843 B


Convert to format

$ convert rose.jpg rose.png

Generate solid color background

$ convert -size 1920x1080 canvas:"#303030" background_grey.jpg

Rotate image

$ convert image.jpg -auto-orient image-edit.jpg

Strip metadata from image

$ convert image.jpg -strip image-edit.jpg

Resize image to specific size

$ convert dragon.gif -resize 128x112 resize_dragon.gif

Change color ammount

$ convert image.jpg +dither -colors 16 -depth 4 image-16.jpg

Add text on image at specific point

$ convert temp.jpg -gravity North -pointsize 30 -annotate +0+100 'Love you mom' temp1.jpg
$ convert lena.jpg -fill black -undercolor white -gravity southwest -annotate +0+0 "$filename" -gravity southeast -annotate +0+0 "abc001" lena_label.jpg