2 Commits 37d0d9837e ... 6ffac6077c

Author SHA1 Message Date
  Matt Arnold 6ffac6077c Update requirements 2 years ago
  Matt Arnold 2b56dabda7 Modifed protocal module to accept non spec confirming ircd's, Daemonize bot 2 years ago
3 changed files with 66 additions and 39 deletions
  1. 17 9
  2. 47 30
  3. 2 0

+ 17 - 9

@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ import socket
 import sys
 import irctokens
 import time
+import logging
 class IRCBadMessage(Exception):
 class IRCError(Exception):
@@ -38,10 +40,11 @@ class IRCBot:
     irc = None
-    def __init__(self, sock, config=None):
+    def __init__(self, sock, config=None, isBad=False):
         self.irc = sock
         self.connected = False
         self.config = config
+        self.badircd = isBad
     def send_cmd(self, line):
         """Send an IRC Command, takes an IRC command string without the CRLF
@@ -68,7 +71,7 @@ class IRCBot:
     def send_quit(self, quitmsg):
         msg = irctokens.build("QUIT", [quitmsg])
-        print(msg)
+        logging.debug(msg)
     def send_action(self, action_msg, dst):
@@ -82,30 +85,35 @@ class IRCBot:
             self.config["nick"] = botnick
             self.config["channel"] = channel
             self.config["nickpass"] = botnickpass
-        print("Connecting to: " + server)
+        logging.debug("Connecting to: " + server)
         self.irc.connect((self.config["hostname"], self.config["port"]))
         self.connected = True
         # Perform user registration
         usermsg = irctokens.build("USER", [botnick, "0","*", "RabbitEars Bot"]).format()
-        print(usermsg)
+        logging.debug(usermsg)
         nickmsg = irctokens.build("NICK", [botnick])
+        if self.badircd:
+            time.sleep(5)
+            authmsg = irctokens.build("NICKSERV", ['IDENTIFY', self.config['nickpass']])
+            self.send_cmd(authmsg)
+            time.sleep(5)
+            self.on_welcome([self.config["hostname"]])
     def get_response(self):
         # Get the response
         resp = self.irc.recv(4096).decode("UTF-8")
         msg = parsemsg(resp)
         nwmsg = irctokens.tokenise(resp)
-        printred(nwmsg.command)
+        logging.info(nwmsg.command)
         if nwmsg.command == "001":
         if nwmsg.command == "ERROR":
             raise IRCError(str(nwmsg.params[0]))
         if nwmsg.command == 'PING':
-            print('Sending pong')
-            self.irc.send(
-                bytes('PONG ' + LINEEND, "UTF-8"))
+            logging.debug('Sending pong')
+            pongmsg = irctokens.build("PONG", [nwmsg.params[0]])
+            self.send_cmd(pongmsg)
         return msg

+ 47 - 30

@@ -9,6 +9,15 @@ import sys
 import irctokens
 import json
 import sqlite3
+import logging
+from daemonize import Daemonize
+logging.basicConfig(filename='bot.log', encoding='utf-8', level=logging.DEBUG)
+class NullDevice:
+    def write(self,s):
+        pass
 LINEEND = '\r\n'
 # IRC Config
 config = None
@@ -16,27 +25,33 @@ with open('config.json') as f:
     jld = f.read()
     config = json.loads(jld)
-con = sqlite3.connect(config['db'])
-cur = con.cursor()
 # Need to pass the IRCBot class a socket the reason it doesn't do this itself is 
 # so you can set up TLS or not as you need it
 # These provide good defaults. But your milage may vary
-oursock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-context = ssl.SSLContext()
-context.check_hostname = False
-context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
-oursock = context.wrap_socket(oursock, server_hostname=config['hostname'])
-irc = IRCBot(oursock)
-    config['port'],
-    config['channel'],
-    config['nick'],
-    config['nickpass'])
+def do_connect():
+    oursock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+    context = ssl.SSLContext()
+    context.check_hostname = False
+    context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
+    oursock = context.wrap_socket(oursock, server_hostname=config['hostname'])
+    irc = IRCBot(oursock, isBad=config["isBad"])
+    irc.connect(config['hostname'],
+        config['port'],
+        config['channel'],
+        config['nick'],
+        config['nickpass'])
+    return irc
+def hup_handle(sig, fr):
+    sys.exit()
 def do_mean():
+    con = sqlite3.connect(config['db'])
+    cur = con.cursor()
     qr = cur.execute("SELECT count(*) from mean").fetchone()
     maxrows = int(qr[0])
     slrow = str(random.randint(1, maxrows))
@@ -59,22 +74,24 @@ def generate_response(person, message):
         return None
-while True:
-    try:
+def do_main_loop():
+    irc = do_connect()
+    while True:
+        try:
-        text = irc.get_response()
-        print(text[0],text[1],text[2])
-        if text[1] == 'PRIVMSG' and text[2][0] == config['channel']:
-            r = generate_response(text[0],text[2][1])
-            if r is not None:
-                irc.send_privmsg(config['channel'],r)
-    except KeyboardInterrupt:
-        irc.send_quit("Ctrl-C Pressed")
-        msg = oursock.recv(4096)
-        print(msg)
-        sys.exit(0)
-    except IRCError as e:
-        printred(e)
-        sys.exit(1)
+            text = irc.get_response()
+            logging.debug(text[0],text[1],text[2])
+            if text[1] == "MODE": # in leiu of RPL_WELCOME
+                botmode = irctokens.build("MODE", [config['nick'], '+B'])
+                irc.send_cmd(botmode)
+            if text[1] == 'PRIVMSG' and text[2][0] == config['channel']:
+                r = generate_response(text[0],text[2][1])
+                if r is not None:
+                    irc.send_privmsg(config['channel'],r)
+        except IRCError as e:
+            logging.error(e)
+            sys.exit(1)
+pid = "bot.pid"
+daemon = Daemonize(app="theodebot", pid=pid, action=do_main_loop)

+ 2 - 0

@@ -1 +1,3 @@