Lyke (body)
Hyde (appearance of body)
- gives shape/form to the person
- mannerisms and self-presentation
- actors change this a lot when acting
Athem (breath)
- breath of life / life force
- keeps lyke and hyde alive
- leaves body when body dies
- symbolised by raven Huginn
- analytical, mathematical
Myne (memory)
- symbolised by raven Muninn
- reflects and imagines
- communicates through images and dreams
- governs dreams and memories
- communicates with collective unconsciousness
Wode (inspiration)
- condition of altered consciousness, like divine inspiration
- you need to be in this state to work effective magic
- works best when hugh and myne are cooperating together
- surrounds you, but isn't necessarily a part of you yourself
three possible forms:
- an animal
- a person of the sex you are attracted to
- a geometric shape
- stays with you your whole life
- similar to a guardian angel, but not exactly the same
Hamingja (luck)
- shade of the deceased
- goes to one of the worlds of the undead (Valhalla, Hel, etc)
- Northern Magic by Edred Thorsson
- Apophis by Michael Kelly