123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142 |
- /* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
- /* Default settings; can be overriden by command line. */
- static int topbar = 1; /* -b option; if 0, dmenu appears at bottom */
- static int colorprompt = 1; /* -p option; if 1, prompt uses SchemeSel, otherwise SchemeNorm */
- static int centered = 0; /* -c option; centers dmenu on screen */
- static int min_width = 500; /* minimum width when centered */
- static unsigned int lineheight = 0;
- static unsigned int min_lineheight = 8;
- /* -fn option overrides fonts[0]; default X11 font or font set */
- static const char *defaultfonts[] = {
- "monospace:size=28"
- };
- static const char *prompt = NULL; /* -p option; prompt to the left of input field */
- static const char *defaultcolors[SchemeLast][2] = {
- /* fg bg */
- [SchemeNorm] = { "#ffffff", "#000000" },
- [SchemeSel] = { "#000000", "#ff84b6" },
- [SchemeSelHighlight] = { "#9F083B", "#ff84b6" },
- [SchemeNormHighlight] = { "#F83A3A", "#000000" },
- [SchemeOut] = { "#ffffff", "#000000" },
- };
- /* -l option; if nonzero, dmenu uses vertical list with given number of lines */
- static unsigned int lines = 0;
- /*
- * Characters not considered part of a word while deleting words
- * for example: " /?\"&[]"
- */
- static const char worddelimiters[] = " ";
- /* Size of the window border */
- static const unsigned int border_width = 1;
- /* Whether to wrap around to the top and bottom of the menu */
- static int wrap_around = 0;
- /* height of each scroll region above and below the menu, in units of menu items */
- static int scrollregion = 4;