#5 Add a general instance based off a newtype around something with a FiniteBits instance

otvorené 5 rokov pred užívateľom koz.ross · 1 komentárov
Koz Ross okomentoval 5 rokov pred

We can enumerate something like that without having maths operations available. Some kind of Gray code, or ranking-unranking ops, might be just the ticket here.

We can enumerate something like that without having maths operations available. Some kind of Gray code, or ranking-unranking ops, might be just the ticket here.
Koz Ross okomentoval 5 rokov pred

This is actually not possible, as we can't promote finiteBitSize in the context of an associated type, possibly at all, and definitely without something like singletons.

This is actually not possible, as we can't promote ``finiteBitSize`` in the context of an associated type, possibly at all, and _definitely_ without something like ``singletons``.
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