settings_j.mli 703 B

  1. (* Auto-generated from "settings.atd" *)
  2. type rc_file = Settings_t.rc_file = {
  3. progs: string list;
  4. settings: string list
  5. }
  6. val write_rc_file :
  7. Bi_outbuf.t -> rc_file -> unit
  8. (** Output a JSON value of type {!rc_file}. *)
  9. val string_of_rc_file :
  10. ?len:int -> rc_file -> string
  11. (** Serialize a value of type {!rc_file}
  12. into a JSON string.
  13. @param len specifies the initial length
  14. of the buffer used internally.
  15. Default: 1024. *)
  16. val read_rc_file :
  17. Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> rc_file
  18. (** Input JSON data of type {!rc_file}. *)
  19. val rc_file_of_string :
  20. string -> rc_file
  21. (** Deserialize JSON data of type {!rc_file}. *)