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  152. <a href='/'>ez components</a>
  153. / <a href='/introduction'>introduction</a>
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  167. <div class="document" id="why-ez-components">
  168. <h1 class="title">Why eZ Components?</h1>
  169. <p>eZ Components is a high-quality library of independent <a class="reference" href="/introduction/overview">components</a> that aid
  170. in the development of Web-centric applications.</p>
  171. <div class="section">
  172. <h1><a id="powerful-and-independent" name="powerful-and-independent">Powerful and Independent</a></h1>
  173. <p>eZ Components is engineered with a full feature set in mind, providing you with
  174. powerful building blocks for your application.</p>
  175. <p>Each component is also completely independent from the other components, which
  176. allows you to choose exactly which parts of the library you want to use in your
  177. application. The eZ Components library does not dictate how you organize your
  178. application; instead, it provides you with the flexibility to decide how
  179. and when to use each component. In addition, all of the components' APIs are
  180. engineered in a similar way, making them as consistent as possible.</p>
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  182. <div class="section">
  183. <h1><a id="effective-and-high-quality" name="effective-and-high-quality">Effective and High Quality</a></h1>
  184. <p>A library's usefulness stems from its individual components. Each eZ Component
  185. focuses its attention on solving important parts of Web application
  186. development. The components are lean and effective, created to solve specific
  187. recurring issues that developers face.</p>
  188. <p>Quality is of utmost importance. The eZ Components development team uses a
  189. test-driven development methodology that maximizes API usability. This results
  190. in a robust and reliable API.</p>
  191. </div>
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  193. <h1><a id="easily-accessible-open-source-company-backed" name="easily-accessible-open-source-company-backed">Easily Accessible, Open Source, Company-Backed</a></h1>
  194. <p><a class="reference" href="/docs">Documentation</a> is what makes working with a components library such as eZ
  195. Components accessible. Good documentation is extremely valuable because it
  196. enables developers to get the most out of the library. For each of the
  197. components, the documentation includes a <a class="reference" href="/docs/tutorials">tutorial</a> that introduces the API and
  198. gives an overview of the functionality, as well as a thorough API <a class="reference" href="/docs/api">reference</a>
  199. specification. Additionally, <a class="reference" href="/resources/articles">articles</a> build on top of the documentation to
  200. provide more in-depth information about specific components.</p>
  201. <p>eZ Components is published under an open license model. The <a class="reference" href="/introduction/license">New BSD
  202. license</a> is very
  203. permissive and opens up the use of the library to as many developers as
  204. possible. An open source license also facilitates stronger community
  205. involvement.</p>
  206. <p>All of the development processes are <a class="reference" href="/contributing/dev_process">well-documented</a> and made as transparent
  207. as possible for users and external contributors. The eZ Components team is
  208. responsible for code and project maintenance and oversees that the development
  209. processes are followed. Users are thus assured that eZ Components can be
  210. counted on for ongoing quality, relevance, and usefulness.</p>
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