readme.txt 1.5 KB

  1. === asciiplayer ===
  2. Contributors: jorgesumle
  3. Tags: video, wpvideo, HTML 5, mobile, embed video, player, video player, embed, lightweight, minimal, responsive, asciinema, terminal, emulator, player
  4. Requires at least: 4.6.1
  5. Tested up to: 4.9.5
  6. Stable tag: trunk
  7. License: GPLv3
  8. License URI:
  9. asciinema-player for Wordpress.
  10. == Description ==
  11. This plugin lets you easily use the official [asciinema-player](
  12. = Usage =
  13. An asciicast is a recording made with asciinema. Upload your asciicast
  14. anywhere in your web server; you can do that within
  15. Wordpress (just go to the "Media>Add New" menu and upload your asciicast).
  16. Enter the HTML editor to write a post or a page. Then add the
  17. following HTML tag: `<asciinema-player src="/demo.json"></asciinema-player>`.
  18. Remember to replace the value of the `src` attribute with the location of
  19. your asciicast.
  20. You can use every option of asciinema-player. Check out
  21. [its readme](
  22. to find out every option.
  23. == Installation ==
  24. Install this plugin via the plugin directory, or by uploading the files manually to your server.
  25. == Frequently Asked Questions ==
  26. = Does this plugin contains the official asciinema-player? =
  27. Yes.
  28. == Screenshots ==
  29. None.
  30. == Upgrade Notice ==
  31. None.
  32. == Changelog ==
  33. = 0.1.1 =
  34. Update player (now it uses version 2.4.1 of asciinema-player)
  35. = 0.1.0 =
  36. Initial version