I think intoWords / outOfWords should divide by 2⁶⁴ instead of 64.
{-# INLINE intoWords #-}
intoWords :: forall (n :: Nat) .
(KnownNat n, 1 <= n) =>
Finite n -> VU.Vector Word
intoWords = evalState (VU.replicateM (wordLength @(Finite n)) go) . fromIntegral @_ @Natural
where go = do remaining <- get
- let (d, r) = quotRem remaining bitsPerWord
+ let (d, r) = quotRem remaining (1 `shiftL` bitsPerWord)
put d >> pure (fromIntegral r)
{-# INLINE outOfWords #-}
outOfWords :: forall (n :: Nat) .
(KnownNat n) =>
VU.Vector Word -> Finite n
outOfWords v = evalState (VU.foldM' go 0 v) 1
where go old w = do power <- get
let placeValue = power * fromIntegral w
- modify (* bitsPerWord)
+ modify (* fromInteger (1 `shiftL` bitsPerWord))
return (old + placeValue)
I think `intoWords` / `outOfWords` should divide by 2⁶⁴ instead of 64.
{-# INLINE intoWords #-}
intoWords :: forall (n :: Nat) .
(KnownNat n, 1 <= n) =>
Finite n -> VU.Vector Word
intoWords = evalState (VU.replicateM (wordLength @(Finite n)) go) . fromIntegral @_ @Natural
where go = do remaining <- get
- let (d, r) = quotRem remaining bitsPerWord
+ let (d, r) = quotRem remaining (1 `shiftL` bitsPerWord)
put d >> pure (fromIntegral r)
{-# INLINE outOfWords #-}
outOfWords :: forall (n :: Nat) .
(KnownNat n) =>
VU.Vector Word -> Finite n
outOfWords v = evalState (VU.foldM' go 0 v) 1
where go old w = do power <- get
let placeValue = power * fromIntegral w
- modify (* bitsPerWord)
+ modify (* fromInteger (1 `shiftL` bitsPerWord))
return (old + placeValue)
I think
should divide by 2⁶⁴ instead of 64.Yeah, I think you're right. Does the same issue apply to
looks alright to me.Also, performance-wise it's better to shift by
rather than divide by1 `shiftL` bitsPerWord