123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751 |
- /**
- @file
- @ingroup cplusplus
- @brief Class definitions for C++ object-oriented encapsulation of
- @author Fabio Somenzi
- @copyright@parblock
- Copyright (c) 1995-2015, Regents of the University of Colorado
- All rights reserved.
- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- are met:
- Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- Neither the name of the University of Colorado nor the names of its
- contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- this software without specific prior written permission.
- @endparblock
- */
- #ifndef CUDD_OBJ_H_
- #define CUDD_OBJ_H_
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Nested includes */
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #include <cstdio>
- #include <string>
- #include <vector>
- #include "cudd.h"
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Type definitions */
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- class BDD;
- class ADD;
- class ZDD;
- class Cudd;
- typedef void (*PFC)(std::string); // handler function type
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Class definitions */
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- class Capsule;
- /**
- @brief Base class for all decision diagrams in CUDD.
- @see Cudd ABDD ADD BDD ZDD
- */
- class DD {
- protected:
- Capsule *p;
- DdNode *node;
- inline DdManager * checkSameManager(const DD &other) const;
- inline void checkReturnValue(const void *result) const;
- inline void checkReturnValue(int result, int expected = 1)
- const;
- DD();
- DD(Capsule *cap, DdNode *ddNode);
- DD(Cudd const & manager, DdNode *ddNode);
- DD(const DD &from);
- ~DD();
- public:
- // This operator should be declared explicit, but there are still too many
- // compilers out there that do not support this C++11 feature.
- operator bool() const { return node; }
- DdManager * manager() const;
- DdNode * getNode() const;
- DdNode * getRegularNode() const;
- int nodeCount() const;
- unsigned int NodeReadIndex() const;
- }; // DD
- /**
- @brief Class for ADDs and BDDs.
- @see Cudd ADD BDD
- */
- class ABDD : public DD {
- friend class Cudd;
- protected:
- ABDD();
- ABDD(Capsule *cap, DdNode *bddNode);
- ABDD(Cudd const & manager, DdNode *ddNode);
- ABDD(const ABDD &from);
- ~ABDD();
- public:
- bool operator==(const ABDD &other) const;
- bool operator!=(const ABDD &other) const;
- void print(int nvars, int verbosity = 1) const;
- void summary(int nvars, int mode = 0) const;
- DdApaNumber ApaCountMinterm(int nvars, int * digits) const;
- void ApaPrintMinterm(int nvars, FILE * fp = stdout) const;
- void ApaPrintMintermExp(int nvars, int precision = 6, FILE * fp = stdout) const;
- void EpdPrintMinterm(int nvars, FILE * fp = stdout) const;
- long double LdblCountMinterm(int nvars) const;
- bool IsOne() const;
- bool IsCube() const;
- BDD FindEssential() const;
- void PrintTwoLiteralClauses(char ** names = 0, FILE * fp = stdout) const;
- BDD ShortestPath(int * weight, int * support, int * length) const;
- BDD LargestCube(int * length = 0) const;
- int ShortestLength(int * weight = 0) const;
- bool EquivDC(const ABDD& G, const ABDD& D) const;
- double * CofMinterm() const;
- void PrintMinterm() const;
- double CountMinterm(int nvars) const;
- double CountPath() const;
- BDD Support() const;
- int SupportSize() const;
- std::vector<unsigned int> SupportIndices() const;
- void ClassifySupport(const ABDD& g, BDD* common, BDD* onlyF, BDD* onlyG)
- const;
- int CountLeaves() const;
- double Density(int nvars) const;
- }; // ABDD
- /**
- @brief Class for BDDs.
- @see Cudd
- */
- class BDD : public ABDD {
- friend class Cudd;
- public:
- BDD();
- BDD(Capsule *cap, DdNode *bddNode);
- BDD(Cudd const & manager, DdNode *ddNode);
- BDD(const BDD &from);
- BDD operator=(const BDD& right);
- bool operator<=(const BDD& other) const;
- bool operator>=(const BDD& other) const;
- bool operator<(const BDD& other) const;
- bool operator>(const BDD& other) const;
- BDD operator!() const;
- BDD operator~() const;
- BDD operator*(const BDD& other) const;
- BDD operator*=(const BDD& other);
- BDD operator&(const BDD& other) const;
- BDD operator&=(const BDD& other);
- BDD operator+(const BDD& other) const;
- BDD operator+=(const BDD& other);
- BDD operator|(const BDD& other) const;
- BDD operator|=(const BDD& other);
- BDD operator^(const BDD& other) const;
- BDD operator^=(const BDD& other);
- BDD operator-(const BDD& other) const;
- BDD operator-=(const BDD& other);
- friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, BDD const & f);
- bool IsZero() const;
- bool IsVar() const;
- BDD AndAbstract(const BDD& g, const BDD& cube, unsigned int limit = 0)
- const;
- BDD UnderApprox(
- int numVars,
- int threshold = 0,
- bool safe = false,
- double quality = 1.0) const;
- BDD OverApprox(
- int numVars,
- int threshold = 0,
- bool safe = false,
- double quality = 1.0) const;
- BDD RemapUnderApprox(int numVars, int threshold = 0, double quality = 1.0)
- const;
- BDD RemapOverApprox(int numVars, int threshold = 0, double quality = 1.0)
- const;
- BDD BiasedUnderApprox(const BDD& bias, int numVars, int threshold = 0,
- double quality1 = 1.0, double quality0 = 1.0) const;
- BDD BiasedOverApprox(const BDD& bias, int numVars, int threshold = 0,
- double quality1 = 1.0, double quality0 = 1.0) const;
- BDD ExistAbstract(const BDD& cube, unsigned int limit = 0) const;
- BDD XorExistAbstract(const BDD& g, const BDD& cube) const;
- BDD UnivAbstract(const BDD& cube) const;
- BDD BooleanDiff(int x) const;
- bool VarIsDependent(const BDD& var) const;
- double Correlation(const BDD& g) const;
- double CorrelationWeights(const BDD& g, double * prob) const;
- BDD Ite(const BDD& g, const BDD& h, unsigned int limit = 0) const;
- BDD IteConstant(const BDD& g, const BDD& h) const;
- BDD Intersect(const BDD& g) const;
- BDD And(const BDD& g, unsigned int limit = 0) const;
- BDD Or(const BDD& g, unsigned int limit = 0) const;
- BDD Nand(const BDD& g) const;
- BDD Nor(const BDD& g) const;
- BDD Xor(const BDD& g) const;
- BDD Xnor(const BDD& g, unsigned int limit = 0) const;
- bool Leq(const BDD& g) const;
- ADD Add() const;
- BDD Transfer(Cudd& destination) const;
- BDD ClippingAnd(const BDD& g, int maxDepth, int direction = 0) const;
- BDD ClippingAndAbstract(const BDD& g, const BDD& cube, int maxDepth,
- int direction = 0) const;
- BDD Cofactor(const BDD& g) const;
- bool VarAreSymmetric(int index1, int index2) const;
- BDD Compose(const BDD& g, int v) const;
- BDD Permute(int * permut) const;
- BDD SwapVariables(std::vector<BDD> x, std::vector<BDD> y) const;
- BDD AdjPermuteX(std::vector<BDD> x) const;
- BDD VectorCompose(std::vector<BDD> vector) const;
- void ApproxConjDecomp(BDD* g, BDD* h) const;
- void ApproxDisjDecomp(BDD* g, BDD* h) const;
- void IterConjDecomp(BDD* g, BDD* h) const;
- void IterDisjDecomp(BDD* g, BDD* h) const;
- void GenConjDecomp(BDD* g, BDD* h) const;
- void GenDisjDecomp(BDD* g, BDD* h) const;
- void VarConjDecomp(BDD* g, BDD* h) const;
- void VarDisjDecomp(BDD* g, BDD* h) const;
- bool IsVarEssential(int id, int phase) const;
- BDD Constrain(const BDD& c) const;
- BDD Restrict(const BDD& c) const;
- BDD NPAnd(const BDD& g) const;
- std::vector<BDD> ConstrainDecomp() const;
- std::vector<BDD> CharToVect() const;
- BDD LICompaction(const BDD& c) const;
- BDD Squeeze(const BDD& u) const;
- BDD Interpolate(const BDD& u) const;
- BDD Minimize(const BDD& c) const;
- BDD SubsetCompress(int nvars, int threshold) const;
- BDD SupersetCompress(int nvars, int threshold) const;
- BDD LiteralSetIntersection(const BDD& g) const;
- BDD PrioritySelect(std::vector<BDD> x, std::vector<BDD> y,
- std::vector<BDD> z, const BDD& Pi, DD_PRFP Pifunc) const;
- BDD CProjection(const BDD& Y) const;
- int MinHammingDist(int *minterm, int upperBound) const;
- BDD Eval(int * inputs) const;
- BDD Decreasing(int i) const;
- BDD Increasing(int i) const;
- bool LeqUnless(const BDD& G, const BDD& D) const;
- BDD MakePrime(const BDD& F) const;
- BDD MaximallyExpand(const BDD& ub, const BDD& f);
- BDD LargestPrimeUnate(const BDD& phases);
- BDD SolveEqn(const BDD& Y, std::vector<BDD> & G, int ** yIndex, int n) const;
- BDD VerifySol(std::vector<BDD> const & G, int * yIndex) const;
- BDD SplitSet(std::vector<BDD> xVars, double m) const;
- BDD SubsetHeavyBranch(int numVars, int threshold) const;
- BDD SupersetHeavyBranch(int numVars, int threshold) const;
- BDD SubsetShortPaths(int numVars, int threshold, bool hardlimit = false) const;
- BDD SupersetShortPaths(int numVars, int threshold, bool hardlimit = false) const;
- void PrintCover() const;
- void PrintCover(const BDD& u) const;
- int EstimateCofactor(int i, int phase) const;
- int EstimateCofactorSimple(int i) const;
- void PickOneCube(char * string) const;
- BDD PickOneMinterm(std::vector<BDD> vars) const;
- BDD zddIsop(const BDD& U, ZDD* zdd_I) const;
- BDD Isop(const BDD& U) const;
- ZDD PortToZdd() const;
- void PrintFactoredForm(char const * const * inames = 0, FILE * fp = stdout) const;
- std::string FactoredFormString(char const * const * inames = 0) const;
- }; // BDD
- /**
- @brief Class for ADDs.
- @see Cudd
- */
- class ADD : public ABDD {
- friend class Cudd;
- public:
- ADD();
- ADD(Capsule *cap, DdNode *bddNode);
- ADD(Cudd const & manager, DdNode *ddNode);
- ADD(const ADD &from);
- ADD operator=(const ADD& right);
- // Relational operators
- bool operator<=(const ADD& other) const;
- bool operator>=(const ADD& other) const;
- bool operator<(const ADD& other) const;
- bool operator>(const ADD& other) const;
- // Arithmetic operators
- ADD operator-() const;
- ADD operator*(const ADD& other) const;
- ADD operator*=(const ADD& other);
- ADD operator+(const ADD& other) const;
- ADD operator+=(const ADD& other);
- ADD operator-(const ADD& other) const;
- ADD operator-=(const ADD& other);
- // Logical operators
- ADD operator~() const;
- ADD operator&(const ADD& other) const;
- ADD operator&=(const ADD& other);
- ADD operator|(const ADD& other) const;
- ADD operator|=(const ADD& other);
- bool IsZero() const;
- ADD ExistAbstract(const ADD& cube) const;
- ADD UnivAbstract(const ADD& cube) const;
- ADD OrAbstract(const ADD& cube) const;
- ADD Plus(const ADD& g) const;
- ADD Times(const ADD& g) const;
- ADD Threshold(const ADD& g) const;
- ADD SetNZ(const ADD& g) const;
- ADD Divide(const ADD& g) const;
- ADD Minus(const ADD& g) const;
- ADD Minimum(const ADD& g) const;
- ADD Maximum(const ADD& g) const;
- ADD OneZeroMaximum(const ADD& g) const;
- ADD Diff(const ADD& g) const;
- ADD Agreement(const ADD& g) const;
- ADD Or(const ADD& g) const;
- ADD Nand(const ADD& g) const;
- ADD Nor(const ADD& g) const;
- ADD Xor(const ADD& g) const;
- ADD Xnor(const ADD& g) const;
- ADD Log() const;
- ADD FindMax() const;
- ADD FindMin() const;
- ADD IthBit(int bit) const;
- ADD ScalarInverse(const ADD& epsilon) const;
- ADD Ite(const ADD& g, const ADD& h) const;
- ADD IteConstant(const ADD& g, const ADD& h) const;
- ADD EvalConst(const ADD& g) const;
- bool Leq(const ADD& g) const;
- ADD Cmpl() const;
- ADD Negate() const;
- ADD RoundOff(int N) const;
- BDD BddThreshold(CUDD_VALUE_TYPE value) const;
- BDD BddStrictThreshold(CUDD_VALUE_TYPE value) const;
- BDD BddInterval(CUDD_VALUE_TYPE lower, CUDD_VALUE_TYPE upper) const;
- BDD BddIthBit(int bit) const;
- BDD BddPattern() const;
- ADD Cofactor(const ADD& g) const;
- ADD Compose(const ADD& g, int v) const;
- ADD Permute(int * permut) const;
- ADD SwapVariables(std::vector<ADD> x, std::vector<ADD> y) const;
- ADD VectorCompose(std::vector<ADD> vector) const;
- ADD NonSimCompose(std::vector<ADD> vector) const;
- ADD Constrain(const ADD& c) const;
- ADD Restrict(const ADD& c) const;
- ADD MatrixMultiply(const ADD& B, std::vector<ADD> z) const;
- ADD TimesPlus(const ADD& B, std::vector<ADD> z) const;
- ADD Triangle(const ADD& g, std::vector<ADD> z) const;
- ADD Eval(int * inputs) const;
- bool EqualSupNorm(const ADD& g, CUDD_VALUE_TYPE tolerance, int pr) const;
- }; // ADD
- /**
- @brief Class for ZDDs.
- @see Cudd
- */
- class ZDD : public DD {
- friend class Cudd;
- public:
- ZDD(Capsule *cap, DdNode *bddNode);
- ZDD();
- ZDD(const ZDD &from);
- ~ZDD();
- ZDD operator=(const ZDD& right);
- bool operator==(const ZDD& other) const;
- bool operator!=(const ZDD& other) const;
- bool operator<=(const ZDD& other) const;
- bool operator>=(const ZDD& other) const;
- bool operator<(const ZDD& other) const;
- bool operator>(const ZDD& other) const;
- void print(int nvars, int verbosity = 1) const;
- ZDD operator*(const ZDD& other) const;
- ZDD operator*=(const ZDD& other);
- ZDD operator&(const ZDD& other) const;
- ZDD operator&=(const ZDD& other);
- ZDD operator+(const ZDD& other) const;
- ZDD operator+=(const ZDD& other);
- ZDD operator|(const ZDD& other) const;
- ZDD operator|=(const ZDD& other);
- ZDD operator-(const ZDD& other) const;
- ZDD operator-=(const ZDD& other);
- int Count() const;
- double CountDouble() const;
- ZDD Product(const ZDD& g) const;
- ZDD UnateProduct(const ZDD& g) const;
- ZDD WeakDiv(const ZDD& g) const;
- ZDD Divide(const ZDD& g) const;
- ZDD WeakDivF(const ZDD& g) const;
- ZDD DivideF(const ZDD& g) const;
- double CountMinterm(int path) const;
- BDD PortToBdd() const;
- ZDD Ite(const ZDD& g, const ZDD& h) const;
- ZDD Union(const ZDD& Q) const;
- ZDD Intersect(const ZDD& Q) const;
- ZDD Diff(const ZDD& Q) const;
- ZDD DiffConst(const ZDD& Q) const;
- ZDD Subset1(int var) const;
- ZDD Subset0(int var) const;
- ZDD Change(int var) const;
- void PrintMinterm() const;
- void PrintCover() const;
- BDD Support() const;
- }; // ZDD
- /**
- @brief Default error handler.
- */
- extern void defaultError(std::string message);
- /**
- @brief Class for CUDD managers.
- @see DD
- */
- class Cudd {
- friend class DD;
- friend class ABDD;
- friend class BDD;
- friend class ADD;
- friend class ZDD;
- friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, BDD const & f);
- private:
- Capsule *p;
- public:
- Cudd(
- unsigned int numVars = 0,
- unsigned int numVarsZ = 0,
- unsigned int numSlots = CUDD_UNIQUE_SLOTS,
- unsigned int cacheSize = CUDD_CACHE_SLOTS,
- unsigned long maxMemory = 0,
- PFC defaultHandler = defaultError);
- Cudd(const Cudd& x);
- ~Cudd(void);
- PFC setHandler(PFC newHandler) const;
- PFC getHandler(void) const;
- PFC setTimeoutHandler(PFC newHandler) const;
- PFC getTimeoutHandler(void) const;
- PFC setTerminationHandler(PFC newHandler) const;
- PFC getTerminationHandler(void) const;
- void pushVariableName(std::string s) const;
- void clearVariableNames(void) const;
- std::string getVariableName(size_t i) const;
- DdManager *getManager(void) const;
- void makeVerbose(void) const;
- void makeTerse(void) const;
- bool isVerbose(void) const;
- void checkReturnValue(const void *result) const;
- void checkReturnValue(const int result) const;
- Cudd& operator=(const Cudd& right);
- void info(void) const;
- BDD bddVar(void) const;
- BDD bddVar(int index) const;
- BDD bddOne(void) const;
- BDD bddZero(void) const;
- ADD addVar(void) const;
- ADD addVar(int index) const;
- ADD addOne(void) const;
- ADD addZero(void) const;
- ADD constant(CUDD_VALUE_TYPE c) const;
- ADD plusInfinity(void) const;
- ADD minusInfinity(void) const;
- ZDD zddVar(int index) const;
- ZDD zddOne(int i) const;
- ZDD zddZero(void) const;
- ADD addNewVarAtLevel(int level) const;
- BDD bddNewVarAtLevel(int level) const;
- void zddVarsFromBddVars(int multiplicity) const;
- unsigned long ReadStartTime(void) const;
- unsigned long ReadElapsedTime(void) const;
- void SetStartTime(unsigned long st) const;
- void ResetStartTime(void) const;
- unsigned long ReadTimeLimit(void) const;
- unsigned long SetTimeLimit(unsigned long tl) const;
- void UpdateTimeLimit(void) const;
- void IncreaseTimeLimit(unsigned long increase) const;
- void UnsetTimeLimit(void) const;
- bool TimeLimited(void) const;
- void RegisterTerminationCallback(DD_THFP callback,
- void * callback_arg) const;
- void UnregisterTerminationCallback(void) const;
- DD_OOMFP RegisterOutOfMemoryCallback(DD_OOMFP callback) const;
- void UnregisterOutOfMemoryCallback(void) const;
- void AutodynEnable(Cudd_ReorderingType method = CUDD_REORDER_SIFT) const;
- void AutodynDisable(void) const;
- bool ReorderingStatus(Cudd_ReorderingType * method) const;
- void AutodynEnableZdd(Cudd_ReorderingType method = CUDD_REORDER_SIFT) const;
- void AutodynDisableZdd(void) const;
- bool ReorderingStatusZdd(Cudd_ReorderingType * method) const;
- bool zddRealignmentEnabled(void) const;
- void zddRealignEnable(void) const;
- void zddRealignDisable(void) const;
- bool bddRealignmentEnabled(void) const;
- void bddRealignEnable(void) const;
- void bddRealignDisable(void) const;
- ADD background(void) const;
- void SetBackground(ADD bg) const;
- unsigned int ReadCacheSlots(void) const;
- double ReadCacheUsedSlots(void) const;
- double ReadCacheLookUps(void) const;
- double ReadCacheHits(void) const;
- unsigned int ReadMinHit(void) const;
- void SetMinHit(unsigned int hr) const;
- unsigned int ReadLooseUpTo(void) const;
- void SetLooseUpTo(unsigned int lut) const;
- unsigned int ReadMaxCache(void) const;
- unsigned int ReadMaxCacheHard(void) const;
- void SetMaxCacheHard(unsigned int mc) const;
- int ReadSize(void) const;
- int ReadZddSize(void) const;
- unsigned int ReadSlots(void) const;
- unsigned int ReadKeys(void) const;
- unsigned int ReadDead(void) const;
- unsigned int ReadMinDead(void) const;
- unsigned int ReadReorderings(void) const;
- unsigned int ReadMaxReorderings(void) const;
- void SetMaxReorderings(unsigned int mr) const;
- long ReadReorderingTime(void) const;
- int ReadGarbageCollections(void) const;
- long ReadGarbageCollectionTime(void) const;
- int ReadSiftMaxVar(void) const;
- void SetSiftMaxVar(int smv) const;
- int ReadSiftMaxSwap(void) const;
- void SetSiftMaxSwap(int sms) const;
- double ReadMaxGrowth(void) const;
- void SetMaxGrowth(double mg) const;
- #ifdef MTR_H_
- MtrNode * ReadTree(void) const;
- void SetTree(MtrNode * tree) const;
- void FreeTree(void) const;
- MtrNode * ReadZddTree(void) const;
- void SetZddTree(MtrNode * tree) const;
- void FreeZddTree(void) const;
- MtrNode * MakeTreeNode(unsigned int low, unsigned int size,
- unsigned int type) const;
- MtrNode * MakeZddTreeNode(unsigned int low, unsigned int size,
- unsigned int type) const;
- #endif
- int ReadPerm(int i) const;
- int ReadPermZdd(int i) const;
- int ReadInvPerm(int i) const;
- int ReadInvPermZdd(int i) const;
- BDD ReadVars(int i) const;
- CUDD_VALUE_TYPE ReadEpsilon(void) const;
- void SetEpsilon(CUDD_VALUE_TYPE ep) const;
- Cudd_AggregationType ReadGroupcheck(void) const;
- void SetGroupcheck(Cudd_AggregationType gc) const;
- bool GarbageCollectionEnabled(void) const;
- void EnableGarbageCollection(void) const;
- void DisableGarbageCollection(void) const;
- bool DeadAreCounted(void) const;
- void TurnOnCountDead(void) const;
- void TurnOffCountDead(void) const;
- int ReadRecomb(void) const;
- void SetRecomb(int recomb) const;
- int ReadSymmviolation(void) const;
- void SetSymmviolation(int symmviolation) const;
- int ReadArcviolation(void) const;
- void SetArcviolation(int arcviolation) const;
- int ReadPopulationSize(void) const;
- void SetPopulationSize(int populationSize) const;
- int ReadNumberXovers(void) const;
- void SetNumberXovers(int numberXovers) const;
- unsigned int ReadOrderRandomization(void) const;
- void SetOrderRandomization(unsigned int factor) const;
- unsigned long ReadMemoryInUse(void) const;
- long ReadPeakNodeCount(void) const;
- long ReadNodeCount(void) const;
- long zddReadNodeCount(void) const;
- void AddHook(DD_HFP f, Cudd_HookType where) const;
- void RemoveHook(DD_HFP f, Cudd_HookType where) const;
- bool IsInHook(DD_HFP f, Cudd_HookType where) const;
- void EnableReorderingReporting(void) const;
- void DisableReorderingReporting(void) const;
- bool ReorderingReporting(void) const;
- int ReadErrorCode(void) const;
- DD_OOMFP InstallOutOfMemoryHandler(DD_OOMFP newHandler) const;
- void ClearErrorCode(void) const;
- FILE *ReadStdout(void) const;
- void SetStdout(FILE * fp) const;
- FILE *ReadStderr(void) const;
- void SetStderr(FILE * fp) const;
- unsigned int ReadNextReordering(void) const;
- void SetNextReordering(unsigned int) const;
- double ReadSwapSteps(void) const;
- unsigned int ReadMaxLive(void) const;
- void SetMaxLive(unsigned int) const;
- size_t ReadMaxMemory(void) const;
- size_t SetMaxMemory(size_t) const;
- int bddBindVar(int) const;
- int bddUnbindVar(int) const;
- bool bddVarIsBound(int) const;
- ADD Walsh(std::vector<ADD> x, std::vector<ADD> y) const;
- ADD addResidue(int n, int m, int options, int top) const;
- int ApaNumberOfDigits(int binaryDigits) const;
- DdApaNumber NewApaNumber(int digits) const;
- void ApaCopy(int digits, DdApaNumber source, DdApaNumber dest) const;
- DdApaDigit ApaAdd(int digits, DdApaNumber a, DdApaNumber b, DdApaNumber
- sum) const;
- DdApaDigit ApaSubtract(int digits, DdApaNumber a, DdApaNumber b,
- DdApaNumber diff) const;
- DdApaDigit ApaShortDivision(int digits, DdApaNumber dividend, DdApaDigit
- divisor, DdApaNumber quotient) const;
- void ApaShiftRight(int digits, DdApaDigit in, DdApaNumber a, DdApaNumber
- b) const;
- void ApaSetToLiteral(int digits, DdApaNumber number, DdApaDigit literal)
- const;
- void ApaPowerOfTwo(int digits, DdApaNumber number, int power) const;
- void ApaPrintHex(int digits, DdApaNumber number, FILE * fp = stdout) const;
- void ApaPrintDecimal(int digits, DdApaNumber number, FILE * fp = stdout) const;
- std::string ApaStringDecimal(int digits, DdApaNumber number) const;
- void ApaPrintExponential(int digits, DdApaNumber number,
- int precision = 6, FILE * fp = stdout) const;
- void DebugCheck(void) const;
- void CheckKeys(void) const;
- ADD Harwell(FILE * fp, std::vector<ADD>& x, std::vector<ADD>& y,
- std::vector<ADD>& xn, std::vector<ADD>& yn_,
- int * m, int * n, int bx = 0, int sx = 2, int by = 1,
- int sy = 2, int pr = 0) const;
- void PrintLinear(void) const;
- int ReadLinear(int x, int y) const;
- BDD Xgty(std::vector<BDD> z, std::vector<BDD> x, std::vector<BDD> y) const;
- BDD Xeqy(std::vector<BDD> x, std::vector<BDD> y) const;
- ADD Xeqy(std::vector<ADD> x, std::vector<ADD> y) const;
- BDD Dxygtdxz(std::vector<BDD> x, std::vector<BDD> y,
- std::vector<BDD> z) const;
- BDD Dxygtdyz(std::vector<BDD> x, std::vector<BDD> y,
- std::vector<BDD> z) const;
- BDD Inequality(int c, std::vector<BDD> x, std::vector<BDD> y) const;
- BDD Disequality(int c, std::vector<BDD> x, std::vector<BDD> y) const;
- BDD Interval(std::vector<BDD> x, unsigned int lowerB,
- unsigned int upperB) const;
- ADD Hamming(std::vector<ADD> xVars, std::vector<ADD> yVars) const;
- ADD Read(FILE * fp, std::vector<ADD>& x, std::vector<ADD>& y, std::vector<ADD>& xn,
- std::vector<ADD>& yn_, int * m, int * n, int bx = 0, int sx = 2,
- int by = 1, int sy = 2) const;
- BDD Read(FILE * fp, std::vector<BDD>& x, std::vector<BDD>& y,
- int * m, int * n, int bx = 0, int sx = 2, int by = 1,
- int sy = 2) const;
- void ReduceHeap(Cudd_ReorderingType heuristic = CUDD_REORDER_SIFT,
- int minsize = 0) const;
- void ShuffleHeap(int * permutation) const;
- void SymmProfile(int lower, int upper) const;
- unsigned int Prime(unsigned int pr) const;
- void Reserve(int amount) const;
- int SharingSize(DD* nodes, int n) const;
- int SharingSize(const std::vector<BDD>& v) const;
- BDD bddComputeCube(BDD * vars, int * phase, int n) const;
- BDD computeCube(std::vector<BDD> const & vars) const;
- ADD addComputeCube(ADD * vars, int * phase, int n) const;
- ADD computeCube(std::vector<ADD> const & vars) const;
- BDD IndicesToCube(int * array, int n) const;
- void PrintVersion(FILE * fp) const;
- double AverageDistance(void) const;
- int32_t Random(void) const;
- void Srandom(int32_t seed) const;
- void zddPrintSubtable() const;
- void zddReduceHeap(Cudd_ReorderingType heuristic = CUDD_REORDER_SIFT,
- int minsize = 0) const;
- void zddShuffleHeap(int * permutation) const;
- void zddSymmProfile(int lower, int upper) const;
- void DumpDot(
- const std::vector<BDD>& nodes,
- char const * const * inames = 0,
- char const * const * onames = 0,
- FILE * fp = stdout) const;
- void DumpDaVinci(
- const std::vector<BDD>& nodes,
- char const * const * inames = 0,
- char const * const * onames = 0,
- FILE * fp = stdout) const;
- void DumpBlif(
- const std::vector<BDD>& nodes,
- char const * const * inames = 0,
- char const * const * onames = 0,
- char * mname = 0,
- FILE * fp = stdout,
- int mv = 0) const;
- void DumpDDcal(
- const std::vector<BDD>& nodes,
- char const * const * inames = 0,
- char const * const * onames = 0,
- FILE * fp = stdout) const;
- void DumpFactoredForm(
- const std::vector<BDD>& nodes,
- char const * const * inames = 0,
- char const * const * onames = 0,
- FILE * fp = stdout) const;
- BDD VectorSupport(const std::vector<BDD>& roots) const;
- std::vector<unsigned int>
- SupportIndices(const std::vector<BDD>& roots) const;
- std::vector<unsigned int>
- SupportIndices(const std::vector<ADD>& roots) const;
- int nodeCount(const std::vector<BDD>& roots) const;
- int VectorSupportSize(const std::vector<BDD>& roots) const;
- void DumpDot(
- const std::vector<ADD>& nodes,
- char const * const * inames = 0,
- char const * const * onames = 0,
- FILE * fp = stdout) const;
- void DumpDaVinci(
- const std::vector<ADD>& nodes,
- char const * const * inames = 0,
- char const * const * onames = 0,
- FILE * fp = stdout) const;
- BDD VectorSupport(const std::vector<ADD>& roots) const;
- int VectorSupportSize(const std::vector<ADD>& roots) const;
- void DumpDot(
- const std::vector<ZDD>& nodes,
- char const * const * inames = 0,
- char const * const * onames = 0,
- FILE * fp = stdout) const;
- std::string OrderString(void) const;
- }; // Cudd
- #endif