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Generate a gpg file and password

$ gpg --full-generate-key

List generated encrypted key

$ gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG

To initialize the password store

$ pass init <gpg-id or email>

To create a new password, first provide a descriptive hierarchical name. In this example, this is

$ pass insert private/
$ pass insert private/

To get a view of the password store do the following. Note the example output which shows the hierarchy we just created

$ pass

To generate a new random password for the above example, do the following, where n is the desired password length as a number

$ pass generate --no-symbols private/ [pass-length]

To retrieve a password, enter the gpg passphrase at the following prompt, again using the example name from above

$ pass private/

Users of Xorg with xclip installed can retrieve the password directly onto the clipboard temporarily

$ pass -c private/

Delete entry

$ pass rm --recursive private/

Note: Users preferring the classical middle-click/paste can add the following to their respective ~/.shellrc for this behavior: export PASSWORD_STORE_X_SELECTION=primary

pass comes with a dmenu wrapper to enable easy searching/copying. To use it, install the optional dependency dmenu and run:

$ passmenu
$ passmenu -fn monospace:size=10 -nb '#000000' -nf '#ff00f0' -sb '#8f00ff' -sf '#eeeeee'