Allow to delete a command after a certain number of launch
Feel free to add things here (and make a pull request).
Or send an email to the author !
Major issue
Test behavior with an empty rc file (start from 0 after calling many times
and adding first command). Auto test it.
Short term
Add command --edit-rc to edit configuration file
Add command to exchange item
Change config file format (Sexp ?)
Run commands based on patterns (i.e. "run git" to run "git bundle /tmp/bundle
--all" ), bypassing command numbers
Allow to append arguments (i.e. "run 3 -- A...B" to run "git rev-list
left-right --count A...B", if "git rev-list left-right --count" is the third
command )
Allow to tag commands
Configuration value
Allow to run infinitely or say when it is finish
Make tmp file emplacement configurable
Use two modes, one for easy launch and another more
alway running : be sure that there entry are always running
easy : one entry on each call
confirm : ask before launching each entry
proportionate : launch by percent.
Relaunch the terminal detached after (possible -> use $TERM &; it resists to
program exit)
Allow to tag entry and do things according to tags
Make it extensible
Get statistics and collect them : running time, frequency per item, output of
the commands...
Documentation ;-)
Handle errors in reading rc file
Return error code when necessary
Log duration of commands, ignore some return code
Add plugins for Age (precisely, such as number of minutes, seconds…), Date
Long term
Translate displayed messages.
Better command line interface by grouping commands.
Use Batteries instead of Core to improve apps size?
Be more carefull with file reading, lazy evaluation (especially in