123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627 |
- $OpenBSD: patch-lib_fileutils_rb,v 1.1 2010/10/12 15:39:06 jeremy Exp $
- Make FileUtils.mkdir_p act more like mkdir(1) -p, by not attempting
- to create directories that already exist. This fixes systrace
- warnings when building ports.
- --- lib/fileutils.rb.orig Fri Oct 8 08:52:53 2010
- +++ lib/fileutils.rb Fri Oct 8 08:58:40 2010
- @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ module FileUtils
- list.map {|path| path.sub(%r</\z>, '') }.each do |path|
- begin
- - fu_mkdir path, options[:mode]
- + fu_mkdir path, options[:mode] unless File.directory?(path)
- next
- rescue SystemCallError
- next if File.directory?(path)
- @@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ module FileUtils
- end
- stack.reverse_each do |path|
- begin
- - fu_mkdir path, options[:mode]
- + fu_mkdir path, options[:mode] unless File.directory?(path)
- rescue SystemCallError => err
- raise unless File.directory?(path)
- end