non-descendants (following Tarjan).
- #
- # - check incoming edges 'v' and add them to either
- # - the list of backedges (backPreds) or
- # - the list of non-backedges (nonBackPreds)
- #
- for w in 0 ..< size:
- header[w] = 0
- types[w] = BB_NONHEADER
- var nodeW = nodes[w].bb
- if nodeW != nil:
- for nodeV in nodeW.inEdges:
- var v = number[nodeV]
- if v != UNVISITED:
- if isAncestor(w, v, last):
- backPreds[w].add v
- else:
- nonBackPreds[w].incl v
- else:
- types[w] = BB_DEAD
- # Start node is root of all other loops.
- header[0] = 0
- # Step c:
- #
- # The outer loop, unchanged from Tarjan. It does nothing except
- # for those nodes which are the destinations of backedges.
- # For a header node w, we chase backward from the sources of the
- # backedges adding nodes to the set P, representing the body of
- # the loop headed by w.
- #
- # By running through the nodes in reverse of the DFST preorder,
- # we ensure that inner loop headers will be processed before the
- # headers for surrounding loops.
- for w in countdown(size - 1, 0):
- # this is 'P' in Havlak's paper
- var nodePool = newSeq[UnionFindNode]()
- var nodeW = nodes[w].bb
- if nodeW != nil: # dead BB
- # Step d:
- for v in backPreds[w]:
- if v != w:
- nodePool.add nodes[v].findSet
- else:
- types[w] = BB_SELF
- # Copy nodePool to workList.
- #
- var workList = newSeq[UnionFindNode]()
- for x in nodePool: workList.add x
- if nodePool.len != 0: types[w] = BB_REDUCIBLE
- # work the list...
- #
- while workList.len > 0:
- let x = workList[0]
- workList.del(0)
- # Step e:
- #
- # Step e represents the main difference from Tarjan's method.
- # Chasing upwards from the sources of a node w's backedges. If
- # there is a node y' that is not a descendant of w, w is marked
- # the header of an irreducible loop, there is another entry
- # into this loop that avoids w.
- #
- # The algorithm has degenerated. Break and
- # return in this case.
- #
- var nonBackSize = nonBackPreds[x.dfsNumber].len
- if nonBackSize > MAXNONBACKPREDS: return 0
- for iter in nonBackPreds[x.dfsNumber]:
- var y = nodes[iter]
- var ydash = y.findSet
- if not isAncestor(w, ydash.dfsNumber, last):
- types[w] = BB_IRREDUCIBLE
- nonBackPreds[w].incl ydash.dfsNumber
- else:
- if ydash.dfsNumber != w and not nodePool.contains(ydash):
- workList.add ydash
- nodePool.add ydash
- # Collapse/Unionize nodes in a SCC to a single node
- # For every SCC found, create a loop descriptor and link it in.
- #
- if nodePool.len > 0 or types[w] == BB_SELF:
- var l = self.lsg.createNewLoop
- l.setHeader(nodeW)
- l.isReducible = types[w] != BB_IRREDUCIBLE
- # At this point, one can set attributes to the loop, such as:
- #
- # the bottom node:
- # iter = backPreds(w).begin();
- # loop bottom is: nodes(iter).node;
- #
- # the number of backedges:
- # backPreds(w).size()
- #
- # whether this loop is reducible:
- # types(w) != BB_IRREDUCIBLE
- #
- nodes[w].l = l
- for node in nodePool:
- # Add nodes to loop descriptor.
- header[node.dfsNumber] = w
- node.union(nodes[w])
- # Nested loops are not added, but linked together.
- var nodeL = node.l
- if nodeL != nil:
- nodeL.setParent(l)
- else:
- l.basicBlocks.add node.bb
- self.lsg.addLoop(l)
- result = self.lsg.loops.len
- type
- LoopTesterApp = object
- cfg: Cfg
- lsg: Lsg
- proc newLoopTesterApp(): LoopTesterApp =
- result.cfg = newCfg()
- result.lsg = newLsg()
- proc buildDiamond(self: var LoopTesterApp, start: int): int =
- newBasicBlockEdge(self.cfg, start, start + 1)
- newBasicBlockEdge(self.cfg, start, start + 2)
- newBasicBlockEdge(self.cfg, start + 1, start + 3)
- newBasicBlockEdge(self.cfg, start + 2, start + 3)
- result = start + 3
- proc buildConnect(self: var LoopTesterApp, start1, end1: int) =
- newBasicBlockEdge(self.cfg, start1, end1)
- proc buildStraight(self: var LoopTesterApp, start, n: int): int =
- for i in 0..n-1:
- self.buildConnect(start + i, start + i + 1)
- result = start + n
- proc buildBaseLoop(self: var LoopTesterApp, from1: int): int =
- let header = self.buildStraight(from1, 1)
- let diamond1 = self.buildDiamond(header)
- let d11 = self.buildStraight(diamond1, 1)
- let diamond2 = self.buildDiamond(d11)
- let footer = self.buildStraight(diamond2, 1)
- self.buildConnect(diamond2, d11)
- self.buildConnect(diamond1, header)
- self.buildConnect(footer, from1)
- result = self.buildStraight(footer, 1)
- proc run(self: var LoopTesterApp) =
- echo "Welcome to LoopTesterApp, Nim edition"
- echo "Constructing Simple CFG..."
- discard self.cfg.createNode(0)
- discard self.buildBaseLoop(0)
- discard self.cfg.createNode(1)
- self.buildConnect(0, 2)
- echo "5000 dummy loops"
- for i in 1..5000:
- withScratchRegion:
- var h = newHavlakLoopFinder(self.cfg, newLsg())
- discard h.findLoops
- echo "Constructing CFG..."
- var n = 2
- when true: # not defined(gcOrc):
- # currently cycle detection is so slow that we disable this part
- for parlooptrees in 1..10:
- discard self.cfg.createNode(n + 1)
- self.buildConnect(2, n + 1)
- n += 1
- for i in 1..100:
- var top = n
- n = self.buildStraight(n, 1)
- for j in 1..25: n = self.buildBaseLoop(n)
- var bottom = self.buildStraight(n, 1)
- self.buildConnect n, top
- n = bottom
- self.buildConnect(n, 1)
- echo "Performing Loop Recognition\n1 Iteration"
- var h = newHavlakLoopFinder(self.cfg, newLsg())
- var loops = h.findLoops
- echo "Another 3 iterations..."
- var sum = 0
- for i in 1..3:
- withScratchRegion:
- write stdout, "."
- flushFile(stdout)
- var hlf = newHavlakLoopFinder(self.cfg, newLsg())
- sum += hlf.findLoops
- #echo getOccupiedMem()
- echo "\nFound ", loops, " loops (including artificial root node) (", sum, ")"
- when false:
- echo("Total memory available: " & formatSize(getTotalMem()) & " bytes")
- echo("Free memory: " & formatSize(getFreeMem()) & " bytes")
- proc main =
- var l = newLoopTesterApp()
- l.run
- let mem = getOccupiedMem()
- main()
- when defined(gcOrc):
- GC_fullCollect()
- doAssert getOccupiedMem() == mem