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- /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
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- /* global WebrtcGlobalInformation, document */
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- const formatString = strings.formatStringFromName;
- const LOGFILE_NAME_DEFAULT = "aboutWebrtc.html";
- const WEBRTC_TRACE_ALL = 65535;
- function getStats() {
- return new Promise(resolve =>
- WebrtcGlobalInformation.getAllStats(stats => resolve(stats)));
- }
- function getLog() {
- return new Promise(resolve =>
- WebrtcGlobalInformation.getLogging("", log => resolve(log)));
- }
- // Begin initial data queries as page loads. Store returned Promises for
- // later use.
- var reportsRetrieved = getStats();
- var logRetrieved = getLog();
- function onLoad() {
- document.title = getString("document_title");
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- if (controls) {
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- ControlSet.add(new AecLogging());
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- return;
- }
- let contentInit = function(data) {
- AboutWebRTC.init(onClearStats, onClearLog);
- AboutWebRTC.render(contentElem, data);
- };
- Promise.all([reportsRetrieved, logRetrieved])
- .then(([stats, log]) => contentInit({reports: stats.reports, log: log}))
- .catch(error => contentInit({error: error}));
- }
- function onClearLog() {
- WebrtcGlobalInformation.clearLogging();
- getLog()
- .then(log => AboutWebRTC.refresh({log: log}))
- .catch(error => AboutWebRTC.refresh({logError: error}));
- }
- function onClearStats() {
- WebrtcGlobalInformation.clearAllStats();
- getStats()
- .then(stats => AboutWebRTC.refresh({reports: stats.reports}))
- .catch(error => AboutWebRTC.refresh({reportError: error}));
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- this.onState();
- } else {
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- this._message = null;
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- DebugMode.prototype = Object.create(Control.prototype);
- DebugMode.prototype.constructor = DebugMode;
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- } catch (e) {
- this._message = null;
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- DebugMode.prototype.offState = function() {
- this._label = getString("debug_mode_off_state_label");
- try {
- let file = Services.prefs.getCharPref("media.webrtc.debug.log_file");
- this._message = formatString("debug_mode_off_state_msg", [file], 1);
- } catch (e) {
- this._message = null;
- }
- };
- DebugMode.prototype.onClick = function() {
- if (WebrtcGlobalInformation.debugLevel > 0) {
- WebrtcGlobalInformation.debugLevel = 0;
- this.offState();
- } else {
- WebrtcGlobalInformation.debugLevel = WEBRTC_TRACE_ALL;
- this.onState();
- }
- this.update();
- };
- function AecLogging() {
- Control.call(this);
- this._messageHeader = getString("aec_logging_msg_label");
- if (WebrtcGlobalInformation.aecDebug) {
- this.onState();
- } else {
- this._label = getString("aec_logging_off_state_label");
- this._message = null;
- }
- }
- AecLogging.prototype = Object.create(Control.prototype);
- AecLogging.prototype.constructor = AecLogging;
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- this._label = getString("aec_logging_off_state_label");
- try {
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- this._message = formatString("aec_logging_off_state_msg", [file], 1);
- } catch (e) {
- this._message = null;
- }
- };
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- try {
- let file = Services.prefs.getCharPref("media.webrtc.debug.aec_log_dir");
- this._message = getString("aec_logging_on_state_msg");
- } catch (e) {
- this._message = null;
- }
- };
- AecLogging.prototype.onClick = function () {
- if (WebrtcGlobalInformation.aecDebug) {
- WebrtcGlobalInformation.aecDebug = false;
- this.offState();
- } else {
- WebrtcGlobalInformation.aecDebug = true;
- this.onState();
- }
- this.update();
- };
- var AboutWebRTC = {
- _reports: [],
- _log: [],
- init: function(onClearStats, onClearLog) {
- this._onClearStats = onClearStats;
- this._onClearLog = onClearLog;
- },
- render: function(parent, data) {
- this._content = parent;
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- msg = document.createElement("p");
- msg.textContent = `${data.error.name}: ${data.error.message}`;
- parent.appendChild(msg);
- return;
- }
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- this._connectionLog = this.renderConnectionLog();
- this._content.appendChild(this._peerConnections);
- this._content.appendChild(this._connectionLog);
- },
- _setData: function(data) {
- if (data.reports) {
- this._reports = data.reports;
- }
- if (data.log) {
- this._log = data.log;
- }
- },
- refresh: function(data) {
- this._setData(data);
- let pc = this._peerConnections;
- this._peerConnections = this.renderPeerConnections();
- let log = this._connectionLog;
- this._connectionLog = this.renderConnectionLog();
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- this._content.replaceChild(this._connectionLog, log);
- },
- renderPeerConnections: function() {
- let connections = document.createElement("div");
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- let heading = document.createElement("span");
- heading.className = "section-heading";
- let elem = document.createElement("h3");
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- heading.appendChild(elem);
- elem = document.createElement("button");
- elem.textContent = "Clear History";
- elem.className = "no-print";
- elem.onclick = this._onClearStats;
- heading.appendChild(elem);
- connections.appendChild(heading);
- if (!this._reports || !this._reports.length) {
- return connections;
- }
- let reports = [...this._reports];
- reports.sort((a, b) => b.timestamp - a.timestamp);
- for (let report of reports) {
- let peerConnection = new PeerConnection(report);
- connections.appendChild(peerConnection.render());
- }
- return connections;
- },
- renderConnectionLog: function() {
- let content = document.createElement("div");
- content.className = "log";
- let heading = document.createElement("span");
- heading.className = "section-heading";
- let elem = document.createElement("h3");
- elem.textContent = getString("log_heading");
- heading.appendChild(elem);
- elem = document.createElement("button");
- elem.textContent = "Clear Log";
- elem.className = "no-print";
- elem.onclick = this._onClearLog;
- heading.appendChild(elem);
- content.appendChild(heading);
- if (!this._log || !this._log.length) {
- return content;
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- let foldEffect = new FoldEffect(div, {
- showMsg: getString("log_show_msg"),
- hideMsg: getString("log_hide_msg")
- });
- sectionCtrl.appendChild(foldEffect.render());
- content.appendChild(sectionCtrl);
- for (let line of this._log) {
- elem = document.createElement("p");
- elem.textContent = line;
- div.appendChild(elem);
- }
- content.appendChild(div);
- return content;
- }
- };
- function PeerConnection(report) {
- this._report = report;
- }
- PeerConnection.prototype = {
- render: function() {
- let pc = document.createElement("div");
- pc.className = "peer-connection";
- pc.appendChild(this.renderHeading());
- let div = document.createElement("div");
- let sectionCtrl = document.createElement("div");
- sectionCtrl.className = "section-ctrl no-print";
- let foldEffect = new FoldEffect(div);
- sectionCtrl.appendChild(foldEffect.render());
- pc.appendChild(sectionCtrl);
- div.appendChild(this.renderDesc());
- div.appendChild(new ICEStats(this._report).render());
- div.appendChild(new SDPStats(this._report).render());
- div.appendChild(new RTPStats(this._report).render());
- pc.appendChild(div);
- return pc;
- },
- renderHeading: function () {
- let pcInfo = this.getPCInfo(this._report);
- let heading = document.createElement("h3");
- let now = new Date(this._report.timestamp).toTimeString();
- heading.textContent =
- `[ ${pcInfo.id} ] ${pcInfo.url} ${pcInfo.closed ? `(${getString("connection_closed")})` : ""} ${now}`;
- return heading;
- },
- renderDesc: function() {
- let info = document.createElement("div");
- let label = document.createElement("span");
- let body = document.createElement("span");
- label.className = "info-label";
- label.textContent = `${getString("peer_connection_id_label")}: `;
- info.appendChild(label);
- body.className = "info-body";
- body.textContent = this._report.pcid;
- info.appendChild(body);
- return info;
- },
- getPCInfo: function(report) {
- return {
- id: report.pcid.match(/id=(\S+)/)[1],
- url: report.pcid.match(/url=([^)]+)/)[1],
- closed: report.closed
- };
- }
- };
- function SDPStats(report) {
- this._report = report;
- }
- SDPStats.prototype = {
- render: function() {
- let div = document.createElement("div");
- let elem = document.createElement("h4");
- elem.textContent = getString("sdp_heading");
- div.appendChild(elem);
- elem = document.createElement("h5");
- elem.textContent = getString("local_sdp_heading");
- div.appendChild(elem);
- elem = document.createElement("pre");
- elem.textContent = this._report.localSdp;
- div.appendChild(elem);
- elem = document.createElement("h5");
- elem.textContent = getString("remote_sdp_heading");
- div.appendChild(elem);
- elem = document.createElement("pre");
- elem.textContent = this._report.remoteSdp;
- div.appendChild(elem);
- return div;
- }
- };
- function RTPStats(report) {
- this._report = report;
- this._stats = [];
- }
- RTPStats.prototype = {
- render: function() {
- let div = document.createElement("div");
- let heading = document.createElement("h4");
- heading.textContent = getString("rtp_stats_heading");
- div.appendChild(heading);
- this.generateRTPStats();
- for (let statSet of this._stats) {
- div.appendChild(this.renderRTPStatSet(statSet));
- }
- return div;
- },
- generateRTPStats: function() {
- let remoteRtpStats = {};
- let rtpStats = [].concat((this._report.inboundRTPStreamStats || []),
- (this._report.outboundRTPStreamStats || []));
- // Generate an id-to-streamStat index for each streamStat that is marked
- // as a remote. This will be used next to link the remote to its local side.
- for (let stats of rtpStats) {
- if (stats.isRemote) {
- remoteRtpStats[stats.id] = stats;
- }
- }
- // If a streamStat has a remoteId attribute, create a remoteRtpStats
- // attribute that references the remote streamStat entry directly.
- // That is, the index generated above is merged into the returned list.
- for (let stats of rtpStats) {
- if (stats.remoteId) {
- stats.remoteRtpStats = remoteRtpStats[stats.remoteId];
- }
- }
- this._stats = rtpStats;
- },
- renderAvStats: function(stats) {
- let statsString = "";
- if (stats.mozAvSyncDelay) {
- statsString += `${getString("av_sync_label")}: ${stats.mozAvSyncDelay} ms `;
- }
- if (stats.mozJitterBufferDelay) {
- statsString += `${getString("jitter_buffer_delay_label")}: ${stats.mozJitterBufferDelay} ms`;
- }
- let line = document.createElement("p");
- line.textContent = statsString;
- return line;
- },
- renderCoderStats: function(stats) {
- let statsString = "";
- let label;
- if (stats.bitrateMean) {
- statsString += ` ${getString("avg_bitrate_label")}: ${(stats.bitrateMean / 1000000).toFixed(2)} Mbps`;
- if (stats.bitrateStdDev) {
- statsString += ` (${(stats.bitrateStdDev / 1000000).toFixed(2)} SD)`;
- }
- }
- if (stats.framerateMean) {
- statsString += ` ${getString("avg_framerate_label")}: ${(stats.framerateMean).toFixed(2)} fps`;
- if (stats.framerateStdDev) {
- statsString += ` (${stats.framerateStdDev.toFixed(2)} SD)`;
- }
- }
- if (stats.droppedFrames) {
- statsString += ` ${getString("dropped_frames_label")}: ${stats.droppedFrames}`;
- }
- if (stats.discardedPackets) {
- statsString += ` ${getString("discarded_packets_label")}: ${stats.discardedPackets}`;
- }
- if (statsString) {
- label = (stats.packetsReceived ? ` ${getString("decoder_label")}:` : ` ${getString("encoder_label")}:`);
- statsString = label + statsString;
- }
- let line = document.createElement("p");
- line.textContent = statsString;
- return line;
- },
- renderTransportStats: function(stats, typeLabel) {
- let time = new Date(stats.timestamp).toTimeString();
- let statsString = `${typeLabel}: ${time} ${stats.type} SSRC: ${stats.ssrc}`;
- if (stats.packetsReceived) {
- statsString += ` ${getString("received_label")}: ${stats.packetsReceived} ${getString("packets")}`;
- if (stats.bytesReceived) {
- statsString += ` (${(stats.bytesReceived / 1024).toFixed(2)} Kb)`;
- }
- statsString += ` ${getString("lost_label")}: ${stats.packetsLost} ${getString("jitter_label")}: ${stats.jitter}`;
- if (stats.mozRtt) {
- statsString += ` RTT: ${stats.mozRtt} ms`;
- }
- } else if (stats.packetsSent) {
- statsString += ` ${getString("sent_label")}: ${stats.packetsSent} ${getString("packets")}`;
- if (stats.bytesSent) {
- statsString += ` (${(stats.bytesSent / 1024).toFixed(2)} Kb)`;
- }
- }
- let line = document.createElement("p");
- line.textContent = statsString;
- return line;
- },
- renderRTPStatSet: function(stats) {
- let div = document.createElement("div");
- let heading = document.createElement("h5");
- heading.textContent = stats.id;
- div.appendChild(heading);
- if (stats.MozAvSyncDelay || stats.mozJitterBufferDelay) {
- div.appendChild(this.renderAvStats(stats));
- }
- div.appendChild(this.renderCoderStats(stats));
- div.appendChild(this.renderTransportStats(stats, getString("typeLocal")));
- if (stats.remoteId && stats.remoteRtpStats) {
- div.appendChild(this.renderTransportStats(stats.remoteRtpStats, getString("typeRemote")));
- }
- return div;
- },
- };
- function ICEStats(report) {
- this._report = report;
- }
- ICEStats.prototype = {
- render: function() {
- let tbody = [];
- for (let stat of this.generateICEStats()) {
- tbody.push([
- stat.localcandidate || "",
- stat.remotecandidate || "",
- stat.state || "",
- stat.priority || "",
- stat.nominated || "",
- stat.selected || ""
- ]);
- }
- let statsTable = new SimpleTable(
- [getString("local_candidate"), getString("remote_candidate"), getString("ice_state"),
- getString("priority"), getString("nominated"), getString("selected")],
- tbody);
- let div = document.createElement("div");
- let heading = document.createElement("h4");
- heading.textContent = getString("ice_stats_heading");
- div.appendChild(heading);
- div.appendChild(statsTable.render());
- return div;
- },
- generateICEStats: function() {
- // Create an index based on candidate ID for each element in the
- // iceCandidateStats array.
- let candidates = new Map();
- for (let candidate of this._report.iceCandidateStats) {
- candidates.set(candidate.id, candidate);
- }
- // A component may have a remote or local candidate address or both.
- // Combine those with both; these will be the peer candidates.
- let matched = {};
- let stats = [];
- let stat;
- for (let pair of this._report.iceCandidatePairStats) {
- let local = candidates.get(pair.localCandidateId);
- let remote = candidates.get(pair.remoteCandidateId);
- if (local) {
- stat = {
- localcandidate: this.candidateToString(local),
- state: pair.state,
- priority: pair.priority,
- nominated: pair.nominated,
- selected: pair.selected
- };
- matched[local.id] = true;
- if (remote) {
- stat.remotecandidate = this.candidateToString(remote);
- matched[remote.id] = true;
- }
- stats.push(stat);
- }
- }
- for (let c of candidates.values()) {
- if (matched[c.id])
- continue;
- stat = {};
- stat[c.type] = this.candidateToString(c);
- stats.push(stat);
- }
- return stats.sort((a, b) => (b.priority || 0) - (a.priority || 0));
- },
- candidateToString: function(c) {
- if (!c) {
- return "*";
- }
- var type = c.candidateType;
- if (c.type == "localcandidate" && c.candidateType == "relayed") {
- type = `${c.candidateType}-${c.mozLocalTransport}`;
- }
- return `${c.ipAddress}:${c.portNumber}/${c.transport}(${type})`;
- }
- };
- function SimpleTable(heading, data) {
- this._heading = heading || [];
- this._data = data;
- }
- SimpleTable.prototype = {
- renderRow: function(list) {
- let row = document.createElement("tr");
- for (let elem of list) {
- let cell = document.createElement("td");
- cell.textContent = elem;
- row.appendChild(cell);
- }
- return row;
- },
- render: function() {
- let table = document.createElement("table");
- if (this._heading) {
- table.appendChild(this.renderRow(this._heading));
- }
- for (let row of this._data) {
- table.appendChild(this.renderRow(row));
- }
- return table;
- }
- };
- function FoldEffect(targetElem, options = {}) {
- if (targetElem) {
- this._showMsg = "\u25BC " + (options.showMsg || getString("fold_show_msg"));
- this._showHint = options.showHint || getString("fold_show_hint");
- this._hideMsg = "\u25B2 " + (options.hideMsg || getString("fold_hide_msg"));
- this._hideHint = options.hideHint || getString("fold_hide_hint");
- this._target = targetElem;
- }
- }
- FoldEffect.prototype = {
- render: function() {
- this._target.classList.add("fold-target");
- let ctrl = document.createElement("div");
- this._trigger = ctrl;
- ctrl.className = "fold-trigger";
- ctrl.addEventListener("click", this.onClick.bind(this));
- this.close();
- FoldEffect._sections.push(this);
- return ctrl;
- },
- onClick: function() {
- if (this._target.classList.contains("fold-closed")) {
- this.open();
- } else {
- this.close();
- }
- return true;
- },
- open: function() {
- this._target.classList.remove("fold-closed");
- this._trigger.setAttribute("title", this._hideHint);
- this._trigger.textContent = this._hideMsg;
- },
- close: function() {
- this._target.classList.add("fold-closed");
- this._trigger.setAttribute("title", this._showHint);
- this._trigger.textContent = this._showMsg;
- }
- };
- FoldEffect._sections = [];
- FoldEffect.expandAll = function() {
- for (let section of this._sections) {
- section.open();
- }
- };
- FoldEffect.collapseAll = function() {
- for (let section of this._sections) {
- section.close();
- }
- };