config.conf.template 829 B

  1. # This is an example configuration file. It can be either
  2. # /etc/simplytranslate/web.conf or /etc/simplytranslate/shared.conf (this one
  3. # is also used by other frontends, like the Gemini frontend). In case of
  4. # duplicate keys between files, the key in `gemini.conf` takes precedence.
  5. [libre]
  6. # LibreTranslate is disabled by default. If it is enabled, `Instance` is required.
  7. Enabled = False
  8. Instance =
  9. # Not all instances need an API key; if the one you use don't, remove this
  10. # line.
  11. ApiKey = [REDACTED]
  12. [google]
  13. # Google translate is enabled by default.
  14. Enabled = True
  15. [deepl]
  16. # Deepl Translate does not support async as of right now, it will block all other requests
  17. # while it's processing a Deepl Requests, please enable this with caution!
  18. Enabled = False
  19. [network]
  20. port = 5000
  21. host =