123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441 |
- use strict;
- use v5.10;
- =encoding utf8
- =head1 NAME
- tags - an Oddmuse module that implements tagging of pages and
- searching for tagged pages
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- This module recognises the pattern C<[[tag:foo]]> on a page and will
- render this as a link to all pages tagged foo, as well as a link to
- the RSS feed for all pages tagged foo.
- Alternatively, the pattern C<[[tag:foo|bar]]> is also recognized. The
- only difference is that this will look like a link to bar instead of
- foo.
- When searching for a term of the form C<tag:foo> the term "foo" be
- searched in a separate tag index, making it much faster.
- You can also negate this particular form by using C<-tag:foo>.
- These searches will also work for Journal Pages, Recent Changes, and
- RSS feed.
- Installing a module is easy: Create a modules subdirectory in your
- data directory, and put the Perl file in there. It will be loaded
- automatically.
- =cut
- AddModuleDescription('tags.pl', 'Tagging Extension');
- =head2 $TagUrl and $TagFeed
- These variable will be used to link the tags. By default, they will
- point at the wiki itself, using C<$ScriptName>. They use C<%s> as a
- placeholder for the tag.
- Example:
- $TagUrl = 'http://technorati.com/tag/%s';
- $TagFeed = 'http://feeds.technorati.com/tag/%s';
- By default, these two will point to the list of recent changes,
- filtered by the appropriate tag, formatted as HTML or RSS
- respectively.
- =head2 $TagFeedIcon
- This variable should point to an RSS icon. You can get one from
- L<http://www.feedicons.com/>, for example.
- Example:
- $TagFeedIcon = 'http://www.example.org/pics/rss.png';
- =cut
- our ($q, %Action, %Page, $FreeLinkPattern, @MyInitVariables, @MyRules, @MyAdminCode, $DataDir, $ScriptName);
- our ($TagUrl, $TagFeed, $TagFeedIcon, $TagFile);
- push(@MyInitVariables, \&TagsInit);
- sub TagsInit {
- $TagUrl = ScriptUrl('action=rc;rcfilteronly=tag:%s') unless $TagUrl;
- $TagFeed = ScriptUrl('action=rss;rcfilteronly=tag:%s') unless $TagFeed;
- $TagFile = "$DataDir/tag.db";
- }
- sub TagsGetLink {
- my ($url, $id) = @_;
- $id = UrlEncode($id);
- $url =~ s/\%s/$id/g or $url .= $id;
- return $url;
- }
- sub TagReadHash {
- require Storable;
- return %{ Storable::retrieve($TagFile) } if -f $TagFile;
- }
- # returns undef if encountering an error
- sub TagWriteHash {
- my $h = shift;
- require Storable;
- return Storable::store($h, $TagFile);
- }
- push(@MyRules, \&TagsRule);
- sub TagsRule {
- if (m/\G(\[\[tag:$FreeLinkPattern\]\])/cg
- or m/\G(\[\[tag:$FreeLinkPattern\|([^]|]+)\]\])/cg) {
- # [[tag:Free Link]], [[tag:Free Link|alt text]]
- my ($tag, $text) = ($2, $3);
- my $html = $q->a({-href=>TagsGetLink($TagUrl, $tag),
- -class=>'outside tag',
- -title=>T('Tag'),
- -rel=>'tag'
- }, $text || $tag);
- if ($TagFeedIcon) {
- $html .= ' ' . $q->a({-href=>TagsGetLink($TagFeed, $tag),
- -class=>'feed tag',
- -title=>T('Feed for this tag'),
- -rel=>'feed'
- }, $q->img({-src=>$TagFeedIcon,
- -alt=>T('RSS')}));
- }
- return $html;
- }
- return;
- }
- =pod
- When saving, a tags db is written to disk. If it doesn't exist, it
- will be regenerated.
- =cut
- *OldTagSave = \&Save;
- *Save = \&NewTagSave;
- sub NewTagSave { # called within a lock!
- OldTagSave(@_);
- my $id = shift;
- # Within a tag, space is replaced by _ as in foo_bar.
- my %tag = map { lc(FreeToNormal($_)) => 1 }
- ($Page{text} =~ m/\[\[tag:$FreeLinkPattern\]\]/g,
- $Page{text} =~ m/\[\[tag:$FreeLinkPattern\|([^]|]+)\]\]/g);
- # open the DB file
- my %h = TagReadHash();
- # For each tag we list the files tagged. Add the current file for
- # all those tags where it is missing.
- foreach my $tag (keys %tag) {
- my %file = map {$_=>1} @{$h{$tag}};
- if (not $file{$id}) {
- $file{$id} = 1;
- $h{$tag} = [keys %file];
- }
- }
- # For each file in our hash, we have a reverse lookup of all the
- # tags used. This allows us to delete the references that no longer
- # show up without looping through them all. The files are indexed
- # with a starting underscore because this is an illegal tag name.
- foreach my $tag (@{$h{"_$id"}}) {
- # If the tag we're looking at is no longer listed, we have work to
- # do.
- if (!$tag{$tag}) {
- my %file = map {$_=>1} @{$h{$tag}};
- delete $file{$id};
- if (%file) {
- $h{$tag} = [keys %file];
- } else {
- delete $h{$tag};
- }
- }
- }
- # Store the new reverse lookup of all the tags used on the current
- # page. If no more tags appear on this page, delete the entry.
- if (%tag) {
- $h{"_$id"} = [keys %tag];
- } else {
- delete $h{"_$id"};
- }
- TagWriteHash(\%h);
- }
- =pod
- When a page expires, the relevant pages and references have to be
- removed from the tags db.
- =cut
- *OldTagDeletePage = \&DeletePage;
- *DeletePage = \&NewTagDeletePage;
- sub NewTagDeletePage { # called within a lock!
- my $id = shift;
- # open the DB file
- my %h = TagReadHash();
- # For each file in our hash, we have a reverse lookup of all the
- # tags used. This allows us to delete the references that no longer
- # show up without looping through them all.
- foreach my $tag (@{$h{"_$id"}}) {
- my %file = map {$_=>1} @{$h{$tag}};
- delete $file{$id};
- if (%file) {
- $h{$tag} = [keys %file];
- } else {
- delete $h{$tag};
- }
- }
- # Delete reverse lookup entry.
- delete $h{"_$id"};
- TagWriteHash(\%h);
- # Return any error codes?
- return OldTagDeletePage($id, @_);
- }
- =pod
- When searching, the tags db is read and used. This works by scanning
- the search string for tag:foo and -tag:bar elements, searching for
- those, and then calling the grep filter code with the new list of
- pages and a new search term without the tag terms.
- =cut
- sub TagFind {
- my @tags = @_;
- # open the DB file
- my %h = TagReadHash();
- my %page;
- foreach my $tag (@tags) {
- foreach my $id (@{$h{lc($tag)}}) {
- $page{$id} = 1;
- }
- }
- my @result = sort keys %page;
- return @result;
- }
- *OldTagFiltered = \&Filtered;
- *Filtered = \&NewTagFiltered;
- sub NewTagFiltered { # called within a lock!
- my ($string, @pages) = @_;
- my %page = map { $_ => 1 } @pages;
- # looking at all the "tag:SOME TERMS" and and tag:TERM
- my @tagterms = map { FreeToNormal($_) } grep(/^-?tag:/, shift =~ /\"([^\"]+)\"|(\S+)/g);
- my @positives = map {substr($_, 4)} grep(/^tag:/, @tagterms);
- my @negatives = map {substr($_, 5)} grep(/^-tag:/, @tagterms);
- if (@positives) {
- my %found;
- foreach my $id (TagFind(@positives)) {
- $found{$id} = 1 if $page{$id};
- }
- %page = %found;
- }
- # remove the negatives
- foreach my $id (TagFind(@negatives)) {
- delete $page{$id};
- }
- # filter out the tags from the search string
- $string = join(' ', grep(!/^-?tag:/, $string =~ /\"([^\"]+)\"|(\S+)/g));
- # run the old code for any remaining search terms
- return OldTagFiltered($string, sort keys %page);
- }
- =pod
- There remains a problem: The real search code will still be in
- operation, and terms of the form -tag:foo will never match. That's why
- the code that does the ordinary search has to be changed as well.
- We're need to remove all tag terms (again) in order to not confuse it.
- =cut
- *OldTagSearchString = \&SearchString;
- *SearchString = \&NewTagSearchString;
- sub NewTagSearchString {
- # filter out the negative tags from the search string
- my $string = join(' ', map { NormalToFree($_) }
- grep(!/^-tag:/, shift =~ /\"([^\"]+)\"|(\S+)/g));
- return 1 unless $string;
- return OldTagSearchString($string, @_);
- }
- =pod
- We also want to provide a visual feedback of tag importance using a
- "tag cloud" -- larger font size means that a tag has been used more
- often.
- =cut
- $Action{tagcloud} = \&TagCloud;
- sub TagCloud {
- print GetHeader('', T('Tag Cloud'), ''),
- $q->start_div({-class=>'content cloud'}) . '<p>';
- # open the DB file
- my %h = TagReadHash();
- my $max = 0;
- my $min = 0;
- my %count = ();
- foreach my $tag (grep !/^_/, keys %h) {
- $count{$tag} = @{$h{$tag}};
- $max = $count{$tag} if $count{$tag} > $max;
- $min = $count{$tag} if not $min or $count{$tag} < $min;
- }
- foreach my $tag (sort keys %count) {
- my $n = $count{$tag};
- print $q->a({-href => "$ScriptName?search=tag:" . UrlEncode($tag),
- -title => $n,
- -style => 'font-size: '
- . int(80+120*($max == $min ? 1 : ($n-$min)/($max-$min)))
- . '%;',
- }, NormalToFree($tag)), ' ... ';
- }
- print '</p></div>';
- PrintFooter();
- }
- =pod
- Finally, we need to provide the means to reindex the entire site. The
- Reindex Action will do this. This should only be necessary when you
- install the module, and when you suspect that the tag.db is out of
- sync such as after a restoration from backup.
- Example:
- http://example.org/cgi-bin/wiki?action=reindex
- =cut
- $Action{reindex} = \&DoTagsReindex;
- sub DoTagsReindex {
- if (!UserIsAdmin() && (-f $TagFile) && ((-M $TagFile) < 0.5)) {
- ReportError(T('Rebuilding index not done.'), '403 FORBIDDEN',
- 0, T('(Rebuilding the index can only be done once every 12 hours.)'));
- }
- # Request the main lock, because we want to prevent anybody from
- # saving while we are reindexing.
- RequestLockOrError();
- print GetHttpHeader('text/plain');
- # open the DB file
- require Storable;
- my %h = ();
- foreach my $id (AllPagesList()) {
- print "$id\n";
- OpenPage($id);
- my %tag = map { lc(FreeToNormal($_)) => 1 }
- ($Page{text} =~ m/\[\[tag:$FreeLinkPattern\]\]/g,
- $Page{text} =~ m/\[\[tag:$FreeLinkPattern\|([^]|]+)\]\]/g);
- next unless %tag;
- # For each tag we list the files tagged. Add the current file for
- # all tags.
- foreach my $tag (keys %tag) {
- push(@{$h{$tag}}, $id);
- }
- # Store the reverse lookup of all the tags used on the current
- # page.
- $h{"_$id"} = [keys %tag];
- }
- if (TagWriteHash(\%h)) {
- print "Saved tag file.\n";
- } else {
- print "Error saving tag file.\n";
- }
- ReleaseLock();
- }
- =pod
- If you want to debug the data structure, use the Tag List Action. All
- keys starting with an underscore are pagenames, the others are tags.
- Example:
- http://example.org/cgi-bin/wiki?action=taglist
- =cut
- $Action{taglist} = \&TagList;
- sub TagList {
- print GetHttpHeader('text/plain');
- # open the DB file
- my %h = TagReadHash();
- foreach my $id (sort keys %h) {
- print "$id: " . join(', ', @{$h{$id}}) . "\n";
- }
- TagWriteHash(\%h);
- }
- =pod
- Both these actions are of course available from the Administration
- menu.
- =cut
- push(@MyAdminCode, \&TagsMenu);
- sub TagsMenu {
- my ($id, $menuref, $restref) = @_;
- push(@$menuref,
- ScriptLink('action=reindex', T('Rebuild tag index'), 'reindex')
- . ', ' . ScriptLink('action=taglist', T('list tags'), 'taglist')
- . ', ' . ScriptLink('action=tagcloud', T('tag cloud'), 'tagcloud'));
- }
- Copyright (C) 2005–2015 Alex Schroeder <alex@gnu.org>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
- your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- =cut