Koz Ross d2249b3763 Initial upmerge il y a 6 ans
doc d2249b3763 Initial upmerge il y a 6 ans
exp d2249b3763 Initial upmerge il y a 6 ans
Included.am d2249b3763 Initial upmerge il y a 6 ans
README.dddmp d2249b3763 Initial upmerge il y a 6 ans
README.testdddmp d2249b3763 Initial upmerge il y a 6 ans
RELEASE_NOTES d2249b3763 Initial upmerge il y a 6 ans
dddmp.h d2249b3763 Initial upmerge il y a 6 ans
dddmpBinary.c d2249b3763 Initial upmerge il y a 6 ans
dddmpConvert.c d2249b3763 Initial upmerge il y a 6 ans
dddmpDbg.c d2249b3763 Initial upmerge il y a 6 ans
dddmpInt.h d2249b3763 Initial upmerge il y a 6 ans
dddmpLoad.c d2249b3763 Initial upmerge il y a 6 ans
dddmpLoadCnf.c d2249b3763 Initial upmerge il y a 6 ans
dddmpNodeAdd.c d2249b3763 Initial upmerge il y a 6 ans
dddmpNodeBdd.c d2249b3763 Initial upmerge il y a 6 ans
dddmpNodeCnf.c d2249b3763 Initial upmerge il y a 6 ans
dddmpStoreAdd.c d2249b3763 Initial upmerge il y a 6 ans
dddmpStoreBdd.c d2249b3763 Initial upmerge il y a 6 ans
dddmpStoreCnf.c d2249b3763 Initial upmerge il y a 6 ans
dddmpStoreMisc.c d2249b3763 Initial upmerge il y a 6 ans
dddmpUtil.c d2249b3763 Initial upmerge il y a 6 ans
test_dddmp.test.in d2249b3763 Initial upmerge il y a 6 ans
testdddmp.c d2249b3763 Initial upmerge il y a 6 ans


README file for the DDDMP-2.0 package
Revision: Version 2.0.2, February 01, 2004


The DDDMP package defines formats for DD storage on file, and it contains a
set of functions to dump DDs and DD forests on file.

In the version 1.0, only BDDs (ROBDDs) of the CUDD package (version 2.2.0
or higher) were supported.
The version 2.0 includes supports for ADDs and CNF formulas.
The version 2.0.2 is for bug fixes.


Before you build the libraries and programs, you need to check the
Makefile in the top directory.
Go through the definitions contained in the configuration section, and
select the desired compiler and compilation flags.
Instructions are provided in the comments of the Makefile.

Then run "make".
This should produce the dddmplib.a library.


Directory dddmp/doc contains HTML documentation for the package.
The recommended starting point is package.html.
Documentation in both postscript format and plain text format is also


The package is singularly available from the author home page:


Send feedback to:

Stefano Quer & Gianpiero Cabodi
Politecnico di Torino
Dip. Automatica e Informatica
C.so Duca degli Abruzzi 24
I-10129 Torino
E-mail: {gianpiero.cabodi,stefano.quer}@polito.it
WEB page: http://staff.polito.it/{gianpiero.cabodi,stefano.quer}