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- % Append yourself to this list. Aliases are fine (e.g. darkf), but please do
- % include an email where people can email you. If applicable, also include your
- % middle initial, as is the convention in academia.
- \author{
- \pharpend
- }
- \newcommand{\editors}{
- \aneditor{Randy Brown}{randy@beingbrown.net}
- \aneditor{Nick Chambers}{DTSCode@gmail.com}
- % \aneditor{Anton Golov}{jesyspa@gmail.com}
- \aneditor{Ng Wei En}{wei2912.supp0rt@gmail.com}
- \aneditor{Ben Z RF}{benzrf@benzrf.com}
- \aneditor{Alexander G Bauer}{sasha@crofter.org}
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- }
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- \end{ExerciseList}
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- \title{Learn You Some Algebras for Glorious Good!}
- \begin{document}
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- \begin{center}
- Copyright © 2014-2015 \pharpend
- \end{center}
- % \noindent
- \begin{center}
- Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under
- the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later
- version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant
- Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the
- license is included in \cref{gfdl}.
- \end{center}
- }
- \vspace*{\fill}
- % \newpage
- % \section*{Editors \& Noted Contributors}
- % \begin{addmargin}[4em]{2em}
- % \begin{tabular}{l l}
- % \editors
- % \end{tabular}
- % \end{addmargin}
- \newpage
- \tableofcontents
- \newpage
- \input{1-introduction.ltx}
- \input{2-boolean-algebra.ltx}
- \input{3-sets-functions.ltx}
- \input{4-proofs.ltx}
- \begin{appendices}
- {\footnotesize
- \setlength{\parskip}{0ex}
- \setlength{\parindent}{0ex}
- \input{fdl.ltx}
- }
- \input{how-to-learn.ltx}
- \end{appendices}
- \newpage
- \printbibliography
- \end{document}