123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259 |
- use strict;
- use v5.10;
- our ($q, $Now, %Page, $OpenPageName, %Action, $UrlPattern, $BannedContent, $BannedHosts, @MyAdminCode);
- AddModuleDescription('ban-contributors.pl', 'Ban Contributors Extension');
- push(@MyAdminCode, \&BanMenu);
- sub BanMenu {
- my ($id, $menuref, $restref) = @_;
- if ($id and UserIsAdmin()) {
- push(@$menuref, ScriptLink('action=ban;id=' . UrlEncode($id),
- T('Ban contributors')));
- }
- }
- $Action{ban} = \&DoBanHosts;
- sub IsItBanned {
- my ($it, $regexps) = @_;
- my $re = undef;
- foreach my $regexp (@$regexps) {
- eval { $re = qr/$regexp/i; };
- if (defined($re) && $it =~ $re) {
- return $it;
- }
- }
- }
- sub DoBanHosts {
- my $id = shift;
- my $content = GetParam('content', '');
- my $range = GetParam('range', '');
- my $regexp = GetParam('regexp', '');
- if ($content) {
- SetParam('text', GetPageContent($BannedContent)
- . $content . " # " . CalcDay($Now) . " "
- . NormalToFree($id) . "\n");
- SetParam('summary', NormalToFree($id));
- DoPost($BannedContent);
- } elsif ($regexp) {
- SetParam('text', GetPageContent($BannedHosts)
- . $regexp . " # " . CalcDay($Now)
- . " $range "
- . NormalToFree($id) . "\n");
- SetParam('summary', NormalToFree($id));
- DoPost($BannedHosts);
- } else {
- ValidIdOrDie($id);
- print GetHeader('', Ts('Ban Contributors to %s', NormalToFree($id)));
- SetParam('rcidonly', $id);
- SetParam('all', 1);
- SetParam('showedit', 1);
- my %contrib = ();
- for my $line (GetRcLines()) {
- $contrib{$line->[4]}->{$line->[5]} = 1 if $line->[4];
- }
- my @regexps = ();
- foreach (split(/\n/, GetPageContent($BannedHosts))) {
- if (/^\s*([^#]\S+)/) {
- push(@regexps, $1);
- }
- }
- print '<div class="content ban">';
- foreach (sort(keys %contrib)) {
- my $name = $_;
- delete $contrib{$_}{''};
- $name .= " (" . join(", ", sort(keys(%{$contrib{$_}}))) . ")";
- if (IsItBanned($_, \@regexps)) {
- print $q->p(Ts("%s is banned", $name));
- } else {
- my ($start, $end) = BanContributors::get_range($_);
- $range = "[$start - $end]";
- $name .= " " . $range;
- print GetFormStart(undef, 'get', 'ban'),
- GetHiddenValue('action', 'ban'),
- GetHiddenValue('id', $id),
- GetHiddenValue('range', $range),
- GetHiddenValue('regexp', BanContributors::get_regexp_ip($start, $end)),
- GetHiddenValue('recent_edit', 'on'),
- $q->p($name, $q->submit(T('Ban!'))), $q->end_form();
- }
- }
- }
- PrintFooter();
- }
- *OldBanContributorsWriteRcLog = \&WriteRcLog;
- *WriteRcLog = \&NewBanContributorsWriteRcLog;
- sub NewBanContributorsWriteRcLog {
- my ($tag, $id, $to) = @_;
- if ($tag eq '[[rollback]]' and $id and $to > 0
- and $OpenPageName eq $id and UserIsAdmin()) {
- my $old = GetTextRevision($Page{revision} - 1, 1)->{text};
- my %urls = map {$_ => 1 } $old =~ /$UrlPattern/g;
- foreach my $url ($Page{text} =~ /$UrlPattern/g) {
- delete($urls{$url});
- }
- my @regexps = ();
- foreach (split(/\n/, GetPageContent($BannedContent))) {
- if (/^\s*([^#]\S+)/) {
- push(@regexps, $1);
- }
- }
- foreach my $url (keys %urls) {
- delete($urls{$url}) if IsItBanned($url, \@regexps);
- }
- if (keys %urls) {
- print $q->p(Ts("These URLs were rolled back. Perhaps you want to add a regular expression to %s?",
- GetPageLink($BannedContent)));
- print $q->pre(join("\n", sort keys %urls));
- print GetFormStart(undef, 'get', 'ban'),
- GetHiddenValue('action', 'ban'),
- GetHiddenValue('id', $id),
- GetHiddenValue('recent_edit', 'on'),
- $q->p($q->label({-for=>'content'}, T('Regular expression:')), " ",
- $q->textfield(-name=>'content', -size=>30), " ",
- $q->submit(T('Ban!'))),
- $q->end_form();
- };
- print $q->p(T("Consider banning the IP number as well:"), ' ',
- ScriptLink('action=ban;id=' . UrlEncode($id), T('Ban contributors')));
- };
- return OldBanContributorsWriteRcLog(@_);
- }
- package BanContributors;
- use Net::Whois::Parser qw/parse_whois/;
- sub get_range {
- my $ip = shift;
- my $response = parse_whois(domain => $ip);
- my ($start, $end);
- my $re = '(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}';
- my ($start, $end) = $response->{inetnum} =~ /($re) *- *($re)/;
- return $start, $end;
- }
- sub get_groups {
- my ($from, $to) = @_;
- my @groups;
- if ($from < 10) {
- my $to = $to >= 10 ? 9 : $to;
- push(@groups, [$from, $to]);
- $from = $to + 1;
- }
- while ($from < $to) {
- my $to = int($from/100) < int($to/100) ? $from + 99 - $from % 100 : $to;
- if ($from % 10) {
- push(@groups, [$from, $from + 9 - $from % 10]);
- $from += 10 - $from % 10;
- }
- if (int($from/10) < int($to/10)) {
- if ($to % 10 == 9) {
- push(@groups, [$from, $to]);
- $from = 1 + $to;
- } else {
- push(@groups, [$from, $to - 1 - $to % 10]);
- $from = $to - $to % 10;
- }
- } else {
- push(@groups, [$from - $from % 10, $to]);
- last;
- }
- if ($to % 10 != 9) {
- push(@groups, [$from, $to]);
- $from = 1 + $to;
- }
- }
- return \@groups;
- }
- sub get_regexp_range {
- my @chars;
- for my $group (@{get_groups(@_)}) {
- my ($from, $to) = @$group;
- my $char;
- for (my $i = length($from); $i >= 1; $i--) {
- if (substr($from, - $i, 1) eq substr($to, - $i, 1)) {
- $char .= substr($from, - $i, 1);
- } else {
- $char .= '[' . substr($from, - $i, 1) . '-' . substr($to, - $i, 1). ']';
- }
- }
- push(@chars, $char);
- }
- return join('|', @chars);
- }
- sub get_regexp_ip {
- my ($from, $to) = @_;
- my @start = split(/\./, $from);
- my @end = split(/\./, $to);
- my $regexp = "^";
- for my $i (0 .. 3) {
- if ($start[$i] eq $end[$i]) {
- $regexp .= $start[$i];
- } elsif ($start[$i] eq '0' and $end[$i] eq '255') {
- last;
- } elsif ($start[$i + 1] > 0) {
- $regexp .= '(' . $start[$i] . '\.('
- . get_regexp_range($start[$i + 1], '255') . ')|'
- . get_regexp_range($start[$i] + 1, $end[$i + 1]) . ')';
- $regexp .= '\.';
- last;
- } else {
- $regexp .= '(' . get_regexp_range($start[$i], $end[$i]) . ')$';
- last;
- }
- $regexp .= '\.' if $i < 3;
- }
- return $regexp;
- }
- package OddMuse;