117 KB

  1. # coding=utf-8
  2. # !/usr/bin/python
  3. import sys, os, json, threading, hashlib, time, random
  4. from base.spider import Spider
  5. from requests import session, utils, head
  6. from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter, Retry
  7. from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
  8. from functools import reduce
  9. from urllib.parse import quote, urlencode
  10. sys.path.append('..')
  11. dirname, filename = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))
  12. if dirname.startswith('/data/'):
  13. dirname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirname, ".."))
  14. dirname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirname, ".."))
  15. dirname = f"{dirname}/files"
  16. sys.path.append(dirname)
  17. class Spider(Spider):
  18. #默认设置
  19. defaultConfig = {
  20. 'currentVersion': "20240409_2",
  21. #【建议通过扫码确认】设置Cookie,在双引号内填写
  22. 'raw_cookie_line': "",
  23. #如果主cookie没有vip,可以设置第二cookie,仅用于播放会员番剧,所有的操作、记录还是在主cookie,不会同步到第二cookie
  24. 'raw_cookie_vip': "",
  25. #主页默认显示20图
  26. 'maxHomeVideoContent': '20',
  27. #收藏标签默认显示追番1,追剧2,默认收藏夹0
  28. 'favMode': '0',
  29. #部分视频列表分页,限制每次加载数量
  30. 'page_size': 12,
  31. #上传播放进度间隔时间,单位秒,b站默认间隔15,0则不上传播放历史
  32. 'heartbeatInterval': '15',
  33. #视频默认画质ID
  34. 'vodDefaultQn': '116',
  35. #视频默认解码ID
  36. 'vodDefaultCodec': '7',
  37. #音频默认码率ID
  38. 'vodDefaultAudio': '30280',
  39. #非会员播放会员专享视频时,添加一个页面可以使用解析源,解析源自行解决
  40. 'bangumi_vip_parse': True,
  41. #付费视频添加一个页面可以使用解析,解析源自行解决
  42. 'bangumi_pay_parse': True,
  43. #是否显示直播标签筛选中分区的细化标签, 0为不显示,1为显示
  44. 'showLiveFilterTag': '1',
  45. #主页标签排序, 未登录或cookie失效时自动隐藏动态、收藏、关注、历史
  46. 'cateManual': [
  47. "动态",
  48. "推荐",
  49. "影视",
  50. "直播",
  51. "收藏",
  52. "关注",
  53. "历史",
  54. "搜索",
  55. ],
  56. #自定义推荐标签的筛选
  57. 'tuijianLis': [
  58. "热门",
  59. "排行榜",
  60. "每周必看",
  61. "入站必刷",
  62. "番剧时间表",
  63. "国创时间表"
  64. ],
  65. 'rankingLis': [
  66. "动画",
  67. "音乐",
  68. "舞蹈",
  69. "游戏",
  70. "鬼畜",
  71. "知识",
  72. "科技",
  73. "运动",
  74. "生活",
  75. "美食",
  76. "动物",
  77. "汽车",
  78. "时尚",
  79. "娱乐",
  80. "影视",
  81. "原创",
  82. "新人",
  83. ],
  84. }
  85. #在动态标签的筛选中固定显示他,n为用户名或任意都可以,v必须为准确的UID
  86. focus_on_up_list = [
  87. #{"n":"电影最TOP", "v":"17819768"},
  88. ]
  89. #在搜索标签的筛选中固定显示搜索词
  90. focus_on_search_key = []
  91. def getName(self):
  92. return "哔哩哔哩"
  93. def load_config(self):
  94. try:
  95. with open(f"{dirname}/config.json",encoding="utf-8") as f:
  96. self.userConfig = json.load(f)
  97. users = self.userConfig.get('users', {})
  98. if users.get('master') and users['master'].get('cookies_dic'):
  99. self.session_master.cookies = utils.cookiejar_from_dict(users['master']['cookies_dic'])
  100. self.userid = users['master']['userid']
  101. if users.get('fake') and users['fake'].get('cookies_dic'):
  102. self.session_fake.cookies = utils.cookiejar_from_dict(users['fake']['cookies_dic'])
  103. except:
  104. self.userConfig = {}
  105. self.userConfig = {**self.defaultConfig, **self.userConfig}
  106. dump_config_lock = threading.Lock()
  107. def dump_config(self):
  108. needSaveConfig = ['users', 'cateLive', 'cateManualLive', 'cateManualLiveExtra']
  109. userConfig_new = {}
  110. for key, value in self.userConfig.items():
  111. dafalutValue = self.defaultConfig.get(key)
  112. if dafalutValue != None and value != dafalutValue or key in needSaveConfig:
  113. userConfig_new[key] = value
  114. self.dump_config_lock.acquire()
  115. with open(f"{dirname}/config.json", 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f:
  116. data = json.dumps(userConfig_new, indent=1, ensure_ascii=False)
  117. f.write(data)
  118. self.dump_config_lock.release()
  119. pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=8)
  120. task_pool = []
  121. # 主页
  122. def homeContent(self, filter):
  123. self.pool.submit(self.add_live_filter)
  124. self.pool.submit(self.add_search_key)
  125. self.pool.submit(self.add_focus_on_up_filter)
  126. self.pool.submit(self.get_tuijian_filter)
  127. self.pool.submit(self.add_fav_filter)
  128. needLogin = ['动态', '收藏', '关注', '历史']
  129. cateManual = self.userConfig['cateManual']
  130. if not self.userid and not '登录' in cateManual:
  131. cateManual += ['登录']
  132. classes = []
  133. for k in cateManual:
  134. if k in needLogin and not self.userid:
  135. continue
  136. classes.append({
  137. 'type_name': k,
  138. 'type_id': k
  139. })
  140. result = {'class': classes}
  141. self.add_focus_on_up_filter_event.wait()
  142. self.add_live_filter_event.wait()
  143. self.add_fav_filter_event.wait()
  144. self.add_search_key_event.wait()
  145. if filter:
  146. result['filters'] = self.config['filter']
  147. self.pool.submit(self.dump_config)
  148. return result
  149. # 用户cookies
  150. userid = csrf = ''
  151. session_master = session()
  152. session_vip = session()
  153. session_fake = session()
  154. con = threading.Condition()
  155. getCookie_event = threading.Event()
  156. retries = Retry(total=5,
  157. #status_forcelist=[ 500, 502, 503, 504 ],
  158. backoff_factor=0.1)
  159. adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)
  160. session_master.mount('https://', adapter)
  161. session_vip.mount('https://', adapter)
  162. session_fake.mount('https://', adapter)
  163. def getCookie_dosth(self, co):
  164. c = co.strip().split('=', 1)
  165. if not '%' in c[1]:
  166. c[1] = quote(c[1])
  167. return c
  168. def getCookie(self, _type='master'):
  169. raw_cookie = 'raw_cookie_line'
  170. if _type == 'vip':
  171. raw_cookie = 'raw_cookie_vip'
  172. raw_cookie = self.userConfig.get(raw_cookie)
  173. users = self.userConfig.get('users', {})
  174. user = users.get(_type, {})
  175. if not raw_cookie and not user:
  176. if _type == 'master':
  177. self.getCookie_event.set()
  178. with self.con:
  179. self.con.notifyAll()
  180. return
  181. cookies_dic = user.get('cookies_dic', {})
  182. if raw_cookie:
  183. cookies_dic = dict(map(self.getCookie_dosth, raw_cookie.split(';')))
  184. cookies = utils.cookiejar_from_dict(cookies_dic)
  185. url = ''
  186. content = self.fetch(url, headers=self.header, cookies=cookies)
  187. res = json.loads(content.text)
  188. user['isLogin'] = 0
  189. if res["code"] == 0:
  190. user['isLogin'] = 1
  191. user['userid'] = res["data"]['mid']
  192. user['face'] = res['data']['face']
  193. user['uname'] = res['data']['uname']
  194. user['cookies_dic'] = cookies_dic
  195. user['isVIP'] = int(res['data']['vipStatus'])
  196. if _type == 'master':
  197. self.session_master.cookies = cookies
  198. self.userid = user['userid']
  199. self.csrf = cookies_dic['bili_jct']
  200. if user['isVIP']:
  201. self.session_vip.cookies = cookies
  202. else:
  203. self.userid = ''
  204. users[_type] = user
  205. with self.con:
  206. if len(user) > 1:
  207. self.userConfig.update({'users': users})
  208. if _type == 'master':
  209. self.getCookie_event.set()
  210. getFakeCookie_event = threading.Event()
  211. def getFakeCookie(self, fromSearch=None):
  212. if self.session_fake.cookies:
  213. self.getFakeCookie_event.set()
  214. header = {}
  215. header['User-Agent'] = self.header['User-Agent']
  216. rsp = self.fetch('', headers=header)
  217. self.session_fake.cookies = rsp.cookies
  218. self.getFakeCookie_event.set()
  219. with self.con:
  220. users = self.userConfig.get('users', {})
  221. users['fake'] = {'cookies_dic': dict(rsp.cookies)}
  222. self.userConfig.update({'users': users})
  223. if not fromSearch:
  224. self.getCookie_event.wait()
  225. if not self.session_master.cookies:
  226. self.session_master.cookies = rsp.cookies
  227. add_fav_filter_event = threading.Event()
  228. def add_fav_filter(self):
  229. users = self.userConfig.get('users', {})
  230. if users.get('master') and users['master'].get('userid'):
  231. userid = self.userConfig['users']['master']['userid']
  232. else:
  233. self.getCookie_event.wait()
  234. userid = self.userid
  235. fav_list = []
  236. if userid:
  237. url = '' % str(userid)
  238. jo = self._get_sth(url).json()
  239. if jo['code'] == 0 and jo.get('data'):
  240. fav = jo['data'].get('list')
  241. fav_list = list(map(lambda x:{'n': self.cleanCharacters(x['title'].strip()), 'v': x['id']}, fav))
  242. fav_top = [{"n": "追番", "v": "1"},{"n": "追剧", "v": "2"}]
  243. fav_config = self.config["filter"].get('收藏')
  244. if fav_config:
  245. fav_config.insert(0, {
  246. "key": "mlid",
  247. "name": "分区",
  248. "value": fav_top + fav_list,
  249. })
  250. self.add_fav_filter_event.set()
  251. self.userConfig["fav_list"] = fav_list
  252. add_focus_on_up_filter_event = threading.Event()
  253. def add_focus_on_up_filter(self):
  254. up_list = self.focus_on_up_list
  255. if not self.session_master.cookies:
  256. self.getCookie_event.wait()
  257. focus_on_up_list_mid = list(map(lambda x: x['v'], up_list))
  258. if self.session_master.cookies:
  259. url = ''
  260. jo = self._get_sth(url).json()
  261. if jo['code'] == 0 and jo.get('data'):
  262. up = jo['data'].get('items', [])
  263. for u in map(lambda x: {'n': x['modules']["module_author"]['name'], 'v': str(x['modules']["module_author"]['mid'])}, up):
  264. if not u in up_list and not u['v'] in focus_on_up_list_mid:
  265. up_list.append(u)
  266. last_list = [{"n": "登录与设置", "v": "登录"}]
  267. up_list += last_list
  268. self.config["filter"]['动态'] = dynamic_config = [self.config["filter"].get('动态', [])[-1]]
  269. dynamic_config.insert(0, {
  270. "key": "mid",
  271. "name": "UP主",
  272. "value": up_list,
  273. })
  274. self.add_focus_on_up_filter_event.set()
  275. def get_live_parent_area_list(self, parent_area):
  276. name = parent_area['name']
  277. id = str(parent_area['id'])
  278. area = parent_area['list']
  279. area_dict = list(map(lambda area: {'n': area['name'], 'v': str(area['parent_id']) + '_' + str(area['id'])}, area))
  280. live_area = {'key': 'tid', 'name': name, 'value': area_dict}
  281. cateLive_name = {'id': id + '_0', 'value': live_area}
  282. return (name, cateLive_name)
  283. def get_live_list(self):
  284. url = ''
  285. jo = self._get_sth(url, 'fake').json()
  286. if jo['code'] == 0:
  287. parent = jo['data']['data']
  288. self.userConfig['cateLive'] = dict(map(self.get_live_parent_area_list, parent))
  289. return self.userConfig['cateLive']
  290. def set_default_cateManualLive(self):
  291. cateManualLive = [{'n': '推荐', 'v': '推荐'},]
  292. for name in self.userConfig['cateLive']:
  293. area_dict = {'n': name, 'v': self.userConfig['cateLive'][name]['id']}
  294. cateManualLive.append(area_dict)
  295. self.defaultConfig['cateManualLive'] = cateManualLive
  296. return cateManualLive
  297. add_live_filter_event = threading.Event()
  298. def add_live_filter(self):
  299. cateLive = self.userConfig.get('cateLive', {})
  300. cateLive_task = self.pool.submit(self.get_live_list)
  301. if not cateLive:
  302. cateLive = cateLive_task.result()
  303. default_cateManualLive_task = self.pool.submit(self.set_default_cateManualLive)
  304. self.config["filter"]['直播'] = live_filter = []
  305. #分区栏
  306. cateManualLive = self.userConfig.get('cateManualLive', [])
  307. if not cateManualLive:
  308. cateManualLive = default_cateManualLive_task.result()
  309. if cateManualLive:
  310. live_area = {'key': 'tid', 'name': '分区', 'value': cateManualLive}
  311. live_filter.append(live_area)
  312. #显示分区细分
  313. if int(self.userConfig['showLiveFilterTag']):
  314. for name in cateLive.values():
  315. if len(name['value']['value']) > 1:
  316. live_filter.append(name['value'])
  317. self.add_live_filter_event.set()
  318. add_search_key_event = threading.Event()
  319. def add_search_key(self):
  320. focus_on_search_key = self.focus_on_search_key
  321. url = ''
  322. jo = self._get_sth(url, 'fake').json()
  323. cateLive = {}
  324. if jo['code'] == 0:
  325. trending = jo['data']['trending'].get('list', [])
  326. focus_on_search_key += list(map(lambda x:x['keyword'], trending))
  327. keyword = {"key": "keyword", "name": "搜索词","value": []}
  328. keyword["value"] = list(map(lambda i: {'n': i, 'v': i}, focus_on_search_key))
  329. self.config["filter"]['搜索'] = search_filter = self.config["filter"]['搜索'][-3:]
  330. search_filter.insert(0, keyword)
  331. self.add_search_key_event.set()
  332. def get_tuijian_filter(self):
  333. tuijian_filter = {"番剧时间表": "10001", "国创时间表": "10004", "排行榜": "0", "动画": "1", "音乐": "3", "舞蹈": "129", "游戏": "4", "鬼畜": "119", "知识": "36", "科技": "188", "运动": "234", "生活": "160", "美食": "211", "动物": "217", "汽车": "223", "时尚": "155", "娱乐": "5", "影视": "181", "原创": "origin", "新人": "rookie"}
  334. _dic = [{'n': 'tuijianLis', 'v': '分区'}, {'n': 'rankingLis', 'v': '排行榜'}]
  335. self.config["filter"]['推荐'] = filter_lis = []
  336. for d in _dic:
  337. _filter = {"key": "tid" ,'name': d['v'],"value": []}
  338. t_lis = self.userConfig.get(d['n'], [])
  339. for t in t_lis:
  340. tf = tuijian_filter.get(t)
  341. if not tf:
  342. tf = t
  343. tf_dict = {'n': t, 'v': tf}
  344. _filter["value"].append(tf_dict)
  345. filter_lis.append(_filter)
  346. def __init__(self):
  347. self.load_config()
  348. self.pool.submit(self.getCookie)
  349. self.pool.submit(self.getFakeCookie)
  350. self.pool.submit(self.getCookie, 'vip')
  351. wts = round(time.time())
  352. hour = time.gmtime(wts).tm_hour
  353. self.pool.submit(self.get_wbiKey, hour)
  354. def init(self, extend=""):
  355. print("============{0}============".format(extend))
  356. pass
  357. def isVideoFormat(self, url):
  358. pass
  359. def manualVideoCheck(self):
  360. pass
  361. # 降低内存占用
  362. def format_img(self, img):
  363. img += "@672w_378h_1c.webp"
  364. if not img.startswith('http'):
  365. img = 'https:' + img
  366. return img
  367. def pagination(self, array, pg):
  368. max_number = self.userConfig['page_size'] * int(pg)
  369. min_number = max_number - self.userConfig['page_size']
  370. return array[min_number:max_number]
  371. # 将超过10000的数字换成成以万和亿为单位
  372. def zh(self, num):
  373. if int(num) >= 100000000:
  374. p = round(float(num) / float(100000000), 1)
  375. p = str(p) + '亿'
  376. else:
  377. if int(num) >= 10000:
  378. p = round(float(num) / float(10000), 1)
  379. p = str(p) + '万'
  380. else:
  381. p = str(num)
  382. return p
  383. # 将秒数转化为 时分秒的格式
  384. def second_to_time(self, a):
  385. a = int(a)
  386. if a < 3600:
  387. result = time.strftime("%M:%S", time.gmtime(a))
  388. else:
  389. result = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(a))
  390. if str(result).startswith('0'):
  391. result = str(result).replace('0', '', 1)
  392. return result
  393. # 字符串时分秒以及分秒形式转换成秒
  394. def str2sec(self, x):
  395. x = str(x)
  396. try:
  397. h, m, s = x.strip().split(':') # .split()函数将其通过':'分隔开,.strip()函数用来除去空格
  398. return int(h) * 3600 + int(m) * 60 + int(s) # int()函数转换成整数运算
  399. except:
  400. m, s = x.strip().split(':') # .split()函数将其通过':'分隔开,.strip()函数用来除去空格
  401. return int(m) * 60 + int(s) # int()函数转换成整数运算
  402. # 提取番剧id
  403. def find_bangumi_id(self, url):
  404. aid = str(url).split('/')[-1]
  405. if not aid:
  406. aid = str(url).split('/')[-2]
  407. aid = aid.split('?')[0]
  408. return aid
  409. # 登录二维码
  410. def get_Login_qrcode(self, pg):
  411. result = {}
  412. if int(pg) != 1:
  413. return result
  414. video = [{
  415. "vod_id": 'setting_tab&filter',
  416. "vod_name": '标签与筛选',
  417. "vod_pic": ''
  418. },{
  419. "vod_id": 'setting_liveExtra',
  420. "vod_name": '查看直播细化标签',
  421. "vod_pic": ''
  422. }]
  423. url = ''
  424. jo = self._get_sth(url, 'fake').json()
  425. if jo['code'] == 0:
  426. id = jo['data']['qrcode_key']
  427. url = jo['data']['url']
  428. account = {'master': '主账号', 'vip': '副账号'}
  429. isLogin = {0: '未登录', 1: '已登录'}
  430. isVIP = {0: '', 1: '👑'}
  431. users = self.userConfig.get('users', {})
  432. for _type, typeName in account.items():
  433. user = users.get(_type)
  434. if user:
  435. video.append({
  436. "vod_id": 'setting_login_' + id,
  437. "vod_name": user['uname'],
  438. "vod_pic": self.format_img(user['face']),
  439. "vod_remarks": isVIP[user['isVIP']] + typeName + ' ' + isLogin[user['isLogin']]
  440. })
  441. pic_url = {'data': url, 'quietzone': '208', 'codepage': 'UTF8', 'quietunit': 'px', 'errorcorrection': 'M', 'size': 'small'}
  442. video.append({
  443. "vod_id": 'setting_login_' + id,
  444. 'vod_pic': '' + urlencode(pic_url),
  445. })
  446. video.append({
  447. "vod_id": 'setting_login_' + id,
  448. 'vod_pic': '' + urlencode(pic_url),
  449. })
  450. result['list'] = video
  451. result['page'] = 1
  452. result['pagecount'] = 1
  453. result['limit'] = 1
  454. result['total'] = 1
  455. return result
  456. time_diff1 = {'1': [0, 300],
  457. '2': [300, 900], '3': [900, 1800], '4': [1800, 3600],
  458. '5': [3600, 99999999999999999999999999999999]
  459. }
  460. time_diff = '0'
  461. dynamic_offset = ''
  462. def get_dynamic(self, pg, mid, order):
  463. if mid == '0':
  464. result = {}
  465. if int(pg) == 1:
  466. self.dynamic_offset = ''
  467. url = '' % (self.dynamic_offset, pg)
  468. jo = self._get_sth(url).json()
  469. if jo['code'] == 0:
  470. self.dynamic_offset = jo['data'].get('offset')
  471. videos = []
  472. vodList = jo['data']['items']
  473. for vod in vodList:
  474. up = vod['modules']["module_author"]['name']
  475. ivod = vod['modules']['module_dynamic']['major']['archive']
  476. aid = str(ivod['aid']).strip()
  477. title = self.cleanCharacters(ivod['title'].strip())
  478. img = ivod['cover'].strip()
  479. # remark = str(ivod['duration_text']).strip()
  480. remark = str(self.second_to_time(self.str2sec(ivod['duration_text']))).strip() + ' 🆙' + str(
  481. up).strip() # 显示分钟数+up主名字
  482. videos.append({
  483. "vod_id": 'av' + aid,
  484. "vod_name": title,
  485. "vod_pic": self.format_img(img),
  486. "vod_remarks": remark
  487. })
  488. result['list'] = videos
  489. result['page'] = pg
  490. result['pagecount'] = 9999
  491. result['limit'] = 99
  492. result['total'] = 999999
  493. return result
  494. else:
  495. return self.get_up_videos(mid=mid, pg=pg, order=order)
  496. def get_found_vod(self, vod):
  497. aid = vod.get('aid', '')
  498. if not aid:
  499. aid = vod.get('id', '')
  500. goto = vod.get('goto', '')
  501. if not goto or goto and goto == 'av':
  502. aid = 'av' + str(aid).strip()
  503. elif goto == 'ad':
  504. return []
  505. title = vod['title'].strip()
  506. img = vod['pic'].strip()
  507. is_followed = vod.get('is_followed')
  508. if goto == 'live':
  509. room_info = vod['room_info']
  510. remark = ''
  511. live_status = room_info.get('live_status', '')
  512. if live_status:
  513. remark = '直播中 '
  514. else:
  515. return []
  516. remark += '👁' + room_info['watched_show']['text_small'] + ' 🆙' + vod['owner']['name'].strip()
  517. else:
  518. rcmd_reason = vod.get('rcmd_reason', '')
  519. if rcmd_reason and type(rcmd_reason) == dict and rcmd_reason.get('content'):
  520. reason= ' 🔥' + rcmd_reason['content'].strip()
  521. if '人气飙升' in reason:
  522. reason= ' 🔥人气飙升'
  523. elif is_followed:
  524. reason = ' 已关注'
  525. else:
  526. #reason = " 💬" + self.zh(vod['stat']['danmaku'])
  527. reason = ' 🆙' + vod['owner']['name'].strip()
  528. remark = str(self.second_to_time(vod['duration'])).strip() + " ▶" + self.zh(vod['stat']['view']) + reason
  529. video = [{
  530. "vod_id": aid,
  531. "vod_name": title,
  532. "vod_pic": self.format_img(img),
  533. "vod_remarks": remark
  534. }]
  535. for v in map(self.get_found_vod, vod.get('others', [])):
  536. video.extend(v)
  537. return video
  538. _popSeriesInit = 0
  539. def get_found(self, tid, rid, pg):
  540. result = {}
  541. pagecount = 1
  542. if tid == '推荐':
  543. query = self.encrypt_wbi(fresh_type=4, feed_version='V8', brush=1, fresh_idx=pg, fresh_idx_1h=pg, ps=self.userConfig['page_size'])[0]
  544. url = '' + query
  545. pagecount = 99
  546. elif tid == '热门':
  547. url = '{0}&ps={1}'.format(pg, self.userConfig['page_size'])
  548. pagecount = 99
  549. elif tid == "入站必刷":
  550. url = ''
  551. elif tid == "每周必看":
  552. if int(pg) == 1:
  553. url = ''
  554. jo = self._get_sth(url, 'fake').json()
  555. self._popSeriesInit = int(jo['data']['list'][0]['number'])
  556. number = self._popSeriesInit - int(pg) + 1
  557. pagecount = self._popSeriesInit
  558. url = f'{number}'
  559. else:
  560. url = '{0}&type={1}'.format(rid, tid)
  561. jo = self._get_sth(url).json()
  562. if jo['code'] == 0:
  563. videos = []
  564. vodList = jo['data'].get('item')
  565. if not vodList: vodList = jo['data']['list']
  566. for v in map(self.get_found_vod, vodList):
  567. videos.extend(v)
  568. result['list'] = videos
  569. result['page'] = pg
  570. result['pagecount'] = pagecount
  571. result['limit'] = 99
  572. result['total'] = 999999
  573. return result
  574. def get_bangumi(self, tid, pg, order, season_status):
  575. result = {}
  576. if order == '追番剧':
  577. url = '{0}&vmid={1}&pn={2}&ps={3}'.format(tid, self.userid, pg, self.userConfig['page_size'])
  578. jo = self._get_sth(url).json()
  579. else:
  580. url = '{0}&page={1}&order={2}&season_status={3}&pagesize={4}'.format(tid, pg, order, season_status, self.userConfig['page_size'])
  581. if order == '热门':
  582. if tid == '1':
  583. url = '{0}&day=3'.format(tid)
  584. else:
  585. url = '{0}&day=3'.format(tid)
  586. jo = self._get_sth(url, 'fake').json()
  587. if jo['code'] == 0:
  588. if 'data' in jo:
  589. vodList = jo['data']['list']
  590. else:
  591. vodList = jo['result']['list']
  592. if len(vodList) > self.userConfig['page_size']:
  593. vodList = self.pagination(vodList, pg)
  594. videos = []
  595. for vod in vodList:
  596. aid = str(vod['season_id']).strip()
  597. title = vod['title']
  598. img = vod.get('ss_horizontal_cover')
  599. if not img:
  600. if vod.get('first_ep_info') and 'cover' in vod['first_ep_info']:
  601. img = vod['first_ep_info']['cover']
  602. elif vod.get('first_ep') and 'cover' in vod['first_ep']:
  603. img = vod['first_ep']['cover']
  604. else:
  605. img = vod['cover'].strip()
  606. remark = vod.get('index_show', '')
  607. if not remark and vod.get('new_ep') and vod['new_ep'].get('index_show'):
  608. remark = vod['new_ep']['index_show']
  609. remark = remark.replace('更新至', '🆕')
  610. stat = vod.get('stat')
  611. if stat:
  612. remark = '▶' + self.zh(stat.get('view')) + ' ' + remark
  613. videos.append({
  614. "vod_id": 'ss' + aid,
  615. "vod_name": title,
  616. "vod_pic": self.format_img(img),
  617. "vod_remarks": remark
  618. })
  619. result['list'] = videos
  620. result['page'] = pg
  621. result['pagecount'] = 9999
  622. result['limit'] = 90
  623. result['total'] = 999999
  624. return result
  625. def get_timeline(self, tid, pg):
  626. result = {}
  627. url = '{0}&day_before=2&day_after=4'.format(tid)
  628. jo = self._get_sth(url, 'fake').json()
  629. if jo['code'] == 0:
  630. videos1 = []
  631. vodList = jo['result']['latest']
  632. for vod in vodList:
  633. aid = str(vod['season_id']).strip()
  634. title = vod['title'].strip()
  635. img = vod['ep_cover'].strip()
  636. remark = '🆕' + vod['pub_index'] + ' ❤ ' + vod['follows'].replace('系列', '').replace('追番', '')
  637. videos1.append({
  638. "vod_id": 'ss' + aid,
  639. "vod_name": title,
  640. "vod_pic": self.format_img(img),
  641. "vod_remarks": remark
  642. })
  643. videos2 = []
  644. vodList2 = jo['result']['timeline']
  645. for i in range(len(vodList2)):
  646. vodList = vodList2[i]['episodes']
  647. for vod in vodList:
  648. if str(vod['published']) == "0":
  649. aid = str(vod['season_id']).strip()
  650. title = str(vod['title']).strip()
  651. img = str(vod['ep_cover']).strip()
  652. date = str(time.strftime("%m-%d %H:%M", time.localtime(vod['pub_ts'])))
  653. remark = date + " " + vod['pub_index']
  654. videos2.append({
  655. "vod_id": 'ss' + aid,
  656. "vod_name": title,
  657. "vod_pic": self.format_img(img),
  658. "vod_remarks": remark
  659. })
  660. result['list'] = videos2 + videos1
  661. result['page'] = 1
  662. result['pagecount'] = 1
  663. result['limit'] = 90
  664. result['total'] = 999999
  665. return result
  666. def get_live(self, pg, parent_area_id, area_id):
  667. result = {}
  668. if parent_area_id == '推荐':
  669. url = '' % pg
  670. jo = self._get_sth(url).json()
  671. else:
  672. url = '' % (parent_area_id, area_id, pg)
  673. if parent_area_id == '热门':
  674. url = '' % (pg, self.userConfig['page_size'])
  675. jo = self._get_sth(url, 'fake').json()
  676. if jo['code'] == 0:
  677. videos = []
  678. vodList = jo['data']
  679. if 'recommend_room_list' in vodList:
  680. vodList = vodList['recommend_room_list']
  681. elif 'list' in vodList:
  682. vodList = vodList['list']
  683. for vod in vodList:
  684. aid = str(vod['roomid']).strip()
  685. title = self.cleanCharacters(vod['title'])
  686. img = vod.get('user_cover')
  687. if not img:
  688. img = vod.get('cover')
  689. remark = '👁' + vod['watched_show']['text_small'].strip() + " 🆙" + vod['uname'].strip()
  690. videos.append({
  691. "vod_id": aid,
  692. "vod_name": title,
  693. "vod_pic": self.format_img(img),
  694. "vod_remarks": remark
  695. })
  696. result['list'] = videos
  697. result['page'] = pg
  698. result['pagecount'] = 9999
  699. result['limit'] = 99
  700. result['total'] = 999999
  701. return result
  702. def get_up_series(self, mid, pg):
  703. result = {}
  704. url = '' % (mid, pg, self.userConfig['page_size'])
  705. jo = self._get_sth(url, 'fake').json()
  706. if jo['code'] == 0:
  707. videos = []
  708. jo = jo['data']['items_lists']
  709. vodList = jo['seasons_list'] + jo['series_list']
  710. for vod in vodList:
  711. meta = vod.get('meta')
  712. aid = str(meta.get('season_id', '')).strip()
  713. if aid:
  714. aid = 'av' + str(vod['recent_aids'][0])
  715. else:
  716. aid = 'list_' + str(mid) + '_series_' + str(meta.get('series_id', '')).strip()
  717. title = self.cleanCharacters(meta['name'])
  718. img = meta.get('cover')
  719. remark = meta.get('description', '').strip()
  720. videos.append({
  721. "vod_id": aid,
  722. "vod_name": title,
  723. "vod_pic": self.format_img(img),
  724. "vod_remarks": remark
  725. })
  726. result['list'] = videos
  727. result['page'] = pg
  728. result['pagecount'] = 9999
  729. result['limit'] = 99
  730. result['total'] = 999999
  731. return result
  732. get_up_videos_result = dict()
  733. def get_up_videos(self, mid, pg, order):
  734. result = {}
  735. if not mid in self.up_info or int(pg) == 1:
  736. self.get_up_info_event.clear()
  737. self.pool.submit(self.get_up_info, mid)
  738. Space = order2 = ''
  739. if order == 'oldest':
  740. order2 = order
  741. order = 'pubdate'
  742. elif order == 'quicksearch':
  743. Space = '投稿: '
  744. videos = self.get_up_videos_result.get(mid, [])
  745. if videos:
  746. result['list'] = videos
  747. return result
  748. elif order == 'series':
  749. return self.get_up_series(mid=mid, pg=pg)
  750. tmp_pg = pg
  751. if order2:
  752. self.get_up_info_event.wait()
  753. tmp_pg = self.up_info[mid]['vod_pc'] - int(pg) + 1
  754. query = self.encrypt_wbi(mid=mid, pn=tmp_pg, ps=self.userConfig['page_size'], order=order)[0]
  755. url = f'{query}'
  756. jo = self._get_sth(url, 'fake').json()
  757. videos = []
  758. if jo['code'] == 0:
  759. vodList = jo['data']['list']['vlist']
  760. for vod in vodList:
  761. aid = str(vod['aid']).strip()
  762. title = self.cleanCharacters(vod['title'].strip())
  763. img = vod['pic'].strip()
  764. remark = self.second_to_time(self.str2sec(str(vod['length']).strip())) + " ▶" + self.zh(vod['play'])
  765. if not Space:
  766. remark += " 💬" + self.zh(vod['video_review'])
  767. videos.append({
  768. "vod_id": 'av' + aid,
  769. "vod_name": Space + title,
  770. "vod_pic": self.format_img(img),
  771. "vod_remarks": remark
  772. })
  773. if order2:
  774. videos.reverse()
  775. if int(pg) == 1:
  776. self.get_up_info_event.wait()
  777. up_info = self.up_info[mid]
  778. vodname = up_info['name'] + " 个人主页"
  779. if Space:
  780. vodname = 'UP: ' + up_info['name']
  781. gotoUPHome={
  782. "vod_id": 'up' + str(mid),
  783. "vod_name": vodname,
  784. "vod_pic": self.format_img(up_info['face']),
  785. "vod_remarks": up_info['following'] + ' 👥' + up_info['fans'] + ' 🎬' + str(up_info['vod_count'])
  786. }
  787. videos.insert(0, gotoUPHome)
  788. if Space:
  789. self.get_up_videos_result[mid] = videos
  790. result['list'] = videos
  791. result['page'] = pg
  792. result['pagecount'] = 99
  793. result['limit'] = 99
  794. result['total'] = 999999
  795. return result
  796. history_view_at = 0
  797. def get_history(self, type, pg):
  798. result = {}
  799. if int(pg) == 1:
  800. self.history_view_at = 0
  801. url = '{0}&view_at={1}&type={2}'.format(self.userConfig['page_size'], self.history_view_at, type)
  802. if type == '稍后再看':
  803. url = ''
  804. jo = self._get_sth(url).json()
  805. if jo['code'] == 0:
  806. videos = []
  807. vodList = jo['data'].get('list', [])
  808. if type == '稍后再看':
  809. vodList = self.pagination(vodList, pg)
  810. else:
  811. self.history_view_at = jo['data']['cursor']['view_at']
  812. for vod in vodList:
  813. history = vod.get('history', '')
  814. if history:
  815. business = history['business']
  816. aid = str(history['oid']).strip()
  817. img = vod['cover'].strip()
  818. part = str(history['part']).strip()
  819. else:
  820. business = 'archive'
  821. aid = str(vod["aid"]).strip()
  822. img = vod['pic'].strip()
  823. part = str(vod['page']['part']).strip()
  824. if business == 'article':
  825. continue
  826. elif business == 'pgc':
  827. aid = 'ep' + str(history['epid'])
  828. _total = vod['total']
  829. part = vod.get('show_title')
  830. elif business == 'archive':
  831. aid = 'av' + aid
  832. _total = vod['videos']
  833. title = self.cleanCharacters(vod['title'])
  834. if business == 'live':
  835. live_status = vod.get('badge', '')
  836. remark = live_status + ' 🆙' + vod['author_name'].strip()
  837. else:
  838. if str(vod['progress']) == '-1':
  839. remark = '已看完'
  840. elif str(vod['progress']) == '0':
  841. remark = '刚开始看'
  842. else:
  843. process = str(self.second_to_time(vod['progress'])).strip()
  844. remark = '看到 ' + process
  845. if not _total in [0, 1] and part:
  846. remark += ' (' + str(part) + ')'
  847. videos.append({
  848. "vod_id": aid,
  849. "vod_name": title,
  850. "vod_pic": self.format_img(img),
  851. "vod_remarks": remark
  852. })
  853. result['list'] = videos
  854. result['page'] = pg
  855. result['pagecount'] = 9999
  856. result['limit'] = 90
  857. result['total'] = 999999
  858. return result
  859. def get_fav_detail(self, pg, mlid, order):
  860. result = {}
  861. url = '' % (mlid, order, pg)
  862. jo = self._get_sth(url).json()
  863. if jo['code'] == 0:
  864. videos = []
  865. vodList = jo['data'].get('medias', [])
  866. for vod in vodList:
  867. # 只展示类型为 视频的条目
  868. # 过滤去掉收藏中的 已失效视频;如果不喜欢可以去掉这个 if条件
  869. if vod.get('type') in [2] and vod.get('title') != '已失效视频':
  870. aid = str(vod['id']).strip()
  871. title = self.cleanCharacters(vod['title'])
  872. img = vod['cover'].strip()
  873. remark = str(self.second_to_time(vod['duration'])).strip() + " ▶" + self.zh(vod['cnt_info']['play']) + " 💬" + self.zh(vod['cnt_info']['danmaku'])
  874. videos.append({
  875. "vod_id": 'av' + aid + '_mlid' + str(mlid),
  876. "vod_name": title,
  877. "vod_pic": self.format_img(img),
  878. "vod_remarks": remark
  879. })
  880. result['list'] = videos
  881. result['page'] = pg
  882. result['pagecount'] = 9999
  883. result['limit'] = 99
  884. result['total'] = 999999
  885. return result
  886. def get_up_videoNum(self, mid):
  887. info={}
  888. url = f"{mid}"
  889. jRoot = self._get_sth(url, 'fake').json()
  890. if jRoot['code'] == 0:
  891. info['vod_count'] = str(jRoot['data']['video']).strip()
  892. pc = divmod(int(info['vod_count']), self.userConfig['page_size'])
  893. vod_pc = pc[0]
  894. if pc[1] != 0:
  895. vod_pc += 1
  896. info['vod_pc'] = vod_pc
  897. self.up_info[mid].update(info)
  898. self.get_up_info_event.set()
  899. get_up_info_event = threading.Event()
  900. up_info = {}
  901. def get_up_info(self, mid, data={}):
  902. self.up_info[mid] = info = self.up_info.get(mid, {})
  903. self.pool.submit(self.get_up_videoNum, mid)
  904. if not data:
  905. url = f"{mid}"
  906. jRoot = self._get_sth(url).json()
  907. if jRoot['code'] == 0:
  908. data = jRoot['data']
  909. else:
  910. return info
  911. jo = data['card']
  912. info['following'] = '未关注'
  913. if data['following']:
  914. info['following'] = '已关注'
  915. info['name'] = name = self.cleanCharacters(jo['name'])
  916. info['crname'] = '[a=cr:{"id": "' + mid + '_pubdate_getupvideos","name": "' + name.replace('"', '\\"') + '"}/]' + name + '[/a]'
  917. info['face'] = jo['face']
  918. info['fans'] = self.zh(jo['fans'])
  919. info['like_num'] = self.zh(data['like_num'])
  920. info['desc'] = jo['Official']['desc'] + " " + jo['Official']['title']
  921. return info
  922. def get_vod_relation(self, query):
  923. url = f'{query}'
  924. jo = self._get_sth(url).json()
  925. relation = []
  926. if jo['code'] == 0:
  927. jo = jo['data']
  928. if jo['attention']:
  929. relation.append('已关注')
  930. else:
  931. relation.append('未关注')
  932. triple = []
  933. if jo['favorite']:
  934. triple.append('⭐')
  935. if jo['like']:
  936. triple.append('👍')
  937. coin = jo.get('coin')
  938. if coin:
  939. triple.append('💰'*coin)
  940. if len(triple) == 3:
  941. relation.append('👍💰⭐')
  942. else:
  943. relation.extend(triple)
  944. if jo['dislike']:
  945. relation.append('👎')
  946. if jo['season_fav']:
  947. relation.append('已订阅合集')
  948. return relation
  949. def get_follow(self, pg, sort):
  950. result = {}
  951. if sort == "最常访问":
  952. url = '{0}&pn={1}&ps=10&order=desc&order_type=attention' .format(self.userid, pg)
  953. elif sort == "最近关注":
  954. url = '{0}&pn={1}&ps=10&order=desc&order_type='.format(self.userid, pg)
  955. elif sort == "正在直播":
  956. url = '{0}&page_size=10'.format(pg)
  957. elif sort == "最近访问":
  958. url = '{0}&ps=15'.format(pg)
  959. elif sort == "特别关注":
  960. url = '{0}&tagid=-10&pn={1}&ps=10'.format(self.userid, pg)
  961. elif sort == "悄悄关注":
  962. url = '{0}&ps=10'.format(pg)
  963. else:
  964. url = '{0}&pn={1}&ps=10&order=desc&order_type=attention'.format(self.userid, pg)
  965. jo = self._get_sth(url).json()
  966. if jo['code'] != 0:
  967. return result
  968. if sort == "特别关注" or sort == "最近访问":
  969. vodList = jo['data']
  970. elif sort == "正在直播":
  971. vodList = jo['data']['rooms']
  972. else:
  973. vodList = jo['data']['list']
  974. if int(pg) == 1:
  975. self.recently_up_list = []
  976. follow = []
  977. for f in vodList:
  978. remark = ''
  979. if sort == "最近访问":
  980. mid = 'up' + str(f['owner']['mid'])
  981. if mid in self.recently_up_list:
  982. continue
  983. self.recently_up_list.append(mid)
  984. title = str(f['owner']['name']).strip()
  985. img = str(f['owner']['face']).strip()
  986. elif sort == "正在直播":
  987. mid = str(f['room_id'])
  988. title = self.cleanCharacters(f['title'])
  989. img = f['cover_from_user'].strip()
  990. remark = f['uname'].strip()
  991. else:
  992. mid = 'up' + str(f['mid'])
  993. title = str(f['uname']).strip()
  994. img = str(f['face']).strip()
  995. if 'special' in f and f['special'] == 1:
  996. remark = '特别关注'
  997. follow.append({
  998. "vod_id": mid,
  999. "vod_name": title,
  1000. "vod_pic": self.format_img(img),
  1001. "vod_remarks": remark
  1002. })
  1003. result['list'] = follow
  1004. result['page'] = pg
  1005. result['pagecount'] = 9999
  1006. result['limit'] = 99
  1007. result['total'] = 999999
  1008. return result
  1009. def homeVideoContent(self):
  1010. videos = self.get_found(rid='0', tid='all', pg=1)['list'][:int(self.userConfig['maxHomeVideoContent'])]
  1011. result = {'list': videos}
  1012. return result
  1013. def categoryContent(self, tid, pg, filter, extend):
  1014. self.pool.submit(self.stop_heartbeat)
  1015. if tid == "推荐":
  1016. if 'tid' in extend:
  1017. tid = extend['tid']
  1018. if tid.isdigit():
  1019. tid = int(tid)
  1020. if tid > 10000:
  1021. tid -= 10000
  1022. return self.get_timeline(tid=tid, pg=pg)
  1023. rid = tid
  1024. tid = 'all'
  1025. return self.get_found(tid=tid, rid=rid, pg=pg)
  1026. rid = '0'
  1027. return self.get_found(tid=tid, rid=rid, pg=pg)
  1028. elif tid == "影视":
  1029. tid = '1'
  1030. order = '热门'
  1031. season_status = '-1'
  1032. if 'tid' in extend:
  1033. tid = extend['tid']
  1034. if 'order' in extend:
  1035. order = extend['order']
  1036. if 'season_status' in extend:
  1037. if order == '热门':
  1038. order = '2'
  1039. season_status = extend['season_status']
  1040. return self.get_bangumi(tid, pg, order, season_status)
  1041. elif tid == "动态":
  1042. mid = '0'
  1043. order = 'pubdate'
  1044. if 'mid' in extend:
  1045. mid = extend['mid']
  1046. if 'order' in extend:
  1047. order = extend['order']
  1048. if mid == '0' and not self.userid or mid == '登录':
  1049. return self.get_Login_qrcode(pg)
  1050. return self.get_dynamic(pg=pg, mid=mid, order=order)
  1051. elif tid == '直播':
  1052. tid = "热门"
  1053. area_id = '0'
  1054. if 'tid' in extend:
  1055. tid = extend['tid']
  1056. if '_' in tid:
  1057. tids = tid.split('_')
  1058. tid = tids[0]
  1059. area_id = tids[1]
  1060. return self.get_live(pg=pg, parent_area_id=tid, area_id=area_id)
  1061. elif tid == "登录":
  1062. return self.get_Login_qrcode(pg)
  1063. elif tid == "关注":
  1064. sort = "最常访问"
  1065. if 'sort' in extend:
  1066. sort = extend['sort']
  1067. return self.get_follow(pg, sort)
  1068. elif tid == "收藏":
  1069. mlid = str(self.userConfig['favMode'])
  1070. if 'mlid' in extend:
  1071. mlid = extend['mlid']
  1072. fav_config = self.config["filter"].get('收藏')
  1073. if mlid in ['1', '2']:
  1074. return self.get_bangumi(tid=mlid, pg=pg, order='追番剧', season_status='')
  1075. elif mlid == '0' and fav_config:
  1076. for i in fav_config:
  1077. if i['key'] == 'mlid':
  1078. if len(i['value']) > 1:
  1079. mlid = i['value'][2]['v']
  1080. break
  1081. order = 'mtime'
  1082. if 'order' in extend:
  1083. order = extend['order']
  1084. return self.get_fav_detail(pg=pg, mlid=mlid, order=order)
  1085. elif tid == '历史':
  1086. type = 'all'
  1087. if 'type' in extend:
  1088. type = extend['type']
  1089. if type == 'UP主':
  1090. return self.get_follow(pg=pg, sort='最近访问')
  1091. return self.get_history(type=type, pg=pg)
  1092. elif tid.endswith('_getbangumiseasons'):
  1093. if int(pg) == 1:
  1094. return {'list': self.detailContent_args[tid.split('_')[0]]['seasons']}
  1095. elif tid.endswith('_getupvideos'):
  1096. mid, order, clicklink = tid.split('_')
  1097. return self.get_up_videos(pg=pg, mid=mid, order=order)
  1098. elif tid.endswith('_related'):
  1099. aid, clicklink = tid.split('_')
  1100. url = f'{aid}'
  1101. jo = self._get_sth(url, 'master').json()
  1102. result = {}
  1103. if jo.get('code') == 0:
  1104. videos = []
  1105. for v in map(self.get_found_vod, jo['data']):
  1106. videos.extend(v)
  1107. result['list'] = videos
  1108. result['page'] = 1
  1109. result['pagecount'] = 1
  1110. result['limit'] = 99
  1111. result['total'] = 40
  1112. return result
  1113. elif tid.endswith('_clicklink'):
  1114. keyword = tid.replace('_clicklink', '')
  1115. duration_diff = '0'
  1116. if 'duration' in extend:
  1117. duration_diff = extend['duration']
  1118. return self.get_search_content(key=keyword, pg=pg, duration_diff=duration_diff, order='', type='video', ps=self.userConfig['page_size'])
  1119. else:
  1120. duration_diff = '0'
  1121. if 'duration' in extend:
  1122. duration_diff = extend['duration']
  1123. type = 'video'
  1124. if 'type' in extend:
  1125. type = extend['type']
  1126. order = 'totalrank'
  1127. if 'order' in extend:
  1128. order = extend['order']
  1129. keyword = str(self.search_key)
  1130. search_config = self.config["filter"].get('搜索')
  1131. if not keyword and search_config:
  1132. for i in search_config:
  1133. if i['key'] == 'keyword':
  1134. if len(i['value']) > 0:
  1135. keyword = i['value'][0]['v']
  1136. break
  1137. if 'keyword' in extend:
  1138. keyword = extend['keyword']
  1139. return self.get_search_content(key=keyword, pg=pg, duration_diff=duration_diff, order=order, type=type, ps=self.userConfig['page_size'])
  1140. def get_search_content(self, key, pg, duration_diff, order, type, ps):
  1141. value = None
  1142. if not str(pg).isdigit():
  1143. value = pg
  1144. pg = 1
  1145. query = self.encrypt_wbi(keyword=key, page=pg, duration=duration_diff, order=order, search_type=type, page_size=ps)[0]
  1146. url = f'{query}'
  1147. jo = self._get_sth(url, 'fake').json()
  1148. result = {}
  1149. if jo.get('code') == 0 and 'result' in jo['data']:
  1150. videos = []
  1151. vodList = jo['data'].get('result')
  1152. if vodList and type == 'live':
  1153. vodList = vodList.get('live_room')
  1154. if not vodList:
  1155. return result
  1156. for vod in vodList:
  1157. if type != vod['type']:
  1158. continue
  1159. title = ''
  1160. if type == 'bili_user':
  1161. aid = 'up' + str(vod['mid']).strip()
  1162. img = vod['upic'].strip()
  1163. remark = '👥' + self.zh(vod['fans']) + " 🎬" + self.zh(vod['videos'])
  1164. title = vod['uname']
  1165. elif type == 'live':
  1166. aid = str(vod['roomid']).strip()
  1167. img = vod['cover'].strip()
  1168. remark = '👁' + self.zh(vod['online']) + ' 🆙' + vod['uname']
  1169. elif 'media' in type:
  1170. aid = 'ss' + str(vod['season_id']).strip()
  1171. img = vod['cover'].strip()
  1172. remark = str(vod['index_show']).strip().replace('更新至', '🆕')
  1173. else:
  1174. aid = 'av' + str(vod['aid']).strip()
  1175. img = vod['pic'].strip()
  1176. remark = str(self.second_to_time(self.str2sec(vod['duration']))).strip() + " ▶" + self.zh(vod['play'])
  1177. if value == None:
  1178. remark += " 💬" + self.zh(vod['danmaku'])
  1179. if not title:
  1180. title = self.cleanCharacters(vod['title'])
  1181. if value:
  1182. title = value + title
  1183. videos.append({
  1184. "vod_id": aid,
  1185. "vod_name": title,
  1186. "vod_pic": self.format_img(img),
  1187. "vod_remarks": remark
  1188. })
  1189. result['list'] = videos
  1190. result['page'] = pg
  1191. result['pagecount'] = 9999
  1192. result['limit'] = 99
  1193. result['total'] = 999999
  1194. return result
  1195. def cleanSpace(self, s): return str(s).replace('\n', '').replace('\t', '').replace('\r', '').replace(' ', '')
  1196. def cleanCharacters(self, s): return str(s).replace("<em class=\"keyword\">", "").replace("</em>", "").replace("&quot;",'"').replace('&amp;', '&')
  1197. def get_normal_episodes(self, episode):
  1198. this_array = episode.get('this_array')
  1199. array = self.detailContent_args
  1200. if this_array:
  1201. array = array[this_array]
  1202. aid = episode.get('aid', '')
  1203. if not aid:
  1204. aid = array['aid']
  1205. cid = episode.get('cid', '')
  1206. ep_title = episode.get('title', '')
  1207. if not ep_title:
  1208. ep_title = episode.get('part', '')
  1209. duration = episode.get('duration', '')
  1210. if not duration:
  1211. page = episode.get('page', '')
  1212. if page:
  1213. duration = page['duration']
  1214. badge = long_title = preview = parse = ''
  1215. epid = episode.get('ep_id', '')
  1216. if 'redirect_url' in episode and 'bangumi' in episode['redirect_url']:
  1217. epid = self.find_bangumi_id(episode['redirect_url'])
  1218. if epid:
  1219. if duration and str(duration).endswith('000'):
  1220. duration = int(duration / 1000)
  1221. if ep_title.isdigit():
  1222. ep_title = '第' + ep_title + array['title_type']
  1223. badge = episode.get('badge', '')
  1224. if not self.session_vip.cookies and badge == '会员' and self.userConfig['bangumi_vip_parse'] or badge == '付费' and self.userConfig['bangumi_pay_parse']:
  1225. array['parse'] = parse = '1'
  1226. if self.session_vip.cookies:
  1227. badge = badge.replace('会员', '')
  1228. if badge == '预告':
  1229. badge = badge.replace('预告', '')
  1230. preview = '1'
  1231. if badge:
  1232. badge = '【' + badge + '】'
  1233. long_title = episode.get('long_title', '')
  1234. if not badge and long_title:
  1235. long_title = ' ' + long_title
  1236. title = ep_title + badge + long_title
  1237. title = title.replace("#", "﹟").replace("$", "﹩")
  1238. if 'ugc_season' in array:
  1239. if title in array['ugc_season']:
  1240. title += f'_av{aid}'
  1241. else:
  1242. array['ugc_season'].append(title)
  1243. url = f"{title}${aid}_{cid}_{epid}_{duration}_"
  1244. if this_array:
  1245. url += '@' + this_array
  1246. if f'{aid}_{cid}' in array:
  1247. pages = array['pages']
  1248. pages[0] = url + '@thisepisode@'
  1249. url = '#'.join(pages)
  1250. array['pages'] = pages
  1251. fromep = array.get('epid', '')
  1252. if fromep == 'ep' + str(epid):
  1253. array['fromep'] = url
  1254. ssid = array.get('ssid', '')
  1255. if ssid:
  1256. if preview:
  1257. return url, ''
  1258. if parse:
  1259. if long_title:
  1260. long_title = '【解析】' + long_title
  1261. ep_title += long_title
  1262. parseurl = f"{ep_title}${aid}_{cid}_{epid}_{duration}_{parse}"
  1263. if this_array:
  1264. parseurl += '@' + this_array
  1265. if fromep == 'ep' + str(epid):
  1266. array['fromep'] = parseurl + '#' + array['fromep']
  1267. else:
  1268. parseurl = url
  1269. return url, parseurl
  1270. else:
  1271. return url
  1272. def get_ugc_season(self, section, season_title, sec_len, array):
  1273. if sec_len > 1:
  1274. sec_title = season_title + ' ' + section['title']
  1275. else:
  1276. sec_title = season_title
  1277. sec_title = sec_title.replace("#", "﹟").replace("$", "﹩")
  1278. episodes = section.get('episodes')
  1279. playUrl = '#'.join(map(self.get_normal_episodes, map(lambda e: self.add_this_array(e, array), episodes)))
  1280. if '@thisepisode@' in playUrl:
  1281. playUrl = playUrl.replace('@thisepisode@', '')
  1282. return sec_title, playUrl, 0
  1283. return sec_title, playUrl
  1284. def get_vodReply(self, oid, pg=''):
  1285. query = self.encrypt_wbi(type=1, ps=30, oid=str(oid))[0]
  1286. url = f'{query}'
  1287. jRoot = self._get_sth(url).json()
  1288. result = ''
  1289. if jRoot['code'] == 0:
  1290. replies = jRoot['data'].get('replies')
  1291. top_replies = jRoot['data'].get('top_replies')
  1292. if top_replies and replies:
  1293. replies = top_replies + replies
  1294. if replies:
  1295. up_mid = jRoot['data']['upper']['mid']
  1296. ReplyList = []
  1297. for r in replies:
  1298. rpid = r['rpid']
  1299. sex = r['member']['sex']
  1300. if sex and sex == '女':
  1301. sex = '👧'
  1302. else:
  1303. sex = '👦'
  1304. mid = r['mid']
  1305. name = r['member']['uname']
  1306. if mid == up_mid:
  1307. name = '🆙' + name
  1308. like = '👍' + self.zh(r['like'])
  1309. name = '[a=cr:{"id": "' + f'{mid}_pubdate_getupvideos","name": "' + name.replace('"', '\\"') + '"}/]' + like + sex + name + '[/a]' + ':'
  1310. message = r['content']['message'].strip()
  1311. if r'/note-app/' in message:
  1312. continue
  1313. if len(message) > 400 or message.count('n') > 24:
  1314. message = self.cleanSpace(message)
  1315. jump_url = r['content'].get('jump_url', {})
  1316. for key, values in jump_url.items():
  1317. origKey = key
  1318. if not values.get('app_url_schema') and not values.get('pc_url'):
  1319. if key.startswith('') or key.startswith(''):
  1320. key = str(key).split('?')[0].split('/')
  1321. while key[-1] == '':
  1322. key.pop(-1)
  1323. key = key[-1]
  1324. if key.startswith('av') or key.startswith('BV') or key.startswith('ep') or key.startswith('ss'):
  1325. rpid = str(r['rpid'])
  1326. title = values['title'].replace('"', '\\"')
  1327. realName = '[a=cr:{"id": "' + key + '_clicklink","name": "' + title + '"}/]' + '▶' +title + '[/a]'
  1328. message = message.replace(origKey, realName)
  1329. content = name + message
  1330. ReplyList.append(content)
  1331. result = '\n'.join(ReplyList)
  1332. return result
  1333. def add_this_array(self, e, array):
  1334. e['this_array'] = array
  1335. return e
  1336. detailContent_args = {}
  1337. def detailContent(self, array):
  1338. self.pool.submit(self.stop_heartbeat)
  1339. array = array[0]
  1340. if array.startswith('setting'):
  1341. aids = array.split('_')
  1342. if aids[1] == 'tab&filter':
  1343. return self.setting_tab_filter_detailContent()
  1344. elif aids[1] == 'liveExtra':
  1345. return self.setting_liveExtra_detailContent()
  1346. elif aids[1] == 'login':
  1347. return self.setting_login_detailContent(aids[2])
  1348. if array.startswith('list'):
  1349. return self.series_detailContent(array)
  1350. if array.isdigit():
  1351. return self.live_detailContent(array)
  1352. if array.startswith('up'):
  1353. return self.up_detailContent(array)
  1354. self.detailContent_args[array] = this_array = {'this_array': array, **self.detailContent_args.get(array, {})}
  1355. graph_version = this_array.get('graph_version')
  1356. if graph_version:
  1357. return self.interaction_detailContent(this_array)
  1358. _notfirst = id = mlid = query = ''
  1359. aid = this_array.get('aid')
  1360. epid = this_array.get('epid')
  1361. if aid:
  1362. array = f'av{aid}'
  1363. if epid:
  1364. array = epid
  1365. _notfirst = 1
  1366. this_array['_notfirst'] = _notfirst
  1367. if array.startswith('ss') or array.startswith('ep'):
  1368. return self.ysContent(this_array)
  1369. for i in array.split('_'):
  1370. if i.startswith('av'):
  1371. id = i.replace('av', '')
  1372. query = self.encrypt_wbi(aid=id)[0]
  1373. elif i.startswith('BV'):
  1374. id = i
  1375. query = self.encrypt_wbi(bvid=i)[0]
  1376. elif i.startswith('mlid'):
  1377. mlid = i.replace('mlid', '')
  1378. if not 'vodReply' in this_array:
  1379. this_array['vodReply'] = self.pool.submit(self.get_vodReply, id)
  1380. if not 'relation' in this_array:
  1381. this_array['relation'] = self.pool.submit(self.get_vod_relation, query)
  1382. url = f'{query}'
  1383. jRoot = self._get_sth(url, 'fake').json()
  1384. if jRoot['code'] != 0:
  1385. return {}
  1386. jo = jRoot['data']['View']
  1387. redirect_url = jo.get('redirect_url', '')
  1388. if 'bangumi' in redirect_url:
  1389. this_array['epid'] = id = self.find_bangumi_id(redirect_url)
  1390. return self.ysContent(this_array)
  1391. array = this_array['this_array']
  1392. mid = str(jo['owner']['mid'])
  1393. this_array['aid'] = aid = str(jo.get('aid'))
  1394. cid = jo.get('cid')
  1395. if not 'up_info' in this_array:
  1396. this_array['up_info'] = self.pool.submit(self.get_up_info, mid=mid, data=jRoot['data'].get('Card'))
  1397. #正片
  1398. title = self.cleanCharacters(jo['title'])
  1399. pic = jo['pic']
  1400. desc = jo['desc'].strip()
  1401. typeName = jo['tname']
  1402. date = time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.localtime(jo['pubdate'])) # 投稿时间本地年月日表示
  1403. stat = jo['stat']
  1404. _is_stein_gate = jo['rights'].get('is_stein_gate', 0)
  1405. # 演员项展示视频状态,包括以下内容:
  1406. remark = []
  1407. remark.append('▶' + self.zh(stat['view']))
  1408. remark.append('💬' + self.zh(stat['danmaku']))
  1409. remark.append('👍' + self.zh(stat['like']))
  1410. remark.append('💰' + self.zh(stat['coin']))
  1411. remark.append('⭐' + self.zh(stat['favorite']))
  1412. vod = {
  1413. "vod_id": 'av' + str(aid),
  1414. "vod_name": title,
  1415. "vod_pic": pic,
  1416. "type_name": typeName,
  1417. "vod_year": date,
  1418. }
  1419. vod['vod_remarks'] = " ".join(remark)
  1420. if f'{aid}_{cid}' in this_array:
  1421. this_array.pop(f'{aid}_{cid}')
  1422. pages = jo['pages']
  1423. if pages:
  1424. this_array['pages'] = list(map(self.get_normal_episodes, map(lambda e: self.add_this_array(e, array), pages)))
  1425. AllPt = []
  1426. AllPu = []
  1427. #相关合集
  1428. save_args = []
  1429. task_pool = []
  1430. ugc_season = jo.get('ugc_season')
  1431. if ugc_season:
  1432. this_array['ugc_season'] = []
  1433. this_array[f'{aid}_{cid}'] = ''
  1434. sections = ugc_season['sections']
  1435. for section in sections:
  1436. t = self.pool.submit(self.get_ugc_season, section, ugc_season['title'], len(sections), array)
  1437. task_pool.append(t)
  1438. for t in as_completed(task_pool):
  1439. if t.result()[-1] == 0:
  1440. AllPt.insert(0, t.result()[0])
  1441. AllPu.insert(0, t.result()[1])
  1442. if not '#' in t.result()[1]:
  1443. _notfirst = 1
  1444. else:
  1445. AllPt.append(t.result()[0])
  1446. AllPu.append(t.result()[1])
  1447. task_pool.remove(t)
  1448. save_args.append('aid')
  1449. if not _notfirst:
  1450. save_args += ['vodReply', 'relation', 'up_info', f'{aid}_{cid}']
  1451. else:
  1452. AllPt = ['视频分集']
  1453. if _is_stein_gate:
  1454. AllPt[0] = '互动视频'
  1455. if not ugc_season or not _notfirst:
  1456. if pages:
  1457. AllPt = [AllPt[0]]
  1458. playUrl = '#'.join(this_array['pages']).replace('@thisepisode@', '')
  1459. AllPu = [playUrl]
  1460. if self.userid:
  1461. #做点什么
  1462. follow = f'➕关注${aid}_{mid}__1__notplay_follow'
  1463. unfollow = f'➖取关${aid}_{mid}__2__notplay_follow'
  1464. like = f'👍点赞${aid}_{mid}__1__notplay_like'
  1465. unlike = f'👍🏻取消点赞${aid}_{mid}__2__notplay_like'
  1466. coin1 = f'👍💰投币${aid}_{mid}__1__notplay_coin'
  1467. coin2 = f'👍💰💰${aid}_{mid}__2__notplay_coin'
  1468. triple = f'👍💰⭐三连${aid}_{mid}____notplay_triple'
  1469. secondPList = [follow, triple, like, coin1, coin2, unfollow, unlike]
  1470. if mlid:
  1471. favdel = f'☆取消收藏${aid}_{mid}__{mlid}_del_notplay_fav'
  1472. secondPList.insert(0, favdel)
  1473. for fav in self.userConfig.get("fav_list", []):
  1474. folder = fav['n'].replace("#", "﹟").replace("$", "﹩")
  1475. ids = fav['v']
  1476. fav = f'⭐{folder}${aid}_{mid}__{ids}_add_notplay_fav'
  1477. secondPList.insert(0, fav)
  1478. secondP = '#'.join(secondPList)
  1479. AllPt.insert(1, '做点什么')
  1480. AllPu.insert(1, secondP)
  1481. if _is_stein_gate:
  1482. AllPu[0] = '片头$' + AllPu[0].split('$')[1]
  1483. vod['vod_play_from'] = "$$$".join(AllPt)
  1484. vod['vod_play_url'] = "$$$".join(AllPu)
  1485. if not ugc_season or _notfirst:
  1486. vod_content = ['[a=cr:{"id": "' + str(aid) + '_related","name":"' + title.replace('"', '\\"') + '"}/]相关推荐[/a]']
  1487. if len(desc) < 60 and desc.count('n') < 4:
  1488. desc += '\n' * int(3 - len(desc) / 29)
  1489. vod_content.append(desc)
  1490. vod_tags = ';'.join(sorted(map(lambda x: '[a=cr:{"id": "' + x['tag_name'].replace('"', '\\"') + '_clicklink","name":"' + x['tag_name'].replace('"', '\\"') + '"}/]' + '﹟' + x['tag_name'] + '﹟' + '[/a]', jRoot['data'].get('Tags', [])), key=len))
  1491. vod_content.append(vod_tags)
  1492. #视频关系
  1493. up_info = this_array.get('up_info')
  1494. relation = this_array.get('relation')
  1495. if up_info and relation:
  1496. up_info = up_info.result()
  1497. vod['vod_director'] = '🆙 ' + up_info['crname'] + ' 👥 ' + up_info['fans'] + ' ' + ' '.join(relation.result())
  1498. vodReply = this_array.get('vodReply')
  1499. if vodReply:
  1500. vod_content.append(vodReply.result())
  1501. vod['vod_content'] = '\n'.join(vod_content)
  1502. if _is_stein_gate:
  1503. this_array['AllPt'] = AllPt.copy()
  1504. this_array['AllPu'] = AllPu.copy()
  1505. this_array['vod_list'] = vod.copy()
  1506. save_args += ['aid', 'AllPt', 'AllPu', 'vod_list']
  1507. if not ugc_season and not _is_stein_gate:
  1508. self.detailContent_args.pop(array)
  1509. else:
  1510. _dc_args = {}
  1511. for x, y in this_array.items():
  1512. if x in save_args:
  1513. _dc_args[x] = y
  1514. self.detailContent_args[array] = _dc_args.copy()
  1515. result = {
  1516. 'list': [
  1517. vod
  1518. ]
  1519. }
  1520. return result
  1521. def interaction_detailContent(self, array):
  1522. this_array = array.get('this_array')
  1523. aid = array.get('aid')
  1524. cid = array.get('cid', 0)
  1525. edgeid = array.get('edgeid', 0)
  1526. graph_version = array.get('graph_version')
  1527. url = f'{aid}&graph_version={graph_version}&edge_id={edgeid}'
  1528. data = self._get_sth(url, 'fake').json().get('data')
  1529. result = {}
  1530. if data:
  1531. AllPt = array.get('AllPt').copy()
  1532. AllPu = array.get('AllPu').copy()
  1533. vod = array.get('vod_list')
  1534. if edgeid:
  1535. title = str(data['title']).replace("#", "﹟").replace("$", "﹩")
  1536. AllPu[0] += f'#{title}${aid}_{cid}___@{this_array}'
  1537. else:
  1538. AllPu[0] = AllPu[0].split('#')[0]
  1539. array['AllPu'] = AllPu.copy()
  1540. questions = data['edges'].get('questions', [])
  1541. playUrl = []
  1542. for q in questions:
  1543. q_title = q.get('title', '')
  1544. for c in q.get('choices', []):
  1545. c_edgeid = c['id']
  1546. c_cid = c['cid']
  1547. option = c.get('option', '')
  1548. title = ' '.join([q_title, option]).replace("#", "﹟").replace("$", "﹩")
  1549. playUrl.append(f'{title}${c_edgeid}_{c_cid}_interaction@{this_array}')
  1550. if playUrl:
  1551. AllPt.insert(1, '选项')
  1552. AllPu.insert(1, '#'.join(playUrl))
  1553. else:
  1554. array.pop('edgeid')
  1555. array.pop('cid')
  1556. vod['vod_play_from'] = "$$$".join(AllPt)
  1557. vod['vod_play_url'] = "$$$".join(AllPu)
  1558. result['list'] = [vod]
  1559. return result
  1560. def series_detailContent(self, array):
  1561. mid, type, sid = array.replace('list_', '').split('_')
  1562. pg = 1
  1563. ps = 99
  1564. vod = {"vod_id": array, 'vod_play_from': 'B站'}
  1565. urlL = []
  1566. while True:
  1567. url = '' % (mid, sid, pg, ps)
  1568. jo = self._get_sth(url, 'fake').json()
  1569. data = jo.get('data')
  1570. if not vod.get("vod_name"):
  1571. vod["vod_name"] = data['archives'][0]['title']
  1572. playUrl = '#'.join(map(self.get_normal_episodes, data.get('archives')))
  1573. urlL.append(playUrl)
  1574. total = data['page']['total']
  1575. if (ps * pg) >= total:
  1576. break
  1577. pg += 1
  1578. vod['vod_play_url'] = '#'.join(urlL)
  1579. up_info = self.up_info[mid]
  1580. vod['vod_director'] = '🆙 ' + up_info['name'] + " " + up_info['following']
  1581. result = {
  1582. 'list': [
  1583. vod
  1584. ]
  1585. }
  1586. return result
  1587. def up_detailContent(self, array):
  1588. mid = array.replace('up', '')
  1589. self.get_up_info_event.clear()
  1590. self.pool.submit(self.get_up_info, mid)
  1591. follow = f'关注$_{mid}__1__notplay_follow'
  1592. unfollow = f'取消关注$_{mid}__2__notplay_follow'
  1593. spfollow = f'特别关注$_{mid}__-10_special_notplay_follow'
  1594. unspfollow = f'取消特别关注$_{mid}__0_special_notplay_follow'
  1595. doWhat = [follow, spfollow, unfollow, unspfollow]
  1596. doWhat = '做点什么$ $$$' + '#'.join(doWhat)
  1597. self.get_up_info_event.wait()
  1598. up_info = self.up_info[mid]
  1599. vod = {
  1600. "vod_name": up_info['name'] + " 个人主页",
  1601. "vod_pic": up_info['face'],
  1602. "vod_director": '🆙 ' + up_info['name'] + " " + up_info['following'] + ' UID:' + str(mid),
  1603. "vod_remarks": "👥 " + up_info['fans'] + " 🎬 " + up_info['vod_count'] + " 👍 " + up_info['like_num'],
  1604. "vod_content": up_info['desc']
  1605. }
  1606. if self.userid:
  1607. vod['vod_play_from'] = '做点什么$$$关注TA'
  1608. vod['vod_play_url'] = doWhat
  1609. tabfilter = self.config['filter'].get('动态')
  1610. vod["vod_actor"] = ' '.join(map(lambda x: '[a=cr:{"id": "' + str(mid) + '_' + x['v'] +'_getupvideos","name": "' + up_info['name'].replace('"', '\\"') + ' ' + x['n'] + '"}/]' + x['n'] + '[/a]', tabfilter[-1]['value']))
  1611. result = {
  1612. 'list': [
  1613. vod
  1614. ]
  1615. }
  1616. return result
  1617. def setting_login_detailContent(self, key):
  1618. cookie_dic_tmp = self.cookie_dic_tmp.get(key, '')
  1619. message = ''
  1620. if not cookie_dic_tmp:
  1621. message = self.get_cookies(key)
  1622. if message:
  1623. message = f"【{message}】通过手机客户端扫码确认登录后点击相应按钮设置账号"
  1624. else:
  1625. message = '【已扫码并确认登录】请点击相应按钮设置当前获取的账号为:'
  1626. vod = {
  1627. "vod_name": "登录与设置",
  1628. "vod_content": '通过手机客户端扫码并确认登录后,点击相应按钮设置cookie,设置后不需要管嗅探结果,直接返回二维码页面刷新,查看是否显示已登录,已登录即可重新打开APP以加载全部标签',
  1629. }
  1630. vod_play_from = ['登录$$$退出登录']
  1631. vod_play_url = []
  1632. first = message + '$ '
  1633. login = '设置为主账号,动态收藏关注等内容源于此$' + str(key) + '_master_login_setting'
  1634. login_vip = '设置为备用的VIP账号,仅用于播放会员番剧$' + str(key) + '_vip_login_setting'
  1635. vod_play_url.append('#'.join([first, login, login_vip]))
  1636. second = '点击相应按钮退出账号>>>$ '
  1637. logout = '退出主账号$master_logout_setting'
  1638. logout_vip = '退出备用的VIP账号$vip_logout_setting'
  1639. vod_play_url.append('#'.join([second, logout, logout_vip]))
  1640. cate_lis = [{
  1641. 'f': '主页站点推荐栏',
  1642. 'c': 'maxHomeVideoContent',
  1643. 'd': {
  1644. '3': '3图',
  1645. '4': '4图',
  1646. '5': '5图',
  1647. '6': '6图',
  1648. '8': '8图',
  1649. '9': '9图',
  1650. '10': '10图',
  1651. '20': '20图',
  1652. }
  1653. },{
  1654. 'f': '视频画质',
  1655. 'c': 'vodDefaultQn',
  1656. 'd': self.vod_qn_id
  1657. },{
  1658. 'f': '视频编码',
  1659. 'c': 'vodDefaultCodec',
  1660. 'd': self.vod_codec_id
  1661. },{
  1662. 'f': '音频码率',
  1663. 'c': 'vodDefaultAudio',
  1664. 'd': self.vod_audio_id
  1665. },{
  1666. 'f': '收藏默认显示',
  1667. 'c': 'favMode',
  1668. 'd': {
  1669. '0': '默认收藏夹',
  1670. '1': '追番',
  1671. '2': '追剧',
  1672. }
  1673. },{
  1674. 'f': '上传播放进度',
  1675. 'c': 'heartbeatInterval',
  1676. 'd': {
  1677. '0': '关',
  1678. '15': '开',
  1679. }
  1680. },{
  1681. 'f': '直播筛选细化',
  1682. 'c': 'showLiveFilterTag',
  1683. 'd': {
  1684. '0': '关',
  1685. '1': '开',
  1686. }
  1687. }]
  1688. for cate in cate_lis:
  1689. vod_play_from.append(cate['f'])
  1690. defaultConfig = cate['d'][str(int(self.userConfig[cate['c']]))]
  1691. if 'vodDefaultAudio' == cate['c']:
  1692. defaultConfig = str(defaultConfig).replace('000', 'k')
  1693. url = ['当前:' + defaultConfig + '$ ']
  1694. for id, name in cate['d'].items():
  1695. if 'vodDefaultAudio' == cate['c']:
  1696. name = str(name).replace('000', 'k')
  1697. url.append(name + '$' + str(id) + '_' + cate['c'] + '_setting')
  1698. vod_play_url.append('#'.join(url))
  1699. vod['vod_play_from'] = '$$$'.join(vod_play_from)
  1700. vod['vod_play_url'] = '$$$'.join(vod_play_url)
  1701. result = {
  1702. 'list': [
  1703. vod
  1704. ]
  1705. }
  1706. return result
  1707. def setting_tab_filter_detailContent(self):
  1708. vod = {
  1709. "vod_name": "标签与筛选",
  1710. "vod_content": '依次点击各标签,同一标签第一次点击为添加,第二次删除,可以返回到二维码页后重进本页查看预览,最后点击保存,未选择的将追加到末尾,如果未保存就重启app,将丢失未保存的配置',
  1711. }
  1712. vod_play_from = []
  1713. vod_play_url = []
  1714. cate_lis = [
  1715. {'n': 'cateManual', 'v': '标签'},
  1716. {'n': 'tuijianLis', 'v': '推荐[分区]'},
  1717. {'n': 'rankingLis', 'v': '推荐[排行榜]'},
  1718. {'n': 'cateManualLive', 'v': '直播'},
  1719. ]
  1720. for cate in cate_lis:
  1721. _List = cate['n']
  1722. vod_play_from.append(cate['v'])
  1723. List_tmp = self.userConfig.get(str(_List) + '_tmp', [])
  1724. status = ''
  1725. if List_tmp:
  1726. status = '【未保存】'
  1727. else:
  1728. List_tmp = self.userConfig.get(_List, [])
  1729. if not List_tmp:
  1730. List_tmp = self.defaultConfig.get(_List)
  1731. if List_tmp and type(List_tmp[0]) == dict:
  1732. List_tmp = list(map(lambda x:x['n'], List_tmp))
  1733. url = ['当前: ' + ','.join(List_tmp) + '$ ', f"{status}点击这里保存$_{_List}_save_setting", f"点击这里恢复默认并保存$_{_List}_clear_setting"]
  1734. defaultConfig = self.defaultConfig[_List].copy()
  1735. if _List == 'cateManualLive':
  1736. extra_live_filter = self.userConfig.get('cateManualLiveExtra', [])
  1737. defaultConfig.extend(extra_live_filter.copy())
  1738. for name in defaultConfig:
  1739. value = str(name)
  1740. if type(name) == dict:
  1741. value = name['n'] + '@@@' + name['v'].replace('_', '@@@')
  1742. name = name['n']
  1743. url.append(f"{name}${value}_{_List}_setting")
  1744. vod_play_url.append('#'.join(url))
  1745. vod['vod_play_from'] = '$$$'.join(vod_play_from)
  1746. vod['vod_play_url'] = '$$$'.join(vod_play_url)
  1747. result = {
  1748. 'list': [
  1749. vod
  1750. ]
  1751. }
  1752. return result
  1753. def setting_liveExtra_detailContent(self):
  1754. vod = {
  1755. "vod_name": "查看直播细化标签",
  1756. "vod_content": '点击想要添加的标签,同一标签第一次点击为添加,第二次删除,完成后在[标签与筛选]页继续操作,以添加到直播筛选分区列中',
  1757. }
  1758. vod_play_from = ['已添加']
  1759. cateManualLiveExtra = self.userConfig.get('cateManualLiveExtra', [])
  1760. vod_play_url = ['点击相应标签(只)可以删除$ #清空$clear_liveFilter_setting']
  1761. for name in cateManualLiveExtra:
  1762. value = name['v']
  1763. name = name['n']
  1764. vod_play_url.append(name + '$' + 'del_' + name + '_' + value + '_liveFilter_setting')
  1765. vod_play_url = ['#'.join(vod_play_url)]
  1766. cateLive = self.userConfig.get('cateLive', {})
  1767. for parent, parent_dic in cateLive.items():
  1768. area_dic = parent_dic['value']['value']
  1769. if len(area_dic) == 1:
  1770. continue
  1771. vod_play_from.append(parent)
  1772. url = []
  1773. for area in area_dic:
  1774. name = str(area['n']).replace('_', '-').replace("#", "﹟").replace("$", "﹩")
  1775. id = str(area['v']).replace('_', '@@@').replace("#", "﹟").replace("$", "﹩")
  1776. url.append(name + '$add_' + name + '_' + id + '_liveFilter_setting')
  1777. vod_play_url.append('#'.join(url))
  1778. vod['vod_play_from'] = '$$$'.join(vod_play_from)
  1779. vod['vod_play_url'] = '$$$'.join(vod_play_url)
  1780. result = {
  1781. 'list': [
  1782. vod
  1783. ]
  1784. }
  1785. return result
  1786. def get_all_season(self, season):
  1787. season_id = str(season['season_id'])
  1788. season_title = season['season_title']
  1789. this_array = self.detailContent_args[season['this_array']]
  1790. if season_id == this_array['ssid']:
  1791. this_array['s_title'] = season_title
  1792. pic = season['cover']
  1793. remark = season['new_ep']['index_show']
  1794. result = {
  1795. "vod_id": 'ss' + season_id,
  1796. "vod_name": season_title,
  1797. "vod_pic": self.format_img(pic),
  1798. "vod_remarks": remark}
  1799. return result
  1800. def get_bangumi_section(self, section, array):
  1801. sec_title = section['title'].replace("#", "﹟").replace("$", "﹩")
  1802. sec_type = section['type']
  1803. if sec_type in [1, 2] and len(section['episode_ids']) == 0:
  1804. episodes = section['episodes']
  1805. playUrl = list(map(lambda x: self.get_normal_episodes(x)[0], map(lambda e: self.add_this_array(e, array), episodes)))
  1806. return (sec_title, playUrl)
  1807. def ysContent(self, this_array):
  1808. array = this_array['this_array']
  1809. aid = this_array.get('aid')
  1810. epid = this_array.get('epid')
  1811. if epid:
  1812. array = epid
  1813. this_array.pop('epid')
  1814. if 'ep' in array:
  1815. aid = 'ep_id=' + array.replace('ep', '')
  1816. this_array['epid'] = array
  1817. else:
  1818. aid = 'season_id=' + array.replace('ss', '')
  1819. array = this_array['this_array']
  1820. url = "{0}".format(aid)
  1821. jo = self._get_sth(url, 'fake').json().get('result', {})
  1822. this_array['ssid'] = ssid = str(jo['season_id'])
  1823. title = jo['title']
  1824. this_array['s_title'] = jo['season_title']
  1825. this_array['title_type'] = '集'
  1826. if jo['type'] in [1, 4]:
  1827. this_array['title_type'] = '话'
  1828. remark = jo['new_ep']['desc']
  1829. if 'rating' in jo:
  1830. remark = str(jo['rating']['score']) + '分 ' + remark
  1831. #添加系列到搜索
  1832. seasons = jo.get('seasons')
  1833. if len(seasons) == 1:
  1834. this_array['s_title'] = seasons[0]['season_title']
  1835. seasons = 0
  1836. elif len(seasons) > 1:
  1837. this_array['seasons'] = list(map(self.get_all_season, map(lambda e: self.add_this_array(e, array), seasons)))
  1838. remark += ' [a=cr:{"id": "' + array + '_getbangumiseasons","name": "' + title.replace('"', '\\"') + '"}/]更多系列[/a]'
  1839. #获取正片
  1840. episodes = jo.get('episodes')
  1841. #获取花絮
  1842. section_task = []
  1843. for s in jo.get('section', []):
  1844. if s:
  1845. t = self.pool.submit(self.get_bangumi_section, s, array)
  1846. section_task.append(t)
  1847. pic = jo['cover']
  1848. typeName = jo['share_sub_title']
  1849. date = jo['publish']['pub_time'][0:4]
  1850. dec = jo['evaluate']
  1851. stat = jo['stat']
  1852. # 演员和导演框展示视频状态,包括以下内容:
  1853. status = "▶" + self.zh(stat['views']) + " ❤" + self.zh(stat['favorites'])
  1854. vod = {
  1855. "vod_id": 'ss' + ssid,
  1856. "vod_name": title,
  1857. "vod_pic": pic,
  1858. "type_name": typeName,
  1859. "vod_year": date,
  1860. "vod_actor": status,
  1861. "vod_content": dec
  1862. }
  1863. vod["vod_remarks"] = remark
  1864. PreviewPu = []
  1865. fromL = []
  1866. urlL = []
  1867. if episodes:
  1868. FirstPu = []
  1869. ParsePu = []
  1870. for x, y in map(self.get_normal_episodes, map(lambda e: self.add_this_array(e, array), episodes)):
  1871. if y:
  1872. FirstPu.append(x)
  1873. ParsePu.append(y)
  1874. else:
  1875. PreviewPu.append(x)
  1876. if this_array.get('parse') and ParsePu:
  1877. fromL.append(str(this_array['s_title']) + '【解析】')
  1878. urlL.append('#'.join(ParsePu))
  1879. if FirstPu:
  1880. fromL.append(str(this_array['s_title']))
  1881. urlL.append('#'.join(FirstPu))
  1882. sectionF = []
  1883. sectionU = []
  1884. for t in as_completed(section_task):
  1885. s = t.result()
  1886. if s:
  1887. if s[0] == '预告':
  1888. PreviewPu += s[1]
  1889. else:
  1890. sectionF.append(s[0])
  1891. sectionU.append('#'.join(s[1]))
  1892. if PreviewPu:
  1893. fromL.append('预告')
  1894. urlL.append('#'.join(PreviewPu))
  1895. fromL += sectionF
  1896. urlL += sectionU
  1897. fromep = this_array.get('fromep')
  1898. if fromep:
  1899. fromL.insert(0, 'B站')
  1900. urlL.insert(0, fromep)
  1901. if self.userid:
  1902. ZhuiPf = '追番剧'
  1903. ZhuiPu = f'❤追番剧$__{ssid}_add__notplay_zhui#💔取消追番剧$__{ssid}_del__notplay_zhui'
  1904. fromL.insert(1, ZhuiPf)
  1905. urlL.insert(1, ZhuiPu)
  1906. vod['vod_play_from'] = '$$$'.join(fromL)
  1907. vod['vod_play_url'] = '$$$'.join(urlL)
  1908. result = {
  1909. 'list': [
  1910. vod
  1911. ]
  1912. }
  1913. return result
  1914. def get_live_api2_playurl(self, room_id):
  1915. playFrom = []
  1916. playUrl = []
  1917. url = '{0}&qn=0&platform=web&protocol=0,1&format=0,1,2&codec=0,1&dolby=5&panorama=1'.format(room_id)
  1918. jo = self._get_sth(url, 'vip').json()
  1919. if jo['code'] == 0:
  1920. playurl_info = jo['data'].get('playurl_info', '')
  1921. if playurl_info:
  1922. stream = playurl_info['playurl']['stream']
  1923. liveDic = {
  1924. 'codec': {'avc': '0', 'hevc': '1'},
  1925. 'format': {'flv': '0', 'ts': '1', 'fmp4': '2'},
  1926. }
  1927. liveDic['qn'] = dict(map(lambda x:(x['qn'], x['desc']), playurl_info['playurl']['g_qn_desc']))
  1928. vodList = []
  1929. for i in stream:
  1930. vodList.extend(i['format'])
  1931. api2_playUrl = {}
  1932. for v in vodList:
  1933. format = str(v.get('format_name'))
  1934. for c in v['codec']:
  1935. codec = str(c.get('codec_name'))
  1936. accept_qn = c.get('accept_qn')
  1937. for qn in accept_qn:
  1938. url = format + '_' + codec + f"$live_{room_id}_" + str(qn) + '_' + liveDic['format'][format] + '_' + liveDic['codec'][codec]
  1939. if not api2_playUrl.get(liveDic['qn'][qn]):
  1940. api2_playUrl[liveDic['qn'][qn]] = []
  1941. api2_playUrl[liveDic['qn'][qn]].append(url)
  1942. for key, value in api2_playUrl.items():
  1943. playFrom.append(key)
  1944. playUrl.append('#'.join(value))
  1945. result = playFrom, playUrl
  1946. return result
  1947. def live_detailContent(self, room_id):
  1948. get_live_api2_playurl = self.pool.submit(self.get_live_api2_playurl, room_id)
  1949. url = "" + str(room_id)
  1950. jRoot = self._get_sth(url, 'fake').json()
  1951. result = {}
  1952. if jRoot.get('code') == 0:
  1953. jo = jRoot['data']
  1954. mid = str(jo["uid"])
  1955. up_info = self.pool.submit(self.get_up_info, mid)
  1956. title = self.cleanCharacters(jo['title'])
  1957. pic = jo.get("user_cover")
  1958. desc = jo.get('description')
  1959. typeName = jo.get('parent_area_name') + '-' + jo.get('area_name')
  1960. vod = {
  1961. "vod_id": room_id,
  1962. "vod_name": title,
  1963. "vod_pic": pic,
  1964. "type_name": typeName,
  1965. "vod_content": desc,
  1966. }
  1967. if int(jo.get('live_status')):
  1968. vod['vod_year'] = jo.get('live_time').replace('-', '.')
  1969. playFrom = get_live_api2_playurl.result()[0]
  1970. playUrl = get_live_api2_playurl.result()[1]
  1971. if self.userid:
  1972. secondF = '关注TA'
  1973. first = '是否关注$ '
  1974. follow = f'➕关注$_{mid}__1__notplay_follow'
  1975. unfollow = f'➖取关$_{mid}__2__notplay_follow'
  1976. secondPList = [first, follow, unfollow]
  1977. secondP = '#'.join(secondPList)
  1978. playFrom.insert(1, secondF)
  1979. playUrl.insert(1, secondP)
  1980. vod['vod_play_from'] = '$$$'.join(playFrom)
  1981. vod['vod_play_url'] = '$$$'.join(playUrl)
  1982. up_info = up_info.result()
  1983. vod["vod_director"] = '🆙 ' + up_info['crname'] + " 👥 " + self.zh(jo.get('attention')) + ' ' + up_info['following']
  1984. result['list'] = [vod]
  1985. return result
  1986. def searchContent(self, key, quick):
  1987. return self.searchContentPage(key, quick, '1')
  1988. search_key = ''
  1989. def searchContentPage(self, key, quick, pg):
  1990. if not self.session_fake.cookies:
  1991. self.pool.submit(self.getFakeCookie, True)
  1992. for t in self.task_pool:
  1993. t.cancel()
  1994. if int(pg) > 1:
  1995. return self.get_search_content(key = key, pg = pg, duration_diff = 0, order = '', type = 'video', ps = self.userConfig['page_size'])
  1996. self.task_pool = []
  1997. self.search_key = key
  1998. types = {'video': '','media_bangumi': '番剧: ', 'media_ft': '影视: ', 'bili_user': '用户: ', 'live': '直播: '}
  1999. for type, value in types.items():
  2000. t = self.pool.submit(self.get_search_content, key = key, pg = value, duration_diff = 0, order = '', type = type, ps = self.userConfig['page_size'])
  2001. self.task_pool.append(t)
  2002. result = {}
  2003. vodList = []
  2004. for t in as_completed(self.task_pool):
  2005. res = t.result().get('list', [])
  2006. vodList.extend(res)
  2007. self.task_pool.remove(t)
  2008. if len(vodList):
  2009. result['list'] = vodList
  2010. result['page'] = pg
  2011. result['pagecount'] = 9999
  2012. result['limit'] = 99
  2013. result['total'] = 999999
  2014. return result
  2015. stop_heartbeat_event = threading.Event()
  2016. def stop_heartbeat(self):
  2017. try:
  2018. for t in self.task_pool:
  2019. t.cancel()
  2020. finally:
  2021. self.stop_heartbeat_event.set()
  2022. def start_heartbeat(self, aid, cid, ssid, epid, duration, played_time):
  2023. heartbeatInterval = int(self.userConfig['heartbeatInterval'])
  2024. if not self.userid or not heartbeatInterval:
  2025. return
  2026. heartbeat_times = int((duration - played_time) / heartbeatInterval) + 1
  2027. url = ''
  2028. data = {'aid': str(aid), 'cid': str(cid), 'csrf': str(self.csrf)}
  2029. if ssid:
  2030. data['sid'] = str(ssid)
  2031. data['epid'] = str(epid)
  2032. data['type'] = '4'
  2033. heartbeat_count = 0
  2034. self.stop_heartbeat_event.clear()
  2035. while True:
  2036. if heartbeat_count == heartbeatInterval or self.stop_heartbeat_event.is_set():
  2037. played_time += heartbeat_count
  2038. heartbeat_count = 0
  2039. if not heartbeat_count:
  2040. heartbeat_times -= 1
  2041. if not heartbeat_times:
  2042. #播完为-1
  2043. played_time = -1
  2044. self.stop_heartbeat_event.set()
  2045. data['played_time'] = str(played_time)
  2046. data = self.encrypt_wbi(**data)[1]
  2047. self.pool.submit(self._post_sth, url=url, data=data)
  2048. if self.stop_heartbeat_event.is_set():
  2049. break
  2050. time.sleep(1)
  2051. heartbeat_count += 1
  2052. wbi_key = {}
  2053. def get_wbiKey(self, hour):
  2054. r = self.fetch("", headers=self.header)
  2055. wbi_img_url = r.json()['data']['wbi_img']['img_url']
  2056. wbi_sub_url = r.json()['data']['wbi_img']['sub_url']
  2057. oe = [46, 47, 18, 2, 53, 8, 23, 32, 15, 50, 10, 31, 58, 3, 45, 35, 27, 43, 5, 49, 33, 9, 42, 19, 29, 28, 14, 39, 12,
  2058. 38, 41, 13, 37, 48, 7, 16, 24, 55, 40, 61, 26, 17, 0, 1, 60, 51, 30, 4, 22, 25, 54, 21, 56, 59, 6, 63, 57, 62,
  2059. 11, 36, 20, 34, 44, 52]
  2060. ae = wbi_img_url.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] + wbi_sub_url.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0]
  2061. le = reduce(lambda s, i: s + ae[i], oe, "")[:32]
  2062. self.wbi_key = {
  2063. "key": le,
  2064. "hour": hour
  2065. }
  2066. def encrypt_wbi(self, **params):
  2067. wts = round(time.time())
  2068. hour = time.gmtime(wts).tm_hour
  2069. if not self.wbi_key or hour != self.wbi_key['hour']:
  2070. self.get_wbiKey(hour)
  2071. params["wts"] = wts
  2072. dm_rand = 'ABCDEFGHIJK'
  2073. params["dm_img_list"] = '[]'
  2074. params["dm_img_str"] = ''.join(random.sample(dm_rand, 2))
  2075. params["dm_cover_img_str"] = ''.join(random.sample(dm_rand, 2))
  2076. params["dm_img_inter"] = '{"ds":[],"wh":[0,0,0],"of":[0,0,0]}'
  2077. params = dict(sorted(params.items()))
  2078. params = {k : ''.join(filter(lambda chr: chr not in "!'()*", str(v))) for k, v in params.items()}
  2079. Ae = urlencode(params)
  2080. w_rid = hashlib.md5((Ae + self.wbi_key['key']).encode(encoding='utf-8')).hexdigest()
  2081. params['w_rid'] = w_rid
  2082. return [Ae + "&w_rid=" + w_rid, params]
  2083. def _get_sth(self, url, _type='master', **kwargs):
  2084. if _type == 'vip' and self.session_vip.cookies:
  2085. rsp = self.session_vip.get(url, headers=self.header, **kwargs)
  2086. elif _type == 'fake':
  2087. if not self.session_fake.cookies:
  2088. self.getFakeCookie_event.wait()
  2089. rsp = self.session_fake.get(url, headers=self.header, **kwargs)
  2090. else:
  2091. rsp = self.session_master.get(url, headers=self.header, **kwargs)
  2092. return rsp
  2093. def _post_sth(self, url, data):
  2094. return, headers=self.header, data=data)
  2095. def post_live_history(self, room_id):
  2096. data = {'room_id': str(room_id), 'platform': 'pc', 'csrf': str(self.csrf)}
  2097. url = ''
  2098. self._post_sth(url=url, data=data)
  2099. def do_notplay(self, ids):
  2100. aid, mid, ssid, arg0, arg1, this, what= ids
  2101. data = {'csrf': str(self.csrf)}
  2102. doShare = url = ''
  2103. if what == 'follow':
  2104. if arg1 == 'special':
  2105. data.update({'fids': str(mid), 'tagids': str(arg0)})
  2106. url = ''
  2107. else:
  2108. data.update({'fid': str(mid), 'act': str(arg0)})
  2109. url = ''
  2110. elif what == 'zhui':
  2111. data.update({'season_id': str(ssid)})
  2112. url = '' + str(arg0)
  2113. elif what == 'like':
  2114. data.update({'aid': str(aid), 'like': str(arg0)})
  2115. url = ''
  2116. elif what == 'coin':
  2117. data.update({'aid': str(aid), 'multiply': str(arg0), 'select_like': '1'})
  2118. url = ''
  2119. elif what == 'fav':
  2120. data.update({'rid': str(aid), 'type': '2'})
  2121. data[arg1 + '_media_ids'] = str(arg0)
  2122. url = ''
  2123. elif what == 'triple':
  2124. data.update({'aid': str(aid)})
  2125. url = ''
  2126. self._post_sth(url=url, data=data)
  2127. if what in ['like', 'coin', 'fav', 'triple']:
  2128. data = {'aid': str(aid), 'csrf': str(self.csrf), 'csrf_token': str(self.csrf)}
  2129. url = ''
  2130. self.pool.submit(self._post_sth, url=url, data=data)
  2131. self._refreshDetail()
  2132. def get_cid(self, aid, cid):
  2133. url = f'{aid}&cid={cid}'
  2134. jo = self._get_sth(url).json().get('data', {})
  2135. if not cid:
  2136. cid = jo['cid']
  2137. dur = jo['duration']
  2138. epid = ''
  2139. if 'redirect_url' in jo and 'bangumi' in jo['redirect_url']:
  2140. epid = self.find_bangumi_id(jo['redirect_url'])
  2141. return cid, dur, epid
  2142. cookie_dic_tmp = {}
  2143. def get_cookies(self, key):
  2144. url = '' + key
  2145. jo = self._get_sth(url, 'fake').json()
  2146. if jo['code'] == 0:
  2147. message = jo['data']['message']
  2148. if not message:
  2149. self.cookie_dic_tmp[key] = dict(self.session_fake.cookies)
  2150. self.pool.submit(self.getFakeCookie)
  2151. return message
  2152. return '网络错误'
  2153. def set_cookie(self, key, _type):
  2154. cookie_dic_tmp = self.cookie_dic_tmp.get(key, '')
  2155. if not cookie_dic_tmp:
  2156. message = self.get_cookies(key)
  2157. if message:
  2158. return
  2159. users = self.userConfig.get('users', {})
  2160. users[_type] = {'cookies_dic': self.cookie_dic_tmp.get(key, {})}
  2161. self.userConfig.update({'users': users})
  2162. self.getCookie(_type)
  2163. self.dump_config()
  2164. def unset_cookie(self, _type):
  2165. if _type == 'vip':
  2166. self.session_vip.cookies.clear()
  2167. else:
  2168. self.session_master.cookies = self.session_fake.cookies
  2169. self.userid = self.csrf = ''
  2170. if _type in self.userConfig.get('users', {}):
  2171. self.userConfig['users'].pop(_type)
  2172. self.dump_config()
  2173. def set_normal_default(self, id, type):
  2174. self.userConfig[type] = str(id)
  2175. self.dump_config()
  2176. def set_normal_cateManual(self, name, _List, action):
  2177. List_tmp = self.userConfig.get(str(_List) + '_tmp')
  2178. if not List_tmp:
  2179. List_tmp = self.userConfig[str(_List) + '_tmp'] = []
  2180. if action == 'save':
  2181. for _item in self.defaultConfig[_List]:
  2182. if not _item in List_tmp.copy():
  2183. self.userConfig[str(_List) + '_tmp'].append(_item)
  2184. self.userConfig[_List] = self.userConfig[str(_List) + '_tmp'].copy()
  2185. self.userConfig.pop(_List + '_tmp')
  2186. self.dump_config()
  2187. elif action == 'clear':
  2188. self.userConfig[_List] = self.defaultConfig[_List].copy()
  2189. self.userConfig.pop(str(_List) + '_tmp')
  2190. self.dump_config()
  2191. else:
  2192. if _List == 'cateManualLive':
  2193. name = name.split('@@@')
  2194. if len(name) == 3:
  2195. name[1] += '_' + str(name[2])
  2196. name = {'n': name[0], 'v': str(name[1])}
  2197. if name in List_tmp:
  2198. self.userConfig[str(_List) + '_tmp'].remove(name)
  2199. else:
  2200. self.userConfig[str(_List) + '_tmp'].append(name)
  2201. def add_cateManualLiveExtra(self, action, name, id):
  2202. _Extra = self.userConfig.get('cateManualLiveExtra', [])
  2203. if not _Extra:
  2204. _Extra = self.userConfig['cateManualLiveExtra'] = []
  2205. if action == 'clear':
  2206. for _ext in _Extra:
  2207. _ext['v'] = _ext['v'].replace('@@@', '_')
  2208. if _ext in self.userConfig.get('cateManualLive', []):
  2209. self.userConfig['cateManualLive'].remove(_ext)
  2210. if _ext in self.userConfig.get('cateManualLive_tmp', []):
  2211. self.userConfig['cateManualLive_tmp'].remove(_ext)
  2212. self.userConfig.pop('cateManualLiveExtra')
  2213. elif id in list(map(lambda x:x['v'], self.userConfig.get('cateManualLiveExtra', []))):
  2214. area_dict = {'n': name, 'v': id}
  2215. self.userConfig['cateManualLiveExtra'].remove(area_dict)
  2216. area_dict['v'] = id.replace('@@@', '_')
  2217. if area_dict in self.userConfig.get('cateManualLive', []):
  2218. self.userConfig['cateManualLive'].remove(area_dict)
  2219. if area_dict in self.userConfig.get('cateManualLive_tmp', []):
  2220. self.userConfig['cateManualLive_tmp'].remove(area_dict)
  2221. else:
  2222. area_dict = {'n': name, 'v': id}
  2223. self.userConfig['cateManualLiveExtra'].append(area_dict)
  2224. self.dump_config()
  2225. vod_qn_id = {
  2226. '127': "8K",
  2227. '126': "杜比视界",
  2228. '125': "HDR",
  2229. '120': "4K",
  2230. '116': "1080P60帧",
  2231. '112': "1080P+",
  2232. '80': "1080P",
  2233. '64': "720P",
  2234. }
  2235. vod_codec_id = {
  2236. '7': 'avc',
  2237. '12': 'hevc',
  2238. '13': 'av1',
  2239. }
  2240. vod_audio_id = {
  2241. '30280': '192000',
  2242. '30232': '132000',
  2243. '30216': '64000',
  2244. }
  2245. def get_dash_media(self, media, aid, cid, qn):
  2246. qnid = str(media.get('id'))
  2247. codecid = media.get('codecid', '')
  2248. media_codecs = media.get('codecs')
  2249. media_bandwidth = media.get('bandwidth')
  2250. media_startWithSAP = media.get('startWithSap')
  2251. media_mimeType = media.get('mimeType')
  2252. media_SegmentBase_indexRange = media['SegmentBase'].get('indexRange')
  2253. media_SegmentBase_Initialization = media['SegmentBase'].get('Initialization')
  2254. mediaType = media_mimeType.split('/')[0]
  2255. media_typeParams = ''
  2256. if mediaType == 'video':
  2257. media_frameRate = media.get('frameRate')
  2258. media_sar = media.get('sar')
  2259. media_width = media.get('width')
  2260. media_height = media.get('height')
  2261. media_typeParams = f"height='{media_height}' width='{media_width}' frameRate='{media_frameRate}' sar='{media_sar}'"
  2262. elif mediaType == 'audio':
  2263. audioSamplingRate = self.vod_audio_id.get(qnid, '192000')
  2264. media_typeParams = f"numChannels='2' sampleRate='{audioSamplingRate}'"
  2265. media_BaseURL = f'{self.localProxyUrl}{mediaType}&aid={aid}&cid={cid}&qn={qn}'.replace('&', '&amp;')
  2266. qnid += '_' + str(codecid)
  2267. result = f"""
  2268. <Representation id="{qnid}" bandwidth="{media_bandwidth}" codecs="{media_codecs}" mimeType="{media_mimeType}" {media_typeParams} startWithSAP="{media_startWithSAP}">
  2269. <BaseURL>{media_BaseURL}</BaseURL>
  2270. <SegmentBase indexRange="{media_SegmentBase_indexRange}">
  2271. <Initialization range="{media_SegmentBase_Initialization}"/>
  2272. </SegmentBase>
  2273. </Representation>"""
  2274. self.pC_urlDic[f'{aid}_{cid}'][mediaType] = media
  2275. return result
  2276. def get_dash_media_list(self, media_lis, aid, cid, qn):
  2277. if not media_lis:
  2278. return ""
  2279. mediaType = media_lis[0]['mimeType'].split('/')[0]
  2280. if mediaType == 'video':
  2281. preferQn = str(qn)
  2282. preferCodec = str(self.userConfig['vodDefaultCodec'])
  2283. else: # audio
  2284. preferQn = str(self.userConfig['vodDefaultAudio'])
  2285. preferCodec = '0'
  2286. media_available = {}
  2287. for media in media_lis:
  2288. if mediaType == 'audio' and not media_available:
  2289. media_available = media
  2290. if str(media['id']) == preferQn:
  2291. if not media_available or str(media['codecid']) == preferCodec:
  2292. media_available = media
  2293. if str(media['codecid']) == preferCodec:
  2294. break
  2295. result = f"""
  2296. <AdaptationSet>
  2297. <ContentComponent contentType="{mediaType}"/>{self.get_dash_media(media_available, aid, cid, qn)}
  2298. </AdaptationSet>"""
  2299. return result
  2300. def get_dash(self, ja, aid, cid, qn):
  2301. duration = ja.get('duration')
  2302. minBufferTime = ja.get('minBufferTime')
  2303. video_list = self.pool.submit(self.get_dash_media_list, ja.get('video'), aid, cid, qn)
  2304. audio_list = self.pool.submit(self.get_dash_media_list, ja.get('audio'), aid, cid, qn)
  2305. mpd = f"""<MPD xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="urn:mpeg:dash:schema:mpd:2011" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:mpeg:dash:schema:mpd:2011 DASH-MPD.xsd" type="static" mediaPresentationDuration="PT{duration}S" minBufferTime="PT{minBufferTime}S" profiles="urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-on-demand:2011">
  2306. <Period duration="PT{duration}S" start="PT0S">{video_list.result()}{audio_list.result()}
  2307. </Period>
  2308. </MPD>"""
  2309. return mpd
  2310. def miao(self, m):
  2311. m = str(m).partition('.')[2] #取小数部分
  2312. if len(m)==0:m = '000' #补齐三位小数
  2313. if len(m)==1:m = m + '00'
  2314. if len(m)==2:m = m + '0'
  2315. return m #返回标准三位的毫秒数
  2316. def down_sub(self, url):
  2317. data = self._get_sth(url, 'fake').json()['body']
  2318. srt = ''
  2319. i=1
  2320. for d in data:
  2321. f = round(d['from'],3) # 开始时间 (round(n,3)四舍五入为三位小数)
  2322. t = round(d['to'],3) # 结束时间
  2323. c = d['content'] # 字幕内容
  2324. ff = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S",time.gmtime(f)) + ',' + self.miao(f) # 开始时间,秒数转 时:分:秒 格式,加逗号、毫秒修正为三位
  2325. tt = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S",time.gmtime(t)) + ',' + self.miao(t) # 结束时间,处理方式同上
  2326. srt += str(i) + '\n' + ff + ' ' + '-->' + ' ' + tt + '\n' + c + '\n\n' # 格式化为Srt字幕
  2327. i += 1
  2328. return srt
  2329. localProxyUrl = ''
  2330. def get_subs(self, aid, cid):
  2331. result = []
  2332. query = self.encrypt_wbi(aid=aid, cid=cid)[0]
  2333. url = f'{query}'
  2334. data = self._get_sth(url, 'master').json().get('data')
  2335. if data:
  2336. for sub in data['subtitle'].get('subtitles', []):
  2337. lanDoc = str(sub.get('lan_doc', ''))
  2338. lanUrl = sub.get('subtitle_url')
  2339. if lanUrl.startswith('//'):
  2340. lanUrl = 'https:' + lanUrl
  2341. lanUrl = quote(lanUrl)
  2342. result.append(
  2343. {
  2344. "url": f"{self.localProxyUrl}subtitle&url={lanUrl}",
  2345. "name": lanDoc,
  2346. "format": "application/x-subrip"
  2347. }
  2348. )
  2349. if result:
  2350. result.insert(0,
  2351. {
  2352. "url": "",
  2353. "name": " ",
  2354. "format": "application/x-subrip"
  2355. }
  2356. )
  2357. played_time = 0
  2358. if int(data.get('last_play_cid', 0)) == int(cid):
  2359. played_time = int(data.get('last_play_time'))
  2360. if played_time > 0:
  2361. played_time = int(played_time / 1000)
  2362. graph_version = data.get('interaction', {}).get('graph_version', '')
  2363. return result, played_time, graph_version
  2364. pC_urlDic = {}
  2365. def _get_playerContent(self, result, aid, cid, epid):
  2366. self.pC_urlDic[f'{aid}_{cid}'] = urlDic = {**self.pC_urlDic.get(f'{aid}_{cid}', {}), 'aid': aid, 'cid': cid, 'epid': epid}
  2367. vodDefaultQn = self.userConfig['vodDefaultQn']
  2368. if epid:
  2369. url = '{}&cid={}&qn={}&fnval=4048&fnver=0&fourk=1&from_client=BROWSER'.format(aid, cid, vodDefaultQn)
  2370. else:
  2371. arg={'avid':aid, 'cid': cid, 'qn':vodDefaultQn, 'fnval': 4048, 'fnver':0, 'fourk':1, 'from_client': 'BROWSER'}
  2372. if not self.session_vip.cookies:
  2373. arg['try_look'] = 1
  2374. query = self.encrypt_wbi(**arg)[0]
  2375. url = f'{query}'
  2376. jRoot = self._get_sth(url, 'vip').json()
  2377. ssid = ''
  2378. if jRoot['code'] == 0:
  2379. if 'data' in jRoot:
  2380. jo = jRoot['data']
  2381. elif 'result' in jRoot:
  2382. jo = jRoot['result']
  2383. if 'video_info' in jo:
  2384. jr = jo['view_info']['report']
  2385. ssid = jr['season_id']
  2386. epid = jr['ep_id']
  2387. jo = jo['video_info']
  2388. else:
  2389. return result
  2390. else:
  2391. return result
  2392. urlDic['ssid'] = ssid
  2393. urlDic['epid'] = epid
  2394. formats = dict(map(lambda x:(x['quality'], x['new_description']), jo['support_formats']))
  2395. result["url"] = []
  2396. ja = jo.get('dash')
  2397. _param = f'&aid={aid}&cid={cid}&qn='
  2398. if ja:
  2399. urlDic['mpd'] = ja
  2400. result["format"] = 'application/dash+xml'
  2401. for video in ja['video']:
  2402. id = video['id']
  2403. desc = formats[id]
  2404. if not desc in result["url"]:
  2405. url = f'{self.localProxyUrl}dash{_param}{id}'
  2406. if id == int(vodDefaultQn):
  2407. result["url"] = [desc, url] + result["url"]
  2408. else:
  2409. result["url"].extend([desc, url])
  2410. elif 'durls' in jo:
  2411. for durl in jo['durls']:
  2412. qn = durl['quality']
  2413. desc = formats[qn]
  2414. url = f'{self.localProxyUrl}durl{_param}{qn}'
  2415. if qn == int(vodDefaultQn):
  2416. result["url"] = [desc, url] + result["url"]
  2417. else:
  2418. result["url"].extend([desc, url])
  2419. urlDic[str(qn)] = durl['durl'][0]
  2420. else:
  2421. qn = jo['quality']
  2422. urlDic[str(qn)] = jo['durl'][0]
  2423. result["url"] = f'{self.localProxyUrl}durl{_param}{qn}'
  2424. urlDic['result'] = {**urlDic.get('result', {}), **result}
  2425. return result, ssid, epid
  2426. def _refreshDetail(self, t=0):
  2427. time.sleep(int(t))
  2428. self.fetch('')
  2429. def playerContent(self, flag, id, vipFlags):
  2430. self.pool.submit(self.stop_heartbeat)
  2431. result = {}
  2432. this_array = ''
  2433. if '@' in id:
  2434. id, this_array = id.split("@")
  2435. array = self.detailContent_args.get(this_array, self.detailContent_args)
  2436. ids = id.split("_")
  2437. if len(ids) < 2:
  2438. return result
  2439. if 'live' == ids[0]:
  2440. return self.live_playerContent(id)
  2441. aid = ids[0]
  2442. cid = ids[1]
  2443. if 'setting' in ids:
  2444. if 'liveFilter' in ids:
  2445. id = ids[2]
  2446. self.add_cateManualLiveExtra(aid, cid, id)
  2447. elif cid in ['cateManual', 'cateManualLive', 'tuijianLis', 'rankingLis']:
  2448. action = ids[2]
  2449. self.set_normal_cateManual(aid, cid, action)
  2450. elif 'login' in ids:
  2451. self.set_cookie(aid, cid)
  2452. elif 'logout' in ids:
  2453. self.unset_cookie(aid)
  2454. else:
  2455. self.set_normal_default(aid, cid)
  2456. return result
  2457. elif 'notplay' in ids:
  2458. self.pool.submit(self.do_notplay, ids)
  2459. return result
  2460. elif 'interaction' in ids:
  2461. array['edgeid'] = aid
  2462. array['cid'] = cid
  2463. self.pool.submit(self._refreshDetail)
  2464. return result
  2465. aid, cid, epid, dur, parse = id.split("_")
  2466. if not cid or not dur:
  2467. cid, dur, epid = self.get_cid(aid, cid)
  2468. result["danmaku"] = '' + str(cid)
  2469. if parse:
  2470. url = '' + str(epid)
  2471. result["url"] = url
  2472. result["flag"] = 'bilibili'
  2473. result["parse"] = '1'
  2474. result['jx'] = '1'
  2475. result["header"] = {"User-Agent": self.header["User-Agent"]}
  2476. return result
  2477. get_sub = self.pool.submit(self.get_subs, aid, cid)
  2478. urlDic = self.pC_urlDic.get(f'{aid}_{cid}')
  2479. if urlDic:
  2480. result, ssid, epid = urlDic['result'], urlDic['ssid'], urlDic['epid']
  2481. else:
  2482. result["parse"] = '0'
  2483. result["contentType"] = ''
  2484. result["header"] = self.header
  2485. result, ssid, epid = self._get_playerContent(result, aid, cid, epid)
  2486. result["subs"], played_time, graph_version = get_sub.result()
  2487. old_gv = array.get('graph_version', '')
  2488. old_aid = array.get('aid')
  2489. if old_aid and aid != old_aid or f'{aid}_{cid}' in array:
  2490. array['aid'] = aid
  2491. self.pool.submit(self._refreshDetail, 2)
  2492. elif graph_version and old_gv != graph_version:
  2493. array['graph_version'] = graph_version
  2494. self.pool.submit(self._refreshDetail)
  2495. else:
  2496. #回传播放记录
  2497. heartbeat = self.pool.submit(self.start_heartbeat, aid, cid, ssid, epid, int(dur), played_time)
  2498. self.task_pool.append(heartbeat)
  2499. return result
  2500. def live_playerContent(self, id):
  2501. api, room_id, qn, format, codec = id.split("_")
  2502. # 回传观看直播记录
  2503. if self.userid and int(self.userConfig['heartbeatInterval']) > 0:
  2504. self.pool.submit(self.post_live_history, room_id)
  2505. url = '{0}&protocol=0,1&format={1}&codec={2}&qn={3}&ptype=8&platform=web&dolby=5&panorama=1'.format(room_id, format, codec, qn)
  2506. jo = self._get_sth(url, 'vip').json()
  2507. result = {}
  2508. if jo['code'] == 0:
  2509. try:
  2510. playurl = jo['data']['playurl_info'].get('playurl')
  2511. codec = playurl['stream'][0]['format'][0]['codec'][0]
  2512. except:
  2513. return result
  2514. base_url = str(codec['base_url'])
  2515. host = str(codec['url_info'][0]['host'])
  2516. extra = str(codec['url_info'][0]['extra'])
  2517. playurl = host + base_url + extra
  2518. result["url"] = playurl
  2519. result["contentType"] = ''
  2520. if ".flv" in playurl: result["contentType"] = 'video/x-flv'
  2521. else:
  2522. return result
  2523. result["parse"] = '0'
  2524. result["header"] = {
  2525. "Referer": "",
  2526. "User-Agent": self.header["User-Agent"]
  2527. }
  2528. return result
  2529. def _testUrl(self, url, id, mediaType):
  2530. status = head(url, headers=self.header).status_code
  2531. if status != 200:
  2532. self.pC_urlDic[id][mediaType].pop(url)
  2533. def get_fastesUrl(self, ja, id, mediaType):
  2534. url = ja
  2535. if type(ja) == dict:
  2536. self.pC_urlDic[id][mediaType] = url = [ja.get('baseUrl', ja.get('url', ''))]
  2537. url.extend(ja.get('backup_url', []))
  2538. self.pC_urlDic[id]['deadline'] = int(dict(map(lambda x: x.split('=')[:2], url[0].split('?')[1].split('&'))).get('deadline', 0))
  2539. for u in url:
  2540. t = self.pool.submit(self._testUrl, u, id, mediaType)
  2541. def localProxy(self, param):
  2542. action = {
  2543. 'url': '',
  2544. 'header': '',
  2545. 'param': '',
  2546. 'type': 'string',
  2547. 'after': ''
  2548. }
  2549. _type = param.get('type')
  2550. if _type == 'subtitle':
  2551. content = self.down_sub(param['url'])
  2552. return [200, "application/octet-stream", action, content]
  2553. aid = param.get('aid')
  2554. cid = param.get('cid')
  2555. qn = param.get('qn')
  2556. urlDic = self.pC_urlDic[f'{aid}_{cid}']
  2557. if _type == 'dash':
  2558. mpd = self.get_dash(urlDic['mpd'], aid, cid, qn)
  2559. return [200, "application/dash+xml", action, mpd]
  2560. if _type in ['durl', 'video', 'audio']:
  2561. if _type == 'durl':
  2562. _type = qn
  2563. _nowtime = round(time.time())
  2564. _deadline = urlDic.get('deadline')
  2565. if type(urlDic[_type]) == dict or (_deadline - _nowtime) % 10 == 0:
  2566. self.get_fastesUrl(urlDic[_type], f'{aid}_{cid}', _type)
  2567. _deadline = urlDic.get('deadline')
  2568. url = random.choice(urlDic[_type])
  2569. if not url or _type != 'audio' and _deadline - _nowtime < 1800:
  2570. self._get_playerContent({}, aid, cid, urlDic['epid'])
  2571. urlDic = self.pC_urlDic[f'{aid}_{cid}']
  2572. if _type == 'video':
  2573. self.get_dash(urlDic['mpd'], aid, cid, qn)
  2574. self.get_fastesUrl(urlDic[_type], f'{aid}_{cid}', _type)
  2575. url = random.choice(urlDic[_type])
  2576. action['url'] = url
  2577. action['header'] = self.header
  2578. action['type'] = 'redirect'
  2579. return [302, "video/MP2T", action, url]
  2580. return [200, "video/MP2T", action, ""]
  2581. config = {
  2582. "player": {},
  2583. "filter": {
  2584. "关注": [{"key": "sort", "name": "分类",
  2585. "value": [{"n": "正在直播", "v": "正在直播"}, {"n": "最常访问", "v": "最常访问"},
  2586. {"n": "最近关注", "v": "最近关注"}, {"n": "特别关注", "v": "特别关注"},
  2587. {"n": "悄悄关注", "v": "悄悄关注"}, {"n": "我的粉丝", "v": "我的粉丝"}]}],
  2588. "动态": [{"key": "order", "name": "投稿排序",
  2589. "value": [{"n": "最新发布", "v": "pubdate"}, {"n": "最多播放", "v": "click"},
  2590. {"n": "最多收藏", "v": "stow"}, {"n": "最早发布", "v": "oldest"}, {"n": "合集和列表", "v": "series"}]}, ],
  2591. "影视": [{"key": "tid", "name": "分类",
  2592. "value": [{"n": "番剧", "v": "1"}, {"n": "国创", "v": "4"}, {"n": "电影", "v": "2"},
  2593. {"n": "电视剧", "v": "5"}, {"n": "纪录片", "v": "3"}, {"n": "综艺", "v": "7"}]},
  2594. {"key": "order", "name": "排序",
  2595. "value": [{"n": "热门", "v": "热门"}, {"n": "播放数量", "v": "2"}, {"n": "更新时间", "v": "0"},
  2596. {"n": "最高评分", "v": "4"}, {"n": "弹幕数量", "v": "1"}, {"n": "追看人数", "v": "3"},
  2597. {"n": "开播时间", "v": "5"}, {"n": "上映时间", "v": "6"}]},
  2598. {"key": "season_status", "name": "付费",
  2599. "value": [{"n": "全部", "v": "-1"}, {"n": "免费", "v": "1"},
  2600. {"n": "付费", "v": "2%2C6"}, {"n": "大会员", "v": "4%2C6"}]}],
  2601. "收藏": [{"key": "order", "name": "排序",
  2602. "value": [{"n": "收藏时间", "v": "mtime"}, {"n": "播放量", "v": "view"},
  2603. {"n": "投稿时间", "v": "pubtime"}]}, ],
  2604. "历史": [{"key": "type", "name": "分类",
  2605. "value": [{"n": "视频", "v": "archive"}, {"n": "直播", "v": "live"}, {"n": "UP主", "v": "UP主"}, {"n": "稍后再看", "v": "稍后再看"}]}, ],
  2606. "搜索": [{"key": "type", "name": "类型",
  2607. "value": [{"n": "视频", "v": "video"}, {"n": "番剧", "v": "media_bangumi"}, {"n": "影视", "v": "media_ft"},
  2608. {"n": "直播", "v": "live"}, {"n": "用户", "v": "bili_user"}]},
  2609. {"key": "order", "name": "视频排序",
  2610. "value": [{"n": "综合排序", "v": "totalrank"}, {"n": "最多点击", "v": "click"}, {"n": "最新发布", "v": "pubdate"},
  2611. {"n": "最多收藏", "v": "stow"}, {"n": "最多弹幕", "v": "dm"}]},
  2612. {"key": "duration", "name": "视频时长",
  2613. "value": [{"n": "全部", "v": "0"}, {"n": "60分钟以上", "v": "4"}, {"n": "30~60分钟", "v": "3"},
  2614. {"n": "5~30分钟", "v": "2"}, {"n": "5分钟以下", "v": "1"}]}],
  2615. }
  2616. }
  2617. header = {
  2618. 'Origin': '',
  2619. 'Referer': '',
  2620. 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:125.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/125.0'
  2621. }