$ gpg --full-generate-key
$ gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG
$ pass init <gpg-id or email>
$ pass insert private/bbs.archlinux.org/username
$ pass insert private/bbs.archlinux.org/password
$ pass
$ pass generate --no-symbols private/site.org/password [pass-length]
$ pass private/site.org/password
$ pass -c private/site.org/password
$ pass rm --recursive private/site.org
Note: Users preferring the classical middle-click/paste can add the following to their respective ~/.shellrc for this behavior: export PASSWORD_STORE_X_SELECTION=primary
pass comes with a dmenu wrapper to enable easy searching/copying. To use it, install the optional dependency dmenu and run:
$ passmenu
$ passmenu -fn monospace:size=10 -nb '#000000' -nf '#ff00f0' -sb '#8f00ff' -sf '#eeeeee'